Radio The SEN Thread 5

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Born In The USA - 8/3/09
9 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.

Time to check what SEN’s Yankee Doodle Dandies have up for grabs on a Sunday night. It’s 9 p.m. and Mr. Salisbury is solo and starts off keeping a close eye on the game 3 NBL final. Steve doesn’t let the terrible attendance in game 1 pass without criticism. Crosses to his buddy, Wyatt Earp at Hisense arena where Anstey has got the boot from the game.

It’s now on to the story of Eddie McGuire putting an alleged ban on Age writers. Ah-ha, Steve the one who still reads the Age. Smart move, though. Expecting the switchboard and SMS to light up here. Uses an example of President Barry H. Obama as an analogy for Eddie J. McGuire keeping stum and above the Caroline Wilson article. Obama came through one of the most corrupt state political systems (Illinois) in America that gave little respect to any media it didn’t like. Steve should refer to the Fairness Doctrine that Obama‘s tax-dodging Party want to re-introduce to silence Republican talk radio. Poor analogy. Now says he thinks the Age is Melbourne’s largest paper. I guess it is if you don’t include readership and ad revenue. He should change direction pronto. He does.

Steve’s sounding pretty smooth, though, which is a far cry from the shemozzle called On The Rise on Sunday morning. No try-hard forced-humour stuff. Tonight’s music theme is based on single men improving their chances with the fairer sex. “Procreation music,” and Steve will take calls on it. Well it’s after 9 p.m. and the kiddies should be in bed. A broad first hour offering multi talkback topics by the sounds, as Eddie-talkback begins with Steve again calling for Eddie J. to stay above media shots at him. Don’t hold your breathe on that.

There’s a clear Colin Cowherd feel to Steve’s style here. I like this, as he covers NAB Cup and offers a footy opinion. A little Marvin Gaye, too, as Kangaroos fan, Steve hits on the subject of King Carey going back to North after the break.

Finally a cricket reference, long overdue since we’re murderin’ the bums in the Second Test. I’ll giving Steve a pass on that since it’s the lunch break. Updates the score a 1-100 and dumps on people for writing Aussies off, and muses about IPL. After the last break he monologues his way to the 10 O’clock news. See, it’s not too hard, Richo.

It’s a Darrell Eastlake HUGE opening week of NFL free agency, the Suns look like missing the NBA play-offs, baseball’s spring is upon us with Manny signing with the Dodgers, and Alexander Ovechkin now clearly the biggest thing on the rink. So there’s plenty of stuff for solo Stevie boy to work with.

Opens with house cleaning details of the NBL game 3 rumble.

On to the NFL.
“Talent alone is not enough, it’s just not!”
“It’s like a juicy steak is not a meal unless you put a baked potato and a salad with it; ah, a pretty girl is not wife material unless she can cook, unless she‘s gonna be a good mom, unless she’s got a good personality; all those different things;” segues to the big story of the day being Terrell Owens signing with the Buffalo Bills in the NFL.

(please note I used quotation marks on the cook, good mom, and personality stuff :D)

He covers all angles of the story pretty well but should have clarified that the Cowboys will get hit a total of $14 million against the cap next year for cutting two players this past week and the sacked Owens has pocketed the $12.9 million signing bonus extension last year and the $6.5 million in ’09 from the Bills is guaranteed. That’s $19.4 million guaranteed for two years in the NFL at age 34-35. Very, very rare occurrence. But I’m knit-picking.

Forty-Niners fan, Steve lets his dislike of former Forty-Niner, the aforementioned TO get in the way of a few details. Such as the impact he will have in freeing up the Buffalo stodgy offence.
Hmmm, TO seems to be the start and finish of the NFL free agency talk although he acknowledges there‘s lots of FA movement.

After the break Steve crosses to buddy, Earp for NBL wash-up before heading on to NBA yap in the next segment. He gets a bullseye by addressing the Suns and Shaq’s play and covering Lakers play as well as other stories including the Boozer’s return to Utah’s line-up, while taking the odd talkback call.

After the next break it’s an interview with journo from Sacramento Bee newspaper covering the Sacramento Kings. With Ed away the mice will play. Steve’s being a homer talking about his 49ers (T.O. left in ’03) and Kings in the first hour. Goes on to cover several NBA stories. Steve covers his rear by claiming he gets lots of queries for Kings stuff from listeners.

Trivia quiz after the news at 11 o’clock and it seems from the answers Steve should have done an early story on Matt Cassell, before moving on after a break with an interview with Aussie baseball’s Director of Operations, Tom Nicholson currently in the U.S. for the World Baseball Classic. Good relevant interview for mine: Australian/US sports connection.

After another break it’s coverage of college sports featuring one of America’s biggest events: March Madness. Steve makes good comments on the event’s contemporary stature.

A couple of holes in BITUSA for mine, and I once contacted Steve about it. Hence I know he’s a ripper bloke, partly because he didn’t tell me to get stuffed. Full-time work and bubbies taking lots of his time.

Finishes show covering SMS on the Bills and the TO effect and also plugs US radio hosts Jim Rome and Colin Cowherd‘s radio technique, a style he seems to be smartly learning from. O.K. show.:thumbsu:

USA sports show or not, it’s Aussie radio and no cricket score with Hughes and Ponting reeking havoc in Durban. Steve’s solo on US sport, so the show’s producer is at fault, too. No live cricket score for over 2 hours and 1 score in three hours needs to be addressed, compadres. Especially with Hughes on his way to Test history.
I love listening to Richo and Harf. I can't believe there is so much hatred from you Monty.

Hatred? I don't even know them. Where did I say, or intimate, I hate them? That stuff yesterday I found abysmal, that's all. It's all about opinion. If you love listening to them, Beez, then more power and enjoyment to you. :thumbsu:
Did anyone hear Nick Davis last night on the All Night Appetite with Andrew Lowther and Tony Sheahan?

I thought it was a great interview and another great get by the overnight guys.

Last few weeks I have heard Anthony Mundine being interviewed in the studio and i think Jeff Fenech as well.

Well done to the overnight team.

Heard some of this last night and it was indeed pretty good. Sheahan, Stone, and Lowther did a good couple of hours, especially the Davis interview. But…

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In regards to posts by paul scholes, red+black, et al., about getting thing right by using items such as, say Google, comes this gem of a piece that tended to add a head-shake to overnight listening.

Sadly the All Nite Appetite eventually went to Dylan Howard in the States who had the scoop on Ben Graham. After a monologue questioning the predicament the unsigned Ben Graham was in, Dylan had all the theory on punting although when asked about one of the league’s best punters, Aussie Matt McBriar, he’s never actually seen Matt McBriar punt and didn‘t no much about him.

Now things get back to Ben Graham again via Tony “Two Phones” Sheahan:

TS: Now Dylan, just explain to some of our listeners about the Ben Graham scenario, how he can play in a Super Bowl, albeit a losing team, and then struggle to a contract for his team the following season?

DH: Well he was like a stop-gap, if you like for the Cardinals. Ah, he went from the Jets toooo New Orleans, ah, I think?-

AL: Yeah, played a game in London.

DH: Played a game in London, sacked by the Jets, picked up by the Jets (after his replacement did a hammy), sacked by the Jets, picked up by New Orleans, sacked by New Orleans, and then picked up by the Cardinals after about 4 or 5 weeks sitting idle on his couch in New Jersey. Um, so he was only ever a stop-gap situation for the Cardinals. His form was good enough to warrant him continually being retained on a short term contract. Um, he clearly went to the Super Bowl and the impact he had on the team was considered strong enough for him to be retained towards the end of the season. Especially in the Super Bowl his ability to drive the ball forward and to almost pin the opposition deep down towards the line was considered good enough for Ben Graham to be a worthy, and tactical , um, a player in the Super Bowl game. Now he’s out of contract; he was only ever signed to a short term deal. I suspect it was around about $15 to 20 thousand US per game. He now finds himself trying fight for his spot in the team. But there is a question mark over his leg; he’s 35 years-of-age. Um, and one of the issues probably going to work in his favour, considering is 35 years-of-age; he’s still performing , whilst there is that question mark, he has answered somewhat and at 35 his salary will get cut, as part of the franchise because he’s considered a veteran status. But, he does; he finds himself going to camp in Phoenix, Arizona, trying to prove his worth to the team despite even going to the Super Bowl. It quite remarkable.

Out of contract, eh. He has to have been paid around $32,000 a game under CBA minimum wage in ‘08, and can only get a raise in ‘09 as he now has 4 credited seasons.
If a talkback caller attempted this rolling, redundant, repeated, erroneous, rant, he would have been stopped half-way with the words, ’ how about the long version.’
And then he went on and on.

One of the most disappointing aspects about SEN that is brought up in this thread again and again and again, is the lack of effort in regards to a professional attitude. Lack of preparation and some simple research now and then. Everyone understands how there is probably a lack resources due finances at SEN.

So what. Management should tell some of these bozos to make an effort and get it right or else get real jobs. Might keep Doran awake during events on TV.

Oh, the punch line!

Monday, March 2
On the fourth day of free agency:
The [Cardinals] also announced Monday it had re-signed punter Ben Graham to a two-year contract…”

Monday, March 9
On the eleventh day of free agency:
Dylan Howard - speaking eloquently, but…just a week behind the times.
Again, this is uninformed, and outdated Howard waffle, as Graham has already resigned makes SEN look amateurish and leaves some of us listeners cringing. Graham can still be cut without monetary compensation, but he knew re-signing (on March 2) a two-year contract and having to compete for the job in camp was the best possible situation he could have hoped for. The complete opposite of Howard bemoaning his “unsigned” situation.

This stuff is endless.
Mr Brasco...

I must thank you for taking the time and commend you on your attention to detail and the fact that can stay awake during some of the programmes you have written about. It must be a labour of love.

As much as people rip SEN, I grew up in SA and we have nothing anywhere close to SEN over there. I have travelled a fair bit of late and SEN is not that bad. A little perspective would not go astray.

Your opinion of Jason Richardson mirrors mine. His forced cackle is most annoying. How can he not realise how bad and contrived that sounds? He does have some knowledge of athletics and horse racing and does an okay job talking about those topics, but that cackle.....painful. I have had to tune out.

Your review of born in the usa was pretty comprehensive. I enjoy that show very much and think it is the best in town, but last night's show was not his best. I will add some more Marvin Gaye to my late night listening, though. Those two were on fire the week before.

All Night Appetite...Lowther does a good job. Pretty solid. No forced cackle. He seems informed. I did cringe when I listened to Dillon Howard. The guy is not informed, craps on and says next to nothing. Why do they bother putting him on the radio?

Perhaps we should do a poll of shows and presenters for this thread.
USA sports show or not, it’s Aussie radio and no cricket score with Hughes and Ponting reeking havoc in Durban. Steve’s solo on US sport, so the show’s producer is at fault, too. No live cricket score for over 2 hours and 1 score in three hours needs to be addressed, compadres. Especially with Hughes on his way to Test history.
I disagree. You want a cricket score? Go to cricinfo, FS3 or ABC radio for a minute or two.
So where do the sports updates start and stop?

Does BITU have to update on an international netball match? What about basketball? Rugby league? Union? Darts?
So where do the sports updates start and stop?

Does BITU have to update on an international netball match? What about basketball? Rugby league? Union? Darts?

The staple australian diet of sporting events - football, cricket, and you can include soccer in that now.

Basketball, Rubgy, Netball - The only time that would be needed is at a major competition.

It's not that hard really - a 1 minute update once every 1/2 hour, or at worst every hour.
So where do the sports updates start and stop?

Does BITU have to update on an international netball match? What about basketball? Rugby league? Union? Darts?

cant really ever recall netball being talked about on sen (other than the failed netball show a few years back).
I'm not against shows providing sports updates, but I'm thinking some shows have other priorities, and looking up a score is not at the forefront of their mind.

This is a management issue rather than an issue just for Steve + Ed.

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"USA sports show or not, it’s Aussie radio and no cricket score with Hughes and Ponting reeking havoc in Durban. Steve’s solo on US sport, so the show’s producer is at fault, too. No live cricket score for over 2 hours and 1 score in three hours needs to be addressed, compadres. Especially with Hughes on his way to Test history."

How do you know that the producer of the show didnt have the scoreboard up on the screen and it was just not read out on air. Did you ever think of that?

Especially when the scores are updated on the news reports.

Also how do you know what really goes on inside the studio anyway??
Plus commercially it doesn't make sense.
"Oh Hughes is about to score 100. Lets flick BITU and put it on Fox/ABC."

If you wanted to find a cricket score, you could.

The show is called Born In The USA. Not Born In The USA and other parts of the world.
Nobody is listening to Born in the USA to hear cricket scores, but it would not have killed him to read out a score more than once in the three hour show. I had it on the telly, anyway.
I would agree that it is a producer or programming decision rather than Steve or Ed's responsibility.
Got a solution for you Monty.

I don't entirely disagree with some of your assessments of shows on SEN.

But you seem to have an awful lot of time on your hands to critique other peoples' work. This might kill two birds with one stone.

Apply for a job at SEN. You obviously have a passion for sports, and an intimate knowledge of how sport radio should work. I reckon you'd be a...forgive the pun...monty for a position there. Maybe as a producer - that's a position I see come up frequently in your criticisms of the station.
Fair go Monty the right are all over the U.S media. FOX NEWS MONTY. Shock jocks everywhere. Should we critique the Bush legacy:(:(Sorry I know you lot liketo forget him:p
cant really ever recall netball being talked about on sen (other than the failed netball show a few years back).

are you forgetting about the great one ...

shame on you peter:eek:
Mr Brasco...

I must thank you for taking the time and commend you on your attention to detail and the fact that can stay awake during some of the programmes you have written about. It must be a labour of love.

Yes, get stuffed Ian Botham, our "weak" team is still No.1. Forget the score, it's over! Sorry, I'm digressing.

Kind thoughts, Doc. Staying awake isn't hard for me. Labour of love? Sounds, of course, more like a need to get a life. I have not one, but, two possible serious alignments that have me banged up and incapacitated in the house at the minute. Thus lots of radio listening and doing some posts critiquing SEN helps pass the time quickly. Other than a Brownless post or two, last week was the first posts for months. Internet, cable TV, and now 24 hr Ten HD sports means SEN's possibly not that important anyway.

And it's interesting, how people's personalities came out in these threads because of prejudices and bias too, as one very recent and past critic of mine, who is a hypocrite, once was. The radio talkback and Internet postings about are pretty harmless. My pseudonym could be Joe Nobody, as no-one knows jack about anyone.

Take the Scottish guy, Jim, who gets ripped endlessly on Big Footy. He has a labour of love, if not a tad biased opinion on the Hawks, but all power to him. I know he works hard in the hospitality industry and has a heart ailment. Go Hawks!

Then there's Billy from, um, Venus Bay. Buried two brothers and his mother's in a bad way. If you've heard him, you'd know he doesn't owe life anything. With the exception of the inexperienced, Willoughby, all the on-air presenters were terrific with him when ever I heard them. Especially Schebici and Phillips. Go Tigers!

As much as people rip SEN, I grew up in SA and we have nothing anywhere close to SEN over there. I have travelled a fair bit of late and SEN is not that bad. A little perspective would not go astray.

People mostly only rip SEN for staff being lax or getting things wrong - like Doran - or for their perception of crap radio, as I did over last Sunday morning's effort. Leach and KB know their stuff. Fine has a crack. If someone there breaks down the key criteria for pro sports revenue streams and explains why the AFL replicates US pro sports paradigms that keep nine AFL clubs alive, I'll be first here to praise them.

Your opinion of Jason Richardson mirrors mine. His forced cackle is most annoying. How can he not realise how bad and contrived that sounds? He does have some knowledge of athletics and horse racing and does an okay job talking about those topics, but that cackle.....painful. I have had to tune out.

Yep, doesn't someone ever discuss the constant laughing with him.

Your review of born in the usa was pretty comprehensive. I enjoy that show very much and think it is the best in town, but last night's show was not his best. I will add some more Marvin Gaye to my late night listening, though. Those two were on fire the week before.

Really? I thought Steve was pretty good. I rarely listen to it so as Big Tuna said, I'm missing out.

All Night Appetite...Lowther does a good job. Pretty solid. No forced cackle. He seems informed. I did cringe when I listened to Dillon Howard. The guy is not informed, craps on and says next to nothing. Why do they bother putting him on the radio?

Perhaps we should do a poll of shows and presenters for this thread

Lowther's excellent, but Howard dragged that whole thing down. Isn't he good mates with Hutchy? That might explain it. A poll to my guessing would be fairly level across the board with Doran clearly holding the list up. A great idea. Would answer some questions.
I disagree. You want a cricket score? Go to cricinfo, FS3 or ABC radio for a minute or two.

Point taken. Many Aussie/US sports fans would still have an interest in our No. 1 Australian sports team, especially in a huge series against S.A. Just my opinion that SEN wouldn't want people changing stations from a 24 hr sports station to get the sports update on our No.1 sports team, in their battle for No.1 in world Test cricket, with a rookie on the verge of history. But, yeah, make all dedicated shows exclusive to their sport and the listeners knows the drill. But remember, to every black-and-white rule comes a grey area.

So where do the sports updates start and stop?
Does BITU have to update on an international netball match? What about basketball? Rugby league? Union? Darts?

You're a Liverpool and Victory fan so is that why you left soccer of your list.;)
Fair question, though. The grey area. Siddel gets a hat-trick to win the game; a pitch invader disrupts play causing injury, a couple of men arrested with Kalashnikovs and grenades outside the Aussies dressing room. Where do you draw the line at interrupting a dedicated sports show with a small listenership for stories of varying relevance?. That's why I said it should be addressed. I'll bet SEN wants people turning in to their station for all things sport, all the time.

I'm not against shows providing sports updates, but I'm thinking some shows have other priorities, and looking up a score is not at the forefront of their mind.
This is a management issue rather than an issue just for Steve + Ed.

This was the point I was trying to make. It should be addressed. They either give all (major/live) sports updates on a regular periodic basis or don't. What about mission statements, personnel meetings, stratagies to hold listeners. Don't forget the first hour ran under the Bruce Springsteen BITUSA theme and Steve talked about several non-US sports including cricket and the IPL and also what's the best music to get laid by. :thumbsu:

Where's that line? Kinda Born In The USA between 9 and 10, and All Born In The USA after 10? It doesn't really matter, r+b, but I was critiquing the show. I convinced if big sports is breaking, management want you and me switching on to SEN for the details, not to say, damn, bloody Wyatt and Salisbury won't tell us; switch over.
How do you know that the producer of the show didnt have the scoreboard up on the screen and it was just not read out on air. Did you ever think of that?

Especially when the scores are updated on the news reports.

Also how do you know what really goes on inside the studio anyway??

Why would he have the score up on a screen for two hours without prompting or questioning the on-air person why he didn't read out a score? What are they employing there? Mannequins.
Ya see, Steve works full-time outside SEN and needs support and communication from his producer, doesn't he?

Then the grey area: Welcome back to BITUSA. I’m Steve Salisbury and oh, there’s a big story happening at the cricket and we’ll update that in 53 minutes on the news report, so sit tight. Yeah, right.

Yep, what goes on at the SEN studio as regarding prepping their margin shows is anyone's guess. But it's a FACT that due to often different producers working the shift there's a lack of continuality with on-air staff, which is to be expected. Earp and Salisbury probably don't even know who's one with them until they arrive. Management should have detailed strategy sheets laid out for margin shows so anyone can step in and the hosts have a familiarity with their format.

I'll let you in on something. I'll bet radio stations are a lot like other places of employment. Not a lot of people working hard to help anyone but themselves. Quality for the company always plays second fiddle to personal interllectual property. :mad:
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