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christ you made her like god sized
Got a half-priced Cape Grim corned beef, $18 for just under 2kg from a little boutique supermarket on the most expensive shopping strip in Brisbane today, still two weeks before it's out of date...just needed the room I guess.

Drive over the other side of town to the poorer 'burbs, you're lucky to find what has now become a 5% markdown (they must be debating 2% by now!) on some dodgy looking meat which is swelling the plastic packaging it's so close to (or over) the edge at any of the supermarkets.

Been the same every city I lived in...shower you in so many discounts in the rich suburbs you can't take advantage of them all, go to where the people need the discounts, they just don't exist.

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Gee wonder which ethnic group they were dog whistling about there? :whistle:

FWIW, the whole concept was that you don't poke your nose into other people's business when it comes to sex or religion, hence the big/long nose.

It was mostly an anti-KKK movement and while the KKK certainly had Jews in it way back then and still does, they were a tiny minority and not in positions of significant influence or power compared to other members (Baptist for example), so I really strongly doubt it was designed as an anti-Jewish trope. :thumbsu:

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