Assuming you also think that the UK, Italy, France, Spain, UAE, Qatar etc. shouldn't bother doing anything.
I didn't say we shouldn't do anything, i said it doesn't make any difference if we do or not.
UK is interesting, their CO2 per capita peaked in the 1970s, and is as low now as its been since the 1850s.
Their use of gas and nuclear gave them a pretty good starting point maybe.
15% of the electricity in UK comes from Wind and Solar.
27% of the electricity in Victoria comes from Wind and Solar.
Yay the english....boo for australia cringe cringe cringe.
45% of the electricity in Spain is from Wind and Sun, an amazing achievement , but....guess what the bulk of the 55% is.
72% of the electricity in France is from Nuclear. 3% comes from gas. Why should they worry about doing anything? Their electricity has less than 10% the CO2 of Germany.
Germany are a basket case, when the "Greens" got in they shut down the nuclear power, causing them two emit 73% more emissions over the last 2 decades.