Think Tank There once was a man, a shy and humble man. He had the strength of a bull and the skills of a surgeon. This week , that great man plays his 300th game

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Yes, the original post I made features Alex Rance.
Sorry man, I missed that. I thought you meant Dusty and Player X's missus lol.
going to be a shame to see Dustbin's team get smashed this weekend...not.
I reckon it will be closer than you think. We seem to line up well on the Hawks.

I think it will be a good game to be honest.

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I reckon it will be closer than you think. We seem to line up well on the Hawks.

I think it will be a good game to be honest.

You should wear your Frosty jumper to the game. For novelty's sake :)
frosty's gonna wear lynch like a glove.

hawforn by 200

Angry Puppet GIF
Having seen Matthews, Carey, Ablett Snr. play, I can comfortably say that he is in this conversation and has them all covered by a fair margin on the last day, the big dance, whatever your shitbrain arse neuroned ****nuckled pea shell mind wants to call it.
Dusty is the best September and Granny player to have run out onto the G.
I wish it were Kouta or some other Bluebagger, but it ain’t, it’s Dustin Martin, easily!

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Definitely in the top 15 to 20 players this century. Hopefully a few hawks fans turn up to boost numbers. Tiggies struggling to draw a crowd these days.

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