That sucks. What an arseh*le. My girlfriends ex has done something similar. He's an industrial welder driving a $110k truck but, yeah, only earns $35k.Daughters ex has reduced his income to 28k so that he doesn’t have to pay child support just the minimum $40 month
I dont get how someone 12months ago can be earning 180k can do this and there be nothing she can do. Meanwhile she has the day to day costs to continue managing and there are some ongoing health issues that requires ongoing treatment that he doesn’t contribute to because “I pay mtce”
What saddens me the most is that his hate for my daughter outweighs the impact this has on his daughter - how can you want your child to be living in poverty and struggling to make ends meet
But his daughter barely wants to see him and only goes over because she misses the pets. He's the one missing out. Kids aren't dumb and although can be blinded a little by loyalty to parents, they easily pick out who isn't genuine.