Society & Culture Things in life you just don't understand

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I remember playing truth or dare drunkenly a little while ago with a few friends (only girl there had a boyfriend so nothing too good).

Got dared to kiss my best mate on the cheek. Took about 15 minutes of going no way for me before I just went f*ck it and did it. The girl was in disbelief at how hard it was for me.
It's not a germs thing. Not all likes and dislikes are rational, you know.

The video game thing isn't really that different to kicking a footy around with mates. You play a game and have a chat and a few laughs while you do it. If you can never sit and have a conversation together maybe that's an issue, but I don't see the problem with the activity in and of itself.
I once kissed a guy as part of a drunken game with some high school friends. no homo. I will guarantee you there were less 'germs' in his mouth than in some of the gineys I've gone down on. Some of you dudes need to grow up, per se.

As for video game predrinks, I guess a generation who spend all day 'chatting' with each other over facebook and seeing each others statuses/photos/etc don't have much to actually discuss come Friday night at predrinks, so video games come in handy to give these soulless zombies something to make getting together before going out to mix with randoms somewhat worthwhile.

I think its just Silent Alarms mates who do this.

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My group does it sometimes too. Only FIFA though - as someone else said, it's just such a good game. Just because you're playing a video game doesn't mean you don't converse with people during it. Talking and mashing a few buttons at the same time is pretty easy to do. Exactly as Caesar said. And nope, we definitely don't spend all day chatting with each other over Facebook.
I remember playing truth or dare drunkenly a little while ago with a few friends (only girl there had a boyfriend so nothing too good).

Got dared to kiss my best mate on the cheek. Took about 15 minutes of going ew no ew no ew no for me before I just went f*ck it and did it. The girl was in disbelief at how hard it was for me.
Wow. Isn't it way past your bedtime? :confused:
A lot of people find smoking an enjoyable experience, but for obvious reasons don't want to do it regularly. A good cigar is about as good as smoking gets so it makes sense if you are going to treat yourself to a very rare smoke, you should make it a good one.

A peaty whisky does have quite a smokey flavour, which compliments a cigar quite well. It's not something I am totally into myself but I can kind of see the appeal.

Cigars are also somewhat ritualistic. There's a bit of a tradition for even non-smokers to smoke one to celebrate important occasions - births, marriages, so forth.
This is basically how I feel about it. I don't smoke cigarettes, I have once or twice but that's it, and I've never bought any. But I've smoked cigars on quite a few ocassions, often a particular mate of mine when he throws parties likes to buy cigars.

Don't drink scotch though.
yeah i don't mind the occasional game of FIFA for pre-drinks.... it's far from an every week thing though. more a once every couple of months thing.
I once kissed a guy as part of a drunken game with some high school friends. no homo. I will guarantee you there were less 'germs' in his mouth than in some of the gineys I've gone down on. Some of you dudes need to grow up, per se.

If "growing up" means playing drunken "no homo" kissy games with my mates, I think I'll pass.

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2-on-2 FIFA is a brilliant pre-drinks social activity within the confines of someone's house. Usually decends into a contest to see who can get the most players sent-off.

My core group of mates have two mates' places we usually congregate before heading out. One host loves the PS3 and the other loves drinking games (as someone mentioned above) as a means of warming up. Due to most of us being on our Ps and the fact that the drinking-game-mate usually invites over other douchebags who smoke, it pales in comparison to FIFA.
2-on-2 FIFA is a brilliant pre-drinks social activity within the confines of someone's house. Usually decends into a contest to see who can get the most players sent-off.

My core group of mates have two mates' places we usually congregate before heading out. One host loves the PS3 and the other loves drinking games (as someone mentioned above) as a means of warming up. Due to most of us being on our Ps and the fact that the drinking-game-mate usually invites over other douchebags who smoke, it pales in comparison to FIFA.

You sound like a fun bloke.

All music. Does not appeal to me and yet seemingly I'm the only person on the planet like this.

Then what do you have on your iPod?? (confused face)
Why people in Australia celebrate Halloween
Agreed, never done it, never wanted to do it and I am sure as shit not giving away lollies to random kids.
Why people in Australia celebrate Halloween

I dont understand peoples problem with Halloween

Its a random night where some kids participate in a bit of fun. Are we that grumpy that this bothers us? Just because its American and everything American does is apparently tainted in some way?

Its one night and usually I hardly notice it until I see some kids walking up the road wearing costumes. I think nothing of it. The next day its over. If I get a knock, we throw the kids some mars bars and be done with it.

If I was one of those people that hates people coming to my door, just leave a note on it saying no trick or treat or something
I dont understand peoples problem with Halloween

Its a random night where some kids participate in a bit of fun. Are we that grumpy that this bothers us? Just because its American and everything American does is apparently tainted in some way?

Its one night and usually I hardly notice it until I see some kids walking up the road wearing costumes. I think nothing of it. The next day its over. If I get a knock, we throw the kids some mars bars and be done with it.

If I was one of those people that hates people coming to my door, just leave a note on it saying no trick or treat or something

I'd like to see Australia develop it's own culture and customs and not just whore itself out to whichever foreign custom seems most fun.
Why people in Australia celebrate Halloween
last year for trick or treat, we had kids coming around asking for money instead of lollies

this is the next generation coming through people..
We made a pretty simple FIFA drinking game.
Concede a throw in or free kick - drink. Other player can throw in quickly to take advantage of you putting the controller down to drink.
Get a yellow card - scull half your drink
Concede a goal - scull half your drink
Get a red card - scull full drink

Lose 3 nil, get a couple of yellow cards and you're half way to being sloshed.
I think if we were 'whoring ourselves out' we would be getting some kind of Halloween fund from the USA to participate, but atm I think its just some kids running around doing something they think is fun. Kids have a habit of doing that

Cultures are created by people and what they do. If kids enjoy the idea of Halloween and participate long enough then it will be in our culture. If its a fad and doesnt last the next generation, then it will still just be a minority and thrown in the basket with a million other minorities that dont get the same attention

We are also a young country, so its natural we dont have developed customs like other countries. Unless you prefer our kids to go walkabout instead
I dont understand peoples problem with Halloween

Its a random night where some kids participate in a bit of fun. Are we that grumpy that this bothers us? Just because its American and everything American does is apparently tainted in some way?

Its one night and usually I hardly notice it until I see some kids walking up the road wearing costumes. I think nothing of it. The next day its over. If I get a knock, we throw the kids some mars bars and be done with it.

If I was one of those people that hates people coming to my door, just leave a note on it saying no trick or treat or something
For me, it's more to do with the fact that it's not expected. I'm not expecting kids to come knocking on my door on October 31st, I doubt I'd even realise that it is actually Halloween that day.
Then when they do turn up, you don't have any chocolate or lollies on hand to give them, and you don't want to leave these kids standing on your doorstep for ages, so you either tell them to go away, crushing their dreams of chocolate, or frantically search the house for something to give them.
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