Things that please me - Part 5

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Bloody ripper Gralin!
I took it pretty easy to start and then ran into some knee issues as I ramped up

But working with the physio has that under control

From where I was physically 7 months ago it's a massive improvement

From where I used to be before my surgeries I'm still quite far away

But heading in the right direction

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I'm going to meet a foster dog tomorrow, provided I can walk, looking at adopting. Didn't think I'd be able to bring myself to get another dog after having had mine put down last year but here we are.

Everyone different Ranki .

I'll always have dogs.
Lost Two with in 2 months .
I didn't see the point waiting...but I understand why others wait .

Picked up Wally choc lab a month or two after .
He's personally is abit like both my dogs who past ..he reminds a bit of them.

Then Oscar black lab a week later .
Who totally different again.

Then got Rufus the Westie couple years back

All from puppy.
I'll prob rescue next time ..woof.
Everyone different Ranki .

I'll always have dogs.
Lost Two with in 2 months .
I didn't see the point waiting...but I understand why others wait .

Picked up Wally choc lab a month or two after .
He's personally is abit like both my dogs who past ..he reminds a bit of them.

Then Oscar black lab a week later .
Who totally different again.

Then got Rufus the Westie couple years back

All from puppy.
I'll prob rescue next time ..woof.

I've started to think the opposite - I wonder if my 14yo jack russell x might be my last dog, or at least my last "long term" dog.

As heartbreaking as it is, and as much as it hurts giving up a foster dog for adoption? I don't have kids, I've never worked really "important" jobs, so I feel like rescuing dogs gives my life more meaning than anything else I've ever done.

There's also the added flexibility that comes with fostering in terms of me being able to travel; it means that when you get that 17yo sick, blind dog who only has 6 months left, I'd also have the flexibility to hold onto it; it means that when the pregnant dog who's about to pop needs a quiet home, I can provide that.

I love my dog, and I love having my dog. But this most recent foster, who goes to his new home on Wednesday, has completely changed my outlook.
I've started to think the opposite - I wonder if my 14yo jack russell x might be my last dog, or at least my last "long term" dog.

As heartbreaking as it is, and as much as it hurts giving up a foster dog for adoption? I don't have kids, I've never worked really "important" jobs, so I feel like rescuing dogs gives my life more meaning than anything else I've ever done.

There's also the added flexibility that comes with fostering in terms of me being able to travel; it means that when you get that 17yo sick, blind dog who only has 6 months left, I'd also have the flexibility to hold onto it; it means that when the pregnant dog who's about to pop needs a quiet home, I can provide that.

I love my dog, and I love having my dog. But this most recent foster, who goes to his new home on Wednesday, has completely changed my outlook.

Yeah sorry to use the same words again but every is really different .
I heard of this older lady who takes in older dogs because no-one else wants him.
She looks after them to the end ..

I'm not sure I could foster ,I wouldn't want to give the doggies back.

But I can see why you get a variety of doggies to look after as one of the many benefits.

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Things that please me - Part 5

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