Things that shit me

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Club Legend
May 27, 2004
AFL Club
Other Teams
simple really - name something that really gets your goat

Cyclists riding on the road
The Irwins
People Who use the phrase "chillax"
Coke Zero
Womens Cricket
People who abbrev-E-8 everything
Emotocons in text messages

Please feel free to add and vent your frustration

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Petrol Pumps that click off when you squeeze them too tight, even when your tank is empty.....:mad: Took me about 8 minutes to fill up last weekend.
When the popcorn doesnt fully pop
People who are nice/rude to you depending on who else is around
Gas bills
Murali's action
Taxi drivers who don't speak English
People who get offended by swearing
Forgetting to hang your washing on the line until it stinks from drying in the washing machine
Turn-based video games
Losing with pocket Jacks
Fanatical Creationists
Fanatical Evolutionists
The fact that Megoreng changed the size of their seasoning packs - tight bastards
Rugby Leauge
The Southern NSW AFL
Saruv Ganguly
People who ask you for drugs in nightclubs
Expiring Norton Subscriptions
Forgetting to put the rubbish out
People that bitch on others cause' they're bored
Bank fees for using another bank's ATM
Fish and Chiperies that blatantly ignore the 'Potato Cake Rule' (where number of potato cakes recieved = number ordered + x)
People with hundereds of DVD's that still think they'll be worth a fortune in 20 years
People who try to facebook you even though you're pretty sure you'd made it clear you hated that person
The hands in the back rule
Pure Blonde
Double-sided printing
and Women
Missing out on Bon Jovi tickets
Any of that modern RnB/Pop music s**t sung by Gwen Stefani, Fergie, Rihanna etc.
People obsessed with MySpace/FaceBook
Taxi drivers who make up excuses not to let you in when we all know that the real reason is they think your destination is too close-by
The whole 'culture wars' concept
'The Australian' newspaper's political bias
People who claim they are 'swinging voters' when they clearly aren't
People who vote based solely on which party will bribe them the most
People who complain that both parties should offer more for health/education then proceed to vote for whoever gives them the most tax cuts
People who believe Global Warming is a myth
The election in general
Customers who expect the retail salesperson to act as though they actually want to be working
All the building and renovating at Chadstone Shopping Centre thats causing traffic nightmares
Any Channel 10 reality show
Waiting for the 2007 Geelong Premiers Victory Pack to arrive in stores even though it was due last week
People who excuse their smoking habit by saying they only took it up because they were depressed
The very thought that the next season of 'Lost' may be shortened due to the writer's strike
The writer's strike in general - where's my Conan, John Stewart and Steven Colbert!
the mere notion that these days a happy meal costs $4.25 and wen u order one the dude at the counter asks if you want "fries or a bag of fruit" - are you ****ing shitting me. A happy meal is a bloody cheeseburger, small fries and coke. Dont even get me started on this chicken nugget bullshit

People who work at Boost juice - "wats your name buddy..?" "do you have a nickname" "im a stupid **** stick"
People who write off TV shows because their favourite character left the show
People who fill their petrol from the 2nd tank and don't move their car when the first space frees up so you have to wait till after they have paid to fill up.
Overcrowded trains.
Networks seven and Ten's constant need to remind us their shows are "fast tracked" from the US.
Mothers with those prams with the fricken 4WD wheels on them.
check out chicks who cram a million things into one bag ,im a part time delivery driver and ive had heaps of bags rip open because they think it can fit 10,000 items all in the one bag
Really needing a nard, but your too busy to leave your desk.
People who insist that Netball is an interesting, skillful game, instead of the boring overofficiated hobby for lesbians that aren't good enough to play basketball.
Lots of things but some are:

* The ever increasing amount of cyclist on the road, esp the ones in pairs/groups that have to ride beside each other, therefore you have to slow down. Would love just once a chance to knock them over :rolleyes:

* Shitty drivers that cut you off, over take you then slow down, wobbly driver, old drivers, slow drivers, shit drivers in general.

* Jack jumpers, bastards are everywhere they even fall from above onto you!

* Irresponsible dog owners that dont know how to keep their dogs on their own property. Killed all my chooks and its still running free, going to suffer a bullet to the head next time it wanders onto my place. They have been warned enough time :mad:

* Slow walking people anywhere, f***in annoys me to tears, esp when I can get around them or when I do suddenly there's another slow walker...

* High schoolers, f***in idiots that think their 'kewl' :rolleyes: and that sums it up

* The election and all its horrendously, annoying, stupid ads! :mad:

* The whole Ben Cousins saga and the medias obsession to turn it into something from "Days of Our Lives"

Thats it for now.

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Morons who can't drive properly - no indicating or indicating for a second before changing lanes,speeding morons who endanger others

International cricket - seriously, who gives a ****. Boring.

Next door neighbours who are always outside or working on something outside - give me some peace, I'd like to go outside myself sometimes and not have to see your ugly mug

Cyclists - nerds
Or when someone walks very slowly in a supermarket blocking everyone behind them when there would clearly be enough room if they moved to the side to allow others past.


- Taxi drivers (everything about them)
- Slow drivers
- Drivers who don't indicate
- Drivers who deliberately push thier way in
- Cars who block intersections - it is selfish and ILLEGAL
- Big Brother and Aus Idol - and the fact idiots watch it
- The current affairs show and the face people actually watch them
- Election advertising
- Customers who expect retail staff to be perfect
- Smokers..........all of them
- Rubbish everywhere - on trains, buses, the strees
- Murali
- Today Tonight
- Bluetooths
- Buses on the roads stopping and holding up the traffic
- Sunrise.......the TV show
- Bindi Irwin
- The fact no domestic cricket is on free to air anymore
- People who fill their petrol from the 2nd tank and don't move their car when the first space frees up so you have to wait till after they have paid to fill up. (Agree!)
- People who drive in from the other end of the petrol station to get a spot when there are clearly lines
- Drivers forming a line into a petrol station blocking the road
- ATM's that don't work and there are no others around
- Airport security
- Breakfast radio on FM - all talk and ads, no music. And the "comedians" are not funny
- Cyclists
Another one

- Idiots with "souped up" pathetic $3000 cars.........trying to look cool and just making noise. No one cares how "cool" your car is
- Self righteous people
- Angry people
- Unfounded arrogance.
See SC&P board for a whole collection of all 3 of these types

- Overly serious drivers. You know what? people make mistakes. If they put their hand up and apologise just get over it. Poor elderly man was so badly abused y'day for an insignificant mistake I wished the abuser would crash there and then
- Men who think they are tough because they confront women
- Women who are tough in the safety of their car. That's right bitch, if you have a problem with me doing 40km/h in an 40km/h school zone I dare you to walk up to me and air your grievances out in the open.
- Political correctness
- Loud children
- teenagers. Should be banned from shopping centres, sports complexes, & restaurants after 5pm.
- Clearly unemployed people who have the gall to complain to retail staff about poor service. Its 3pm, you're dressed like a hobo and picking items out of the $2 basket at K-mart. You have no right to complain!
- Poor service in restaurants. Fair enough if its busy, but when you see 3 waiters/waitresses standing there and chatting while you wait 20 mins to order is unacceptable!
- Being called buddy or champ

I could go on forever, i might just stop now though.
- Kebabs that fall apart, making them impossible to eat on the move
- People who work at Subway and put way too much sauce on sandwiches
- Wog Beards
- Wog Shows (those Adidas white ones)
- People that stand still in the middle of busy areas, blocking paths
- Fat people on escalators that can not be passed
- Crowded public transport
- Two faced people
- Girls that think they're tough
- Clothes that don't quite fit
- People that don't pick up negative vibes
- Day time TV
- People who don't have the maturity to discuss sex and the like
- Power hungry people
- People who think it's necessary to tell you verything they've done and plan to do
- Suck ups
- People who talk about themselves too much
- Losing money
- Drunks that are losers
- People who think a career at Safeway is something to be proud of
- Knee-jerk reactions
- Chicks during their period
- Studying
- Techno music
- Football supporters with no idea
- Football supporters that continually yell out with exceptionally high voices
- Rats tails
- People who don't know how to use apostrophes
- Queer clothing
- People who don't talk
- People who conform with everything
- Ticket inspectors
- Young people that wear runners with jeans

I could go on...
Bluetooths - people you are not some futuristic hero, i see you walking through the city (or even worse down the shops or park) with the bluetooth headseat on and your not even talking to anyone. It's not 1990, we all have new flashy mobile phone, you don't need to stick a f*ckn' antenna on your head to prove it.
Bluetooths - people you are not some futuristic hero, i see you walking through the city (or even worse down the shops or park) with the bluetooth headseat on and your not even talking to anyone. It's not 1990, we all have new flashy mobile phone, you don't need to stick a f*ckn' antenna on your head to prove it.

People, who are totally unbeknown to me, that can perfectly sum up my feelings on a subject before i can adequately express myself
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