Things that shit me

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Was up at Coles at Winston Hills tonight, and there were bugger all staff there - one express lane with a queue of 4 people. After 2 people had been served, someone rocked up at the cigarette counter; and the checkout girl left us to serve the cigarette customer. Then again when it was my turn, someone else came to the cigarette counter, and the checkout girl left me to serve her.
It was Coles this time, but it happens all the time at both Coles and Woolworths, and it shits me. Am I the only person this happens to, or is it a regular occurrence? Is there some management directive that people buying cigarettes get absolute priority over people who have been waiting longer? Am I the only person that gets pissed off about this?

Nope, you are not the only one. And I worked at Coles too (not behind the counter).

This kind of special treatment they get because you want to buy your death sticks.......they should line up like everyone else and the staff member goes and gets them
The fact there is absolutely nothing on TV on a Saturday night. At least Hey Hey Its Saturday was mildly entertaining

Christmas lights
-White kids who think their black.
-The gangsta/peace/thinking pose that everyone pulls in photos lately
-People who dont know when there not wanted
-Muzzas that hang out at Mcdonalds late at night sitting on the hoods of their respective pieces of shit.
-When you leave a mediocre movie and hear people say in a serious tone that was the greatest movie of all time.
-the no phone or wallet in your pocket feeling (agree)
-Shithouse australian comedy e.g the wedge, australia stands up.
-when actors get involved in politics.shut your mouth penn.
-The state of late night t.v
-My boss
-Robyn Riley
-bogans walking there pitt bull with no leash when they cant control the ****ing thing.
-teenagers who think there hard.
-people who say that their favourite music is currently top of the charts.
-Goths and emos. i want to be anticonformist so i'll hang out with 15 people dressed exactly like myself.
-the offseason

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Young emos, im talking like younger than 10.
When I see an emo naturally I am disgusted, but the other day i saw an older emo probably about 17 or 18 walking with his younger brother (assumed) who was about 10.
Now the only reason you can think that a 10 year old will be an emo is if his older influential brother is an emo. This is just setting a poor example for the young-un and just beause the older emo ****** probably had no friends and was teased throughout highschool doesnt mean he had to make it that way for his little brother. Poor form on his behalf but even worse form on the parents allowing this to go on in their own house, hes 10, you tell him emos are **** damn it!

Oh and another thing, when a bus load of guys rock up to a party and all bar 5 are let in because they werent invited. :thumbsdown:
5 extra people isnt gonna hurt, bitch.
And "slang" that you thought was common, but apparently isn't amongst your peers.
I recently said "durries" referring to cigarettes and nobody knew what i was talking about?

Unaustralians shit me more than anything - People who were born in Australia, lived here all their lifes yet choose to support another country in cricket/soccer or whatever because of their PARENTS herritage.
I also feel that supporting an AFL team outside of your home state is disgraceful but its becoming more acceptable.

Printers running out of Ink the only day of the year you need them.
when the train is full of little, annoying school kids after school... i just wanna kill someone.. flipping little brats.... and also smelly, annoying people on public transport.. havent they ever heard of deodorant..

plenty more things shit me which most have been said already...
Unaustralians shit me more than anything - People who were born in Australia, lived here all their lifes yet choose to support another country in cricket/soccer or whatever because of their PARENTS herritage.
I also feel that supporting an AFL team outside of your home state is disgraceful but its becoming more acceptable.

Agree 100% with the un-australian part but there's nothing wrong with supporting a team outside of your home state, in fact I respect these people more than any supporter. There's a thing called loyalty. eg. I supported Essendon before the crows came in so why would I just switch like that? What sort of supporter does that??

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The Labor party election ads.

I'm not voting for you Rudd, so feck off you greasy bastard, and take your shithole actors with you.

And the Chaser. Shiiiiiiits me to tears
BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA, yeah cos when I think of hard bands I think of Oasis. ****ing ponces the lot of them

Oh yeah maybe I should sat a thing that geys my goat.

People who think Oasis are hard

Emos shit me fullstop.

Listen to a band that more then 10 peope of heard of for a change

:D :D :D
1) Slow walkers in the city, I've started kicking the backs of their heels, when they look around I say "sorry" then walk past them.
2) People who catch a lift 1 FLOOR in my building for **** sake, how hard is it to walk 1 flight!
3) Dumb Customers, come on, retail would be great without the c**tomers
4) druggies and those who defend their drug use. I've seen threads on here defending dope smoking, you people are f**kwits.
2) People who catch a lift 1 FLOOR in my building for **** sake, how hard is it to walk 1 flight!

Damn straight? If I only had to go one floor, I would walk

Lifts in general annoy me..........and you have 10 floors, you are on level 10 and there is 1 person getting off at every level :mad:
2) People who catch a lift 1 FLOOR in my building for **** sake, how hard is it to walk 1 flight!

Damn straight? If I only had to go one floor, I would walk

Lifts in general annoy me..........and you have 10 floors, you are on level 10 and there is 1 person getting off at every level :mad:
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