Things you wish you could get cheaper

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Yeah, they lose money on the razor itself but make all their money on the refills. I understand the reasoning behind it but still think $25 for a pack of Gillette razors is ridiculous.
Tennis racquet re-strings; they stab the wallet each time them strings crack.
Data downloads :(

In an age where games and dvds cost too mush they just jack the price of the data to make it harder to download them for free.

Coca Cola

It's just too expensive. $3.50 and up for a 600ml is not right.


It costs way too much for food that digests like cardboard. (0 fibre)

Big screen TVs

They just keep upping the specs to keep the prices sky high.

Playstation 3

I understand the price of making the thing but it's still too expensive for many people.

BF Platinum membership.

Must be bloody expensive with so many trying to save cash by getting gold and just blocking the ads :p
Yeah, they lose money on the razor itself but make all their money on the refills. I understand the reasoning behind it but still think $25 for a pack of Gillette razors is ridiculous.

Probably why the gf bought 25 packs of them in bali last week. Get 3 pack for about $6 in the mini marts
Probably why the gf bought 25 packs of them in bali last week.
Or maybe she's just really hairy? :confused:

Australia is a really, really expensive country.

Exactly, and you can thank noobs like Coles and Woolworths / Safeway for cornering the market, then dumbing the market down with their own crap brands of products.
Parking and Tomato Sauce Sachets (Why do you have to pay 20 Cents for a tiny Sachet of Sauce anyway?:thumbsdown:)

I've never really got the whole charge for tomato sauce thing, it just pisses customers off. Yet if you charged say 3.60 for a pie instead of 3.40 people wouldn't give a shit. Surely it makes more sense to just include it implicitly in the price of the pie.

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I wish I could think of an original idea here, but all that comes to mind is food.

I walked up to a cafe within a shopping centre the other day, hoping to get a quick bite to eat. I looked up at the menu and thought I saw

Chicken Burger
with chips $3.50
with drink $3.50

or something similar. I thought, sounds about right, a burger and chips for 3.50.
I ask for a burger and chips, and am told that that will be $18.40 please. Turns out the burger was $14.90 by itself and then for chips as well it's an additional 3.50. Couldn't believe it, I ended up cancelling the order which was a little embarrassing but there was no way I was going to pay that much for a snack.
It's still ridiculously cheap for fruit and veg compared to the UK - if you shop at the Vic market etc. I miss ripe mangoes for 50c instead of $2-$4. And they're shithouse Mexican mangoes, not the Aussie ones.

And you can grow lemons and passionfruit and anything really for free anyway......

Sigh, I should move back....
I wish I could think of an original idea here, but all that comes to mind is food.

I walked up to a cafe within a shopping centre the other day, hoping to get a quick bite to eat. I looked up at the menu and thought I saw

Chicken Burger
with chips $3.50
with drink $3.50

or something similar. I thought, sounds about right, a burger and chips for 3.50.
I ask for a burger and chips, and am told that that will be $18.40 please. Turns out the burger was $14.90 by itself and then for chips as well it's an additional 3.50. Couldn't believe it, I ended up cancelling the order which was a little embarrassing but there was no way I was going to pay that much for a snack.

$14.90 is over the top for a chicken burger, but you were kidding yourself if you thought you were going to get a burger and chips for $3.50. :)
Agree with all the food comments - $2.00 for a now-smaller-than-ever-45g pack of Smiths in the vending machine is crazy

All levels of government (there's too many of all of them, and they leak money like a sieve)
Definitely food and drink things like pies sausage rolls and cokes, the sort of thing i buy when I'm out with friends and want to get lunch spending a fortune just to get some food and something to drink on the weekends. Yeah I'm a kid :p
Pay TV, useless without the extra packages.

Foreign beers brewed "under license" locally.

Good running shoes.

Anything related to Telstra's infrastructure.

Pay TV is worse, i remember when we first got it i was ok with its price because there was no advertising.

Now its nothing but fkkn ads, so what am i meant to be paying for? Clearly not the quality programming.
Australia is a really, really expensive country.
Not really.

Only Melbourne and Sydney in the top 100 most expensive cities in the world.

I don't know where you are in Scotland but I've got relo's in Glasgow and they say it's ridiculous compared to Melbourne. Things like Steak are much more expensive but that's obviously due to the limited supply. It goes both ways I guess where we don't have a direct reach to things that Europe has...
Dairy products - particularly cheese and milk.

I know there's a drought on but how come veggies haven't gone up to 10 bucks a kilo like cheese has for example?

It just seems to me that in the last 5-10 years cheese has exploded in price and I think it's the big companies taking advantage of the drought to shove the price up.

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Things you wish you could get cheaper

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