Thursday morning training report

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Full squad training today on a glorious sunny day at Waverley Park.

In a word: SHARP.

Hello and welcome to my final 2007 pre season training report. Special comments will come from Number24 who was also at training.

First the details:
On track at 10.10am
Off track (main group) 11:00. All remaining players whistled off for meeting at 11:20am

All players wearing brown tops with their numbers except Thurgood wearing 21. (Maybe 33 is too small????:eek: )

Coaching staff included both specialists Danny Frawley and Alex Ischencko.

TV: At least 3 camera crews at training at start so should be good showing on the news tonight (hopefully).

Not sighted: Max Bailey

Rehab Group:
Joel Smith, Matt Suckling, Brett Collins (kicking with left foot though), Mitch Thorp (good to see him out there, looked ok) & Travis Tuck (who was overheard saying when asked about why he was in the rehab group "It was nothing, not injured" - hmmm, if not injured then why a white top [rehab]?)

Also there but working alone (jogging) in white rehab top or in the centre with the coaches, Hawthorn Captain Richie Vandenburg.

Main Group

Seemed to be the full list except those mentioned above. Both Moss and Joey seemed to either spend time off the field or in talks with Asst Coaches whilst the main group continued to train on.

Players of interest: Ellis, Renouf, Muston all trained reasonably well. Unfortunately I had trouble picking Ellis & Renouf up until late in the session.

Croady, Campbell and Jacobs all trained strongly. No hint of problems and would expect all 3 to be selected for rd 1.

Ozzie & Ladson both trained in the main group at full speed, seemed unhindered and should be in line for selection.

Training drills: Skill and speed the essence of the session. Why I said sharp to describe the session because the main drill was moving the ball by hand and foot from backline to forward line. The players moved fast, in a wave, backing up, being ready for the ball, their overhead marking, the handballs spot on and kicks to near precision just about everytime.

What became obvious was how few fumbles or mistakes were made and at how fast the players were moving the ball. I cannot repeat enough, very very impressive.

In fact for about the last 3-4 minutes of the drill the only mistake came from Matt Little who dropped the ball. He picked up and continued the drill. Finished at the opposite goal CHF line then dropped down and did 10 sit ups as punishment for the drop. Matt Little will again feature in the next section, this time under the heading of doing a "Jonny Famachon."

This drill finished and a huddle made. Players break and came out with another training drill favourite.

1 group in the goals receiving the kicks for and then sending the ball out to 2nd group on the boundary line 50m mark. The player who kicks then jogs to that group.

A player in group 2 receives the kick then kick passes to a player in group 3. Group 3 player is based around the centre square line, receives the ball and runs in to the 50m line. (sometimes they kick for goal) in this drill they short passed to a player in Group 4 who was leading out of the goal square and that would player would go back and kick for goal. The player from group 3 would continue in, receive a ball from Assistant Coach and fire off a shot at goal on the run from inside the 50m. This player would then run in and join group 1 or 4 and repeat.

This drill continues at a pace as each player takes their turn to kick for goal or pass the ball.

"Doing a Johnny Famachon
Luke McEntee is in group 2 kicking to a player in group 3. KICK and the ball slews off the boot and near decapitates Matt Little who has just kicked from 2 to 3 and following up to join group 3. All Little has time to do is sway his head out of the way as the wayward delivery comes screaming past his head. As Number 24 said he was doing his best impression of a Johnny Famachon, ducking and weaving.

This drill finished then goal kicking time started. From the 50m line and then many players went back for kicks for goal from the Centre Square line running across Half Forward! Some huge kicks started coming out. Often it was too late to see who kicked a ball that sailed through top post high from the 50m.

Several players stood out but 1 stood out above all others. Mr. Lance (Buddy) Franklin. Spent his time right on the 50m line deep on the boundary. Kick after kick straight through. Magnificent.

His mate and possible idiot of the month Jarryd Im so lucky I didnt break or twist my ankle Roughead (I will let Number 24 explain as I missed the incident him being an idiot). Anyway JR tried several left footers from Buddys spot. The first 2 were rubbish. The 3rd he nailed.

Players I remember included Boyle and Muston, Clarke, Brown, Sammy and Willo all kicked from the 50m line with various degrees of success. Mark Williams were all straight as a dye.

From the centre square line both Croad and then Renouf kicked goals or attempted to boot goals from this 60-65m area. Other players soon joined in including Changa who for a little fella sure can roost the ball. Another showing good long kicking was Zac Dawson

A big group of players then formed 2 lines and allowed players to take their turn kicking for goal. Good light hearted banter between all.

This was around 11am and players started drifting off. Some players kept up the goal kicking while Robert Campbell joined Sammy Mitchell is some tap and tackle plays.

11:20 and all players ordered to finish.

No injuries, good session, hears to a successful 2007.


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Thanks mate, all sounds good. Not sure what that stuff about Roughead's ankle was though.

I didnt see it but have heard it from 2 sources now.

As the team was coming down the steps from the training rooms JR decided to slide down the bannister at the last group of stairs. He slide down and hit the concrete, hard, in his football boots and stumbled. Could have easily ended in sprained ankle or worse. Just days before the start of the season. STUPID.

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Sorry to be late in with my comments but if one spends half the day at the footy one will pay for it at the other end of the day.

SHARP is the correct description of the session. Skills were really very imperssive...precise, swift and accurate. Best I have seen the Hawks execute training drills since MR Jeans was in charge. Yes, I know it's a bloody big statement, but it is on the money. The tempering moment is that it was all done one way with no opposition. But that is what training is all about, honing the skills.

I was disappointed with the Roughy incident which occurred only 6 or 7 feet from me and directly in front of me. It was a young kid being a young kid, but when he hit the concrete a bit harder than I suspect he anticipated and the stops on his left boot slid unexpectedly causing him to grapple for stability, I admit thought "Oh ****". I suppose alls well that ends well.

The other aspect I will report on was my observation to RustyHawk that there was enormous spirit in the group this morning. As far away as we were we could clearly hear the talk, mutural encouragement in the group. They were relaxed and supportive of one another. There was a period where there seemed to some sort of competition to see who could land the longst bomb. Some from a good distance inside the centre square line. When Josh T finally landed one there was a huge cheer from the group and much slapping of his back.

No doubt in my mind the coaches has these boys in a state of good order and it is to be seen whether this young group can pull it off in Brisbane. What we saw today was very encouraging.

As a final point, let me say the unintential attempt by Luke McEntee to decapitate Matt Little was a definite highlght. For those of you not old enough to have seen Johnny Famachon fight, his defence was characterised by the merest movement of the head to avoid a punch and that is all Matt Little had time to do today. Ahhh, memories. Something us old blokes have for the moment...until oldtimers sets in that is

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Thursday morning training report

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