Which AFC deserter were/are you most salty towards?

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Nice effort Boffo!
Mc_9 I'm holding out for 18500...only another 700 posts to go.

I'm thinking make Nobes a detective, trying to pull together the facts before its too late...

Nobes: Okay 23 and Parker
Nobes: Mitchell
Beatson: No chance. FS pick.
Nobes: Okay...How about Rohan.
Beatson: Required player
Nobes: Come on 22 games and 4 this year...Tippett is worth your first rounder and some quality.
Beatson: How about 23 and White?
Nobes: *splutter* White? You have seen our list, he would be behind 2 possibly three players.
Beatson: Talk to your people. I think you'll find that 23 and White is just about right.
Nobes: Are you kidding? The fans will burn AAMI to the ground.
Beatson: We that's your problem. Kurt wants to come to us. 23 and White is our best offer..

Nobes walks away shaking his head, "They know something. Surely they don't think the AFL will sign off on this. I've spent the whole season coming up with ideas and this is what they give me?"
Ogilvie: Maybe there is a clause...
Nobes: Or Skirt's manager has told them something...Kurt's manager...
Ogilvie: Blucher.
Nobes: Yeah...didn't he and Ireland work at Brisbane together...
Ogilvie: You're not thinking....
Nobes: Co-inky-dinks?
Ogilvie: We're screwed...we'll be the laughing stock of trade week...I mean month...oh whatever the **** we call it now.
Nobes: Not if we threaten to send the twat to the PSD...try to pressure them into giving something better than Jesse White...Sando will do his nut.
Nobes gets out his phone. What's the time difference between here and France?
Ogilvie: Umm about ten hours..you going to ring Trigger?
Nobes: Something stinks here and it aint Kurt's goal kicking.

TBC...probably not thou.

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This won't live up to Boffo's or Carl's standard, but could be a bit of fun before bed.

(AFC board president Rob Chapman to Trigg): Where is Matt when you need him.

Trigg: Oh, he's at Sturt. Don't worry about him, I got him to stay with us an extra year. Don't ask how I did it though (Trigg winks and smiles).

Chapman (rolling the eyes and sighing): No, you've got the wrong Matthew.

Trigg: Ah, I get it. I'm not thick. Not the wrong Matthew, but the Wright one. You're going to be happy with this. We've still got him on our books too. Mind you, we've probably got him off our books as well.

Chapman: No you clown. I'm talking about Matt Rendell.

Trigg: Bahaha. This is fun. You mean the one I 'pulled the Trigger' on. Bahaha. Get it? Sorry, he's not on our books any more. Too much of a loose canon. You never know what he will do next. You can't have those sort of shady characters around the place. What do you want Matt for anyway?

Chapman: I need a gun recruiter.

Trigg: Bahaha. This really is fun. We aren't going to have any draft picks. We don't need a recruiter. You are so out of touch. You see that is why I am CEO and you aren't. I do forward planning! And I project the compasionate image that our club needs too. See, I saw this coming and I didn't wan't Mattie to be out of a job, so I sacked him. Thats why you are president of the board. You don't know what is going on. Best president we've ever had mind you. By the way, how are the mushrooms going. Bahaha. You know, kept in the dark and fed...

Chapman (starting to fume): Shut up you twit. I don't need Matt to draft players. I need to draft a new CEO.

Trigg: (After a few seconds of silence). I don't like this game anymore. It's not funny.

(Chapman leaves the room. Trigg reaches for the tissue box. Has a little sob. Leans back on the chair, takes a few deep breaths and sits for a while with his face in hs hands. Then all of a sudden he jumps to his feet. His face lights up and he smiles. At the same time his secretary walks into the office with the cordless phone in her hands).

Trigg: It's ture. Doesn't matter what you are going through, the sun does still rise the next morning. Get Kochie on the phone.

Secretary: What a coincidence. Thats him on the line at the moment.

Trigg: (Takes the phone, and the secretary leaves the room). Kochie, I love a president who knows what is going on and who has his hand on the purse...I mean pulse. Have you still got that coaching job over there at Alberton?

Kochie: Where have you been mate? That was filled weeks ago.

Trigg: Sorry mate, I'm a bit out of touch. I've been to Europe. Don't run into too many Port supporters over there. Those Eurpean cars have pretty good security systems you know.

Kochie: Thanks for the tip Triggie. Should help with my next selection. This mid life crisis is proving rather protracted. Anyway, I didn't phone you to talk about cars. I want you on Sunrise.

Trigg: Awesome. Not in charge of the weather though. I slipped the weatherman a few thousand dollars from my slush fund once so that it wouldn't rain and the crowds would be up and it would be all smiles, but it thundered and blew and poured. Real Storm that.

How about finance? I'm famous for my financial management. I tell you, my ratings are at an all time high. Nearly everone in Australia knows about my financial management. If you give me the job, I will help you get that sports car for free. Can't put it in writing. See, I'm learning. We'll make a voice recording instead!

Or personnel. You could put me in charge of personnel. Mel will get more than she bargained for! Or first aid. When your guests get faint I will give tham a brown paper bag. I always have a stash in my inside jacket pocket.

Kochie: No Stevie, mate! I want you at Sunrise to interview you. You know, about Tippettgate my friend. It's generated some real interest.

Trigg: Interest? Do we have to declare that? Maybe we could pay them in interest. I should patent that. Could then on trade it to Collingwood. I've got a mate there now. He owes me a favour for sacking him. And they've got money. Their President's always giving it away. I've seen it on TV. I thought I would let you know as he's on the other channel. You probably aren't allowed to watch that. Do you give money away? I need a new job. I really have been a closet Port supporter all along. There's a lot of things that I have kept secret.

Kochie: So you are fair dinkum about getting a job down at the Port are you?

Trigg: Sure. I'm desperate. I'll do anything.

Kochie: You don't need to convince me of that. I've heard that you might return to your studies.

Trigg: Sure. What do you suggest I should specialize in so that I can serve in my beloved Port?

Kochie: Dentistry!

Trigg: Gold. That's how we'll do it. We will fill the players teeth with Gold. Brilliant kochie. The basta*ds won't look there. You're the sort of president I can confide in. Must go. Will fill you in someore later.

I have an idea, you know those charity songs where people get together and sing about saving the children or whatever. We should gets heaps of Adelaide people together and make a song about how much we hate Kurt Tippett, it can be sold to raise money for charity, perhaps create some comical t-shirts that make fun of Tippett in a round about way and donate money raised to charity. I'm thinking perhaps Minda, because they represent people who have challenges they were born with and are overcoming, which is the direct opposite of Kurt "Silver Spoon" Tippett who needs football so little that he can risk his career making stupid decisions with his daddy.
Which will come first? This thread reaching 1,000 pages or Tippett selected in the Draft/PSD?

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I think the best part for me is at least KT won't go end up at Sydney.
Hey do you think that we can redraft him?

I reckon he's still more likely to end up at Sydney than not. If you were framing a betting market, Swans would still be in the lead. Especially if you read Blight's and Vossie's comments here: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/crows-face-draft-restrictions-blight/story-e6frf9io-1226504523745

This comment in Quayle's article today:"Any decision reached by Tippett must be approved by the AFL - including any salary terms that he nominates" suggests that the AFL may prohibit Tippett from placing a huge salary figure on his head, and may result in other teams re-considering drafting him. (http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/crows-must-cast-off-one-more-for-tippett-20121027-28cmg.html#ixzz2AXCIHRYT). The major point of this article, however, was that Tippett must remain on our list for now. And if he doesn't nominate for the National Draft (Sydney are preferring he nominates for the Pre-Season Draft), he must stay on our list which means we will need to delist a player (Crouch, according to Quayle, does not count as a 'selection') to ensure that we make the mandatory three selections at the National Draft. I can see us maybe delisting Tambling (or whoever) and then re-drafting him back.

Personally, I don't give a stuff where Tippett ends up. I'm over it. He wouldn't be the first player to walk out on a club (without the club receiving compensation) and he certainly won't be the last. And, I've actually already geared myself up to us taking on Sydney with Tippett rather than without next season (any suspension he is dealt may rule this out). We may have lost a final to Sydney this year, but I always feel confident playing against them (22 wins v 11 losses record).

Gentlemen's agreements, side deals, "understandings" and secret extra payments to contracts are rife within the AFL, senior club figures have revealed.

The key is to keep it vague and not put anything in writing.
The administrators, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said it was common for clubs to agree that they would endeavour to help a player move back to his home state at the end of his contract - should he so desire.
Clubs also made assertions they would help out with the players' leadership training, work outside of the game and other similar incentives that could sway them to remain with the club.
The main thing was not to put it in writing.

Read more: http://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-premiership/commonplace-for-afl-clubs-to-make-secret-deals-with-players-senior-club-figures-reveal/story-e6frf3e3-1226504640183#ixzz2AXNL8ULN

Well well..

I reckon he's still more likely to end up at Sydney than not. If you were framing a betting market, Swans would still be in the lead. Especially if you read Blight's and Vossie's comments here: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/crows-face-draft-restrictions-blight/story-e6frf9io-1226504523745

This comment in Quayle's article today:"Any decision reached by Tippett must be approved by the AFL - including any salary terms that he nominates" suggests that the AFL may prohibit Tippett from placing a huge salary figure on his head, and may result in other teams re-considering drafting him. (http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/crows-must-cast-off-one-more-for-tippett-20121027-28cmg.html#ixzz2AXCIHRYT). The major point of this article, however, was that Tippett must remain on our list for now. And if he doesn't nominate for the National Draft (Sydney are preferring he nominates for the Pre-Season Draft), he must stay on our list which means we will need to delist a player (Crouch, according to Quayle, does not count as a 'selection') to ensure that we make the mandatory three selections at the National Draft. I can see us maybe delisting Tambling (or whoever) and then re-drafting him back.

Personally, I don't give a stuff where Tippett ends up. I'm over it. He wouldn't be the first player to walk out on a club (without the club receiving compensation) and he certainly won't be the last. And, I've actually already geared myself up to us taking on Sydney with Tippett rather than without next season (any suspension he is dealt may rule this out). We may have lost a final to Sydney this year, but I always feel confident playing against them (22 wins v 11 losses record).
I agree that he is more likely than not to end up at Sydney, however I can not see how the afl can or would limit what he can earn. I also can't imagine the aflpa allowing it. I think that would be to make sure that there were no restrictive clauses in it to frighten away other teams.

What is likely to concern teams including the swans is if he is suspended. I think the afl will almost certainly have to suspend him for some period of time. Imagine if he is found to have done nothing wrong, how would the afl then explain not allowing him to be traded. It would leave them open to action from the Tippett camp.
Tippett's only threat in the PSD is GWS ... and then Brisbane ... if he manages to bypass the both of those sides (probably due to the fact that he continually tells them he wants to play for Sydney and only Sydney) he is a shoe in to be a Swan.

Both GWS and Brisbane would have the money to accommodate Tippett - and if they didn't, I am sure the AFL will give them a wink and a nod in order to help boost their dwindling markets through on-field performance.
Steven Trigg: G’day boys, I’m back. What a trip!

David Noble: Umm… welcome back Triggy.

Phil Harper: Good holiday?

Steven Trigg: Unbelievable. Eifel Tower, Louvre, London, Euro Disney… certainly recharged the batteries.

David Noble: You been keeping up with what’s going on?

Steven Trigg: Nope. Phone off the entire time, didn’t check emails… I’ve basically been off the grid for three weeks. That’s the only way to really relax, you know? I’ve got 700 unread emails! I’ll plough through them this arvo. So, how’s trade week been going?

David Noble: Umm… well, it’s sort of been a bit of a good news-bad news scenario so far.

Steven Trigg: Oh yeah?

Phil Harper: Yeah…

(short silence)

Steven Trigg: Well? Don’t leave me hanging here. What’s the story?

David Noble: Ok… for starters, we’re just about to ink a deal for Angus Graham.

Steven Trigg: Angus Graham? From Coburg?

David Noble: Not Coburg, he’s still on Richmond’s list.

Phil Harper: He just plays for Coburg.

Steven Trigg: Didn’t he get delisted two years ago?

David Noble: No, no. He’s still on their list. He’s just back up anyway, in case something happens to Sauce. Hopefully we won’t have to use him.

Steven Trigg: Gee… Angus Graham. What happened to Giles?

David Noble: Re-signed with GWS.

Steven Trigg: Hamish McIntosh? Daniel Gorringe?

David Noble: Geelong nabbed McIntosh and the Suns lost Hickey so Gorringe was never on the table.

Steven Trigg: Bugger… we’re going to have a hard time getting our fans excited about that. Still… I guess you need some ruck cover. Oh well, it’s a blow but I guess we’ll take that punch and roll with it. So what’s the good news?

David Noble: Umm… that was the good news.
I don't think we'll ever find out, but I'd love to hear from John Reid, Steven Trigg or even the Tippett camp how they expected to trade Tippett for a 2nd round pick and get away with it?

If he was as good as they were predicting to give him that contract, a 2nd round pick was never going to cut it.

And if he (the Tippett camp) insisted on a trade to the club of his choice, why they thought he would stay. Were they that stupid?

All round, it's a total stuff up and I'd love to know how anyone that incompetent can possibly expect to keep there job?
I don't think we'll ever find out, but I'd love to hear from John Reid, Steven Trigg or even the Tippett camp how they expected to trade Tippett for a 2nd round pick and get away with it?

If he was as good as they were predicting to give him that contract, a 2nd round pick was never going to cut it.

And if he (the Tippett camp) insisted on a trade to the club of his choice, why they thought he would stay. Were they that stupid?

All round, it's a total stuff up and I'd love to know how anyone that incompetent can possibly expect to keep there job?
Agree totally with Alex here and any avoidance of resignations or sackings even without any draft reprisals knowledge is totally dis respectful to team and supporters who at the least lose 2 top picks or ability to get a quality player at the minimum.
But the pride we take in our club and how players and coaches have dragged the club up ladder to gain respect which has been lost by one man and his team along with Swans pig headness and greed with a deal agreed by ego driven officials has destroyed our name and all will not be forgiven to any of those parties or those that agree to saction those parties
According to The Age we'll need to delist another player because Tippett will need to remain on our books past the first list lodgement process, though it's not clear if this would be the case if the investigation is finished before the second list lodgement.


ADELAIDE will have to cut another player from its senior list should Kurt Tippett try to join Sydney through the pre-season draft as expected.

The Crows have been told they cannot delist Tippett after next week's first list lodgement deadline, pending the AFL's investigation into its recontracting of him in 2009.
The club must make three mandatory selections at the November 22 draft and free an extra pick for Brad Crouch, chosen in last year's 17-year-old mini-draft. Crouch does not count as one of the compulsory three picks.

Where is Pyro Crow? We are going to stage a burning! The burning of the Bigun:eek:

Helping Trigg redecorate his office...:cool:
According to The Age we'll need to delist another player because Tippett will need to remain on our books past the first list lodgement process, though it's not clear if this would be the case if the investigation is finished before the second list lodgement.



Wow. He just manages to kick us in the guts over and over again. Some poor kid is going to have to pay the price for his greed and our incompetence.
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