Werewolf Town of Salem IX (Arsonist Wins)

brb toasting some marshmallows on CursingFijian 's corpse

You got us.

I had seered you as Arsonist but put it down to you being a doused veteran and so sent the kill to Porps.

Then while working on site and it popped into my head that hang on Raz was the veteran you must actually be an arsonist.

Then in a mad rush to change the action posted in the wrong thread.
If i had survived DP was my next target for lynch and if we were still going then Dank

Sadly i didnt survive

Would love a game where the Veteran is on alert all the time. that is what i need LOL

I know it is too overpowering
Well suck eggs
I sure did

No you didn't. I doused Dero with the plan to pin it on you (or Jmoo) as a fake arsonist claim. Luckily I posted in the thread rather than PM.
Lads, don't fight. You BOTH doused DERO.
zoolander GIF
Thanks for the game serial, unfortunately I’m way too inactive during the day now due to work that playing these games is too difficult to do properly so I think this will be my last one for a while.

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Werewolf Town of Salem IX (Arsonist Wins)
