Werewolf Town of Salem Werewolf II (Town Wins)

Mar 25, 2014
AFL Club
Other Teams
Fighting Furies
Start Date: Monday 5th July (PM)

Moderators: serial_thrilla, GREENESHOOTS.

Many of you may have played the game Town of Salem, either online or IRL, at some point in your lives. The main difference between traditional Werewolf/Mafia and Town of Salem is that everybody has roles in Town of Salem. That's right - no boring villager games here. There's a lot more information coming in each day for various roles, but with more information comes more confusion and complexity - something that evils can abuse. With the lack of a true seer it enables fake role claims to be used more than in traditional Werewolf games, although there are plenty of ways they can be caught if a misstep is taken. Beyond that the mechanics of this game are quite complicated with so many night actions possible, plus a three tiered structure for night immunity and attacks (see below).​

Until the previous game I hosted, this had not been played on BigFooty, so I've had to make my own adaption to ensure that the game would fit the style you are used to without overcomplicating the experience. I removed a few Town of Salem roles, and changed the lynching format to a traditional Mafia method (Nunez style) with no guaranteed lynch each phase. To balance this out though, I will attempt to run two Day Phases every 24 hours (see below for timing). The lack of a guaranteed lynch helps with the balance, and forces the village to be proactive if they want to track down evils.​

My biggest concern is making sure the role list is as balanced as possible. Last game worked out very well, but things can change suddenly if power roles get killed early.​

  • Jailor
  • Sheriff
  • Investigator
  • Doctor
  • Vigilante
  • Random Town Investigative
  • Random Town Investigative
  • Random Town Protect
  • Random Town Support
  • Random Town Support
  • Random Town Killing
  • Random Town
  • Random Town
  • Random Town
  • Random Town
  • Random Town
  • Godfather
  • Mafioso
  • Random Mafia
  • Random Mafia
  • Coven Leader
  • Medusa
  • Random Coven
  • Random Coven
  • Neutral Killing
  • Neutral Killing
  • Neutral Evil or Benign
  • Neutral Evil or Benign

Basic Rules:

At the beginning of the game each player is given a 'role' at random and in secret by the moderator via PM. All players will receive a PM in this game. Those roles can belong in 1 of up to 10 factions: Town (good), Mafia (evil), Coven (evil), Serial Killer (Neutral Killing), Arsonist (Neutral Killing), Juggernaut (Neutral Killing), Jester (Neutral Evil), Executioner (Neutral Evil), Survivor (Neutral Benign) and Amnesiac (Neutral Benign).

The aim of the Town is to identify and kill all the Mafia, Coven and Neutral Killing roles before the evil can kill enough villagers so that (#of Mafia or #of Coven or = #of the Town). Only one faction (Evil/Good/Serial Killer/Arsonist) can win. However, the Jester and/or Executioner and/or Survivor can win with anyone.​

Win Conditions:
  • Village: Kill all Mafia, Coven and Neutral Killing roles.​
  • Mafia: Kill all Coven, Neutral Killing and Town Killing roles, and outnumber remaining Town* + Neutral Evil + Neutral Benign.​
  • Coven: Kill all Mafia, Neutral Killing and Town Killing roles, and outnumber remaining Town* + Neutral Evil + Neutral Benign.​
  • Jester: Get successfully lynched.​
  • Executioner: Get your target lynched.​
  • Survivor: Survive to the end of the game.​
  • Amnesiac: take on the win condition of the role you remember.​
  • Serial Killer: reach the final 4*.​
  • Arsonist: reach the final 4*.​
  • Juggernaut: reach the final 4*.​
* revealed Mayor worth 3 votes.​

How are players killed?

Please note the different timings for the phases in this game. It is structured to enable two Day and Night phases per 24 hours; thus this game will go on for several days before it is concluded. There are two 'phases' to every turn of the game:​

Night Phase: Factions and role players perform their assigned night actions. Individual night action results are not received in a team PM if that player is killed overnight.​
Day Phase: Players vote for who they think is evil.​

During the day good will want the group to vote for and lynch evil, whilst the evil themselves will want not to be lynched; herein lies the fundamental strategy of the game:​

Can good identify evil whilst at the same time convincing the rest of the group that they're not themselves evil? And can evil convince the group that they're not evil at all and thus avoid being lynched?​

Day phase is 9am-3pm AEST (six hours).
Night phase is 3pm-5pm AEST (two hours).

Day phase is 5pm-11pm AEST (six hours).
Night phase is 11pm-9am AEST (ten hours).

Night actions may be submitted in advance in the player’s PM.

Please note that day phases may conclude early due to a lynch. The night phase will commence immediately, and the next day phase will start at the previously scheduled time.​

Phases may be sped up as the game nears a conclusion at my discretion.​

Town of Salem Etiquette:

There are two main rules which everyone must follow in order for the game to run successfully:​

If you are killed at any point during the game then you are no longer allowed to participate although I will allow a farewell post, but that post cannot impact the remainder of the game. Anyone breaking this rule will be banned from the next game.

Between non-mafia and coven, sending PM's or other forms of private communication concerning the game is not allowed.

  • Anyone caught sending screen captures of BigFooty of any kind in this thread will be modkilled instantly with no warning.
  • Anyone caught directly quoting PMs from the mods will be modkilled without warning.
  • Anyone caught deleting or editing posts from the thread will be modkilled without warning.
  • Missing 2 night actions (if given a role with actions) will see you and/or your faction mod-killed. You may choose to not use a night action but you must state so in your PM
  • Any modkill happening within the last hour before the deadline is called will act as that day's lynch, regardless of vote tally.
  • Anyone found to be breaking the above rules will be banned from the next game, and repeat offences will result in being banned from all future games should there be any; please follow the rules and keep the game legitimate.
  • For this game we will not be using the Reason for Lynching rule. Vote for anyone for any reason at any time during the Day Phase.

  • During the Day Phase players must vote for whom to lynch, your vote must be formatted in bold like this: Player Name. You must tag myself for your vote to be counted. Either GREENESHOOTS or I will "wow" your post to inform you that it has been counted.​
  • For this game you MAY use the No Vote vote option, as voting is not compulsory.
  • Upon a player receiving a majority vote during the Day phase (according to the moderator) that player will be lynched and be out of the game: remember, once killed you cannot take further part; do not reveal your roles to anyone until the game has been concluded.
  • If no majority vote is achieved by the conclusion of the Day Phase, there shall be no lynch.
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Game Details

List of Mafia Roles

Godfather (Mafia): The leader of organized crime. Unique role (can only be one in a game at any one time). Choose who to kill at Night. If a Mafioso is alive and not jailed/roleblocked, they will attack the target for you. You have basic night immunity and will appear innocent to a Sheriff. [DEF = Basic, ATT = Basic]

Mafioso (Mafia): A member of organized crime, trying to work their way to the top. Unique role. Conducts the kill each night unless jailed/roleblocked. Becomes the new Godfather if the current one is killed. Once Godfather and Mafioso are both killed, a remaining randomly chosen mafia member will become Mafioso (but can't be promoted to Godfather). [DEF = Nil , ATT = Basic]

Ambusher (Mafia): A stealthy killer who lies in wait for the perfect moment to strike. Unique role. Choose one person to lie in wait outside their house each Night. You will deal an Astral (you do not visit the target) attack to one random visitor. All other visitors will know your name. Can not target Mafia members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Basic]

Framer (Mafia): A skilled counterfeiter who manipulates information. Choose one person to frame each Night. A Sheriff will see the target as suspicious, and an Investigator will see them as a "Framer, Jester, or Hex Master". Frames last until the Framed player is investigated. Can not target Mafia members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Nil]

Forger (Mafia): A crooked lawyer that replaces documents. Choose a person to rewrite their Last Will and role at Night. If they are killed, your forgery will replace their Last Will and their role. You only have two forgeries. Can not target Mafia members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Nil]

Janitor (Mafia): A sanitation expert working for organized crime. Choose a person to clean each Night. If they die, their role and Last Will is hidden to the Town, and only you will know both. You only have three cleanings. Can not target Mafia members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Nil]

Consigliere (Mafia): A corrupted Investigator who gathers information for the Mafia. Check one person for their exact role each Night. Anyone that was Doused or Hexed will come up as an Arsonist or Hex Master respectively. Can not target Mafia members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Nil]

Consort (Mafia): A beautiful dancer working for organized crime. Distract someone each Night. You prevent them from using their night ability. Role blocking a Serial Killer will force them to attack you as well as their original target. The Escort, Consort, Transporter, Veteran, Retributionist, Serial Killer, Coven Leader and Necromancer are all immune to role blocks. Can not target Mafia members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Nil]

Blackmailer (Mafia): An eavesdropper who uses information to keep people quiet. Choose one person each Night to blackmail. They are prevented from speaking during the following Day phase (apart from casting basic lynch votes), and after receiving a lynch vote they can only say "I am blackmailed." once in defence. Can not target Mafia members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Nil]

List of Coven Roles

The Necronomicon is an ability enhancer that is given to members of the Coven at the start of the third night. The Coven Leader will always receive the Necronomicon first if there is a Coven Leader in the game. Other members of the Coven will receive it if the Coven Leader dies. The Necronomicon is given to the other Coven members at random. The member of the Coven holding the Necronomicon will gain Detection Immunity, meaning they will appear as innocent to a Sheriff instead of suspicious.

Coven Leader (Coven): A voodoo master who can control the actions of others and detect their role. Unique role. You may choose to control a player and and determine their role, whilst using their ability on another player. With the Necronomicon, your first target is dealt a Basic Attack, and you also gain Basic night immunity. The Transporter, Veteran, Retributionist, Mafioso (with the Godfather alive and not roleblocked or jailed), Potion Master, Necromancer are all control immune. Can not control Coven members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Nil]

Hex Master (Coven): A spell slinger with a proficiency in hexes. Unique role. You may choose to hex a player each Night. If all non-Coven players left alive are Hexed, they will all be dealt an Unstoppable Attack. With the Necronomicon, your hexes become Astral (you do not visit the target) and you deal a Basic Attack to everyone you hex. Can not hex Coven members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Nil]

Necromancer (Coven): An evil sorceress who has a grudge against the Town. Unique role. You may reanimate a dead player and use their ability on another living player. A dead player can only be reanimated once. Can not revive Jailor, Transporter, Retributionist, Mayor, Veteran, Trapper, Jester, Executioner, Survivor, Amnesiac, Coven Leader, Medusa or Potion Master. With the Necronomicon, you have the option to produce a Ghoul to perform a Basic Attack against your target instead of a reanimation. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Nil]

Poisoner (Coven): A patient killer with a knowledge of poisons. Unique role. You may choose to Poison a player each Night. Poison kills the targeted player after a one Day delay. Poison may only be cured by a Doctor or Potion Master, even if the Poisoner dies or is roleblocked the following night. With the Necronomicon, Doctors and the Potion Master can no longer cure Poison. Can not poison Coven members. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Basic]

Potion Master (Coven): An experienced alchemist with potent recipes for potions. Unique role. You may choose to use a healing potion (Powerful), a role revealing potion, or an attacking potion each Night. Each potion has a 3-Day cooldown. With the Necronomicon, your potions no longer have cooldowns. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Basic]

Medusa (Coven): A snake haired monster with a gaze of stone. Unique role. You may choose to Stone Gaze at Night, turning everyone who visits you to stone, killing them and erasing their role and Last Will. You can only Stone Gaze 3 times. With the Necronomicon, you can now visit players to turn them to stone every night. [DEF = Nil , ATT = Powerful]

List of Neutral Roles

Executioner (Neutral Evil): An obsessed lyncher who will stop at nothing to execute his target. Trick the Town into lynching your target. Your target has a Town Role. You will become a Jester if your target is killed at Night. Whilst Executioner you have basic night immunity. If you successfully get your target lynched, the town is not told of this until your death or the conclusion of the game and you are able to continue voting until you are killed or the game concludes. [DEF = Basic, ATT = Nil]

Jester (Neutral Evil): A crazed lunatic whose life goal is to be publicly executed. Trick the Town into lynching you. Haunt and kill the following Night one player who voted for you when you were lynched. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Unstoppable]

Serial Killer (Neutral Killing): A psychotic criminal who wants everyone to die. Kill someone each Night. You are roleblock immune and will automatically attack any player who roleblocks you during the Night along with your original intended target. If you are jailed, you will attack the Jailor if you are not executed. Roleblockers and Jailors will have their Last Wills "bloodied" and cannot be read by the Town. You have night immunity. You can win with other Serial Killers. [DEF = Basic, ATT = Basic]

Arsonist (Neutral Killing): A pyromaniac that wants to burn everyone. Douse someone in gasoline each Night. You will passively Douse people who visit you and you will be notified. They will not be notified of the dousing. Alternatively, you may choose to ignite all currently doused players, dealing an Unstoppable attack to them. Doused targets show up as "Bodyguard, Godfather, or Arsonist" to an Investigator, and as an "Arsonist" to a Consigliere or Potion Master. You will be notified if another Arsonist Douses you. You may then choose at Night to clean any gasoline from you instead of dousing/igniting. You have basic night immunity and can win with other Arsonists. [DEF = Basic, ATT = Unstoppable]

Juggernaut (Neutral Killing): An unstoppable force that only gets stronger with each kill. Unique role. You become stronger each time you kill someone. You start off with Powerful Attack and Basic Defence but can only kill every second night (not first night). After one successful kill you will be able to attack every night. After a second successful kill you will Rampage when attacking (also deal a Powerful attack to everyone who visits your target). After a third successful kill your attack power is upgraded to Unstoppable. [DEF = Basic, ATT = Powerful]

Survivor (Neutral Benign): A neutral character who just wants to live. Put on a bulletproof vest at Night, giving yourself Basic defence. You may only use the vest on 4 nights over the course of the game. Survive the whole game to win. [DEF = Nil (Basic with vest), ATT = Nil]

Amnesiac (Neutral Benign): A trauma patient that does not remember who they were. Remember who you were by selecting a role from a dead player at Night. You cannot select anyone Cleaned by a Janitor or Stoned by a Medusa. The village will be alerted that an Amnesiac has remembered a specific role the following morning. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

List of Town Roles

Bodyguard (Town Protective): An ex-soldier who secretly makes a living by selling protection. Choose someone to protect with Powerful defence at Night. You will protect your target from one physical attack, taking the attacker down with you with a counterattack (unless attack was Astral). You may choose to put on a bulletproof vest once instead of protecting someone. [DEF = Nil (Basic with vest), ATT = Powerful]

Doctor (Town Protective): A surgeon skilled in trauma care who secretly heals people. Heal one person each Night. You grant them Powerful night immunity and are able to heal somebody who has been Poisoned. You cannot heal a revealed Mayor. You may self-heal once. [DEF = Nil (Powerful with self-heal), ATT = Nil]

Trapper (Town Protective): An intelligent woodsman with a knack for Traps. At night, you can build a Trap. The next night, you can choose someone to place your Trap on. On subsequent nights you can choose to dismantle the Trap to take it off that person. Taking a Trap down and rebuilding it will occur on the same night, so you can continue to place on the next night. If anyone visits your target, the Trap is triggered and reveals all roles (not names) of people that visited your target. The trap will then need to be rebuilt. If your target is attacked, your Trap will deal an attack to one (randomly chosen) attacker visiting them (including Vigilantes) and will grant your target Powerful defence against that one attack. Any placed Traps will remain in place even after you die. You may not place the trap on yourself. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Powerful]

Escort (Town Support): A beautiful woman skilled in distraction. Distract someone each Night. Role-blocking a Serial Killer will force them to attack you as well as their original target. The Escort, Consort, Transporter, Veteran, Retributionist, Serial Killer, Coven Leader and Necromancer are all immune to role blocks. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Mayor (Town Support): The leader of the Town. Unique role. Choose at any time during the Day to reveal yourself as the Mayor of the Town (alert the moderator in your PM to get them to announce to the Town in the game thread). Your vote becomes three, but a Doctor cannot heal you from then onwards. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Retributionist (Town Support): A powerful mystic that can raise the true-hearted dead. Unique role. Raise a dead Townie each Night and use their ability on another player. A Psychic, Trapper, Jailor, Veteran, Mayor, Transporter, or another Retributionist (if you were an Amnesiac) cannot be resurrected. You can only use each dead player once. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Transporter (Town Support): A person who transports people without asking any questions. Choose two people to switch places with each other at Night. This means all actions on these players will go to the other player (except Jester haunting) but does not affect their own actions. You may transport yourself. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Jailor (Town Killing): A prison guard who secretly detains suspects. Unique role. Before each Night phase choose a player to jail and anonymously interrogate for the Night in the Jail PM. The person jailed is given Powerful defence and roleblocked, and cannot communicate with their faction whilst jailed. You may choose to execute them, dealing an Unstoppable attack. A jailed Serial Killer will attack you if they are not executed. You cannot execute on the first Night. You have 3 executions. If you execute a Townie or you run out of executions, you will not be able to execute anymore. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Unstoppable]

Veteran (Town Killing): A paranoid war hero who can shoot anyone who visits him. Unique role. Choose to alert each Night. You will deal a Powerful attack to ALL visitors and gain Basic night immunity whilst on alert. You have three alerts. [DEF = Nil (Basic when alerting), ATT = Nil (Powerful when alerting)]

Vigilante (Town Killing): A militant officer willing to bend the law to enact justice. Choose to take justice in your own hands and shoot someone. If you shoot a Townie, you will lose all remaining shots and will commit suicide over the guilt the next Night. You only have 3 bullets. You cannot shoot a player on the first Night. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Basic]

Investigator (Town Investigative): A private eye who secretly gathers information. Investigate someone each Night for a clue to their role. A Framer, Arsonist, or Hex Master can throw off your results. See below for investigator result groupings. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Lookout (Town Investigative): An eagle-eyed observer, stealthily camping outside houses to gain information. Watch someone at Night to see who visits them. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Psychic (Town Investigative): A powerful seer with a gift for finding one's secrets. Will be given three player names every odd-numbered Night, at least one of which will be evil. Will be given two player names every even-numbered Night, at least one of which will be good. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Sheriff (Town Investigative): The law enforcer of the Town, who is searching for evil. Check one person each Night for suspicious activity. A Framer or Hex Master can throw off your results. A Godfather, Arsonist, Juggernaut, Neutral Evil, Neutral Benign or holder of the Necronomicon will appear innocent. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Tracker (Town Investigative): A skilled tracker who will follow their prey to any destination. Watch someone at Night to see who they visit. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Spy (Town Investigative): A talented watcher who keeps track of evil in the Town. You will be told the number of people who Mafia and/or Coven who visit each night. The order is randomized. You are also able to "bug" a person each night, which reveals any direct actions against them, such as attacks, roleblocks, transports, etc. Investigative actions are not shown, such as from a Sheriff or Consigliere. [DEF = Nil, ATT = Nil]

Investigator Result Groupings:

Vigilante, Veteran, Mafioso, or Ambusher.​
Janitor, Retributionist, Necromancer, or Trapper.​
Survivor, Amnesiac, Medusa, or Psychic.​
Spy, Blackmailer, or Jailor.​
Sheriff, Executioner, or Poisoner.​
Framer, Jester, or Hex Master.​
Also shows up if target was Framed by a Framer or Hexed by the Hex Master.
Lookout, Forger, Juggernaut or Coven Leader.​
Escort, Transporter, or Consort.
Doctor, Serial Killer, or Potion Master.​
Investigator, Consigliere, Mayor, or Tracker.​
Bodyguard, Godfather, or Arsonist.​
Also shows up if target was Doused by an Arsonist.
If target is both Doused and Framed by an
Arsonist and a Framer respectively, they will show up with Framer's investigative results.
If target is both Doused and Hexed by an
Arsonist and the Hex Master respectively, they will show up with Hex Master's investigative results.

Night Action Priorities:

Priority determines which roles do their actions first in what order. Each role with a Night ability has a priority labelled 1 through 9, with 1 being the highest priority and 9 being the lowest. For example, if a Mafioso, which has a priority of 8, attacks a Veteran on alert, which has a priority of 1, the Veteran will kill the Mafioso and gain defence before the Mafioso can kill the Veteran because it has a higher priority. Only one role, the Executioner, has no ability; therefore, they have no priority.​

Note that abilities which take place during the Day or are selected in the Day (such as jailing and mayor reveals) will have higher priority than priority 1.

Veteran (on alert), Vigilante (suiciding), Jester (haunting)​
Trapper, Retributionist, Ambusher, Necromancer
Escort, Consort
Coven Leader (controlling)​
Bodyguard, Doctor, Tracker, Blackmailer, Forger, Framer, Janitor, Arsonist (dousing), Survivor, Hex Master, Potion Master (healing), Medusa (stoning upon visit)​
Investigator, Lookout, Psychic, Sheriff, Consigliere, Potion Master (investigating)​
Jailor (executing), Vigilante, Godfather, Mafioso, Arsonist (igniting), Serial Killer, Coven Leader (attacking),Poisoner (visiting), Potion Master (attacking), Medusa (visiting to stone), Juggernaut
Spy, Amnesiac, Hex Master (final attack)​

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Defense Description:

Basic Defense is a form of immunity which protects a character from being killed at Night from a Basic Attack. Roles with Basic Defense must be lynched during the Day or killed at Night by roles who have Powerful or Unstoppable Attack strength. Powerful Defense is an immunity which protects a player from being killed at Night from a Powerful or Basic Attack. Roles who are given Powerful Defense are unable to be killed at Night unless said person is dealt an Unstoppable Attack. If you Attack somebody with Basic or Powerful Defense, you will get the message "Your target's Defense was too strong to kill." In a nutshell: Nil < Basic < Powerful < Unstoppable.​

Last Wills & Death Notes:

The Last Will is given to each player and is shown to the Town upon that player's death. THE PLAYER’S FIRST POST in the player's PM will be used for this. It has a 400 character limit. A player's Last Will often includes critical information, although it is also used as a means of deception in the game. Townies will often include descriptions of what they were doing in each of the Nights. However, keep in mind that there's a possibility that a Forger might forge you, a Janitor may clean you, or a Medusa might Stone Gaze you, and hide your Last Will and role from the other players. Also, your Last Will might get bloodied by a Serial Killer if you are an Escort, Consort or Jailor, so consider sharing information to the Town instead of solely relying on your Last Will.​

A Death Note is a message shown to the Town after a killing role other than Town Killing kills somebody, such as a Serial Killer or Mafioso. It has a 200 character limit.​
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Players and Roles
  • Jailor
  • Sheriff
  • Investigator
  • Doctor
  • Vigilante
  • Random Town Investigative
  • Random Town Investigative
  • Random Town Protect
  • Random Town Support
  • Random Town Support
  • Random Town Killing
  • Random Town
  • Random Town
  • Random Town
  • Random Town
  • Random Town
  • Godfather
  • Mafioso
  • Random Mafia
  • Random Mafia
  • Coven Leader
  • Medusa
  • Random Coven
  • Random Coven
  • Neutral Killing
  • Neutral Killing
  • Neutral Evil or Benign
  • Neutral Evil or Benign

  1. SaintBilly - Veteran
  2. SM - Hex Master
  3. Dingster - Coven Leader
  4. ZergMinion - Transporter
  5. Bovo - Retributionist
  6. NaturalDisaster - Unknown (Investigator)
  7. boncer34 - Juggernaut
  8. Grand Uncle Horace - Unknown (Tracker)
  9. MannumPower - Doctor
  10. DERO - Spy
  11. por_please_ya - Spy (formerly Amnesiac)
  12. jmoo wan - Investigator
  13. Genghis Tron - Jester (formerly Executioner)
  14. MC Bad Genius - Mafioso (formerly Consort)
  15. Barrybran - Vigilante
  16. Chipmunk - Medusa
  17. Hatchy1992 - Mafioso
  18. MWPP - Psychic
  19. omgfridge - Bodyguard
  20. croweater 41 - Doctor
  21. Smeg Head - Arsonist
  22. DockerDen5215 - Godfather
  23. raskolnikov - Medusa
  24. NinjaSwan - Jailor
  25. PMBangers - Lookout
  26. 11kgm - Mafioso (formerly Ambusher)
  27. eth-dog - Sheriff
  28. dogs105 - Mayor
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Daily Summaries

Night 1 - no deaths!
Day 1 - no lynch!
Night 2 - MWPP (Psychic) - Killed by the Mafia.
Night 2 - dogs105 (Mayor) - Assaulted by the Juggernaut.
Day 2 - Hatchy1992 (Mafioso) - Lynched by the Town.
Night 3 - Genghis Tron (Jester) - Killed by the Mafia.
Night 3 - DERO (Spy) - Drained by the Coven Leader.
Night 3 - Smeg Head (Arsonist) - Assaulted by the Juggernaut.
Day 3 - jmoo wan (Investigator) Lynched by the Town.
Night 4 - SM (Hex Master) - Executed by the Jailor.
Night 4 - Barrybran (Vigilante) - Killed by the Mafia.
Night 4 - DockerDen5215 (Godfather) - Assaulted by the Juggernaut.
Day 4 - MannumPower (Doctor) - Modkilled.
Day 4 - boncer34 (Juggernaut) - Lynched by the Town.
Night 5 - Dingster (Coven Leader) - Executed by the Jailor.
Night 5 - eth-dog (Sheriff) - Killed by the Mafia.
Night 5 - NaturalDisaster (Unknown) - Turned to stone by the Medusa.
Day 5 - Bovo (Retributionist) Lynched by the Town.
Night 6 - MC Bad Genius (Mafioso) - Executed by the Jailor.
Night 6 - Grand Uncle Horace (Unknown) - Turned to stone by the Medusa.
Day 6 - raskolnikov (Medusa) Lynched by the Town.
Night 7 - no deaths!
Day 7 - Chipmunk (Poisoner) Lynched by the Town.
Night 8 - no deaths!
Day 8 - 11kgm (Mafioso) Lynched by the Town.
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Ohhhhhh baby I am in for this.
One comment I would make, can you post an example of a PM including PM name for good? The reason I ask this is in the event that someone evil is being challenged, allowing good to ask them to prove it by effectively quoting their PM (without actually quoting) can be a very tricky dead end for evil to get out of. These games work best when there's maximum ability to bullshit your way out of things.

Your call if you don't, just an observation I've made in previous "everyone gets a PM" games.
One comment I would make, can you post an example of a PM including PM name for good? The reason I ask this is in the event that someone evil is being challenged, allowing good to ask them to prove it by effectively quoting their PM (without actually quoting) can be a very tricky dead end for evil to get out of. These games work best when there's maximum ability to bullshit your way out of things.

Your call if you don't, just an observation I've made in previous "everyone gets a PM" games.
All PMs will be "Town of Salem WW2: <role>" or "Town of Salem WW2: <faction>". They will have a description of the role in the OP (as per this thread), and I will probably remind the person that their first post will be their Last Will that they can edit.
Jail PM will be "Town of Salem WW2: Night <#> Jail"
All PMs will be "Town of Salem WW2: <role>" or "Town of Salem WW2: <faction>". They will have a description of the role in the OP (as per this thread), and I will probably remind the person that their first post will be their Last Will that they can edit.
Jail PM will be "Town of Salem WW2: Night <#> Jail"

Perfect, thanks.

Werewolf Town of Salem Werewolf II (Town Wins)

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