Strategy Trade and List management Thread Part 6 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

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A little off topic but with Richard's move into the midfield I'm concerned about how we manage our backline moving forward. Took away one of the best ground ball defenders to play on ball, and while he's been terrific in there it leaves a gaping hole at half-back. On the current list, the only apt replacements to my mind are Cleary or Freijah. Freijah defensively lacking but has very good acceleration and is a beautiful ball user, whereas Cleary is very strong in his defensive positioning, and is a lovely kick, but lacks pace and struggles in contests.

Coffield I can't really comment on as I've seen so little of him, but it seems to me he was drafted in the Richards mould but through his injuries may have lost a large amount of his pace. Is the long term plan to use him as an intercept marker or does he still possess enough speed to either play a shutdown role on small forwards or replace Richards?

Leg speed definitely an issue with him.
Has some smarts about him though.
A little off topic but with Richard's move into the midfield I'm concerned about how we manage our backline moving forward. Took away one of the best ground ball defenders to play on ball, and while he's been terrific in there it leaves a gaping hole at half-back. On the current list, the only apt replacements to my mind are Cleary or Freijah. Freijah defensively lacking but has very good acceleration and is a beautiful ball user, whereas Cleary is very strong in his defensive positioning, and is a lovely kick, but lacks pace and struggles in contests.

Coffield I can't really comment on as I've seen so little of him, but it seems to me he was drafted in the Richards mould but through his injuries may have lost a large amount of his pace. Is the long term plan to use him as an intercept marker or does he still possess enough speed to either play a shutdown role on small forwards or replace Richards?

Definitely some nice half backs / shutdown defenders that we could potentially draft to bolster that area as well.

I’m really interested in Josh Sinn, think a change of environment might help him. Would look great on our HB / Wing rotations - great speed, good kick. Is contracted for next year however.

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Definitely some nice half backs / shutdown defenders that we could potentially draft to bolster that area as well.

I’m really interested in Josh Sinn, think a change of environment might help him. Would look great on our HB / Wing rotations - great speed, good kick. Is contracted for next year however.

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Port need a space for their 4 F/S draftees and probably want to pick a kid before any bids I reckon. It doesn't look like Shaun Burgoyne's kid will be a top 25 pick unless he rockets up the next few months. They'll look at trades because they're still restricted for their future first round unless along with the removal of future pick restrictions they also remove the 2 first in 4 years rule.

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The Tomlinson thing is weird. He was a good player a number of years ago, but is now just an average AFL player on the latter side of his career. I know they're not exactly the same type of player, but we're sitting with Khamis, Busslinger and Cleary on the fringe of the first team - do we think none of them can make it as a third tall/interceptor? Or do we think Tomlinson will be one of our two bigs in the backline? That would be scary (the bad type of scary) imo.

We don't want to end up like Port, who have spent salary cap and draft capital on bringing in key defenders that aren't actually much good at being key defenders.
The Tomlinson thing is weird. He was a good player a number of years ago, but is now just an average AFL player on the latter side of his career. I know they're not exactly the same type of player, but we're sitting with Khamis, Busslinger and Cleary on the fringe of the first team - do we think none of them can make it as a third tall/interceptor? Or do we think Tomlinson will be one of our two bigs in the backline? That would be scary (the bad type of scary) imo.

We don't want to end up like Port, who have spent salary cap and draft capital on bringing in key defenders that aren't actually much good at being key defenders.
Port gave legit list cloggers like Esava and BZT $600k per for 4+ years. Insanity.
Tomlinson is good experienced KPD depth and he’s healthy. I’d rather play him than Gardner if it came to it.

If Busslinger goes and/or Keath retires and we don’t bring in someone better, it’s a no-brainer.
He's played for both GWS and Melbourne though. At face value, that makes him extremely unlikeable and unembraceable.
Key defenders are the one position Adelaide has been good at drafting/developing recently so there’s a little bit of a logjam. I’d definitely be into Borlase
His dad played a lot of games for Port in the SANFL.
I reckon with Port's lack of KPD's that he will end up at Port.

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A little bit of bile rose in my throat just at the mention of Tomlinson. Would rather Gardner, and that's saying plenty.
He’s a significant upgrade on Gardner and his last two games are better than anything Gardy has ever produced.

That said, he’s about 4 years too old for what we need.
The Tomlinson thing is weird. He was a good player a number of years ago, but is now just an average AFL player on the latter side of his career. I know they're not exactly the same type of player, but we're sitting with Khamis, Busslinger and Cleary on the fringe of the first team - do we think none of them can make it as a third tall/interceptor? Or do we think Tomlinson will be one of our two bigs in the backline? That would be scary (the bad type of scary) imo.

We don't want to end up like Port, who have spent salary cap and draft capital on bringing in key defenders that aren't actually much good at being key defenders.
Could end up like Stef Martin where we get him years too late
The same as Barry Hall, by the time we got him, the team was on the decline.

If we'd literally got him a year earlier then we would have been great odds to win in 2009, he was still very good for us for his two year run but 2010 we were pretty obvious also-rans taking a last shot.
If we'd literally got him a year earlier then we would have been great odds to win in 2009, he was still very good for us for his two year run but 2010 we were pretty obvious also-rans taking a last shot.
We could have got him at the start of 2009, but Sydney quite rightly wanted our first round pick, which we had already prioritised to get Ace Cordy.

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