Strategy Trade and List management Thread Part 6 (opposition supporters - READ posting rules before posting)

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We will never know however Bont would get offers of $1.5m+ in the current environment to swap clubs. He is well paid now $1m+

Will he get a massive pay rise for next contract ?
Our salary cap is pretty free
So I reckon he will be the highest paid dogs player of all time
Can't recall if I posted here or in DM
But fox footy is reporting Bont holding out till end of year to re-sign

Something I mentioned a few months back

Darcy expected to get a 5 year massive extension
It was an absolute nothing article. The second sentence they said "the 29 year old" which I thought humorous, can we not even get the competitions best players age right.

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Can't recall if I posted here or in DM
But fox footy is reporting Bont holding out till end of year to re-sign

Something I mentioned a few months back

Darcy expected to get a 5 year massive extension
I heard he's holding off until they work out what they need to pay Butters and in case they need some room to move to get it over the line. He's always team first Bont.
I don't really understand why him going overseas is a big deal to be honest.

When he's been here he's contributed to the young guys. He's clearly been given the chance to get away to get his head around things, if he's going to leave he will leave regardless, if there's a chance the club thinks giving him this time away may help us retain him then that's fine as well. He's a pro, he'd be doing his rehab whilst overseas - and hey, we're actually playing really good football at the moment, maybe him going away has meant less distraction.
I've made this point before but given that Smith will likely be in the final stages of his rehab in October-November, when players get their mandated annual leave, what's likely happened here is that he's taking his annual leave now and he'll be back at the club consistently and at a full-time basis when other players are on their holidays on October.

The club may even prefer that than, while contractually requiring Smith to adhere to his rehab, they can't force him into the club in his AFLPA mandated leave, and we may not want the end of his rehab, the most important, to be away from the club.
Can't recall if I posted here or in DM
But fox footy is reporting Bont holding out till end of year to re-sign

Something I mentioned a few months back

Darcy expected to get a 5 year massive extension
Bont’s going nowhere so it’s a non issue that he hasn’t re-signed. It’ll be done latest before the start of the next season.

Also who gives a crap that Baz is on holiday.

Just found an Age article from 2015, he was scheduled and approved to go to Europe with mates but after failing some other commitments the club changed it to Thailand

So we have form in giving ACL recovery a break mid year. It's an absolute nothing issue

I stand corrected then.
Why would anyone deny someone going on a life experience trip when the opportunity is there. What's he supposed to do, sit at home playing Xbox. Who cares if he misses watching a few games. Shit culture would be to keep him chained up.
There are plenty of gyms on the beaches in Ibiza anyway.
It’s pretty common for long term injured players to head off overseas during the winter months.

Libba has done it and Murph spent 3 weeks or so in Italy during one of his knees.

Not sure why there’d be an issue with Baz doing the same.
I think it’s more the public nature that upsets people. Libba & Bob would have had a relatively incognito trio whilst Baz posts 5 Instagram stories a day detailing his lavish lifestyle overseas.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it’s why people react differently.
Do a deal with Geelong to slightly overpay salary for Stengle and guarantee them band 1 compo in return for a good deal on Smith. We end up with Stengle on similar coin to Smith for their 1st and 3rd DP. Geelong end up with Smith and stay in the first with compo.
Deal. That way I can still be happy for Stengle unlike if he goes to Essendon or plays under Lyon.

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Geez WC posters think a future 2nd (or 2nd this year) will be all they pay for Buss if he goes. That'd be a terrible outcome for us. Pick 13, rehabed his shoulder, 2 years development, looking great, and a clear position of need. Surely we don't let him go for that

At least they can’t try and roll out the old PSD threat. There’s no way North wouldn’t jump at a young first round KPD for free.
I’m not on social media but surely that’s not true that Smith is in Ibiza?
Whats the issue with this? Players with season ending injuries often go on holidays. Its been happening for years at our club and many others.

I swear some people just have issues with Bailey Smith
It's not like when Scott Morrison went to Hawaii. Baz can't will the ball over the line from the stands.
There's something about holiday snaps that annoy some people , especially when stuck in a freezing Melbourne. My solution is to not look at them. This thread has unfortunately caused me to discuss the issue. This is my final word on the topic.
(I imagine some of his lower profile team mates aren't missing him)
I think it’s more the public nature that upsets people. Libba & Bob would have had a relatively incognito trio whilst Baz posts 5 Instagram stories a day detailing his lavish lifestyle overseas.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it’s why people react differently.
Methinks social media has evolved/expanded/taken over! somewhat since Bob and Libbas overseas junkets?
Bob woulda been sending postcards
Geez WC posters think a future 2nd (or 2nd this year) will be all they pay for Buss if he goes. That'd be a terrible outcome for us. Pick 13, rehabed his shoulder, 2 years development, looking great, and a clear position of need. Surely we don't let him go for that
Tanner Bruhn was drafted at pick 12 and was traded 2 years later for pick 18.

I get Bruhn played games but there is a difference between a midfielder and a key defender who rehabbed his shoulder his first season.

If a 2nd rounder is the base of the trade i imagine we’ll also be pushing for a pick swap in our favour like their 2nd round and future 2nd round for Busslinger and our future 3rd.
Busslinger's value will be largely determined by the way he plays at AFL level this year (assuming he doesnt lose form or get injured). If he comes in, impresses, and holds his spot he is worth a first rounder.
Baz will be doing the final push of his rehab in October full-time at the club (up to the point he gets traded, lol) while the rest of the Bulldogs squad themselves are overseas. It's a non-issue.
Whats the issue with this? Players with season ending injuries often go on holidays. Its been happening for years at our club and many others.

I swear some people just have issues with Bailey Smith
I think my posting history shows I’m a very big Bailey fan… just don’t think it’s a good look to be posting it everywhere. When other players had their holiday it was much more subdued. But I guess I don’t get the new generation.
I don't think we can ask for a 1st Round draft pick for a player who is yet to play one senior game. If he does get promoted then he becomes more negotiable but if he stays in the VFL, a 2nd Round pick would be seen as fair compensation by any interested club.
Having said that, I don't think Busslinger would be any better off moving to West Coast now because he'll still have to wait his turn there behind McGovern (2025) and Barrass (2026) whereas we are crying out for replacement KPDs and the opportunities here are numerous. If another AFL club stepped in with an offer, that would be another issue altogether.

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