Werewolf Traditional Werewolf 2

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This is a super risky play IMO. There's a more than decent chance omg is the other villager IMO. I think we've lynched enough villagers this game.

For him to have done this play it's a 1/35 (chance of amulet n1) x 1/35 (chance of SK) = 1/1225. Super unlikely.

way more likely he was just a villager giving the amulet to an outed good flog.
I think taking the risk on omgF is too much today with 2 other heads still around. If CF is a head and not the SK, we still elim one head today and still get the SK tomorrow with the odds more in our favour. Lynch a villager today and we're done really with 3 potential kills over night.

It's a risky play for not much pay off as we get another shot tomorrow.

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I think taking the risk on omgF is too much today with 2 other heads still around. If CF is a head and not the SK, we still elim one head today and still get the SK tomorrow with the odds more in our favour. Lynch a villager today and we're done really with 3 potential kills over night.

It's a risky play for not much pay off as we get another shot tomorrow.
I’m totally fine with people also being on CF for all the reasons you’ve stated, I would just prefer to find the SK today.
I’m not sure what info we can gather overnight to help us find that SK. It’s only good roles getting killed tonight.

Also notice omg has arrived on queue.
omgfridge - Totally unseen. This, and process of elimination of the others is all I really have to go on. I think they are the most likely SK.

I dont get how im unseen lol
I’m totally fine with people also being on CF for all the reasons you’ve stated, I would just prefer to find the SK today.
I’m not sure what info we can gather overnight to help us find that SK. It’s only good roles getting killed tonight.

Also notice omg has arrived on queue.
Or i live in WA and came online for my works meeting over MS teams. Was also tagged.
Omgfridge because he may be of the evil variety. I apologise but I have not had a chance to read as I am flat out at work… fridge makes sense because of the kills but it would not be the first assumption made by me that has proven to be incorrect this game!
Omgfridge because he may be of the evil variety. I apologise but I have not had a chance to read as I am flat out at work… fridge makes sense because of the kills but it would not be the first assumption made by me that has proven to be incorrect this game!
I’m totally fine with people also being on CF for all the reasons you’ve stated, I would just prefer to find the SK today.
I’m not sure what info we can gather overnight to help us find that SK. It’s only good roles getting killed tonight.

Also notice omg has arrived on queue.
Let's do omg tomorrow then , we can't lose tonight
Yesterday in particular. And not a peep until you have accrued some votes.
Alright i mean i posted all day until the deadline. Not sure there was much else to add during the night. Seemed odd to vote last night but thats just me.

Youre making it harder for yourself but village should still win.

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