Trav Cloke to Carlton..? say it isn't so..

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I reckon even with all his flaws Trav's worth close to 500K per year. That said won't be the end of the world if we lose him.

Depends on which team we lose him to. Think about it, we have a hard time controling Lance Franklin, so I think we will have a hard time controling Travis.
Everyone is having a dig at David (and I agree) however Trav is proving exactly why we didn't choose him in our leadership group.

Instead of having a sulk that he isn't in the group and other trivial s*it, why doesn't he put his head down work at his game and set an example to the group?

Poor stuff Trav, sign your contract and prove that you are worthy.
Depends on which team we lose him to. Think about it, we have a hard time controling Lance Franklin, so I think we will have a hard time controling Travis.

I'd only spew if Trav went to carlscum.
You can't compare Cloke to Buddy, Cloke got taken to the cleaners by Shoenmakers last year :)
Instead of having a sulk that he isn't in the group and other trivial s*it, why doesn't he put his head down work at his game and set an example to the group?

The leadership stuff was all bullshit from his dad to try and give a credible reason why he might be disillusioned and want to move on. Travis wouldn't really have a problem with not being in the leadership group, lets face it the kid is as dumb as they come, he might be well liked but he's not a leader.

Also hilarious to see David backpeddling now. I can totally see whats happened here, he's got on radio and not wanting to commit to Collingwood 100% and weaken his bargaining position he's mentioned the draft not realising it might be big news if the manager of a premiership CHF says he might leave and go into the draft. He's probably shit himself when he realised how big a **** up he's just made.
Don't need a title to be a Leader, Trav.

But seriously, who are the players who have come in later and had a look into the leadership group? Ball and Jolly- Sorry Trav, these guys ooze leadership class. Pendle, Heath Shaw (who was touted as a future captain before the drinky/drivey plus I think he came in before Trav), Harry O?

Toughen up. Sign a two year contract. Kick a ton of goals and in another flag and then you can almost write your own ticket.

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Unlike the usual circle jerk by supporters who thinks every player with a premiership medallion are vital parts to the team, Cloke IS a vital part, if he leaves we have no one that can play his role, Dawes will have trouble with the best defender every week and Anthony is no where near the physical presence that Cloke is.

Cloke's best season was still 07 though but this year was an improvement over the last couple of seasons, I wouldn't give him a paycut but a pay raise (if any) must be incentive based. I am fine with him leaving as long as it is via a trade so we get proper compensation for him, losing him for nothing would be stupid.

Maybe Eddie can "trip" and "drop" a bag of cash in front of Trav :D
Unlike the usual circle jerk by supporters who thinks every player with a premiership medallion are vital parts to the team, Cloke IS a vital part, if he leaves we have no one that can play his role, Dawes will have trouble with the best defender every week and Anthony is no where near the physical presence that Cloke is.

Cloke's best season was still 07 though but this year was an improvement over the last couple of seasons, I wouldn't give him a paycut but a pay raise (if any) must be incentive based. I am fine with him leaving as long as it is via a trade so we get proper compensation for him, losing him for nothing would be stupid.

Maybe Eddie can "trip" and "drop" a bag of cash in front of Trav :D

Have you calculated Tarrant into the equation? He gives our structure some flexibility.
some borderline hysterical comments about trav here. his dad's a fair unit but trav is p cool. loves the club. chill; it'll get sorted out. :cool:

As for Cloke's comments, Walsh said: "I'm not disappointed, it is what it is. I can't control anything other than my own statements or my own emotions.

friggen sage. :D
^ Walsh is a ripper. That statement is totally hardarse!!

Btw, Ricky Nixon was on SEN this morning and was asked about the Cloke situation and basically said that negotiating with emotions involved is very difficult and clouds your judgement. He found it strange that any manager would suddenly come out in the last day of trading with those sort of statements and that the deal really should have been done 12 weeks ago when the potential cash from GC was such a threat.

He also pointed out that David is at a distinct disadvantage as he only managers one player and does not have a grip on what other players get, what deals are done, or any feel for what is the correct money.

Lastly, he said there is no way that any club has $500,000 available in its salary cap right now to draft him. These things take planning.

Trav clearly is going nowhere.
Have you calculated Tarrant into the equation? He gives our structure some flexibility.

Taz haven't played as a full time forward for 2 years now, he can sneak forward and kick goals but can't be relied upon as your main man anymore, would be a disaster if we lost Cloke and replaced him with Taz.

This. Surely people don't expect Cloke senior not to try and get the best possible deal he can for his client/son? I put player managers right up (down) there with real estate agents and used car sales men but they still have a job to do and if they didn't try and get the most for their clients they'd be doing a real shit job at it. It's a pain in the arse but also a fact of life unfortunately.

Yea i agree! I could imagine my old man doing similar and saying "I'll handle this, you've got to be hard and never flinch......let me play the bad guy and I'll push hard and get you an extra $150k+ over 2 years."

Then you'd walk in and when the other players gave you some stick you'd just shake your head and say "the old man is a f***ing hard bastard but i wasn't going anywhere no matter what! Managed to get some extra coin out of Ed though so the milky bars are on me boys"

And that would be the end of it!

The only real error Damir has made was airing his sons bitching about leadership! Leaders stand up when the pressure is on and so far he hasn't done that!

Screw leadership and concentrate on kicking goals consistently!

I'd have a shitload on it that if David Cloke went O.S. for a year living in the middle of nowhere with no TV access, Trav's kicking would improve out of sight!

As stupid as it may seem to think his old man could be having an effect when 60,000 + 300,000 on TV watch him every week, there is something about knowing ya dad is watching and not wanting to let him down and hearing all the comments and advice he has given you during the week etc and bang, it's another behind!

The boy needs to move out of home at the very least!

Someone find a way to ship David off to Bumf**k Idaho for a year and we'll be in great shape for back to back!
"I haven't spoken to Collingwood today, there's nothing planned. They had things to do and I've been busy myself, but we'll get together sometime this week."

busy with what? the bottle o we gave him in the 80s?
For all the crap David and Travis have copped the supporters are doing the exact same thing. From the outset it was clear Trav wasn't leaving, As Ricky Nixon mentioned this morning if he was willing to leave they would have made himself avalible to speak to clubs much earlier. These things take time and planning and can't be done overnight. As Nixon also mentioned no club has that kind of cap space spare after trade week. Any room would now be taken up by foward ending contracts etc, it would be horrible management by a club to just leave a lazy half mill spare in the cap.

So the fact is Trav was always going to stay and David made a mistake in attempting to push the clubs hand and made a stupid, emotional comment on air without fully understanding the consequences.

In reply we have a fair amount of supporters who make stupid emotional comments about Trav or going into panic mode about whether he is going or not when clearly if it was going to happen it would have come up before now.
Listen the problem with Cloke going into the draft as an uncontracted player we get nothing for him.I reckon sign him on a big pay packet for 2 years then trade him ,at least we would get something for him then.

What Damir Cloke must realise is that if Travis goes to any other club he would be undere enormous pressure to kick goals week in week out.

At the pies Cloke simply plays a role and we have at least 9 other goal kickers,imagine if ewe didn't win the flag because of Cloke's innacurate kicking what would damir be saying then?

No way he would get to Carlton that scum bag Swan ,has been orchestrating this for a while now,but he won;t get his wish.

If cloke went into the draft ,Gold Coast have first choice to him ,then West Coast then Richmond,oh and Melbourne would jump at cloke.

So best bet is Travis signs with the pies and moves out of home then dumps hois father and gets a real manager!

Heard that Gold Coast were chasing cloke but dropped off last minute because they didn't want to deal with Damir Cloke!
Cloke is simply not for sale under any circumstances. He is 23 and not even in his prime!

He is one of the most important players in our team.

As much as it pains me to say it, without Travis, our window pretty much slams shut.

Pies know this, they will not allow him to leave.

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Trav Cloke to Carlton..? say it isn't so..

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