Other Trick Plays

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Re: Trick Plays in the NFL

This would be a good trick play.

Doug Flutie once told me that he was going to write an article called, "Ways To Win That Coaches Never Think Of," and one of his last minute drive ideas was to throw a pass to the kicker, cutting across the field, and then have him stop and dropkick one through. The idea died a couple of years later when the league outlawed kicks while the game was in progress, but Flutie got a chance to dropkick an extra point later on in his career. Once, I was awarded the honor of being allowed to call one play for the Newport Beach High School alumni against the Newport varsity, and I called a long pass off a quarterback kneel at the end of the half. The play was dead when the safetyman began screaming, "Trick! Trick!," but damned if Bill Walsh didn't do the same thing to the Cards, when Jim Hanifan coached them. What made his idea loony was that it was at then end of the game and served no purpose whatsoever, and Hanifan was so mad he chased him off the field, all the way to the locker room.

I remember calling Walsh a couple of days later and asking him what he was thinking of. The time to have done it was at the end of the HALF, not the game itself.

"A poor decision," Walsh said in that scholarly way of his. "Very ill advised."
Re: Youtube of American Football

Can anyone find a good youtube clip of Robert Royals TD for the Browns in Wk15 vs the Bengals? It was a pretty good trick play with only 3 men at the LOS and each OT split out wide

With the NFL now causing youtube to delete 90% of videos, this is the best you will get...


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What this thread needs actually is a series of videos of "Trick Plays Gone Wrong". That's been unexplored.

One I remember mostly, apart from the terrible Skins one from a couple years ago on MNF, which I posted a video of in the previous page, but probably got deleted from youtube.....is the one where the Eagles with Sav Rocco at holder on a FG try to do that fancy one where the holder from his knees just tosses it up in the air and the wing-back from the back side is supposed to run across and pluck it out of the air and make a dash...but instead a Panthers kick rusher from the other side plucks it out and takes it back for a 70 yard TD.
Did I hear "trick play"?

Well, I guess I'll just include it :p :cool:

What was this play again? Can you find another version on youtube or the net?

Also, looking for the Browns trick play vs the Patriots from a few years ago, as well as Zorn's fake Punt play....both plays deleted from youtube
What was this play again? Can you find another version on youtube or the net?
I cant remember, but knowing me it was probably;


That was taken on the 1st or 2nd down on goal to go.
This was 3rd down
That play is pretty common in the NCAA, have seen it many times already this season.
Either the QB tosses it to the Tailback who hands it off to the WR on an endaround who then throws the pass to the QB.
Or the QB tosses it to the Flanker on a jet sweep, who then hands it off to the Split End on the reverse who then throws the pass to the QB.

But the lineman TD throw is a new one I've never seen before. Tho it's pretty obvious what's happening when he shifts to the QB position, but by then I guess the defense is too confused and the play then works.

What wrinkle they could add in future is having the QB standing behind center, and the lineman shifts to a Tailback position, who then receives the direct snap.
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Other Trick Plays

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