Trump - Harris Presidential Election 2024

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It will be interesting to see what traction he can generate in the next few days. Not surprising about Ted Cruz and a few others who are probably looking for a big payout in 2024 if Trump can still keep the train moving. Then again, maybe these guys are looking for a short term payout when Trump returns to his real estate life. Slightly surprised by the personal intimidation of the officials. He usually gets others to do it. Probably shows that he is going to play his ace card in the coming weeks and get himself a pardon. He probably thinks he's got nothing to lose.

Just another example of trump claiming that others are doing things, that he himself is doing. It seems to be a pattern. We have some evidence that biden's son used joe's influence, but the stuff against the trump clan in their real estate dealings over the last year is out in the open. Likewise the evidence of his intimidation and threats here, is far stronger than any rumours against the democrats of doctoring the election. Then there's the harassments claims against Biden which pale against the mountain of evidence against Trump.

The trump strategy is to accuse democrats of the same corruption, intimidation, sexual assault etc etc that he is doing, with the view of persuading his fans to think "well they all do it, so i'm going to back trump because he's a winner". And I think he's done a good job with it. I doubt the handover to Biden is going to put anything more than a dent in the trump train, although not being president is going to rein back his influence..... you can imagine how that phone call would have gone if trump was just a private citizen. The next few days are going to be interesting just to see how much of a speedbump trump can generate. The changeover is a few weeks will be hs final opportunity to generate momentum.

His making Nixon look like a saint.
The corruption in US politics is deep and longstanding.

Robert Caro's biographies of LBJ contain some insightful overviews of many and varied practices, including the shameless stuffing of ballot boxes and the purchase of electoral officials.

Republican and Democrat, Northerners and Southerners, progressive and conservative, they've all mastered the dark arts.

But what Don is doing is different.

The race has been run and won, and he's a loser, but he wants to overturn the result by creating a fiction that the will of the people has been cheated, and all the while it is his lies --and the perpetuation of them by the faithful-- which poses the greatest threat to the Union.

What a nasty piece of work! What a mob of imbeciles and lunatics to cheer such a tremendous turd!
His making Nixon look like a saint.
The corruption in US politics is deep and longstanding.

i have to admit that I'm finding it hard to see too great a distinction between the trump and the swamp. This whole trump thing has been brewing for decades. And it's more than just the people, the system is nurturing corruption. The voting system and how its run. The funding of elections. The presidential pardon is so obviously a trigger for corruption, it's hard to conceive how they could have inserted it, especially when presidents are constrained so much - at least domestically.

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And these guys deserved pardons?

Interesting how 2 minutes undercovers interesting connections......Trump - Education secretary Betsy Devos - sister of Erik Prince......chinese owned investment company...

Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s new company has reportedly set up shop in Iraq
Ryan Pickrell, Business Insider
April 29, 2019
Blackwater founder Erik Prince arrives for a closed meeting in November 2017 with members of the House Intelligence Committee in Washington. (Jacquelyn Martin/AP)
Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s new company is reportedly operating in Iraq, a country from which his former company was banned for killing civilians.
A subsidiary of Frontier Services Group, a security and logistics company Prince founded in Hong Kong, has set up shop in Basra, Iraq, BuzzFeed News reported Saturday, citing official documents. The subsidiary, the Dubai-based Frontier Logistics Consultancy DMCC, has officially registered as a foreign company with Iraq’s Ministry of Trade, an official document from last year shows

Prince, a former Navy SEAL, founded FSG with Chinese funding in 2014 after resigning as the CEO of the infamous private military company Blackwater in 2009. Blackwater, which already had a bad reputation for suspected misconduct and fraud, was banned from Iraq in 2007 after contractors opened fire on unarmed civilians in Baghdad’s Nissour Square. The team killed 14 Iraqi civilians.

With support from CITIC, a Chinese state-owned investment group, Prince founded FSG. And, like Blackwater, Prince’s new company is no stranger to controversy.
This edited tape proves nothing.
I expected nothing less from you Pinky.
At least you resisted the “fake news” comment.

The fascinating thing about the tapes is that they have been released by Republicans. Either at State or Federal level.
Maybe the party faithful are slowly waking up to the fact they’ve been following a megalomaniac.
I expected nothing less from you Pinky.
At least you resisted the “fake news” comment.

The fascinating thing about the tapes is that they have been released by Republicans. Either at State or Federal level.
Maybe the party faithful are slowly waking up to the fact they’ve been following a megalomaniac.
Not fake news just not newsworthy it is a nothing story.
Not fake news just not newsworthy it is a nothing story.
A President of the United States tries to manipulate officials of a state to falsify voting results?
A President of the United States tries to bully officials of a State by trying to make their actions “criminal”.
These things are on record and can be heard from the President of the United States own mouth.

The most damning thing that shoots down your “nothing” assertion is that Trump, the White House and the Republican Party have not responded to the media asking for comment on the tape.
If there truly was “nothing to see here” then they would be on the front foot shooting it down.
Even Trump is struggling to shoot this one down.

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A President of the United States tries to manipulate officials of a state to falsify voting results?
A President of the United States tries to bully officials of a State by trying to make their actions “criminal”.
These things are on record and can be heard from the President of the United States own mouth.

The most damning thing that shoots down your “nothing” assertion is that Trump, the White House and the Republican Party have not responded to the media asking for comment on the tape.
If there truly was “nothing to see here” then they would be on the front foot shooting it down.
Even Trump is struggling to shoot this one down.
Manipulate officials?
Bully officials?
What tape did you listen to?
So you think Trump is committing fraud here?
You don't care about voter fraud as long as it keeps Biden in power.
Manipulate officials?
Bully officials?
What tape did you listen to?
So you think Trump is committing fraud here?
You don't care about voter fraud as long as it keeps Biden in power.
I care about facts.
And the facts are that you, Johnny and Trump acolytes have been saying for months now that you have proof of voter fraud.
Not one of you have bought forward any proof that has withstood scrutiny from courts throughout the USofA.
As far as the tape goes, I’ll defer to the people who make their living from the law.

There is a strong case that Trump violated a Georgia law against soliciting election fraud, as well as a similar federal law, according to Anthony Michael Kreis, a law professor at Georgia State University.

Trump insisted: “There’s no way I lost Georgia. There’s no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes.” He went on to suggest that Raffensperger could face a criminal investigation. “You know what they did and you’re not reporting it,” Trump said. “You know, that’s a criminal offence. And you know, you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan [Germany], your lawyer. That’s a big risk.”
The University of Richmond law professor Carl Tobias said Trump might be “in legal jeopardy after Biden is inaugurated”. In an email to the Guardian, he wrote: “For example, if the justice department or US attorneys believe that Trump violated federal law, or if local prosecutors in states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, where Trump may have engaged in similar behaviour with state or local election officials, believe that Trump violated state election laws, the federal or state prosecutors could file suit against Trump.”

Richard H Pildes, a constitutional law professor at New York University, told the Washington Post: “The president is either knowingly attempting to coerce state officials into corrupting the integrity of the election or is so deluded that he believes what he’s saying.” Trump’s actions may have violated federal statutes, he said.

Michael R Bromwich, a former federal prosecutor in the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, wrote: “Unless there are portions of the tape that somehow negate criminal intent, ‘I just want to find 11,780 votes’ and his threats against Raffensperger and his counsel violate 52 U.S. Code 20511.”
The strangest thing about the trump supporters is that they think the politicans and others who are pushing for trump to continue as president are doing it because they want to right a wrong or because trump was cheated out of a win. Of course that isnt their motive. They have been intimidated or paid off or any one of the other reasons that come under the umbrella of self-interest. The fact is trump has an enviable record of scamming the system. I think quite a few of them are taking a punt and hoping to get a major payout by backing trump. The next few days will be interesting..
The fascinating thing about the tapes is that they have been released by Republicans. Either at State or Federal level.
Maybe the party faithful are slowly waking up to the fact they’ve been following a megalomaniac.
More likely they’ve reassessed the situation over time and realised it is no longer in their best interests to continue to align themselves with the megalomaniac.
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