Twiggy sticks a great big log up Rudd

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You'll love Gillard's massive backdown tomorrow - happy about that?

Massive backdown ? Thats cheerleading.

It all sounds like a better solution. The removal of the tax-breaks component sounds like a massive win from the government.

Although they've dropped an estimated $1.5b, the bottom line is that all that will impact is a 1% less drop on company tax.

Sounds like sanity has prevailed.

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No, I said it because, on the basis of fairfax leaks, it's true ... and you know it..

Eagle's, I'm sure you know your way around a tax form, and for all I know that may be your sorry profession, but dont hide behind it to disguise your extreme right wing views.

You dont want mining taxed anymore than it is, and are using the complexities of adding new taxes on it as means to justify your views.
Sounds like sanity has prevailed.

As opposed to the insanity that was the original proposal that you thought was a good idea. That the Government had previously refused to negotiate on.

It sounds like a more workable solution may have been reached. If only the government had the foresight to discuss the tax like they have now before including it in the budget.
As opposed to the insanity that was the original proposal that you thought was a good idea. That the Government had previously refused to negotiate on.

It sounds like a more workable solution may have been reached. If only the government had the foresight to discuss the tax like they have now before including it in the budget.

Other threads have exposed the myth that there was no consulation before the announcement. No need to continue propogating it here.

But I must admit, its set a precident. Ive booked in next Tuesday week with Gillard to renegotiate my tax rate. I'm not sure where a home-made ad on TVS is going to have much sway though.
Other threads have exposed the myth that there was no consulation before the announcement. No need to continue propogating it here.

Bullshit they have.

It all sounds like a better solution.


I can't believe how blatant and transparent you guys are; back something to the absolute hilt when your Government was pushing it, and as soon as they concede it was a cluster****, you praise them for changing it?

Proof that you don't actually evaluate or consider any proposal yourself, and just follow the (in this case, moronic) line spouted by your Political idols.

And you feel justified in calling other people fanboys?

I can't believe how blatant and transparent you guys are; back something to the absolute hilt when your Government was pushing it, and as soon as they concede it was a cluster****, you praise them for changing it?

Proof that you don't actually evaluate or consider any proposal yourself, and just follow the (in this case, moronic) line spouted by your Political idols.

And you feel justified in calling other people fanboys?

I agree with the sentiment generally, I really do, but this is political grandstanding and doesn't reflect on the quality of the original policy. It's a new PM washing her hands of the other bloke and looking like a hard arse that gets shit done. The mining dispute has been fish in a barrell stuff for Gillard.

Expect to see more of it. It's not overly impressive politics from my POV, rather compltely obvious and easy to get done, but it will have a tremendous effect on how she is received.
Bullshit they have.

My word they have.


I can't believe how blatant and transparent you guys are; back something to the absolute hilt when your Government was pushing it, and as soon as they concede it was a cluster****, you praise them for changing it?

Proof that you don't actually evaluate or consider any proposal yourself, and just follow the (in this case, moronic) line spouted by your Political idols.

And you feel justified in calling other people fanboys?

I know this is a hard concept keep. And tax is a complicated topic which mostly goes over your head, but let me put it this way.

The "labour fanboi's" wanted an increase in miners tax. They got it. Wasnt quite original model, but thats negotiations.

The "liberal fanboi's" wanted no increase in miners tax. They got sold out by BHP, Rio, etc.

You lose.
Doctor I knew I have seen you before....................

I must admit I never bothered understanding the tax because politics suggested it wouldnt last anyway.

I'm sure 99.9% of people in here are the same.

it was a political issue in the end.

I was merely specualting How Twiggy went from a BF hero to BF zero. Im sure he cares though.....

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I agree with the sentiment generally, I really do, but this is political grandstanding and doesn't reflect on the quality of the original policy. It's a new PM washing her hands of the other bloke and looking like a hard arse that gets shit done. The mining dispute has been fish in a barrell stuff for Gillard.

Expect to see more of it. It's not overly impressive politics from my POV, rather compltely obvious and easy to get done, but it will have a tremendous effect on how she is received.

Agree completely mate; I called it the day Gillard took Office.

They need to distance her from Rudd; this issue is the most obvious one - she looks like a genius because she doesn't implement a tax that was so stupid that nobody in their right mind would implement. She's being praised for not doing something stupid and unworkable,.

Which makes the crap from people like Doctor Jolly even more amusing. They almost completely backed the RSPT from day one, regardless of what information was put in front of them.

It has now been revised, which anybody reasonable realises was done for politically expedient reasons, and they're carrying on like she's a Hero.

I know this is a hard concept keep. And tax is a complicated topic which mostly goes over your head, but let me put it this way.

The "labour fanboi's" wanted an increase in miners tax. They got it. Wasnt quite original model, but thats negotiations.

The "liberal fanboi's" wanted no increase in miners tax. They got sold out by BHP, Rio, etc.

You lose.

Goes over my head does it? My knowledge is nowhere near as detailed as Eagle87's, but I think these threads have shown I've got you covered. Although that doesn't really contradict your point that it mostly goes over my head.

The Labor fanboys (ie, YOU), wanted the tax kept, in it's original format, without any alterations what so ever.

Most Liberal fanboys were comfortable with the royalty scheme being reviewed, under consultation with the mining industry, and a new, realistic tax structure being implemented.

I'm not surprised you're trying to turn it around now, but really, anybody who has read the threads on this knows that you're hypocrite who blindly follows the ill-informed rants of the Labor Government.
Agree completely mate; I called it the day Gillard took Office.

They need to distance her from Rudd; this issue is the most obvious one - she looks like a genius because she doesn't implement a tax that was so stupid that nobody in their right mind would implement. She's being praised for not doing something stupid and unworkable,.

Which makes the crap from people like Doctor Jolly even more amusing. They almost completely backed the RSPT from day one, regardless of what information was put in front of them.

It has now been revised, which anybody reasonable realises was done for politically expedient reasons, and they're carrying on like she's a Hero.

Goes over my head does it? My knowledge is nowhere near as detailed as Eagle87's, but I think these threads have shown I've got you covered. Although that doesn't really contradict your point that it mostly goes over my head.

The Labor fanboys (ie, YOU), wanted the tax kept, in it's original format, without any alterations what so ever.

Most Liberal fanboys were comfortable with the royalty scheme being reviewed, under consultation with the mining industry, and a new, realistic tax structure being implemented.

I'm not surprised you're trying to turn it around now, but really, anybody who has read the threads on this knows that you're hypocrite who blindly follows the ill-informed rants of the Labor Government.

Whatever floats your boat Elvis, but you seem to be at odds with your liberal leader who is still against any new tax on mining.

Maybe you're really a Gillard fanboi after all. You seem pretty impressed so far.
Whatever floats your boat Elvis, but you seem to be at odds with your liberal leader who is still against any new tax on mining.

I don't change my position on a daily basis depending on what the Leader of a Political Party says; must be a confusing concept for you :p

Maybe you're really a Gillard fanboi after all. You seem pretty impressed so far.

Her and Swan are way too compromised from their performances during Rudd's time, can't take either of them seriously.
We can sum it up simply in this way.

New mining tax = 12 billion in revenue. Call it a backdown all you want, but we all know that this $12 billion 'compromise' is more than the Liberals had in mind. I'll take a $12 billion windfall V nothing, any day of the week.

Normal people will take that every time, but Liberal ideologues...well they can keep crying into their chardonnays.
We can sum it up simply in this way.

New mining tax = 12 billion in revenue. Call it a backdown all you want, but we all know that this $12 billion 'compromise' is more than the Liberals had in mind. I'll take a $12 billion windfall V nothing, any day of the week.

Normal people will take that every time, but Liberal ideologues...well they can keep crying into their chardonnays.

No, that was the RSPT.

The new mining tax apparently raises 10.5 billion but only because they made an $8 billion error in the original numbers which they only discovered this week.

Based on what they handed back and assuming the original $12 billion was accurate the new mining tax raises $2.5 billion which is oddly the exact amount of the "saving" from removing the exploration tax credit and limiting the corporate tax rate to 29%.

They gave away $12 billion in the deal with miners on the tax. Thats a rout by the miners if you are scoring.
**** me. Now that is priceless.

Just incidentally, does this windfall take into account the royalties rebate?

The negotiated deal made no mention of changes to the royalties credit in the RSPT. It flagged the removal of the credit for exploration expenditure but nothing re royalties. So I assume that royalties is unchanged (from the RSPT plan).

That said, Guru Jane mentioned that Wayne dodged a question on this in the presser to announce the questions... but thats just as likely because Wayne has NFI ...

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Twiggy sticks a great big log up Rudd

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