News Tyson Stengle taken to hospital Saturday night

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I think if he ended up in hospital there is a good chance he misses this week’s game purely out of caution.
All reports are saying he is training well and has no after effects of the spiking. He will play.
I think if he ended up in hospital there is a good chance he misses this week’s game purely out of caution.

But it won’t be because he was dropped or punished. It will be to make sure he is ok medically.
Think it's been said he'll line up for next week.

If they were cautious/thought there was an issue he wouldn't have trained.

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I think if he ended up in hospital there is a good chance he misses this week’s game purely out of caution.

But it won’t be because he was dropped or punished. It will be to make sure he is ok medically.
From all reports he’s expected to play this weekend.
If it was purely because he’s drank too much he would’ve already recovered
I don’t think they drop him at all.
They know he is the type of person who needs support, dropping him for going out on the piss isn’t that IMO
Like Patrick said, he had an error in judgement.
If he repeats I’m in agreement with you
Yeah but it's a slippery slope. I think you have to regardless.
We also don't know if there are any other issues in play, or what they'd be.

It's in Tyson's interests, and that of the club, for them to support him and nurture him.

It isn't the first time a player might've erred, and it won't be the last.

Whatever the circumstances were, I'll back the club to respond appropriately.
Exactly right.

That's an issue in the wider community. We design laws around this idea that people won't break them and hand out punitive punishments.

Instead we need to remember that laws will be broken and ensure that support is given to prevent the incidents repeating.
Let's not jump to conclusions

Alcohol related doesn't necessarily mean he drank himself to stupidity - as more information is being released, there's suggestions his drink may have been spiked

That's still alcohol related but out of the individual's hands
Thank you for being a voice of calm and patience on this thread
True that, unless Danger erred in speaking without knowing
With a matter as sensitive as this one and with a captain as media-aware as Danger, I think the likelihood of him speaking without knowing is close to zero. That being the case, I don't think a drink spiking is being alluded to here at all. The error of judgement was both Tyson's for being there at that time and also Tyson's for drinking to excess.

I trust the club to get it right from here in how they handle the matter. But it is a really bad look for Tys on the back of recently signing a long-term deal at the Cattery. Hopefully this is the reset he needs to get back to better habits for the journey ahead.

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What exactly is the source of this spiking suggestion?
We're working on very little verified info here, and as far as I can tell spiking isn't part of that.
I'm not saying it didn't happen, but until we can identify a source, much less verify that it actually happened, it's just basic speculation.
But the tone of some posts seem to have absorbed this into the narrative as fact.
Where is this spiking nonsense coming from?

People in Geelong have verified he was in the bathroom doing lines.
It is what the Herald Sun were reporting it as....

It is also most likely absolute bull shit of course, but damage control from the club IMO
is "the error of judgement" Danger referred to the spiking?
I don't believe so. I think he was referring to Tyson's choice to go out nightclubbing by himself after they got back from Hobart as an error of judgment. That put Tyson in a position where his drink could be spiked. But it was not Tyson's fault that some f-wit did that to him. Tyson was actually a victim of a crime if his drink was spiked. Don't forget that.

But I am making this statement based on the belief his drink was spiked. All the facts have not been officially released yet.
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What exactly is the source of this spiking suggestion?
We're working on very little verified info here, and as far as I can tell spiking isn't part of that.
I'm not saying it didn't happen, but until we can identify a source, much less verify that it actually happened, it's just basic speculation.
But the tone of some posts seem to have absorbed this into the narrative as fact.
Drink spiking comes more alive during the Olympics.
All this conjecture is not edifying for anyone- this is a case where it should be put to bed with a definitive statement from the club, either way, imho, but there's also a chance the club does not have the info.
define disrepute tho?? The term seems to be very loosely and unfairly applied. It should exist for very immoral actions or behaviors that are essentially unlawful. I don’t agree in its application to players just having a night out and getting overly intoxicated.

I agree those clauses have a purpose, but they are being abused at times with over reactivity.

I think there are great examples of this clause working such as the strike policy on illegal drug usage (which is a crime) and also the tarryn Thomas example of violent sexual harassment towards women.

Stengle getting heavily intoxicated at a club?? Leave the kid alone. Between him and his family and doctors.
Like everything the AFL do, definitions are loosey goosey to apply whenever they see fit
All this conjecture is not edifying for anyone- this is a case where it should be put to bed with a definitive statement from the club, either way, imho, but there's also a chance the club does not have the info.
If the club seriously suspected his drink was spiked, they would surely say so. As Danger has already made a statement on behalf of the club that makes no reference whatsoever to any such subterfuge, I believe it's clear that explanation of events is not in play.

So the next step will surely be a statement from the club on Tyson's behalf, admitting responsibility and declaring his contrition. From there, hopefully a line can be drawn under the whole sorry affair and our #18 can get back to a renewed focus on what he does best. That's the preferable outcome for all parties from here.
Gee I've drank myself to stupidity levels and never looked like needing a hospital. So not buying that one.
When I was spiked at the casino I'd probably just had enough to be over .05 but only just. I'd actually already started leaving when something just came over me.

I put 2 & 2 together and gave the cab driver all of my details including my partners ph number.
I told him I think I must have been spiked and I don't think I'll be awake at the end of the 30 min trip. (I was)

Now I can tell you that there is no way I would have been able to train on the Monday. It wiped me out for 24 hours. I couldn't get out of bed. Admittedly he had medical care and I didn't.

As for drugs. I wouldn't know. It's not my vice.

Either way. He just has to sit out a week. I'm amazed they even let him train.
Drink spiking comes more alive during the Olympics.
All this conjecture is not edifying for anyone- this is a case where it should be put to bed with a definitive statement from the club, either way, imho, but there's also a chance the club does not have the info.
Sure, ideally the club should release a more definitive statement. But, as you say, they may not have that info, or perhaps they might feel (along with Tyson himself), that it's no-one elses business.

Either way, that doesn't absolve posters from recognising that what they're doing is engaging in a speculative narrative that they're presenting as fact.

The club, nor Tyson, shouldn't be responsible for people who don't understand the difference between conjecture and verifiable evidence.

I recognise, of course, that there are some who don't care, or just like the drama, but equally, there are others that should, and in fact do, know better.

Tyson is a real guy, with real shjt going on. If people say they genuinely care about his well being, then maybe put the theorising to bed.
Ch 7 just reported that Tyson is unlikely to receive any punishment from the club and remains likely to play on Saturday.

Also mentioned that he will undergo a booze ban - this must be self-imposed if the club isn’t overseeing it?
With a matter as sensitive as this one and with a captain as media-aware as Danger, I think the likelihood of him speaking without knowing is close to zero. That being the case, I don't think a drink spiking is being alluded to here at all. The error of judgement was both Tyson's for being there at that time and also Tyson's for drinking to excess.

I trust the club to get it right from here in how they handle the matter. But it is a really bad look for Tys on the back of recently signing a long-term deal at the Cattery. Hopefully this is the reset he needs to get back to better habits for the journey ahead.


Thats it , he has just had too much to drink

I can remember years back Percy Jones a bit of a character and Blues Premiership Ruckman he ran/owned that inner city hotel in Melb for about 25 years

And about 10 years ago approx , what happened about 4pm one day the ambulance got called out their , someone had too much to drink , so they carted him off to hospital or wherever

However the next day ( and thats why there was a bit of a story about it ) the ambulance got called out their again . And it was the same ambulance driver , and he jokingly said to Percy , what are you putting in the beer mate , and Percy replied nothing , the patron has obviously just had too much to drink

And that is exactly what has happened with Stengle , out celebrating the win and drank too much

He is a tremendous player , highly skilled, kicked some ripper goals , and is exciting to watch , very important cog in the flag win 2022

I dont trust Geel circa 2024 , so i dont want him dropped even against the lowly Crows . Stengle just has to be careful with his off field behaviour , because as good as player as he is , it will wear thin with the club

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News Tyson Stengle taken to hospital Saturday night

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