Uh oh! Buddy's developed a comfort eating problem in a bid to kick his drug habit!

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He's been rocking the Tummy Porkins / Gutflop / Bitchtits preseason diet! :huh:


That's not his gut. It's a couple of keys of Colombia's finest duct taped to his stomach, Midnight Express style.

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The DailyMail is the equivalent of Who, New Idea, Woman's Weekly and all those other trashy fem mags. Been photo-shopped no doubt.
I see the Hawks have matured since I started a thread titled Budd-E when he was at the Hawks and they cried to the mods and forced them to delete it.

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As much as I don't believe he has genuine mental health issues (as opposed to cocaine withdrawal based depression), one of the side effects of depression and bipolar medication is weight gain.

Just saying.
The like was for your new av!
I see the Hawks have matured since I started a thread titled Budd-E when he was at the Hawks and they cried to the mods and forced them to delete it.
Ahhh, the past. Obviously more appealing than the upcoming season, which promises little by way of success for Hawfs.
Yeah because 13 Premierships in a touch over 50 years is not as impressive as 2 AFL sponsored Flags in over 80 years.

The Hawks will win another Flag before the COLA does and you know why?

Until the COLA get rid of the same blokes that shit themselves in a GF (you know who I am talking about) they will not win one.

What have the Hawks done to the COLA that has upset you soooo much?

I wonder what it could be. ;)