Umpire Mollison & Joel Selwood

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Umpires talk to players plenty... would not care an iota if Pendlebury did the same, nothing issue from a nothing incident.

If memory serves O'Brian got the free kick anyway - for a high tackle against Selwood.... which is pretty ironic. Maybe that's what they were laughing about.
nothing more than a token free since the umpires had denied Collingwood all quarter long...
Nothing wrong with talking to an umpire to gain clarification but for me it was a bad look and I was livid after having a qtr where our only free kick was a token one with 5 seconds left. I genuinely do not believe that deals are done or that umpires overly favour particular players but it wasn't appropriate to be laughing and chatting each other up in the middle of a game, particularly one with so much riding on it.
Players (ie. Selwood's) are favoured because they are very skilled at finding free kicks that others perhaps can't, ducking the head and looking for contact. This is different it must be said to staging which I see as working outside the rules of the game, feigning contact etc., because there is no doubt that Joel Selwood gets hit as hard as anyone

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Umpires can have a laugh with players but it has to be in the right context. For example a funny incident on the field that we all have a laugh over. Anything else looks bad from a professional point of view.
Especially if it is with someone who is perceived rightly or wrongly as being favoured by umps.

....Which is exactly what this was. Harry O had just carried on like a headless chook right in front of Selwood & the Ump when Harry O actually got a free. Siren goes, umpire and Selwood both laughing about it. Don't need to be a lip reader to figure that one out!
talking about context here. the ump in question had just demanded an opposition player stop verballing Selwood for some unknown reason.
You have no idea what was actually said, so stop fictionalizing. Isn't it enough you won?
What's going on here? Did his block and gave Harry a dressing down for giving Selwood a mouthful. So which rule is being broken here. If none - what the hell was he doing. No one spoke to Selwood last week when he was giving it to Essendon players after the 3/4 time siren.

Then to make it worse they walk off the ground like old mates laughing their heads off. Was a very poor look - especially for the number one free kick recipient for the past 6-7 years. Maybe laughing at the 8 to 1 that drove the 3rd quarter revival?

it wasnt just a mouthful he was on top of him wrestling. the umpire could ave reversed the free if he had've done it any longer
I thought the ump telling Harry to 'calm down' was poor. He was simply showing some passion and bite - no need for the umpire to tell him off like a school teacher telling off an infant...

I agree that it looked extremely questionable when Selwood and the ump were strolling off the ground together, laughing and in each others loving embrace. Sometimes I wonder what deal he has going on with this mob!
So what should have the umpire said "Have a go at him ya mug?" Would you prefer the umpire to do nothing Harry get carried away and do something that gets him suspended?
So what should have the umpire said "Have a go at him ya mug?" Would you prefer the umpire to do nothing Harry get carried away and do something that gets him suspended?
no. would just prefer him to do his job properly which was hardly the case last night and stop trying to be celebraties. Chamberlain's umpiring in favour of Geelong in the third was extraordinary.
no. would just prefer him to do his job properly which was hardly the case last night and stop trying to be celebraties. Chamberlain's umpiring in favour of Geelong in the third was extraordinary.
So the umpires job isn't to ensure that a small incident doesn't develop into something bigger?

Joel Selwood and Umpire Mollison were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me!

Seriously, guys, even most Geelong fans have acknowledged we got the best of the umpiring last night but the better team won so why are people still whinging? Do people honestly think Selwood and Mollison were openly conspiring on the footy field or laughing about the lopsided free kick count? Surely that would betray the Machiavellian scheme they'd concocted secretly beforehand.

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Umpires and selwoods...
A bloody joke
Yep, umpires love them because it gives them a reason to get themselves into the action by paying endless free kicks. Hopefully one day there are some umpires that we don't even talk about or notice because they just umpire and don't bloody draw the attention to themselves whenever they can.
Umpires, if you want to get into the action, take up playing footy again. Don't try to involve yourselves in the action as an umpire though.
(I'm an umpire too by the way)
I thought the ump telling Harry to 'calm down' was poor. He was simply showing some passion and bite - no need for the umpire to tell him off like a school teacher telling off an infant...

I agree that it looked extremely questionable when Selwood and the ump were strolling off the ground together, laughing and in each others loving embrace. Sometimes I wonder what deal he has going on with this mob!

....and if Harry hadn't have calmed down and the umpire reversed his decision you'd be on other threads or starting your own and squealing like a stuck pig because the umpire changed his mind without giving Harry any warning. :rolleyes:

Fair dinkum, how would some of you soft lot have coped in the days of umpires having a drink with players after the game in the home club's, social rooms?

I can't believe some of the trivial crap that people choose to piss and moan about on this sight at times. It's like people don't even watch the actual game, they just sit there waiting to be offended by something so that they can jump online and start a conversation about it.

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Umpire Mollison & Joel Selwood

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