US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

The Next President and VP will be?

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This thread is continued in... The Aftermath

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you watched 1 whole minute?

do you only have the patience of a toddler?
Nothing there for the nuanced right-leaning centrist such as yourself?
People spam video links here regularly. This one is nearly an hour long. Do you have the time to watch an hour long vid every time one is shared? I got washing to put out man.
Give us a time stamp then. I watched the first minute and it was just Chas and some ABC w***er fellating one another about how bad orange man is.

Not sure what episode you were watching if that's your take on the first minute. It was quick chat about how the 2nd debate was much better and more substantive, with Trump seemingly haven taken advice about not deliberately turning the thing into a car crash and doing his re-election chances no favours in the process - if you can't accept that's what happened in debate 1 you're simply not within cooee of reality.

The part I was referring to begins at 4 mins 10 seconds then goes for about 3 minutes. Even starts of with a debunking of Biden's claim that 50 odd ex-intelligence staff have said its bullshit, which should get you hot to trot :tearsofjoy:

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LOL at Police not doing anything while these scumbag Antifa no job losers throw eggs/vandalise/steal flags from Trump supporters cars

We need to name these Antifa and pass the info on to the FBI.
Come on guys, it's not too late to join the side of light. Leave this Covidian cult of fear and death behind you - remove the mask. Free yourself and our children from this nightmare. How many mountainous countries will Biden invade? How many new color revolutions? Join the light. Unhinge yourself from the mindless celebrity culture. It's 24/7 BS cancel culture. Think about the steady erosion of your freedoms to speak, to think, and now your not even free to leave your house.

How did we come to accept that it is ok to censor one side but allow the other free reign? How on earth did progressives end up being supported by the establishment press and the biggest corporations in the world? How does that make any sense? Come - release yourself.
He did win that poll.. when you exclude the likley millions of illegal immigrants who voted for Hillary.
illegal immigrants dont have citizenship and therefore are not allowed to vote.

you somehow believe nearly 3 million non citizens implemented a co-ordinated approach to vote illegally using fake names with fake addresses that somehow hasnt been detected by authorities? even if they could orchestrate such a plan (which would be impossible to go undetected) what i cant figure out is why any of them would do it? For what point? The penalities for being caught are huge. What exactly would be the benefits to get 1 vote in?
Fair play to you Seeds but you are wasting your time - our conservative friends have gone so far off the deep end and they aren't coming back any time soon.
Not sure what episode you were watching if that's your take on the first minute. It was quick chat about how the 2nd debate was much better and more substantive, with Trump seemingly haven taken advice about not deliberately turning the thing into a car crash and doing his re-election chances no favours in the process - if you can't accept that's what happened in debate 1 you're simply not within cooee of reality.

The part I was referring to begins at 4 mins 10 seconds then goes for about 3 minutes. Even starts of with a debunking of Biden's claim that 50 odd ex-intelligence staff have said its bullshit, which should get you hot to trot :tearsofjoy:
Ok, so it's just "the Bidens are corrupt as shit, but what specific law did they break? Which law? Which law !?"

So Trump was impeached for looking into perfectly valid bribery, and we all gon sit here like "wait wat - look over there!"

It's like if someone informed you of your mrs cheating with another man, and you shoot the messenger instead of confronting your mrs. Conveniently straight after the Mueller Report was shown up as a nothingburger.

"No u" 😂😂
Now if they did not have the vote - no lockdown would ever have taken place.
Yep, why should police get a vote. They don't produce anything after all.

Ironclad logic there mate, you've convinced me. Meanwhile your vote and anyone who can prove they read ZeroHedge should obviously count for double :tearsofjoy:
Aren't NASA employees government employees? DENY THEM THE VOTE!!! PROPOSITION 566693
Ok, so it's just "the Bidens are corrupt as sh*t, but what specific law did they break? Which law? Which law !?"

So Trump was impeached for looking into perfectly valid bribery, and we all gon sit here like "wait wat - look over there!"

It's like if someone informed you of your mrs cheating with another man, and you shoot the messenger instead of confronting your mrs. Conveniently straight after the Mueller Report was shown up as a nothingburger.

"No u" 😂😂

Dropping like flies


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Dropping like flies

That is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.

"So I told him you can't support Trump, you are black and swathes of people might be influenced to listen to you!":think:

"I'm going to tell him that if he changes his mind I'd be prepared to, to seal the deal, to you know go for another spin (if you know what I mean)" ;)

ehh just another Hollwood celebrity attention seeking whore

#amirite FK
She is literally exactly that! Yes. :tearsofjoy:
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Give us a time stamp then. I watched the first minute and it was just Chas and some ABC w***er fellating one another about how bad orange man is.
Who watches 1 minute of a program and then proceeds to criticize it :drunk:
Oh never mind :rolleyes:
It’s towards the end of the program.
Ok, so it's just "the Bidens are corrupt as sh*t, but what specific law did they break? Which law? Which law !?"

While that was a point (and a pretty valid one if you're gonna call corruption), no - thrust of the conversation was Trump is attempting to attack Biden for something he himself does fairly openly ie. run businesses and make money off them while in office, and that makes said attack weak.

So Trump was impeached for looking into perfectly valid bribery, and we all gon sit here like "wait wat - look over there!"

Of course - it just happened to be the one and only time in that Trump has ever "looked into" it in his term or life. But sure, Donnie just doing his thing, weeding out corruption for the good of the people :tearsofjoy:

GOP senate intelligence committee also looked into it and found nothing, imagine that.

Yes, that pretty much sums it up exactly re: Trump, Biden and China. No wonder it's not getting much traction.
Come on guys, it's not too late to join the side of light. Leave this Covidian cult of fear and death behind you - remove the mask. Free yourself and our children from this nightmare. How many mountainous countries will Biden invade? How many new color revolutions? Join the light. Unhinge yourself from the mindless celebrity culture. It's 24/7 BS cancel culture. Think about the steady erosion of your freedoms to speak, to think, and now your not even free to leave your house.

How did we come to accept that it is ok to censor one side but allow the other free reign? How on earth did progressives end up being supported by the establishment press and the biggest corporations in the world? How does that make any sense? Come - release yourself.
Why would we. We know what the next 4 years would be like.
Just like the last 4.
Early vote update. Up to 43.1% of the 2016 turnout nationwide. Texas has already cracked 80%.

Washington state had universal mail voting in 2016 and is seeing a similarly large jump in turnout, which suggests this isn't just people who would have normally voted on the day anyway. Probably a turnout surge akin to the midterms.

Dem-leaning states seem to be slightly overperforming R-leaning states in returns, although plenty of outliers, so not sure if that's meaningful. Don't know what to make of the apparent enthusiasm gap between battlegrounds in the sunbelt vs. the rust belt.

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