NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Now see here m8, it's the easiest thing in the world to shriek "WeLl GoOd EvErYoNe ShOuLd FaCe ThE lAw EqUaLlY, iNvEsTiGaTe EvErYoNe WhO mAy HaVe BrOkEn ThE lAw".

Yet you literally support him being impeached for doing just that. There's always some article out there to back up pre conceived biases by saying "akshually Biden did nothing wrong by withholding aid in order to have a prosecutor looking in to his family's corruption sacked, here's some random 3 letter agency backing that up". He admitted to corruption live on air yet you continue to rush forth and simp for him... it's unbecoming m8 :(
"For doing just that" :tearsofjoy:

Oh m8, I know you're not dumb enough to believe Donnie woke up one morning in 2019 and thought you know what, for the good of the nation and no other reason I'm gonna launch an anti-corruption push - the first and apparently only target will be my election rival, lol. So I can only assume you're posting in bad faith, c'arn you're better than that (or were for period there :().

Never mind the fact its a moot point anyway - it wasn't random 3 letter agencies that said Biden did nothing illegal, but a GOP Senate Intelligence investigation. Specifically convened in an election year to prop up Trump's narrative, and the best they could come up with was "its a bad look". All now ably backed up by GOP impeachment efforts for the best part of 12 months that have produced exactly squat.

You think Biden isn't being held to account coz there is no will to do so? Try no evidence, in stark contrast to Donnie boy. Maybe I was wrong above in saying you're not dumb enought to believe this stuff? Surely not m8, this is like finding out Santa doesn't exist!

Surely it's crossed the line into straight up political harassment at this point?
Presidents and politicians finally being held to account for the shit they pull would perhaps be the best thing to happen to that country for decades. Squeeze them all, go through their shit with a fine tooth comb. That Donnie and the GOP appears incapable of putting together a compelling case against Biden despite their best efforts over multiple years doesn't somehow automatically mean Trump did nothing wrong, but thats how you appear to want things to run. A galaxy brain take there for sure :tearsofjoy:

Not to mention Hills "lock her up" Clinton. Appears to still be gallivanting all over the country, whatever happened there? Just another ball Donnie dropped I guess, organising a compelling and coherent legal case against her would be a bit more work and less fun that watching Fox and Friends though I grant you.
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Cue the deniers that will reply with some Mum o jumbo bs


Of course Cohen is dirty, he was Trump's lawyer for 15 years! :tearsofjoy:

Interesting that as crap as CNN is, they've still called a spade a spade in this instance? Imagine literally any right wing propaganda outfit err I mean media org saying anything like that about literally anyone ostensibly on 'their' side in Trump's prosecution.

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"For doing just that" :tearsofjoy:

Oh m8, I know you're not dumb enough to believe Donnie woke up one morning in 2019 and thought you know what, for the good of the nation and no other reason I'm gonna launch an anti-corruption push - the first and apparently only target will be my election rival, lol. So I can only assume you're posting in bad faith, c'arn you're better than that (or were for period there :().

Never mind the fact its a moot point anyway - it wasn't random 3 letter agencies that said Biden did nothing illegal, but a GOP Senate Intelligence investigation. Specifically convened in an election year to prop up Trump's narrative, and the best they could come up with was "its a bad look". All now ably backed up by GOP impeachment efforts for the best part of 12 months that have produced exactly squat.

You think Biden isn't being held to account coz there is no will to do so? Try no evidence, in stark contrast to Donnie boy. Maybe I was wrong above in saying you're not dumb enought to believe this stuff? Surely not m8, this is like finding out Santa doesn't exist!

Presidents and politicians finally being held to account for the s**t they pull would perhaps be the best thing to happen to that country for decades. Squeeze them all, go through their s**t with a fine tooth comb. That Donnie and the GOP appears incapable of putting together a compelling case against Biden despite their best efforts over multiple years doesn't somehow automatically mean Trump did nothing wrong, but thats how you appear to want things to run. A galaxy brain take there for sure :tearsofjoy:

Not to mention Hills "lock her up" Clinton. Appears to still be gallivanting all over the country, whatever happened there? Just another ball Donnie dropped I guess, organising a compelling and coherent legal case against her would be a bit more work and less fun that watching Fox and Friends though I grant you.
M8, ya just gotta trust me sometimes. I've done a deep dive on all the issues, from a variety of sources, I've got all the data, been doing this crap for years.

Do we agree that there's too much money involved in politics in the US and its becoming a borderline kleptocracy? So when the system investigates itself and finds no evidence of wrongdoing, you don't need to clap like a seal. When this system, including powerful families from both sides of politics, teams up and decides to hit an outside agitator with a bit of the ole "no u" treatment, there's no need to clap like a seal m8.

In fact, as decent human beings, we are morally obliged to get behind said oppressed outside agitator! Clear as mud?
M8, ya just gotta trust me sometimes. I've done a deep dive on all the issues, from a variety of sources, I've got all the data, been doing this crap for years.
lol, "deep dive" in this case being head down in a trough of MAGA talking points.

Do we agree that there's too much money involved in politics in the US and its becoming a borderline kleptocracy? So when the system investigates itself and finds no evidence of wrongdoing, you don't need to clap like a seal. When this system, including powerful families from both sides of politics, teams up and decides to hit an outside agitator with a bit of the ole "no u" treatment, there's no need to clap like a seal m8.

In fact, as decent human beings, we are morally obliged to get behind said oppressed outside agitator! Clear as mud?
Case in point; I can only imagine the sludge-infested head space one would have to inhabit to characterise a GOP investigation into Biden's Ukraine dealings in the election year of 2020 as "the system investigating itself". Like yeah, Chuck Grassley & crew were obvs hell bent on clearing Joe on that one.

Ahhh you're good value m8 I'll give you that. "Trust me" :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
Now for some comedic relief - just been catching up on Rudy's adventures from last week :tearsofjoy:

Honestly thought this was a fake tweet but apparently it was legit


Nek minnit

And the pièce de résistance...

Dead :tearsofjoy:
Now for some comedic relief - just been catching up on Rudy's adventures from last week :tearsofjoy:

Honestly thought this was a fake tweet but apparently it was legit


Nek minnit

And the pièce de résistance...

Dead :tearsofjoy:

I'd invite you to do a lil fact checking before taking twitter as gospel son.

I'm not angry m8, just dissapointed.
Gotta love the Trump inner circle.

Its the Pillow guy, Giuliani, some disgraced former Military guys with nebulous ties to Russia, a bunch of assorted grifters, and the odd conspiracist.

'Only the best people'.
They're not his inner circle.
Public fallguy minnows.
He has a motley crew of backers,very wealthy with interesting ideologies.
Maga donors 24

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I'd invite you to do a lil fact checking before taking twitter as gospel son.

I'm not angry m8, just dissapointed.
Yeah not sure about that last pic, couldn't find it corroborated in reporting anywhere but I thought **** it, too good not to use.

With Rudy you kind of have to assume the funniest angle. Lets be honest, if you'd been living under a rock and I told you that Rudy held an election denial press conference at a suburban garden centre across the road from a sex shop with hair dye running down his face you would have said get the **** outta here m8 :tearsofjoy:
They were the right people alright. I’m sure that you were smart enough to see that Mofra.
Yep. That's why so many were subsequently sacked, some facing serious charges.

Impeccable logic :drunk:
View attachment 1998536

Trumps own website is now calling for a 'Unified Reich'.

You can't make this s**t up.

Not even trying to hide it anymore.
He's praising Hannibal Lector in his rallies. His supporters are wearing daipers.
The unhinged lunatics of Maga couldn't care less.

Idiocracy 2 will be a documentary.
He's praising Hannibal Lector in his rallies. His supporters are wearing daipers.

Don't forget he's also selling NFT's (so... nothing) and bits of the suit he wore at a trial where he defrauded his supporters, to those same supporters, in exchange for money, so he can defraud them again.

It's just tapped how such an obvious fraudster and charlatan gets a pass from people simply because they agree with his politics.
Surely you’re smarter than this?
So why are they getting by sacked if they are "the best people"?

Take your time.

Those 3000km submarine tunnel trips take a while I hear.
Does that mean Trump will stop giving weapons to Israel?
He's 100% pro genocide if it helps him get elected. He's completely with Bibi to shore up the fundamentalist Christian vote.

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