NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Once again you refuse to read anything i posted and just continue with your one track thoughts. There has been so much written about these bills and Biden, a quick google search will keep you occupied for weeks. But i know you won't do that, you never do.
Coz that always works out so well. Spent quite a few hours working through and engaging with your Oxford/15 minute city/climate lockdown links, end result was you still couldn't bring yourself to acknowledge "93% said no" was clear bullshit :drunk:

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Rundowns should include commentary on the source. Like say * known LW nutter.
I tend to focus on the content rather than the source in this cases like these - it was a straight quote attributed to Trump, not an opinion from the poster. Which is why I said it would be reasonable to google the quote itself to see if its real (it is), but the person posting it really has nothing to do with it.

Now, if the quote turned out to be fake, thats when you could declare the poster a LW nutter or whatever (although could have been just an honest mistake, its often difficult to determine fakes/satire in the Trump era lol), and pay out on me for being taken in by it as well.

I really should be charging you blokes, feels like I'm essentially just teaching critical thinking skills in here lately ;)
Might want to check out a few of my posts in SRP regarding Biden. Shocking cadidate who should be nowhere near the nomination, and is currently unconditionally supporting a genocide.

Noting obvious cookery to the cookers spouting it != supporting Biden. In the latest example, I'm simply reminding posters like lebbo and zill, who respectively still believe that there was clear evidence of pedo stuff and corruption on Hunter's laptop, that its pretty clear their narrative is bullshit, due to the fact that 2 Trump appointees heading their respective DoJ orgs had access to the thing for 12 months and no charges against Hunter materialised, at a time when that kind of thing is exactly what Trump as POTUS was trying to manufacture. I notice you've also ignored the 2nd paragraph of my post regarding closet Trumpers' distaste for dear leader facing any legal accountability for literally anything, ever, in sharp contrast to how lefties react to the possibility of legals impacting the Bidens.

Yet another good example on this very page. Though not exactly 'cooker' stuff, listening to zill's charachterisation you'd be forgiven for thinking that Biden single-handedly wrote the entire '94 crime bill (which is pretty shit, I agree) and somehow forced it through. Mal has presented facts in response to this detailing what is actually in the entire bill, how it came about and how it was passed by a Republican senate. This is also not "supporting Biden".

In short, reality has a liberal bias (since about 2016 anyway, for fairly obvious reasons).
I don't check posting history, probably have in the past, but I found it stalkerish when I saw others doing. You weren't one I was specifically referring to. From memory I thought you were a bit of a joker poster, and didn't take thing too serious.

I find zill, lebbo, boston, etc all post some very good stuff and worth reading on this board. Although I do find Mals posting entertaining at times, there's only so much one can take before a Billy Joel song starts ringing in the ears. Unlike him I do not wish any harm on people that I disagree with.

To repeat earlier posts, I find the behaviour of posting quite interesting. The forecasts in 2016 never eventuated so the phenomenon of anti-trump posting I find fascinating. Maybe I will accept it is what it is and move on. Anyway, this is the conspiracy board so best off sticking to conspiracies. As I said previously, Wittney Webb has some great research on govt corruption, without a bias that I can detect. All parties and sides are implicated. Great reading, or for me great listening.
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Yet somehow you never manage it.

Remember, the best you can do re: the laptop is

Just lol
You seem to think pollies want to make examples of other pollies, they don't. Outside of a few examples like trump, they all know what the rules are and stick to them. They don't want the tables turned on them in the future.
I tend to focus on the content rather than the source in this cases like these - it was a straight quote attributed to Trump, not an opinion from the poster. Which is why I said it would be reasonable to google the quote itself to see if its real (it is), but the person posting it really has nothing to do with it.

Now, if the quote turned out to be fake, thats when you could declare the poster a LW nutter or whatever (although could have been just an honest mistake, its often difficult to determine fakes/satire in the Trump era lol), and pay out on me for being taken in by it as well.

I really should be charging you blokes, feels like I'm essentially just teaching critical thinking skills in here lately ;)

Asking about the source is not paying out on you. Cmon. I clarified by stating that I don't click on links I don't know, I really only use twitter for Daily Fantasy Sports information, and I want to protect my RWNJ algorithm. I also have a thing about data collection so I am careful about what I click on. Probably silly and paranoid but so what. But, I do love me some good Biden falling up stairs compilation videos. The 2016 reaction compilations were also good at the time. I don't share them because some posters get enraged and that's annoying.

Anyway, I feel sufficiently admonished for my error so I won't ask again. And more importantly, this shit I am posting is not worth reading. Cheers.
Asking about the source is not paying out on you. Cmon. I clarified by stating that I don't click on links I don't know, I really only use twitter for Daily Fantasy Sports information, and I want to protect my RWNJ algorithm. I also have a thing about data collection so I am careful about what I click on. Probably silly and paranoid but so what. But, I do love me some good Biden falling up stairs compilation videos. The 2016 reaction compilations were also good at the time. I don't share them because some posters get enraged and that's annoying.

Anyway, I feel sufficiently admonished for my error so I won't ask again. And more importantly, this shit I am posting is not worth reading. Cheers.
The entire content of the post was contained in the embed, as it usually is when embedding twitter posts. You get nothing additional by clicking on it.

Unsure how I can make this any clearer.
The entire content of the post was contained in the embed, as it usually is when embedding twitter posts. You get nothing additional by clicking on it.

Unsure how I can make this any clearer.
C'mon man, don't stress anymore about it, ok. It was a simple question for the reasons I explained.

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Coz that always works out so well. Spent quite a few hours working through and engaging with your Oxford/15 minute city/climate lockdown links, end result was you still couldn't bring yourself to acknowledge "93% said no" was clear bullshit :drunk:
Still running with that? I never said that. And this is the US politics thread.
Like i said, trump is an outlier.
I know. And he's the one you're kinda sorta still trying to pretend didn't want to investigate Biden (after being on tape literally asking Zelensky to investigate Biden lol). Or perhaps he did, but the 2 blokes he appointed to lead the DoJ were corrupt, and thats why they ignored the clear evidence of corruption on Hunter's laptop.

Again, let me know when you work out exactly what your position here is. Its a mess currently.
I know. And he's the one you're kinda sorta still trying to pretend didn't want to investigate Biden (after being on tape literally asking Zelensky to investigate Biden lol). Or perhaps he did, but the 2 blokes he appointed to lead the DoJ were corrupt, and thats why they ignored the clear evidence of corruption on Hunter's laptop.

Again, let me know when you work out exactly what your position here is. Its a mess currently.
How far did trump get? Nowhere, which is the point. No pollie is trying to get another pollie in court. Trump is an outlier, why is that so hard for you to undetstand?
Still being disingenuous, or perhaps your cognitive dissonance kicking in. Biden had his hands all over these bills, and thought they didn't go far enough.

I didnt say he didnt have his hands all over them. He sponsored the bill.

I said the Bill (containing Billions of dollars of welfare measures to combat drug addiction) contained tough on crime provisions to pass a Republican controlled Senate and avoid Veto by Ronald Reagan.

Do you think Ronald Reagan would have let a bill pass that dished out billions in welfare to drug counselling services?

Yes or No will suffice.
I didnt say he didnt have his hands all over them. He sponsored the bill.

I said the Bill (containing Billions of dollars of welfare measures to combat drug addiction) contained tough on crime provisions to pass a Republican controlled Senate and avoid Veto by Ronald Reagan.

Do you think Ronald Reagan would have let a bill pass that dished out billions in welfare to drug counselling services?

Yes or No will suffice.
Biden bragged about how tough on crime he was, how many more people were going to be sent to prison. It shows how cooked you are that you continually come out to bat for the bloke. Have a read of the vice article i linked, it also contains lots of links to other stories about all this.
Getting surreal here zill :drunk:
How far did trump get? Nowhere, which is the point.
Ahh, the J6 defense. It didn't work, therefore all good play on.

But no, thats just what you'd like to point to be. The actual point, as would be obvious to anyone unfortunate enough to be following this shambolic exchange, is that Trump wanted Biden investigated (per his call to Zelensky) and was looking for anything to hang that on. Lo and behold, the "laptop from hell" emerges, complete with ironclad proof of the Bidens' corruption. Yet somehow, despite this proof, Trump's handpicked guys running both the DoJ and FBI decline to do anything about it. Rather than accept the fairly obvious implication that there actually wasn't much on the laptop they could get the Bidens for, you go with "coz they're corrupt", and these life long Republicans are actually covering up for the Bidens.

You know it makes sense! :tearsofjoy:

No pollie is trying to get another pollie in court.
Right, and you've specifically carved out an exception to this for Trump.

Trump is an outlier, why is that so hard for you to undetstand?
Never said he wasn't, and of course he is. According to your own logic, that means he won't shy away from trying to get another politician in court.

We about done here?

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