NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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He's not. His father is Kenyan and his mother is a white American.

Zero ties to the black American culture that traces its history to the history of slaves in the US.

That has nothing to do with being African American.

If you are an American, and descend from one of the black ethnic groups in Africa, you're an African American.

You don't need a slave ancestor for ****s sake.
You pushing the nonsense that only black people are African now?

What? Africa is home to thousands of ethnic groups. Most of them have dark skin ('black Africans') but many do not (Arabian and Semitic peoples, White south Africans, Afrikaners etc).

I'm saying that the term 'African American' as an ethnic group is taken to mean an American, with descent from one of the dark skinned peoples of Africa (for example one of the hundreds of Bantu ethnic groups).

An American with a (white) Afrikaner parent or grandparent (such as Charlize Theron) would not be considered to be an African American, and would not be accepted as such by other African Americans.

Yes she's African, and yes she's American, but the context for 'African American' and how it's used requires a 'black' parent or grandparent.

I'm not saying any of the above is logical, or makes sense by the way. Race (and ethnicity) is a social construct. It comes with entirely arbitrary rules that generally lack consistency and vary between (and within) ethnic groups.

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What? Africa is home to thousands of ethnic groups. Most of them have dark skin ('black Africans') but many do not (Arabian and Semitic peoples, White south Africans, Afrikaners etc).

I'm saying that the term 'African American' as an ethnic group is taken to mean an American, with descent from one of the dark skinned peoples of Africa (for example one of the hundreds of Bantu ethnic groups).

An American with a (white) Afrikaner parent or grandparent (such as Charlize Theron) would not be considered to be an African American, and would not be accepted as such by other African Americans.

Yes she's African, and yes she's American, but the context for 'African American' and how it's used requires a 'black' parent or grandparent.

I'm not saying any of the above is logical, or makes sense by the way. Race (and ethnicity) is a social construct. It comes with entirely arbitrary rules that generally lack consistency and vary between (and within) ethnic groups.

Of course it's not logical. It's been co-opted by left wing twats. They don't do logic.

If something can't stand up to scrutiny when a scenario is reversed elsewhere then it's a load of nonsense.

Using the above reasoning you provided there should be no issue with the acceptance of "Black Europeans" as a term buy other Europeans.
Of course it's not logical. It's been co-opted by left wing twats.

You think 'left wing twats' are responsible for how humanity have always defined ethnic groups?

You think White Nationalists and the KKK are 'left wing twats' do you?

If something can't stand up to scrutiny when a scenario is reversed elsewhere then it's a load of nonsense.

I actually agree. Ethnic groups are a load of nonsense. 'White' 'Black' 'Germanic' etc, They're all social constructs.

That said, they exist as social constructs and we're stuck with what he have.

Again, look at how the KKK and similar groups define a 'white person'. It's usually worded in such a way as to exclude Slavic and Semitic peoples (who are often whiter than Western Europeans) by having some kind of arbitrary geographical boundaries imposed.

Or look at how Native Americans classify Native Americans ('1/4 blood to qualify') as opposed to Aboriginal Australians (all you need is some descent, self identification, and mutual acceptance). Or look at how Jewish people count membership (blood is not important at all, you just need to convert to the religion).

The lines of demarcation separating ethnic groups are arbitrary, and differ from group to group.

That said, you're a fool if you're blaming 'der left' for the above nonsense. 'Lefties' didn't invent ethnic groups or how we count membership in them now matter how you want to spruike it.
He's not. His father is Kenyan and his mother is a white American.

Zero ties to the black American culture that traces its history to the history of slaves in the US.

The reason the term African American is a thing is because people didn't know from which parts of Africa their ancestors came from.

Obama knows exactly from what nations his family comes from.

Irish or Italian Americans don't call themselves European Americans do they?
But is he 'black' though?
You think 'left wing twats' are responsible for how humanity have always defined ethnic groups?

You think White Nationalists and the KKK are 'left wing twats' do you?

I actually agree. Ethnic groups are a load of nonsense. 'White' 'Black' 'Germanic' etc, They're all social constructs.

No, I think they are the twats who keep co-opting things and trying to change it to suit their views.

Like the morons who claim black people can't be racist. Those kinds of morons.

That said, they exist as social constructs and we're stuck with what he have.

Again, look at how the KKK and similar groups define a 'white person'. It's usually worded in such a way as to exclude Slavic and Semitic peoples (who are often whiter than Western Europeans) by having some kind of arbitrary geographical boundaries imposed.

Or look at how Native Americans classify Native Americans ('1/4 blood to qualify') as opposed to Aboriginal Australians (all you need is some descent, self identification, and mutual acceptance). Or look at how Jewish people count membership (blood is not important at all, you just need to convert to the religion).

The lines of demarcation separating ethnic groups are arbitrary, and differ from group to group.

That said, you're a fool if you're blaming 'der left' for the above nonsense. 'Lefties' didn't invent ethnic groups or how we count membership in them now matter how you want to spruike it.

None of that changes the fact someone like Kamala Harris isn't African American.

Best to apply logic to all situations.

Logic says if you have 1/4 Native American I'm your ancestry you can lay claim to that from which tribe your relative is from.

Logic also says if you have no Aboriginal Australian ancestors in you then you aren't Australian Aboriginal.

Who do you think co-opted that other nonsensical rubbish that says acceptqnce
You think 'left wing twats' are responsible for how humanity have always defined ethnic groups?

You think White Nationalists and the KKK are 'left wing twats' do you?

I actually agree. Ethnic groups are a load of nonsense. 'White' 'Black' 'Germanic' etc, They're all social constructs.

That said, they exist as social constructs and we're stuck with what he have.

Again, look at how the KKK and similar groups define a 'white person'. It's usually worded in such a way as to exclude Slavic and Semitic peoples (who are often whiter than Western Europeans) by having some kind of arbitrary geographical boundaries imposed.

Or look at how Native Americans classify Native Americans ('1/4 blood to qualify') as opposed to Aboriginal Australians (all you need is some descent, self identification, and mutual acceptance). Or look at how Jewish people count membership (blood is not important at all, you just need to convert to the religion).

The lines of demarcation separating ethnic groups are arbitrary, and differ from group to group.

That said, you're a fool if you're blaming 'der left' for the above nonsense. 'Lefties' didn't invent ethnic groups or how we count membership in them now matter how you want to spruike it.

Yes I think left wing twats are responsible for the modern day nonsense we often see.

They are definitely responsible for the utter crap like "black people can't be racist".

What illogical bullshit.

Seems all these utterly moronic and ridiculous assertions come from people who are left or right leaning ideologically.

I mean it has to be some left leaning person who would came up with the utter tripe that even if you have no Australian Aboriginal ancestors you can claim to be Aboriginal.

Sounds like something some activist grifter would imagine up.

In the end someone like Kamala Harris isn't an African American.

It's why she doesn't identify as that term. She identifies as black.
Like the morons who claim black people can't be racist. Those kinds of morons.

Of course Black people can be racist. It's just the context is wildly different.

If there was a history of Black people oppressing White people via Segregation and outright slavery we could talk, but the reality has been quite the opposite.

No-one is saying Black people cant be racist. It's just trying to draw an equivalence between black on white racism and white on black racism is ****ing clearly wrong due to the vastly different contexts of each type of racism.

None of that changes the fact someone like Kamala Harris isn't African American.

Yes she is.

Logic says if you have 1/4 Native American I'm your ancestry you can lay claim to that from which tribe your relative is from.

Logic also says if you have no Aboriginal Australian ancestors in you then you aren't Australian Aboriginal.

You're literally applying two different standards there.

You're saying if my Great grandfather (only) was a Noongar man, and I am accepted as Noongar and view myself as Noongar, I'm Noongar.

You're also saying if my Great grandfather (only) was a Cherokee man, and I am accepted as Cherokee and view myself as Cherokee, I'm NOT Cherokee (because i dont fit the 1/4 rule).

I mean it has to be some left leaning person who would came up with the utter tripe that even if you have no Australian Aboriginal ancestors you can claim to be Aboriginal.

It's technically true that you don't require biological descent from an Aboriginal person to be Aboriginal. Technically you could be adopted into an ethnic group, be raised by that ethnic group, and be considered by them (and view yourself as) a member of that ethnic group.

Highly unlikely for all of those things to be true though, I dont think its every happened with any Aboriginal ethnic groups I know of, and I know of few ethnic groups outside of Aboriginal Australians that include adoption as suitable for membership in that ethnicity (Jewish people spring to mind though).

Remember, not all ethnicities require biological conditions for inclusion. Most do though (and they're applied arbitrarily and inconsistently when they are).

In the end someone like Kamala Harris isn't an African American.

It's why she doesn't identify as that term. She identifies as black.

Thats a question of semantics though. Many 'African Americans' prefer the term 'Black' (or vice versa).

Its the same with Native Americans. Most of the ones I've met actually prefer the term 'Indian' even though it's not a term they used themselves, and its actually a misnomer (they're not from India, Columbus just ****ed up and assumed he was there when he arrived in the USA).
His dad was Kenyan his mother was American.

So he's a Kenyan American.

Pretty easy answer.

And where exactly is Kenya?

You're now literally saying Obama was a Kenyan American, but not an African American.

And you're criticizing everyone else's logic?

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And where exactly is Kenya?

In Africa.

Obama only has blood ties to Kenya though so best to refer to that.

Nationality has far more relevance than the name of a continent which has next to no relevance.

He's Kenyan, that trumps Africa.

If continent was so important you'd just call people African North Americans.

Anyone doing that?

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In Africa.

So you're saying Obama is a Kenyan American, and Kenya is in Africa, but he's not an African American.


Nationality has far more relevance than the name of a continent which has next to no relevance.

So is a Chinese American, not also an Asian American?

And is a Mexican American not also a Latino?

What about European Americans? Are German/ Dutch/ French/ Anglo/ Italian/ Swiss etc Americans not European Americans as well?
His dad was Kenyan his mother was American.

So he's a Kenyan American.

Pretty easy answer.
Haha, unreal. Literally can't answer the question 'is Obama black' - and you have the hide to label others morons to boot :tearsofjoy:

Unsurprising Harris has broken so many brains if this is the best you can put up.
Haha, unreal. Literally can't answer the question 'is Obama black' - and you have the hide to label others morons to boot :tearsofjoy:

Unsurprising Harris has broken so many brains if this is the best you can put up.

''Obama has said, "I identify as African-American — that's how I'm treated and that's how I'm viewed. I'm proud of it." In other words, the world gave Obama no choice but to be black, and he was happy to oblige.''


Luckily we have Bostonian here to correct Obama, and everyone else, with Bostonians own racial definitions he alone uses.
He's a shade of brown.

As is everyone else on the planet.

Most mixed race people are.

Everyone on the planet is mixed race. Including you.

The English are a combination of Celtic, Angle, Pict, Jute and Saxon (plus a lot more). And that's just going back 2000 years or so. If you want to go all the way back to Africa (where the English originated, along with everyone else), then your average 'Englishman' is probably a combination of around a thousand or more distinct ethnic groups.

There isnt a person on the planet you could do a DNA test on and it give you back 100 percent of anything.

And that includes you.

You have a very naive view of 'race' mate.
''Obama has said, "I identify as African-American — that's how I'm treated and that's how I'm viewed. I'm proud of it." In other words, the world gave Obama no choice but to be black, and he was happy to oblige.''


Luckily we have Bostonian here to correct Obama, and everyone else, with Bostonians own racial definitions he alone uses.

Except I don't.

You talk like it's never been a thing, even though it states it on the Wikipedia page.

"The term "African American" generally denotes descendants of Africans enslaved in the United States."

So you were saying?
He's a shade of brown.

Most mixed race people are.

Or don't you have eyes?
I'm talking about common and accepted terminology in the American context. Its hilarious that you can't bring yourself to acknowledge it, sounds like a type of derangement, possibly happening in concert with some kind of syndrome :tearsofjoy:

I suspect you wouldn't even be doing it had Trump not gone with it first.

But no worries mate, keep thinking how silly people are when they say 'Obama is black' or 'Harris is black'. This has gotta be your funniest shtick here ever, big call I know :tearsofjoy:
Everyone on the planet is mixed race. Including you.

The English are a combination of Celtic, Angle, Pict, Jute and Saxon (plus a lot more). And that's just going back 2000 years or so. If you want to go all the way back to Africa (where the English originated, along with everyone else), then your average 'Englishman' is probably a combination of around a thousand or more distinct ethnic groups.

There isnt a person on the planet you could do a DNA test on and it give you back 100 percent of anything.

And that includes you.

You have a very naive view of 'race' mate.

Not shit, I've had my DNA tested. I know what my DNA mix is.

I don't call myself European Australian. Do you? Does anyone?

Anyone can be English though, it's a nationality.

You don't call someone with a white English parent and a Chinese parent European Asian do you? Pretty sure most people would say Chinese-English when referring to their mix.

I don't bother with "race" I stick to nationality. With all those ethnic groups best to stick to where people were born.
Except I don't.

You talk like it's never been a thing, even though it states it on the Wikipedia page.

"The term "African American" generally denotes descendants of Africans enslaved in the United States."

So you were saying?

Oh you mean this wikipedia page:

African Americans, also known as Black Americans or Afro-Americans, are an ethnic group consisting of Americans with partial or total ancestry from any of the Black racial groups of Africa.[3][4] African Americans constitute the third largest racial or ethnic group in the U.S. after White Americans and Hispanic and Latino Americans.[5] The term "African American" generally denotes descendants of Africans enslaved in the United States.[6][7]

Most African Americans are descendants of enslaved people within the boundaries of the present United States.[8][9] While some Black immigrants or their children may also come to identify as African American, the majority of first-generation immigrants do not, preferring to identify with their nation of origin.[10][11] Most African Americans are of West African and coastal Central African ancestry, with varying amounts of Western European and Native American ancestry.[12]


Most African Americans are descendants of enslaved people (not all of them). Translation: YOU DONT NEED A SLAVE ANCESTOR TO QUALIFY.

Most first generation immigrants from Africa do not consider themselves as African American, their children (people like Barrack Obama) often do.

It's literally telling you you're wrong, yet you're citing it as an authority you're right!

Barrack Obama identifies as (and is primarily viewed as) African American. He also describes himself as a 'mutt' (his own words), and while he embraces his 'White' background, he does not identify as 'White' having been treated like a Black man his whole life by people around him.

The above is simply highlighting the difficulty faced by people with obvious mixed heritage. We (as humans) tend to associate with a particular ethnic group very strongly; when you're a member of two ethnic groups generally people often choose to identify with one of those over the other (the one they're treated as, and feel the closest affinity towards).

In my case that's my English background. I dont feel any affinity towards my Aboriginal background, and dont identify as such, and never have.

It's a matter of curiosity in my family tree. That's about it.
I'm talking about common and accepted terminology in the American context. Its hilarious that you can't bring yourself to acknowledge it, sounds like a type of derangement, possibly happening in concert with some kind of syndrome :tearsofjoy:

I suspect you wouldn't even be doing it had Trump not gone with it first.

But no worries mate, keep thinking how silly people are when they say 'Obama is black' or 'Harris is black'. This has gotta be your funniest shtick here ever, big call I know :tearsofjoy:

And for a long time the accepted terminology was African American referred to those who came from the early slave.

I'll post it again... The term "African American" generally denotes descendants of Africans enslaved in the United States.

I didn't post that on wiki. And I can't help it if you're rather dumb when it comes to history.
Anyone can be English though, it's a nationality.

It's also an Ethnic group.

Just like Japanese is both (an ethnic group, and a nationality). I can be Japanese by nationality (but not ethnically) or I can be ethnically Japanese but have an entirely different national identity.

English people are an admixture of various Germanic and Celtic ethnic groups (mainly the Saxons, Jutes, Picts, Celts and the Angles - the latter of whom is where the word 'England' comes from).

You don't call someone with a white English parent and a Chinese parent European Asian do you?

Yeah, the term is generally 'Eurasian' (in some contexts) and they belong to two ethnic groups (English and Chinese).

It's up to them how they identify though.

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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