Vafa U/19 (3) - 2007

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It seems clear to this avid viewer that tomorrow's clash between Essendon and Ivanhoe promises to be quite enthralling to all involved. From reading the last few posts about this match, in my opinion, essendon would want to back up all this talk they're providing us about how good they are. These gun players that are so called 'in's' this week for essendon i don't think would matter much to ivanhoe because, as has been said in the past, the team who goes in hardest will win, and i reckon that'll be the hoers. They don't need to talk themselves up and this forum proves they go about their business in a diligent manner. I wish both teams the best of luck for tomorrow and that the game eventuates to be worthy of this pre-match hype. Lastly, delmonte seems to be getting a lot of attention in this thread, can someone inform me if essendon has a decent full back who can go with him?
this thread is a joke....
i dont even play for oeg i just write this stuff to cause conflict and all you people get sucked in.
people need to take it as a light hard joke..
what are the odds for tmoz.
this thread is a joke....
i dont even play for oeg i just write this stuff to cause conflict and all you people get sucked in.
people need to take it as a light hard joke..
what are the odds for tmoz.

well get fukked then OEGB you fuccken ******!
were u trying to make a light hard joke or a light hearted??

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B-rek are u kidding urself. yes this game has been talked up for many weeks now but very very silly sayin the others r meaningless thers still a long way to go till the finals mate. and as for ur remarks abour q-bar quite it ther not funny as we all no u are not able to mix tunes and u are wat sum people may refer to as a try hard.

jimmys right on the money as who every goes in the hardest will came out on top. So good luck for everyone playing tomorrow and may the hardest teams win.

Tiger Out
Obviously not an OEG or OI boy Tiger? B-rek hit a nerve with the "all other games are meaningless" post it seems. But from wat Chuck can gather from the results thus far, and the general consensus of this thread, that is the case. As it stands now, the race for the flag is between OI and OE. Build a bridge Tiger, and get over it!

Havn't read too many humerous posts from ur good self either sport...
B-REK what kind of loser are you? you appitimise the scum of the earth.
although you are a tool, i suggest you do come up with some form of post-match entertainment because your not gonna get a touch tomorrow. if your who i think you are, youv gone from dominating against us in yr 7 n 8 and now your nothin but a washed up has been!!

tomorrow is vengence day for the past 6 years
I guess ur a superstar now are u? U sound to me like a very spiteful little man who was a hack at school, is a hack now, and lives in the reflected glory of the people around u who actually have tallent. Take ur mate OEGB and f uck off, ur old man should've pulled out. I've said it before and i'll say it again, 10million sperm and u were the winner, amazing!

OEGB - ur a pimple. Go home!!
Old Essendon v. Old Ivanhoe promises to be a crack, only hours away from the first bounce and if the rain holds of, should be an absolute beauty!! I'll still go with my thoughts and say Old Ivanhoe by 40 points.

The other results should already pretty much be settled... cant see any upsets there!
Now that the dust has settled can we here from both camps on what realy happened today.

OI too good or did OE have a bad day?

Please can we get some intelligent comment on the game!!
Now that the dust has settled can we here from both camps on what realy happened today.

OI too good or did OE have a bad day?

Please can we get some intelligent comment on the game!!

From what i saw of the game, it was a bit of both. Essendon had their chances in the 2nd quarter but were unable to capitalise and their goalkicking let them down. But that's to take nothing away from ivanhoe who had their head over the footy all day and deserved to win in the end. unfortunately some on the essendon bench had to resort to intimidation, it's just a shame they weren't on the ground to back it up as they were sitting comfortably behind the white line.
B Rek is the ****ing bomb!! Those dissing cleary have there heads in their arse cause this kid has talent... his not T Rek but his B Rek...
Hmm from todays big game it looked like OE had opportunities and didnt take advantage where Ivanhoe did..
As for the bench giving slack.. well I think both teams would agree that the umpire's today especially the ****in 12G size titted umpire were goons and were some nasty decisions... Good match none the less and will be good to see the teams meet again...
B Rek is the ****ing bomb!! Those dissing cleary have there heads in their arse cause this kid has talent... his not T Rek but his B Rek...
Hmm from todays big game it looked like OE had opportunities and didnt take advantage where Ivanhoe did..
As for the bench giving slack.. well I think both teams would agree that the umpire's today especially the ****in 12G size titted umpire were goons and were some nasty decisions... Good match none the less and will be good to see the teams meet again...
Agreed, B-rek = superstar!! Any OEG lads care to indulge us in their thoughts of the game? What went wrong? Room to improve?
unfortunately some on the essendon bench had to resort to intimidation, it's just a shame they weren't on the ground to back it up as they were sitting comfortably behind the white line.

You can't be serious? It's called sledging... you'll find it at every footy game, every week, all over Australia.

And it was all pretty tame with such lines as "Stop taking up my air with that big nose of yours" and "stop looking for your neck and get a hard ball get." It was more champagne comedy than intimidation.

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Well done Old Ivanhoe, haven't seen the scores as of yet but from the sounds of it, the boys from OI showed OE how tough footy should be played!

All other results are pretty straight forward, apart from the Mentone v. Bulleen game :confused: what happened there??
OI v OE game today was pretty close. OE seemed a little flat at first but after OI got a couple opening goals they woke up. I think over the first 3 quarters it was pretty even both teams did better in patches. OE's innacuracy let them down most, although the umpiring was helping too much, that wasnt the biggest issue they had. The last quarter was a bit of a blowout by OI, seems like OE just ran out of legs, they didnt seem to rotate as much as OI did which wouldn't have helped. Next time will be a better game I think with OE chasing some revenge.
Well done Old Ivanhoe, haven't seen the scores as of yet but from the sounds of it, the boys from OI showed OE how tough footy should be played!

All other results are pretty straight forward, apart from the Mentone v. Bulleen game :confused: what happened there??

not taking anything away from OI, clearly the better team, especially on the day. however i dont think it was there toughness that won them the game. i think it was more their depth across the ground and stronger marking ability (players such as spargo, hondromatidis and various others) that proved the edge. the midfield battle was a thrill to be watching all day. at times both midfields made the other look 2nd rate, and there were times throughout the game where one team dominated play... the issue regarding OE's innacuracy which had been much discussed prior to the game did prove to cost them as they failed to capitilise on patches of domination. when OI controlled play however, they not only did it throughout the ground, but on the scoreboard also.

one thing the stealthunter (i hope you dont mind if i too speak in 3rd person MEGA) did notice was what he perceived to be an over rated delmonte. no i didnt get him confused with anyone, and yes he kicked about 4, but his goals all came from uncontested footy. i dont kno if it is because i was expecting a tall and robust ff, but i wasn't overly impressed with what i saw from the comps leading goal kicker. for teams who play OI in the next few weeks... sacrifice a quick defender to wear delmonte like a glove, and his effect will be neutralised.

to the OE team...
showed signs and had chances early and in the 2nd term to get a 5-6 goal buffer on OI. inaccuracy cost them dearly (milesi has a nice kick on him, perhaps if they played thru him more??) . id suggest a night dedicated to goal kicking is on the agenda, set shots in particular. better players for them were jones, benson, wilson (faded tho). the teams effort was more balanced, with not too many standouts. kept an eye out for lenhart (best hands in the VAFA apparently)... can mark but didnt do much down back(obviously didnt moisturise enough this morn). was surprised he wasnt moved forward because a mark in the f50 for OE didnt come that easily. bell was quieter than usual, however a welcomed return to form as made by stewart out on the wing.

anyone else got anything to contribute, anything they dissagree with, would love to hear your comments....
and dont forget... the stealthunter is always watching
Certainly a great game yesterday out at Keilor Hill in which Ivanhoe showed they can be beaten this season, and Essendon the most likely team to do just that. Inaccurate kicking did cost Essendon as they absolutely dominated the second quarter, winning inside 50s 20-3! Potentially it could have been 5-6 goals difference at half-time but it wasn't and Ivanhoe seized on the opportunity to remain undeated.

Ivanhoe have a few good players who can mark strongly and are quick but play a frontrunning, downhill skiing type of game which was almost exposed yesterday. Essendon were certainly the more physical of the two teams and Ivanhoe didn't like it at all.

Delmonte and Geishen were the main lurkers for Ivanhoe so other teams should watch them closely. Spargo is a big man and needs attention as does the ruckman, who was the first this season to take it up to Benson.

I think now we're hopefully set for 3 more big games between these two sides this season and that should make for an exciting second half of the season.
Just a quick thought, in the record, essendon's ruckman benson was named the best player in div 3 and in numerous posts was also labelled as the best player, but after watching him play saturday i don't personally think this is accurate. It is absolutely clear he would be in the top 5 as he is a dominant player, but i wouldn't say the best. im not game to say who the best player is as there are a few who could take it. does anyone have any opinions on this? even though he was in the best for essendon on saturday maybe i just saw him not playing 100%??
Just a quick thought, in the record, essendon's ruckman benson was named the best player in div 3 and in numerous posts was also labelled as the best player, but after watching him play saturday i don't personally think this is accurate. It is absolutely clear he would be in the top 5 as he is a dominant player, but i wouldn't say the best. im not game to say who the best player is as there are a few who could take it. does anyone have any opinions on this? even though he was in the best for essendon on saturday maybe i just saw him not playing 100%??

Actually benson was not named the top player in division 3 he was named number 12, however he should be named number 1 as it is essential to have a dominent ruckman as they are probably the most important player on the ground. Benson dominants every week giving first use to his players from the clearances and it is also a bonus that he can float down forward and kick goals. moana_15 were you watchin the game properly cause he dominated in centre and kicked 3 goals, not a bad effort by a ruckman.
Actually benson was not named the top player in division 3 he was named number 12, however he should be named number 1 as it is essential to have a dominent ruckman as they are probably the most important player on the ground. Benson dominants every week giving first use to his players from the clearances and it is also a bonus that he can float down forward and kick goals. moana_15 were you watchin the game properly cause he dominated in centre and kicked 3 goals, not a bad effort by a ruckman.

I wouldn't say he dominated the centre. He did play a great game and kicked crucial goals when OE needed someone to stand up. But the contest between him and #43 was fantastic. It went 12 rounds and still wasn't split after points. #43 was great around the ground and pushed forward to kick a few as well. He's the only bloke to give Benson any sort of competition in 2 years of under 19s. In fairness to Benson though he did ruck all day, while OI rotated #43 and #19 in the ruck all day.

At the end of the day OE ran out of legs and just didn't make the most of early oppurtunities. The game was much closer than the final margin would suggest.

Great game and both sides will be better off.
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