WADA to appeal AFL Tribunal's Essendon ruling

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Some Essendon supporters talk absolute crap. He was trying to evidence buried by going to Court. It was about saving his skin. He knows, and admitted, his career in the world of business would be badly affected by a guilty finding for the players. Don't give us the crap about saving the players stress.

Now you're going to find the bar set a bit lower for the shipment of TB4 from China. CAS won't be as friendly as the AFL Tribunal when it comes to anti-doping. They never are and will be most reluctant to find a not guilty if a club can't produce records. Bad precedent to set.

You're not "not guilty" anymore it now starts all over again.

As I said before, start pooping those pants.
Also what was Hird trying to suppress? Considering the independent tribunal found no evidence that banned substances were given to our players (just as he said all along) and Hird is yet to receive a ban of any kind, what damaging evidence that would destroy essendon didn't Hird want to be released!
Also what was Hird trying to suppress? Considering the independent tribunal found no evidence that banned substances were given to our players (just as he said all along) and Hird is yet to receive a ban of any kind, what damaging evidence that would destroy essendon didn't Hird want to be released!
The evidence that the Tribunal never got around to considering. They never got to the point of examining whether players were administered any substance, let alone TB4. They proceeded in a linear fashion through the charges and stopped at deciding it may not have been TB4 sent by the Chinese supplier. The Tribunal themselves admitted they never bothered to test all the evidence, or charges.

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Also what was Hird trying to suppress? Considering the independent tribunal found no evidence that banned substances were given to our players (just as he said all along) and Hird is yet to receive a ban of any kind, what damaging evidence that would destroy essendon didn't Hird want to be released!
So do you think you still got away with it?
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They were told that's what they were... in fact they were steroids I believe.
the uncertainty of what they were and who was given what was enough to dismiss it for all of those without any positive test
So do you still you got away with it?
Have WADA won yet?

I know some of you are celebrating this appeal as if it's s guilty verdict but please try to remember the embarrassment you all felt after the tribunal decision.

At this point our players are free to play after the charges levelled against them were thrown out. Until they are suspended, they are not guilty.
Because Essendon are disgusting drug cheats and most of us want your club to be destroyed like Asada destroyed the documents Robson handed over to them!.
Hope that helps your poor deflated egotistic celebrations and brand new sig after the afl tribunal.
It was always bound to happen champ.
The HTB is the best place on the interwebz!!
You are so flat mate.
Best you buy yourself a sodastream!.
And you're not very intelligent either!.
Ok keyboard warrior I will bite, looking back through your posts you would have to be the LAST person in the world to question other peoples intelligence !!. Other than insulting all posts that you don't agree with how about contributing something ANYTHING ....that is worthwhile reading, so stop embarrasing yourself mate and take a spell.
I'm not convinced that WADA will win this.

I am pleased to see that an independent tribunal with no vested interest in a Not Guilty verdict will be reviewing the case.

The prospects of getting to the truth have increased quite considerably IMO.


I think WADA have to make more noise about this, even if they don't eventually win this case. Otherwise it just leaves the "don't bother keeping records" option open to anyone who fancies dabbling in something prohibited, especially where they know the likelihood of being caught by a blood test is low.
Just to correct a fact - it was not behind a fence, it was about a rope barricade and Hird walked by within a metre of me. He definitely heard me ask him "so when are you going to take full responsibility?" I could see it register that he heard and he instantly looked away.

Another Essendon poster (Dan Cooper) stated that Hird always looked everyone in the eye when I know for a fact he doesn't.

And yes I believe Hird is a lying narcissistic sociopath.

Im shattered the poster you mentioned has disspeared quicker than a thymo reciept. He was exceptionally lippy as it got closer to the date, but alas he has lost his way and seems confined to the Kool Aid Kloset....
the uncertainty of what they were and who was given what was enough to dismiss it for all of those without any positive test
As I said to lance, the difference may have been that the CFA had not charged the others from the beginning, so WADA and FIFA was asking CAS to do so. Essendon players were in fact charged. May or may not be significant. We also have consent forms for your players who signed they were getting Thymosin and AOD - again, quite a different situation. Guess we'll find out soon enough.
Can anyone explain to me the prevailing attitude in here that WADA are going to win this appeal? I don't get it. People are acting as though this is now a done deal. Posters who disappeared completely on March 31 reappeared as if by magic, and now it seems to be generally accepted that the result is going to be over-turned. I don't get it, anyone care to explain?

Number of reasons:

1. The AFL tribunnal applied a higher level of evidence than CAS will
2. It will apply 'the athlete is responsible for evething that enters their body and is required to keep records
3. Two of the three tribunnal members will be truly independent and not hand picked by the AFL
4. The AFL has no role to play
5. High likelihood that Charter, Dank and Alvi will be forced to testify under suponea, are they prepared to risk jaily for Essendon?
6. A lot of people believe Essendon cheated and deserve to pay the price, WADA is the last and best hope as the AFL and all its bodies are seen as compromised.

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Number of reasons:

1. The AFL tribunnal applied a higher level of evidence than CAS will
2. It will apply 'the athlete is responsible for evething that enters their body and is required to keep records
3. Two of the three tribunnal members will be truly independent and not hand picked by the AFL
4. The AFL has no role to play
5. High likelihood that Charter, Dank and Alvi will be forced to testify under suponea, are they prepared to risk jaily for Essendon?
6. A lot of people believe Essendon cheated and deserve to pay the price, WADA is the last and best hope as the AFL and all its bodies are seen as compromised.

Tee hee. 5 and 6 might be valid.
Better than asada/wada unaccountable endless farce
Remember these clowns weren't sure of aod9604 for 2 years
I don't think they are quite sure now
Then they ran a joint investigation with the afl? Why?
Told essendon it would all be fine
Leaked information to media
Changed key staff mid stream
Lost evidence it seems
The fact they have lumped all 34 players into a single basket is indicative of total incompetence

Finally, after everything we know the single most important figure in this whole saga james hird is not even their target

Surely they have authority to demand his suspension for a 4 year term and if they don't or can't then the entire system is farcical

Absent this stupid beuracratic regime an afl system would have suspended hird from coaching immediately, ditto dank and the weapon for 2-4 years and spared us all this interminable nonsense

The cronulla 3 game player suspension is a bigger joke and yet the same peanuts who cheer for the current regime conveniently ignore it and pretend that God almighty is now running CAS

The afl was blind sighted by this
All the clubs were
What we don't need is this incompetent international regime which repeatedly fails to laud it over us

Even the Armstrong victory is an embarrassing example of total failure
Armstrong won 7 tours retired, returned and only then they cobbled together a case against him
That's some 10 years!!!

In this instance essendon stopped what it started quick smart

There is too much schedenfrued going on here
Quiet frankly it stinks
And the sentiments on facebook are entirely appropriate

Hi Mrs Crameri ,next time you research things on Google you should then get confirmation from the person doing the injections instead of just assuming what type of substance is.

You know what they say about assumptions right
I do wonder if people such as yourself stated your concerns with the true independence of the tribunal before the not guilty decision was handed down, or did you only share these concerns after the verdict didn't go your way?
People stated their concerns about the independence of the tribunal after seeing the ridiculous logic they used regarding the TB4 chain. I don't think anyone expected such mind blowing reasoning from the panel. It's nothing to do with things going 'your' way, it's about truth and justice.
Number of reasons:
5. High likelihood that Charter, Dank and Alvi will be forced to testify under suponea, are they prepared to risk jaily for Essendon?

but morgs, folks lie everyday before court, usually the common response is "i dont recall". no one is held in contempt, not one goes to jail. unless you are a serial offender who holds the court in contempt like darren hinch. the threat of jail is a damoclesian sword less excalibur more plastic kids jedi lightsabre
* non WADA banned, unknown substances

THIS is the point!! The point that infuriates most of us (everyone except the essendon crowd) what person in their right mind would ALLOW another person to INJECT an unknown substance into their body?? It just defies belief! Let alone the real intent of the whole exercise which was to gain an edge over other teams in the competition. Enter WADA!
Ok keyboard warrior I will bite, looking back through your posts you would have to be the LAST person in the world to question other peoples intelligence !!. Other than insulting all posts that you don't agree with how about contributing something ANYTHING ....that is worthwhile reading, so stop embarrasing yourself mate and take a spell.
Keyboard warrior lol.
Embarrassing myself:rolleyes:
Take a spell:$
I will do nothing of the sort.
I'm here to laugh at your club and it's coach and it's administration and it's former coach and it's former administration and it's players and it's supporters.
I'm having a ****ing hoot of a time,why take a break now?.
but morgs, folks lie everyday before court, usually the common response is "i dont recall". no one is held in contempt, not one goes to jail. unless you are a serial offender who holds the court in contempt like darren hinch. the threat of jail is a damoclesian sword less excalibur more plastic kids jedi lightsabre

I guess in this case the testimonies have been recorded, a lot harder to deny something if the recording is played in front of you.
If it gets to the 3rd test, by this stage the CAS Panel would have already been comfortably satisfied that the Thymosin on the 34 players consent forms was TB-4.

Even the "independent" AFL tribunal found that it could not possibly have been thymomodulin didn't they? As thymomodulin and TB-4 are the only two possible substances in play doesn't simple logic dictate that if it could only be A or B and it wasn't A then it must be B? Somehow the AFL introduced C out of nowhere...
Number of reasons:

1. The AFL tribunnal applied a higher level of evidence than CAS will
2. It will apply 'the athlete is responsible for evething that enters their body and is required to keep records
3. Two of the three tribunnal members will be truly independent and not hand picked by the AFL
4. The AFL has no role to play
5. High likelihood that Charter, Dank and Alvi will be forced to testify under suponea, are they prepared to risk jaily for Essendon?
6. A lot of people believe Essendon cheated and deserve to pay the price, WADA is the last and best hope as the AFL and all its bodies are seen as compromised.

Ok, thanks for the considered response. My view:

1. how do you know? What evidence have you that makes this statement in any way factual?
2. AFL tribunal already applied that - it's a basic tenet of the WADA code
3. wrong. 3 will be truly independent. Anyone with a connection is automatically ineligible
4. so what? The conspiracy theories are so tiresome
5. Firstly, it's not a "high likelihood". In my opinion it's extremely unlikely because the commercial arbitration act cannot apply IMO. Regardless, even if they do testify I personally don't believe that will help their case, although I concede it may
6. this is a good explanation of the misguided elation in here. But people believing Essendon cheated is ultimately meaningless

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WADA to appeal AFL Tribunal's Essendon ruling

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