Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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I am glad the only person (I believe) to be hurt and killed in the Tel Aviv terrorist bomb was the only one who deserved it.

Apparently there was one other person apart from the bomber moderately injured.
Screen Shot 2024-08-19 at 3.46.16 pm.png

Fortunately it doesn't seem to have been a major blast.

Also, there is some type of irony given the discussion over the past 48 hours that this happened on Lehi St.
Not really - you just don't like what I post, and the fact I keep highlighting your ignorance, but I don't hate you at all. I think you're probably a good person.

It really sounds like you're justifying the bombing of civilians in Palestine, because Jews were being persecuted in Europe? I struggle to see how this makes sense - but surely that's not what you're doing anyway.

Your presentation, omission and misrepresentation of facts provides and indication of your hatefulness.

The quality of my character has nothing to do with your posting and I welcome any genuine criticism or displays of my ignorance.

Holocaust = 'persecution'?

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Demons09 How quick you went from having no idea of Zionist terrorist history, to giving it the thumbs up!

View attachment 2084631

Must be a new record.
Wait are you now critical of attempts to "contextualise", justify or excuse terrorism? Welcome aboard

Hopefully I don't have to hear anything about October 7th not happening in a vacuum anymore from your side.
Your presentation, omission and misrepresentation of facts provides and indication of your hatefulness.

Feel free to point out what I have gotten wrong. I get it, you don't like me posting things that challenge the Israeli narrative. That doesn't make me hateful, though I'm clearly not a fan. I think the balance is a fair way in your favour as far as conventional opinion goes.

Holocaust = 'persecution'?

The Haganah assassinated a fellow Jew in 1924 because he was anti-Zionist.

Irgun's terrorism campaign began in 1937, during which they killed a number of other anti-Zionist Jews they deemed traitors.

Of course Jews in Germany had been horribly persecuted from Hitler's rise to the Chancellorship in 1933, but Kristallnacht wasn't until November 1938.

Yes, European persecution seems like a justification for Zionists terrorism with it's aims of taking a land and securing a state, when you condemn Palestinian terrorism so vehemently while they try to defend their land and lives.

Both peoples left with few choices to achieve their goals, only one is excoriated. History really is written by the victors.
I am well, thank you for asking.
Thats great. What is troubling you about "your side"? Do you disagree that you, GP and Lunch Lady have all been arguing from the anti-Israeli side of the debate for the majority of this discussion?
Thats great. What is troubling you about "your side"? Do you disagree that you, GP and Lunch Lady have all been arguing from the anti-Israeli side of the debate for the majority of this discussion?

It's more like an anti-apartheid, anti-genocide coalition. Would be happy for more Israelis to support such a stance.

You seem opposed to this humanitarian approach. So how would you describe your side Jazny?

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Once again, you can’t comprehend anything other than this being a team sport.
I wonder if there has been a single time you have pushed back against anything GP or Lunchlady has said. If you can show me an example of this, I will admit I am wrong to characterise you guys as being on the same side. I have pushed back on multiple things said by the pro-Israel side. Its not me who acts like its a team sport. You just don't like a term I used.
I wonder if there has been a single time you have pushed back against anything GP or Lunchlady has said. If you can show me an example of this, I will admit I am wrong to characterise you guys as being on the same side. I have pushed back on multiple things said by the pro-Israel side. Its not me who acts like its a team sport. You just don't like a term I used.

There's heaps of things I haven't responded to, from both sides.

You very much act like it's a team sport.
There's heaps of things I haven't responded to, from both sides.

You very much act like it's a team sport.
This just comes across as a weird projection. I can show a number of times I have argued against the people supposedly on my team. You apparently can't show any. Wouldn't that be odd if I'm the one acting like it's a team sport?

Apart from saying "your side" how else do I act like this is a team sport?
Repeating 'your side' constantly is a pretty good indicator.

You're somewhat less biased than ZEV, I'll give you that much. But that's a very low bar.
OK so it's just my use of "your side" for your basis that I "very much act like it's a team sport". Got it. We can move on. How should I collectively refer to you guys who all share very similar opinions, like each others posts and never pushback on each other in the future?

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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