Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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If only your government thought the same

You could say that about both of my governments.*ped-boy-Australia-High-Court-ruling.html

I'm sure you can say that about all governments. Or you could be reasonable and accept that sexual offences against children are the most heinous crime and shouldn't be used in a gotcha argument.

If you want to make a I hate Israel thread there are some already floating around on the SRP board.
No you didn't "leave him out for brevity", it's two more words on your wall of text. You left Jeffrey Gettlemen out because he ruins your argument that this was just written by some random biased Israeli filmmaker with no journalism credentials. Nice try.

As if it makes any difference whatsoever?

Of course its possible and considering there is no reason to disbelieve the witness to the body, the state of her body, witnesses in the area reporting similar sexual assault, those texts do not say a single thing about the plausability of her being sexually assaulted.

The witness to the body? Eden Vesli? A car mechanic who took the video?

What witnesses in the area reporting similar sexual assault? You're just going off the vibe here?

They're not all texts, Gal's husband left audio.

The timeline is:
6:51am - Gal tells family she hears explosions
7:00am - Husband tells family she's been killed, no mention of rape
7:44am - Husband leaves voice message asking his brother to look after his children, no mention of rape

Moreover, its horrible to think about, but there are reports of necrophilia occurring so she doesn't even have to be alive to have been assaulted in that way. Can you imagine a court throwing out the case on that weak lame evidence? "Judge look at these texts. There's just a 9 minute window kind of sort of but not really! How can you rape in 9 minutes?" Intercept journalism.

You're embarrassing yourself. Sort of but not really?

Your timeline is:
6:51am - Gal tells family she hears explosions
6:55am - Hamas get into victims car and rapes victim next to her husband, whom they leave unharmed with his phone
7:00am - Husband tells family she's been killed, no mention of rape
7:44am - Husband leaves voice message asking hisbrother to look after his children, no mention of rape


6:51am - Gal tells family she hears explosions
7:00am - Husband tells family she's been killed, no mention of rape
7:44am - Husband leaves voice message asking his brother to look after his children, no mention of rape
8:00am - Hamas can't overcome their insatiable lust and simply must rape a dead corpse in the middle of a running battle

Reports of necrophilia? You'll just believe any old thing the IDF trot out. Anything credible? Doesn't really matter does it.

No, the truth is this was your best shot at trying to disprove the NYT story. The grifters at the Intercept thought if they could discredit that story, it casts doubt on the whole idea that rape occurred and was perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th and it would prove their larger conspiracy theories about Israeli 'hasbara'. They think this is all propaganda. But the attempts to discredit it have been absolutely pathetic. 9 minute windows, using the hearsay of family members who understandably don't want to believe she was r*ped, trying to discredit the story with ad hominem attacks on one of the authors, while ignoring the witness testimony, the reportedly studios work of the journalists, police reports, all to make the case that this was a big conspiracy to make Hamas look worse than what they already did?

Rape denial for political reasons. Really horrible stuff.

Any chance you can actually address what I posted? Sorry vague handwringing is not really doing it.

Ooooooohh Ryan Grim is shoddy journalist and basic fact checking that anyone can do shows it, but ignore that! THE NYT IS DISCREDITED and the geniuses at Intercept have uncovered a vast jewish conspiracy to make Hamas look slightly worse than they are. :thumbsu:

This is just nonsense taking advantage of the confusion of the situation to try and build a narrative on hearsay.

OK - show me this basic fact checking you've done? What is incorrect about what I've posted? Can you please post something, anything meaningful at all?

So you dont know what the word means I guess. I'm sure it sounds scary to you though. The fact that the faux journalists over at Intercept characterized that exchange as "pressured" tells you and you paraphrased it as harrassment says just what kind of narrative is trying to be built. Not one that's grounded in reality.

Jesus H Christ. Why do you always pick the most random things to object to?

TL:DR the NYT article is not slightly discredited. The only reason you post denial of this rape is not because they have been disproven, but because you don't like what it says about Hamas or Palestinians (I don't believe it says anything about Palestinians for the record) and you think its a big Jewish hasbara conspiracy that the NYT, America, Israel, UN investigators, and others are in on for reasons. Your willingness to believe the stories you like has lead you to uncritically believe the narrative spun by The Intercept.

Again you've just ignored everything I posted, none of which was sourced from the Intercept. I'm not sure what your obsession is with them, but they seem to have damaged you. Juvenile of you to believe propaganda campaigns and false atrocity stories havent been used time and again.

You've not addressed a single fact in my post, just gone on an unhinged rant. I won't be bothering with you any longer, you're not capable of rational discussion on this.
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Hamas executes hostage. Shoots two more, in life threatening conditions.

Lunchlady Doris attempts to deny rape and Ghosty and Dapper Don try and throw out peadophile slurs.

Cowardly sniping from the sidelines, should expect it I guess.

Jazny's not very good, but at least they have a crack.

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7:00am - Husband tells family she's been killed, no mention of rape
Definitely something that everyone would be telling their grief stricken relatives in that moment. What a knockout blow! The only possible explanation for this omission is a global Jewish hasbara conspiracy made the whole thing up. They would have got away with it too, if only it weren't for those pesky morons at the Intercept.
8:00am - Hamas can't overcome their insatiable lust and simply must rape a dead corpse in the middle of a running battle
That's your understanding of rape? :drunk:
Reports of necrophilia? You'll just believe any old thing the IDF trot out. Anything credible? Doesn't really matter does it.
It's mentioned in the UN special representative's report page 15. I didn't say that's what happened, we don't know, but it's possible.
I won't be bothering with you any longer, you're not capable of rational discussion on this.
Probably best take it to the conspiracy board anyway where it belongs.
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Cowardly sniping from the sidelines, should expect it I guess.

Jazny's not very good, but at least they have a crack.

Terrorists just executed a hostage in cold blood and probably gut shot two more and you are in here not expressing any sympathy or sadness just trying to defend them saying that they couldn’t possibly rape anyone because of your “investigations” and “videos” you’ve seen on the internet. Class.

I'm not relying on childish taunts to illustrate a point.

lol Jazny I just remembered the Times of London article and all the crying you did about how the article was wrong and should be ignored because the sources quoted didn't like how their quotes were used.

Everything you accuse me of, you do. You must have family involved in this or something.

I do. What more do you want to tell me about it?
Terrorists just executed a hostage in cold blood and probably gut shot two more and you are in here not expressing any sympathy or sadness just trying to defend them saying that they couldn’t possibly rape anyone because of your “investigations” and “videos” you’ve seen on the internet. Class.

Am I supposed to be across every up to the minute happening? Sorry, I'm not CNN. Israel's refusal to agree to a ceasefire, the continued genocide, their assassinations of Hamas leadership, and their insistence on attempting clandestine rescue missions meant this was the obvious conclusion.

I'm not defending anyone - you really need to get out of this mindset. I've not said anyone couldn't possibly rape anyone, again a ridiculous assertion. This particular story is upheld slavishly as proof of sexual assault, but it's a load of cobblers. You only need to read a couple of other sources to see that. To see supposed witnesses giving different statements. To see shoddy reporting practices, by an acknowledged amateur.
Protests breaking out in Iran at their proxy war support:

This is a big thing to do in Iran.

One has to surely ask how Hamas, in a supposedly blockaded territory are able to be armed to the hilt with offensive weaponry. The answer clearly is Iran funneling offensive military munitions through smuggling tunnels. There is no other explanation.

Shut Iran down and the war stops by itself, even without a ceasefire agreement.
Protests breaking out in Iran at their proxy war support:

This is a big thing to do in Iran.

One has to surely ask how Hamas, in a supposedly blockaded territory are able to be armed to the hilt with offensive weaponry. The answer clearly is Iran funneling offensive military munitions through smuggling tunnels. There is no other explanation.

Shut Iran down and the war stops by itself, even without a ceasefire agreement.

Where are these tunnels, do you think? Iran to Gaza is a heck of a tunnel.
Where are these tunnels, do you think? Iran to Gaza is a heck of a tunnel.

Must be from Egypt to Gaza. There have been a lot of tunnels discovered and destroyed but there must surely be many, many more. I doubt Iran are in the business of sending a submarine to covertly deliver weapons to Gaza and I seriously doubt that smuggling weapons across Israeli territory from Syria / Lebanon to Gaza is a realistic possibility (the border is sealed in any case).

So the only option left is a tunnel from Egypt. The Sinai peninsula is huge and it wouldn't be that difficult for them to have their own people on the ground receiving weapons covertly and forwarding them to Gaza via underground tunnels.

I cannot think of any other explanation that makes logical sense.

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Either that or Hamas / Iran built up an absolutely massive stockpile pre war knowing that resupply would be difficult during an active war with Israel. Bearing in mind that Hamas agreed a truce with Israel Aug 2022 after small scale clashes.

We're coming up to nearly a year of war now so would imagine surely by now they would have run out without some sort of resupply.
Must be from Egypt to Gaza. There have been a lot of tunnels discovered and destroyed but there must surely be many, many more. I doubt Iran are in the business of sending a submarine to covertly deliver weapons to Gaza and I seriously doubt that smuggling weapons across Israeli territory from Syria / Lebanon to Gaza is a realistic possibility (the border is sealed in any case).

So the only option left is a tunnel from Egypt. The Sinai peninsula is huge and it wouldn't be that difficult for them to have their own people on the ground receiving weapons covertly and forwarding them to Gaza via underground tunnels.

I cannot think of any other explanation that makes logical sense.

Mahmoud Abas iirc, a few months back looked like he slipped up a bit through a speech and said Sinwar had fled in to the Sinai. Given Israel hasn't found him yet, he was probably right and there's a safe base there for him, which involves a tunnels network.

What a great way to ensure the safety of Gazan civilians. Attacking Israeli territory from under the cover of a refugee tent. Hamas are proudly boasting about this on social media.

Note the rocket wasn't a home made one either, it has what looks like to be advanced electronics.
Am I supposed to be across every up to the minute happening? Sorry, I'm not CNN. Israel's refusal to agree to a ceasefire, the continued genocide, their assassinations of Hamas leadership, and their insistence on attempting clandestine rescue missions meant this was the obvious conclusion.

I'm not defending anyone - you really need to get out of this mindset. I've not said anyone couldn't possibly rape anyone, again a ridiculous assertion. This particular story is upheld slavishly as proof of sexual assault, but it's a load of cobblers. You only need to read a couple of other sources to see that. To see supposed witnesses giving different statements. To see shoddy reporting practices, by an acknowledged amateur.

This is the war crimes thread.

Not the denying rape thread. I linked the news article but you were so desperate to prove yourself a big man you didn't see it.

Also, please note that in the first paragraph of your post you are justifying war crimes.
This is the war crimes thread.

Not the denying rape thread.

Conflict-related sexual violence is war crime, no?

I linked the news article but you were so desperate to prove yourself a big man you didn't see it.

Sorry boss, I'll try and do better.

Also, please note that in the first paragraph of your post you are justifying war crimes.

Not justifying, I agree its a horrific war crime and it should never happen, but this is the logical conclusion.
He could have been lifted out of Gaza after Deif was killed. :(

The informant linked to Deif’s assassination was subsequently caught and was being interrogated by Hamas, the Al Arabiya report indicated.

This man would have known the risks. Most likely he has been tortured and killed.

Hopefully his family are 'detainess' and have been in Israeli 'custody' the whole time.

I hope when they are 'released' their conditions were 'awful' and they were 'tortured and beaten regularly'.

I hope this man's sacrifice is worth it.
This man would have known the risks. Most likely he has been tortured and killed.

Hopefully his family are 'detainess' and have been in Israeli 'custody' the whole time.

I hope when they are 'released' their conditions were 'awful' and they were 'tortured and beaten regularly'.

I hope this man's sacrifice is worth it.

Shame they couldn't manage to get him out.
What a great way to ensure the safety of Gazan civilians. Attacking Israeli territory from under the cover of a refugee tent. Hamas are proudly boasting about this on social media.
They have been doing this since day one of this conflict. But no, it's Israel deliberately targeting civilians :rolleyesv1:

Like you, I'm also wondering about the never-ending supply of arms Hamas seems to be obtaining. Perhaps the pro-Hamas - oops, pro-Palestine mob have some ideas.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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