Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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Hezbollah had no reason to fire on Israel other than wanting to annihilate Jews basically.

What a load of nonsense. Hezbollah have said time and again, they will stop when Israel stops slaughtering civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.

But Israel can't possibly stop doing that, they'd rather start on Lebanon as well.
What a load of nonsense. Hezbollah have said time and again, they will stop when Israel stops slaughtering civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.

But Israel can't possibly stop doing that, they'd rather start on Lebanon as well.
Hezbolah and Hamas don’t care about Palestinians they have other motives but you just keep ignoring that fact .

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Everything is anti-semitism.
No, Islamists - Hamas and Hezbollah and many others - have it as their core aim, which is to rid the Middle East of Jews and eradicate Israel. Christians won’t be safe either, if the terrorists get their way with Israel.

But anti-semitism in the tolerant West is a real thing. What do you think anti-semitism is? If you don’t know history, well, you’ve seen it in Australia recently. Do you agree with identifying and vilifying anyone who wears a kippah or a Star of David, or has a Jewish-sounding name, attends a Jewish school, or supports Israel? What about holocaust denying, or “liking” tropes about tentacles, or blood libel, or eating children? Vandalising or boycotting Jewish businesses? Do you call people Zionists, in the mistaken belief that’s not anti-semitic?

It’s not just being pro-Palestine. Anti-semitism has resurfaced, rekindled under the influence of the Marxist ideology of the left, critical race theory which is taught so well in our universities.
No, Islamists - Hamas and Hezbollah and many others - have it as their core aim, which is to rid the Middle East of Jews and eradicate Israel. Christians won’t be safe either, if the terrorists get their way with Israel.

But anti-semitism in the tolerant West is a real thing. What do you think anti-semitism is? If you don’t know history, well, you’ve seen it in Australia recently. Do you agree with identifying and vilifying anyone who wears a kippah or a Star of David, or has a Jewish-sounding name, attends a Jewish school, or supports Israel? What about holocaust denying, or “liking” tropes about tentacles, or blood libel, or eating children? Vandalising or boycotting Jewish businesses? Do you call people Zionists, in the mistaken belief that’s not anti-semitic?

It’s not just being pro-Palestine. Anti-semitism has resurfaced, rekindled under the influence of the Marxist ideology of the left, critical race theory which is taught so well in our universities.

So the christian Palestinians that Israel have been bombing aren’t safe because Hamas?
Even though they have been safe living next to Hamas for years….

Wtf have you been smoking?
No, Islamists - Hamas and Hezbollah and many others - have it as their core aim, which is to rid the Middle East of Jews and eradicate Israel. Christians won’t be safe either, if the terrorists get their way with Israel.

But anti-semitism in the tolerant West is a real thing. What do you think anti-semitism is? If you don’t know history, well, you’ve seen it in Australia recently. Do you agree with identifying and vilifying anyone who wears a kippah or a Star of David, or has a Jewish-sounding name, attends a Jewish school, or supports Israel? What about holocaust denying, or “liking” tropes about tentacles, or blood libel, or eating children? Vandalising or boycotting Jewish businesses? Do you call people Zionists, in the mistaken belief that’s not anti-semitic?

It’s not just being pro-Palestine. Anti-semitism has resurfaced, rekindled under the influence of the Marxist ideology of the left, critical race theory which is taught so well in our universities.
Ok Rupe
What a load of nonsense. Hezbollah have said time and again, they will stop when Israel stops slaughtering civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.

But Israel can't possibly stop doing that, they'd rather start on Lebanon as well.

This sounds like justification for Hezbollah's mass slaughter of Israeli kids in the Majal Shams massacre.

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As opposed to you justifying apartheid and genocide in Gaza?

I actually want Israel held to account for its actions in war crimes tribunals for any possible war crimes, crimes against humanity and / or violations of IHL / IHRL. I have also stated many times I want a permanent two state solution imposed on Israel unilaterally.

As opposed to yourself who it seems celebrates the attacks of Hezbollah / Hamas on Israeli & Palestinian civilians (ironic that when it is Hezbollah committing war crimes against Palestinians all of a sudden it doesn't matter) and don't want them held to account for war crimes, crimes against humanity and / or violations of IHL / IHRL they have possibly committed as per UN reports.
It also forgets that Hezbollah started attacking Israel on October 8th in solidarity with Hamas's October 7th attack.

Nobody can honestly defend Hezbollah launching mass rocket attacks against Israel from Oct 8 onwards without being outright pro Hezbollah / war.

It's also a war crime and a clear violation of UNSC 1701 (passed by the UNSC) which demands all non state actors remove military equipment south of the Litani river in the Israel-Lebanon border following the 2006 war.

Of note:

As of February 2009, many key points in the resolution remained insufficiently addressed. In a special report, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon mentions that "Hezbollah continues to refuse to provide any information on the release or fate of abducted soldiers, and places conditions and demands for the release that are far outside the scope of resolution 1701," Ban wrote in the report.[46] The report also points out that Hezbollah has replenished its stock of rockets and missiles in South Lebanon, and is now in possession of 10,000 long-range rockets and 20,000 short-range projectiles.[46] The latest Israeli estimate of Hezbollah's rocket stockpile puts it at approx. 150,000.[47]

This was back in 2009 and one can only presume Hezbollah have only become much better armed since then as Iran can easily supply it directly or via Syria.

Diplomacy was also tried by both the legitimate Lebanese government and Israel governments after the Oct 8 attacks:

After the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other militant groups in southern Lebanon routinely fired rockets at Israeli cities and fired on IDF positions on the Israel-Lebanon border. On 21 November 2023, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen warned the UNSC that a regional war was likely if UNSCR 1701 was not fully implemented.[40] On 8 January 2024, Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib called for a diplomatic solution to the Israel-Hezbollah conflict through "full implementation" of the resolution.[43]
Shebaa farms is Lebanon.
"Israel has held the Shebaa Farms, a 15-square-mile (39-square-km) patch of land, since 1967"

It's not really Lebanon, it's disputed territory that Israel holds and has held for almost 60 years.

They were attacking Israeli positions on October 8th. There is no justification for this attack.
This sounds like justification for Hezbollah's mass slaughter of Israeli kids in the Majal Shams massacre.
He was simply challenging your assertion that (paraphrasing) Hezbollah is firing on Israel because they are Jews - ie because of anti-semitism.

Now, you may well be right. But he may well be too. The truth may well even lie somewhere in between.

Either way, exploring the reason for Hezbollah's actions is not justification for them - as it isn't in Israel's case either to be fair.
FWIW this article is a good read from March 2024. Ultimately it predicted what is exactly happening right now:

I actually want Israel held to account for its actions in war crimes tribunals for any possible war crimes, crimes against humanity and / or violations of IHL / IHRL. I have also stated many times I want a permanent two state solution imposed on Israel unilaterally.

As opposed to yourself who it seems celebrates the attacks of Hezbollah / Hamas on Israeli & Palestinian civilians (ironic that when it is Hezbollah committing war crimes against Palestinians all of a sudden it doesn't matter) and don't want them held to account for war crimes, crimes against humanity and / or violations of IHL / IHRL they have possibly committed as per UN reports.

Nonsense. I hold both sides to the same standard. Looking at the data, Israel are measurably worse. Israel have committed more war crimes than Hamas and Hezbollah combined, so I condemn them more.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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