Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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  • #26
Turkey appears to be following through. Can't see any detail of specific charges.

ANKARA, Jan 2 (Reuters) - Turkish authorities have detained 34 people suspected of being linked to Israel's Mossad intelligence service and of targeting Palestinians living in Turkey, a senior Turkish official said on Tuesday, adding Mossad also recruited members in the country.

Last month, Turkish officials warned Israel of "serious consequences" if it tried to hunt down members of the militant group Hamas living outside Palestinian territories, including in Turkey. President Tayyip Erdogan warned that would be a mistake.

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  • #27
Joint statement issued warning the Houthis off and ordering them to immediately release all 'illegally' detained vessels and crew.

Bad vibes here.

"We remain committed to the international rules based order and are determined to hold malign actors accountable for unlawful seizures and attack."


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Israel denies bombing Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance in Gaza, killing six people​

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said six people were killed in an air strike on their ambulance at the entrance to the Deir al-Balah area of central Gaza. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) denied the attack in a statement to the Agence France-Presse news agency.

"A review was conducted based on the details provided to the IDF which shows that no strike was carried out in the described area," the IDF said.

The roof of the ambulance was completely destroyed and part of the vehicle crushed, photos show.

The Red Crescent Society said the ambulance had been on Salah al-Din Road, a highway running north-south through the Gaza Strip which has been used by thousands of Palestinians fleeing the Israeli military advance.

Israel denies being behind deadly attack on Gaza ambulance
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  • #30

Israel denies bombing Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance in Gaza, killing six people​

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said six people were killed in an air strike on their ambulance at the entrance to the Deir al-Balah area of central Gaza. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) denied the attack in a statement to the Agence France-Presse news agency.

"A review was conducted based on the details provided to the IDF which shows that no strike was carried out in the described area," the IDF said.

The roof of the ambulance was completely destroyed and part of the vehicle crushed, photos show.

The Red Crescent Society said the ambulance had been on Salah al-Din Road, a highway running north-south through the Gaza Strip which has been used by thousands of Palestinians fleeing the Israeli military advance.

Israel denies being behind deadly attack on Gaza ambulance

Hamas are known to use ambulances so I think Israel might fess up if it was them
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  • #34
About bloody time.

Labor MP Julian Hill calls for ban on Australians funding illegal Israeli settlements​

Labor backbencher Julian Hill has urged the government to ban Australians from funding illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, including visa bans for "extremist settlers"...

Labor backbencher calls for ban on Australians funding illegal Israeli settlements

Those fundy settlers are represented in the Knesset, it should be deregistered and all of them disarmed imo.
Dunno about that one unless it's an IDF gone rogue. I wonder who it was that identified the shooter as IDF because nobody generally sees snipers?

Pope and the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem condemned the killing, hard to see the Pope going off half-cocked with accusations.

Also Wikipedia page says IDF denied responsibility but:

"Following an investigation, the IDF said that Hamas had fired an RPG from the vicinity of church, and that IDF soldiers had fired back and hit Hamas spotters."

So the only ones firing AT the church were IDF.

They hit 2 women who they've termed as "Hamas spotters".

Convenient implausible deniability by the military arm of a terrorist state - the mirror image of Hamas.
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  • #36
Pope and the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem condemned the killing, hard to see the Pope going off half-cocked with accusations.

Also Wikipedia page says IDF denied responsibility but:

"Following an investigation, the IDF said that Hamas had fired an RPG from the vicinity of church, and that IDF soldiers had fired back and hit Hamas spotters."

So the only ones firing AT the church were IDF.

They hit 2 women who they've termed as "Hamas spotters".

Convenient implausible deniability by the military arm of a terrorist state - the mirror image of Hamas.

Okay, I hadn't read about the RPG launch and the response. I'd only read vague kind of reports of a sniper and wondered how the Priest and the Pope knew it was the IDF.

Reads like they definitely are responsible then.
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  • #37
South Africa has initiated action alleging genocide in Gaza by "acts and omissions" with the "specific intent to destroy Palestinians in Gaza".

View attachment 1879725

The ICJ will give their determination in about an hour and a half.

The ICJ will deliver its Order on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in the case South Africa v. Iarael this Friday, 26 January 2024, at 1 p.m. (The Hague). Watch live on

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All reasonable and well-balanced points of view and recommended steps from the ICJ in my view. Makes for a refreshing change from the wildly-biased media (both ways) and message board flame wars on the topic.

In addition to the almost exclusive focus by the media on Israel's actions to prevent genocide:

The court also said it was "gravely concerned" about the fate of hostages held in Gaza and called on Hamas and other armed groups to immediately release them without conditions.

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  • #41
So the way I'm reading this through the blizzard of partisan opinion, is that the ICJ considers 'some' of SAs claims are a 'plausible risk' but which is a long way from conclusive. Israel has to report to the ICJ within one month which may be ongoing while the ICJ considers the merits of taking the case of genocide further.
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  • #43
Laughable decision. IDF will not comply with any of them. Terrorists on both sides, and this fixes nothing.

Nah, I don't imagine Hamas will take any notice at all to no consequence. I'll be surprised though if Israel simply ignores the orders and fails to provide this report they're supposed to give the ICJ in one month.

Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir the nutter, posted this after the ruling, Hague Schmag. Looks like bravado to me. Emily Shrader, who's quite a prominent Zionist voice for Israel, shot back at him.


Israel-Gaza updates: US government imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers accused of West Bank violence​

The United States government has imposed sanctions on four Israeli men it accused of being involved in settler violence in the West Bank, signalling growing US displeasure with the policies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Joe Biden issued an executive order on Thursday that aims to punish Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, where Palestinians envisage a future state.

The order establishes a system for imposing financial sanctions and visa restrictions against individuals who attack or intimidate Palestinians or seize their property, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement. "Today's actions seek to promote peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians alike," he said.

United Nations figures show that daily settler attacks have more than doubled in the nearly four months since Palestinian Hamas militants on October 7 carried out a terrorist attack on Israel and Israel responded with an assault on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. A State Department statement said:
  • David Chai Chasdai initiated and led a riot that included setting vehicles and buildings on fire and causing damage to property in Huwara, resulting in the death of a Palestinian civilian.
  • Einan Tanjil assaulted Palestinian farmers and Israeli activists by attacking them with stones and clubs, resulting in injuries that required medical treatment.
  • Shalom Zicherman, according to video evidence, assaulted Israeli activists and their vehicles in the West Bank, blocking them on the street, attempted to break the windows of passing vehicles with activists inside, and cornered at least two of the activists and injured both.
  • Yinon Levi led a group of settlers that assaulted Palestinian and Bedouin civilians, burned their fields and destroyed their property.
"Israel must do more to stop violence against civilians in the West Bank and hold accountable those responsible for it," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a separate statement. The United States will continue to take actions to advance the foreign policy objectives of the United States, including the viability of a two-state solution, and is committed to the safety, security, and dignity of Israelis and Palestinians alike."

US imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers accused of West Bank violence
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  • #47

Israel-Gaza updates: US government imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers accused of West Bank violence​

The United States government has imposed sanctions on four Israeli men it accused of being involved in settler violence in the West Bank, signalling growing US displeasure with the policies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Joe Biden issued an executive order on Thursday that aims to punish Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, where Palestinians envisage a future state.

The order establishes a system for imposing financial sanctions and visa restrictions against individuals who attack or intimidate Palestinians or seize their property, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement. "Today's actions seek to promote peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians alike," he said.

United Nations figures show that daily settler attacks have more than doubled in the nearly four months since Palestinian Hamas militants on October 7 carried out a terrorist attack on Israel and Israel responded with an assault on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. A State Department statement said:
  • David Chai Chasdai initiated and led a riot that included setting vehicles and buildings on fire and causing damage to property in Huwara, resulting in the death of a Palestinian civilian.
  • Einan Tanjil assaulted Palestinian farmers and Israeli activists by attacking them with stones and clubs, resulting in injuries that required medical treatment.
  • Shalom Zicherman, according to video evidence, assaulted Israeli activists and their vehicles in the West Bank, blocking them on the street, attempted to break the windows of passing vehicles with activists inside, and cornered at least two of the activists and injured both.
  • Yinon Levi led a group of settlers that assaulted Palestinian and Bedouin civilians, burned their fields and destroyed their property.
"Israel must do more to stop violence against civilians in the West Bank and hold accountable those responsible for it," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a separate statement. The United States will continue to take actions to advance the foreign policy objectives of the United States, including the viability of a two-state solution, and is committed to the safety, security, and dignity of Israelis and Palestinians alike."

US imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers accused of West Bank violence

It's a start but too late for the people the settlers have turned on exploiting Israel's response to Oct 7 as if it means they can do whatever they want.

I said when this started that the UN should move forces on to the perimeter of the West Bank to observe and protect the Palestinians living there.
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  • #48
Actually, it might even be a start to proscribing the settler movement as a terrorist organisation and which imo is a fit. This should concern that Daniella Weiss and Ben-Gvir.

Washington: Violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank will be hit with a fresh wave of travel and financial sanctions under a new executive order issued by US President Joe Biden to tackle growing instability in the Middle East.

As tensions rise amid the Israel-Hamas war, the White House has targeted four foreign nationals who have engaged in terrorism, violence, intimidation, and property damage against civilians in the West Bank, a region home to about three million Palestinians, occupied by Israel since 1967.

It's a start but too late for the people the settlers have turned on exploiting Israel's response to Oct 7 as if it means they can do whatever they want.

I said when this started that the UN should move forces on to the perimeter of the West Bank to observe and protect the Palestinians living there.

The nutjob settlers have always done this. Any time there is conflict they use it as a time to expand the settlements. But they are a minority in Israel. The majority want peace and to not have every single one of their neighbours (and ironically bleeding hearts the world over) wishing for their annihilation.

Can anyone name 2 countries in the middle east where noone cares if youre gay or a woman ?

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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