Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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No, they are not. Israel bombed them, they are responsible.

I've said this repeatedly, Israel are 100% responsible for how they responded to the terrorist attack. They themselves have chosen to bomb the shit out of innocent people.

I still don't get the "Hamas made Israel do it" argument. You are effectively saying that a terrorist organization controls Israel's behaviour.

Israel had other options. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they didn't exist.

I agree that the civilian death toll should be absolutely zero ideally in any war.

In the real world and every war fought in history this simply is not reality.

Especially this one where Hamas deliberately & callously attempts to maximise the civilian casualty as much as possible - something you don't seem to hold then responsible for doing so.

Better yet how about don't launch a mass terror attack on civilians preventing such a war.

Jordan & Egypt are official allies of Palestine - how many times have they attacked Israel recently & how many times has Israel responded with counter attacks in the last year on those states?
That is exactly what happened! October 7 was planned by Iran, carried out by Hamas. And Hezbollah weighed in, in the north, lobbing 9000 rockets and driving out 70,000 residents from their homes. What other options did Israel have, after 1400 rapes, murders, beheadings, burnings, kidnappings, and promises of more until Israel is gone?

You're saying Israel should have just said, give us back our people and we'll let it go. Or even, ok, you win, we'll pack up and leave the Middle East. Hamas were perfectly prepared for reprisals and embedded themselves among the people they are supposed to represent. That's the war crime. Then civilian deaths have been used to reduce support for Israel among the international community.

Mind you, all along, Iran has underestimated Israel's determination NOT to be wiped out, that's where they have made a big mistake. As they will find out.

Why do you keep repeating your debunked lies?

There was not 1400 rapes and/or murders. You know this.

Majority of cross border attacks are done by Israel.


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Why do you keep repeating your debunked lies?

There was not 1400 rapes and/or murders. You know this.

Majority of cross border attacks are done by Israel.

View attachment 2132459
Looks inaccurate. It is reported that Hezbollah has launched 8,000 Rockets at Israel since October 7th. Are they not counting those as cross-border attacks? If I try and add up all Hezbollah cross-border attack numbers on the infographic, it looks to be somewhere around 1000 or so until the end of June.

Are they not counting every rocket fired by Hezbollah as a cross border attack? What about the anti-tank missiles and drones they send over the border? Why are they missing from the infographic? This is why these infographics are ridiculously simplistic without at least some context with how the different variables are defined.

Looks inaccurate. It is reported that Hezbollah has launched 8,000 Rockets at Israel since October 7th. Are they not counting those as cross-border attacks? If I try and add up all Hezbollah cross-border attack numbers on the infographic, it looks to be somewhere around 1000 or so until the end of June.

Are they not counting every rocket fired by Hezbollah as a cross border attack? What about the anti-tank missiles and drones they send over the border? Why are they missing from the infographic? This is why infographics are ridiculous without at least some context with how the different variables are defined.

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Maybe we should count deaths as well Jazny. You would if you cared about that sort of thing.

Maybe we should count deaths as well Jazny. You would if you cared about that sort of thing.

View attachment 2132504
Looks very similar to when the US fought against ISIL in Syria. Actually more Israelis have died in this conflict for less casualties inflicted compared to America in that war. What do you think those numbers mean? If a terrorist non-state actor attacks a country unprovoked, displacing tens of thousands of people from their homes, doing extensive damage to the country, the country under attack is not allowed to fight back?
Looks very similar to when the US fought against ISIL in Syria. Actually more Israelis have died in this conflict for less casualties inflicted compared to America in that war. What do you think those numbers mean? If a terrorist non-state actor attacks a country unprovoked, displacing tens of thousands of people from their homes, doing extensive damage to the country, the country under attack is not allowed to fight back?

How is it you can see through the Trump propaganda.... yet repeat the hasbara from those same outlets?

It seems a bit odd.
Australian Federal Police have released pictures of 7 men wanted over the display of illegal Hezbullah terrorist group flags and symbols in Melbourne last weekend as part of Operation Ardvarna.

The images were taken on 29 September in the Melbourne CBD between 12:30pm and 2:00pm.

Some may have been named publicly however it’s believed they are false names.

Screenshot 2024-10-05 at 2.13.57 PM.png
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Is there any dishonorable organisation that should be immediately folded that this man won't support?
Australian Federal Police have released pictures of 7 men wanted over the display of illegal Hezbullah terrorist group flags and symbols in Melbourne last weekend as part of Operation Ardvarna.

The images were taken on 29 September in the Melbourne CBD between 12:30pm and 2:00pm.

Some may have been named publicly however it’s believed they are false names.

View attachment 2132555
Interesting that none of these characters expressing devotion to the terrorists aren't going to go and help their heroes, and leave behind this repugnant "tyrannical terrorist regime" whose freedoms they are currently enjoying. :think:

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Interesting that none of these characters expressing devotion to the terrorists aren't going to go and help their heroes, and leave behind this repugnant "tyrannical terrorist regime" whose freedoms they are currently enjoying. :think:

Have you booked your flight to Israel for IDF training yet?
And given that this is a crime thread, a reminder to posters here that both Hamas and Hizbollah are listed terrorist organisations under the Federal Criminal Code Act (1995) and various equivalent state and territory legislation:

Hizbullahs paramilitary wing has been listed as a terrorist organisation since 2003. It's only more recently, after a campaign by Israel and it's local interests (Zionist Federation of Australia, AIJAC, Executive Council of Australian Jewry) that it's legitimate civilian political and social branches were included under that designation in Australia.

This gives Israel a pseudon-legal justification to target these civilian entities directly, and have those attacks supported and cheered here. As we can see with Israel deliberately targeting the Islamic Health Unit facilities and staff while attempting to rescue victims of attacks. War crimes, completely ignored. Israel can carry out extrajudicial killings of political leadership, security officials with no military role and reservists (non-combatants) and have mouthbreathers clap their hands.

It gives them cover for their Dahiya doctrine being carried out currently in Beirut, and in Dahiya itself. 3,000 building destroyed or damaged in Lebanon in 2 weeks.

Australian Federal Police have released pictures of 7 men wanted over the display of illegal Hezbullah terrorist group flags and symbols in Melbourne last weekend as part of Operation Ardvarna.

The images were taken on 29 September in the Melbourne CBD between 12:30pm and 2:00pm.

Some may have been named publicly however it’s believed they are false names.

View attachment 2132555

Our intelligence agencies would be concerned they may be recruiting.

Hezbollah also has links to OMCGs.
Our intelligence agencies would be concerned they may be recruiting.

Hezbollah also has links to OMCGs.
These groups have worldwide networks of operatives. Here and in the USA protesters were carrying professionally printed posters and the encampments all featured dozens of similar tents. Obviously provided by a well-funded organisation or organisations.

Hizb ut-Tahrir are behind many of the rallies.

Our intelligence agencies would be concerned they may be recruiting.

Hezbollah also has links to OMCGs.

With a particular focus on the potential for escalating to coordinated acts of violence and terrorism. As the AFP has explained on its website...

The AFP’s Counter Terrorism and Special Investigations Command (in Victoria) has established Operation Ardvarna, which is investigating nine complaints of allegedly publicly displayed prohibited symbols in Victoria while potentially inciting or advocating violence, or hatred, based on race and religion.

The nine reports originate in Victoria and have been provided by Victoria Police (3) and to the National Security Hotline (1), Report of Crime (portal) (4) and proactive investigation into a media article (1) allegedly identifying an individual. It is likely the number of investigations will increase, and some state and territory police agencies have their own investigations underway.

The process for AFP investigators includes triaging and assessing referrals, identifying persons of interest, developing investigation plans to assist ongoing investigations and to provide strategies for disruption and/or overt activity.

While state and territory police agencies primarily focus on public order management for protests, the AFP has offered or is providing support to agencies ahead of expected protests over the coming days.

The nine investigations undertaken by the AFP are a priority. However, the community can be assured that the AFP is also continuing to focus on its primary role that it does 365 days a year - that includes investigating and disrupting terrorism, radicalisation, foreign interference and espionage.
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Could you please provide the link to this material?

That was wikipedia.

I agree that the civilian death toll should be absolutely zero ideally in any war.

In the real world and every war fought in history this simply is not reality.

Especially this one where Hamas deliberately & callously attempts to maximise the civilian casualty as much as possible - something you don't seem to hold then responsible for doing so.

Better yet how about don't launch a mass terror attack on civilians preventing such a war.

Jordan & Egypt are official allies of Palestine - how many times have they attacked Israel recently & how many times has Israel responded with counter attacks in the last year on those states?
In the very post of mine you quoted, I called October 7 a terrorist attack. That means I am acknowledging the bolded, because that's precisely what terrorist attacks are about.

So, yes, I hold Hamas absolutely responsible for the terrorist attack, its scope and nature. As I hold Israel responsible for the scope and nature of its response.
That is exactly what happened! October 7 was planned by Iran, carried out by Hamas. And Hezbollah weighed in, in the north, lobbing 9000 rockets and driving out 70,000 residents from their homes. What other options did Israel have, after 1400 rapes, murders, beheadings, burnings, kidnappings, and promises of more until Israel is gone?

You're saying Israel should have just said, give us back our people and we'll let it go. Or even, ok, you win, we'll pack up and leave the Middle East. Hamas were perfectly prepared for reprisals and embedded themselves among the people they are supposed to represent. That's the war crime. Then civilian deaths have been used to reduce support for Israel among the international community.

Mind you, all along, Iran has underestimated Israel's determination NOT to be wiped out, that's where they have made a big mistake. As they will find out.
What's this continued practice of putting words in people's mouths? I'm not saying that at all. I'm simply saying that Israel is responsible for the nature of its response. And that bombing the shit out of innocent people and Gaza itself wasn't the only option.

They could have sent troops in from the start. Or they could have selectively bombed and sent troops in. Both those options were open if they chose to retaliate.

Or, yes, they could have shown restraint, negotiated for hostage release and an ongoing ceasefire, worked out what went wrong with their defences & rectified it. And, to go further, they could have decided to be open to finding a solution to sorting this problem out once and for all. Now, of course, that is a long term strategy but such strategies have to start somewhere.

Now, before you come back at me and tell me all the negatives involved in what I have written, that's not my point - which is that the "mass murder and destruction" option wasn't the only option available to Israel. And that strategy is hardly full of positives anyway -
*40,000+ dead
*Much of Gaza razed, with someone eventually going to have to rebuild it
*The terrorists won't be eliminated - they will regroup and come back, either as Hamas or a new outfit
*Turning much of the world and the local region against Israel
*Ensuring a generation, or multiple generations, of Palestinians hate them
*Putting their own civilians' lives at risk due to a regional war becoming a real possibility
*And overall, as a result of the above, ensuring that the cycle of hatred and violence will go on and on

You don't eliminate terrorists using Israel's current method. It's like cutting out a cancer - unless you get rid of it 100%, it grows back. So not only are Israel going to fail to totally cut the cancer out, they are giving it nutrition in the form of feeding the hatred that it thrives on. You have to stop giving terrorists the oxygen to breathe, by stopping behaviour that creates legitimate (in other peoples' eyes) grievances. Anyway, that's bigger picture stuff I guess.

In summary, Israel has chosen this response and a lot of people have paid, are paying and will be paying the price as a result.
They could have sent troops in from the start. Or they could have selectively bombed and sent troops in. Both those options were open if they chose to retaliate.

Chose to retaliate?

You do realise the only reason Hamas stopped killing Israeli's is because the IDF killed all the ones in Israel.

Good idea, let terrorists continue to launch rockets against you...

Of course you highlight the option that would have resulted in the most IDF casualties.... and even more Gazan deaths.

Or, yes, they could have shown restraint, negotiated for hostage release and an ongoing ceasefire, worked out what went wrong with their defences & rectified it. And, to go further, they could have decided to be open to finding a solution to sorting this problem out once and for all. Now, of course, that is a long term strategy but such strategies have to start somewhere.

No defence is impenetrable. It just buys time.

Or you know Hamas could have just not done it.

Now, before you come back at me and tell me all the negatives involved in what I have written, that's not my point - which is that the "mass murder and destruction" option wasn't the only option available to Israel. And that strategy is hardly full of positives anyway -
*40,000+ dead
*Much of Gaza razed, with someone eventually going to have to rebuild it
*The terrorists won't be eliminated - they will regroup and come back, either as Hamas or a new outfit
*Turning much of the world and the local region against Israel
*Ensuring a generation, or multiple generations, of Palestinians hate them
*Putting their own civilians' lives at risk due to a regional war becoming a real possibility
*And overall, as a result of the above, ensuring that the cycle of hatred and violence will go on and on

I note that Hamas does not distinguish between civilian and militant casualties. Either do you.

Most of them will be. Very hard for terrorists to terrorise without their infrastructure and weapons.

When in history has that ever not been the trend?

Hamas and UNRWA have done a fantastic job of that without the need for Israeli intervention.

As opposed to just being bombed and attacked without retaliating?

You don't eliminate terrorists using Israel's current method. It's like cutting out a cancer - unless you get rid of it 100%, it grows back. So not only are Israel going to fail to totally cut the cancer out, they are giving it nutrition in the form of feeding the hatred that it thrives on. You have to stop giving terrorists the oxygen to breathe, by stopping behaviour that creates legitimate (in other peoples' eyes) grievances. Anyway, that's bigger picture stuff I guess.

Israel has just rewritten the book on eliminating terrorists.

It has done in three weeks what the US has been able to do in over 40 years.

You and I both know that Islamist extremists will never stop until they are dead. ***

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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