Yeah I was thinking of running 531 again since I’ve got the Forever book and it was working for me. Only reason I switched to GZCLP was because of the linear appeal of using the same weight for each working set.I was doing it earlier in the year essentially having “heavy, medium, light” days for each exercise.
Basically set up like this, except I’d do a full week of this program in a single session eg Monday = week 1, Wednesday = week 2, Friday = week 3. Then just some rows, abs and cardio after squat/bench/deadlift.
The other thing I’ve done with clients in the past that has worked is run 5/3/1 but doing a month of the program in one week as well.
But ramping up to a heavy set hasn’t caused me the same issues as doing the all out heavy set first or grinding out 2-4 reps of my 5 or 6RM.
I was just concerned about volume on the assistance work and not hitting the required 10 sets per body part a week for muscle growth, but I’d rather just follow a program as close to as written and pick 3 push/pull/single leg-an movements or whatever Wendler suggests for each template.
Edit: I also like that Wendler has several 3 day templates. I know GZCLP can be done 3 days a week but I’d prefer to hit my big four (Zercher, Trap Bar, OHP, Floor Press) every week without doing 4 days a week of training.
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