"Welcome To Country" Speeches .......... Gone Too Far Now ??

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And please tell me what his agenda is. Are you as triggered when coaches use the media to push their agenda?
I can't think of any examples of any coach saying anything remotely like what he said, and im not sure what his agenda is but he clearly had one, further to that the week before I was at the Brisbane Carlton game Shannon Ruska often does the welcome to country and does its fantastically, no agenda no BS
I can't think of any examples of any coach saying anything remotely like what he said, and im not sure what his agenda is but he clearly had one, further to that the week before I was at the Brisbane Carlton game Shannon Ruska often does the welcome to country and does its fantastically, no agenda no BS
If he had an agenda, you must know what it is. Otherwise, how the hell can you know he had an agenda

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Captain Cook had many agendas in coming to the other side of the world. Scientific, adventure, exploration and keeping the British Empire as the pre eminent place it was. Every nation and people’s on earth from the tribal to the empirical was about this. I don’t see any problem with Cook, he is one of the most important and remarkable men to have ever lived. We wouldn’t have the country we have without him.
I don’t mind acknowledging Aboriginal cultures and histories, but I would be a hypocrite if I weren’t grateful for the fact that me and my ancestors also moved here, like the aboriginal’s did before my ancestors. Progress has always come to all parts of the earth. You progress or you get left behind. We are all very lucky it was the British people who pioneered this land because English Common Law is still the most progressive and most just and merciful of all systems yet devised. We wouldn’t even have football and the best lifestyle in the world without it.

The question you've got to ask yourself here is how did this "most progressive" British Common Law apply to the pre-existing rights to land of the indigenous inhabitants when the land was acquired by the justification that it was uninhabited.

The British immediately created a problem with the application of common law to the Aboroginal people by pretending they didn't exist.
I can't think of any examples of any coach saying anything remotely like what he said, and im not sure what his agenda is but he clearly had one, further to that the week before I was at the Brisbane Carlton game Shannon Ruska often does the welcome to country and does its fantastically, no agenda no BS
Hang on. You're sure he has an agenda. But you don't know what it is BUT you think you'll whinge about it anyway. Is this the level of the debate? really?
The question you've got to ask yourself here is how did this "most progressive" British Common Law apply to the pre-existing rights to land of the indigenous inhabitants when the land was acquired by the justification that it was uninhabited.

The British immediately created a problem with the application of common law to the Aboroginal people by pretending they didn't exist.
well I would have to ask him why on earth he said 250,000 BC and BC means before cook, how's its relevant? whats he going on about? I have no idea but its obviously something for him to say before cook
It's none of your business what he said, he can say what he likes, it's his land.
The question you've got to ask yourself here is how did this "most progressive" British Common Law apply to the pre-existing rights to land of the indigenous inhabitants when the land was acquired by the justification that it was uninhabited.

The British immediately created a problem with the application of common law to the Aboroginal people by pretending they didn't exist.
100% they just took it. From the beginning of time to just recently that was how things were. For the aboriginals tribes all around the world and every other civilisation that ever existed, if you were strong enough the land was yours. The English common law only applied to their own people. But built within that system was progress and self reflection, that lead to acknowledging of past injustices. It was still the best of outcomes as terrible as it obviously was. They could have had Islamic law or Chinese law etc.
100% they just took it. From the beginning of time to just recently that was how things were. For the aboriginals tribes all around the world and every other civilisation that ever existed, if you were strong enough the land was yours. The English common law only applied to their own people. But built within that system was progress and self reflection, that lead to acknowledging of past injustices. It was still the best of outcomes as terrible as it obviously was. They could have had Islamic law or Chinese law etc.
who knows - they could have scored someone who didnt poison their water holes maybe?

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"Welcome To Country" Speeches .......... Gone Too Far Now ??

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