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My breakfast usually is what I call Dan's famous liquid breakfast. 1x vanilla up&go, 1x 500ml glass of water incl berocca, 1x 500ml glass of water.

Then I have a coffee at 10am, followed by an apple at 11am, yogurt at 12, lunch (couple of sandwiches/wraps) at 1, museli bar at 2, carrot at 3, and about 10 glasses of water throughout the day. Dinner is what I said in my first post.

I actually think I eat pretty well. It's my sedentary lifestyle that kills me.

Then you do eat pretty well, you sedentary bastard. At least you quit smoking, that's a good start.
height 195cm
start weight 122kg
current weight 112kg
target weight 99kg
age 43

I nearly died when I weighed myself and was 122kg. I was motivated for a number of reasons, the main one was a determination to a) keep fit and healthy for my (now ex) girlfriend b) win a weight loss competition at work.

I started by stopping all of the shit I was eating between meals, and dropping the portion sizes. Walking for 30 minutes every lunch time as well as parking my car in the furthest car park from my building.

Once I got a semblance of fitness I joined a new local gym that is run and managed by a young 18 yo kid. Its not as busy as Anytime Fitness etc. I also started playing beach volleyball and am back opening bowling for my cricket team.

I won the competition ($450) but I have put on a little since I broke up with my girlfriend. :(

Plantar Fasciitis in one foot doesnt help matters but the one morning (Sundays after cricket) that I cant walk for a couple of hours is worth it.

Im getting my shit back together and back to the gym now so I have confidence I can reach my goal. There is no rush, which is the important thing to try to keep reminding myself. If it takes 12 months or 24 it is worth it.

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I won the competition ($450) but I have put on a little since I broke up with my girlfriend. :(

I see an ex at woolworths every so often. Remarkable how much weight we both put on immediately after breaking up.

I actually thought you were a female poster. Sharing a photo of you in the circle with the players?
Do any of you have a FitBit?

I have a Charge, I love it just for the sleep function, I'm finally seeing what kind of sleep I get and adjusting. The Step thing is nice but I've only managed 10,000 a few times since I got it for Xmas.
Have a FitBit Charge HR, easily the best fitness band around. The quality of the band needs improving, but the actual functionality is the best. Had to get a replacement recently after 6 months because the band was starting to breakup a bit, but FitBit sent me a new free one within a week!
had a fitbit once didn't think it was overly accurate so i sold it.
height 182
weight 84
ideal weight around 80

vices anything sweet.
I've done a fair bit of research into the different fitness bands, FitBit is definitely the best for all day heart rate and sleep function, and isn't too far behind in terms of step accuracy.
My diet includes protein three times a day. On the treadmill I do 1 minute intervals of 10km/hr and 7km/hr. I know that my best results in the past have been by lifting weights rather than just treadmill. Though diet is 80% of the work.
You should try upping those speeds to 12 and 9 km/hr. It will get you a bit over 3km in those 20 minutes, and burn more fat in the process.
I've done a fair bit of research into the different fitness bands, FitBit is definitely the best for all day heart rate and sleep function, and isn't too far behind in terms of step accuracy.
It may well have been right, I just didn't think I was going that far each day.
Hi everyone. I may well be the first chick to get in on this.
My story is when I was at high school I was always really thin despite my diet being pretty bad. I don't like sweets but savoury/junk food is my vice. I maintained my weight due to being very active - school sport, PE etc.
When I started Uni (studying medicine) I stopped playing sport/doing exercise, ate lots of unhealthy food (as you do at Uni) and started drinking (as you do at Uni) First few years at Uni I put on a reasonable amount of weight - not heaps. I would say I was slightly overweight. I then went on a exercise kick in 5th year Uni - started hitting the gym and playing sport again and got back down to an ideal weight. I then met my now husband and gym time became couple time. I then started my intern year and due to massively long work hours, erratic work hours / shift work etc with no exercise and even more erratic eating habits I put on weight again which continued through my early years of specialist training with work/study etc. I started karate in my early/mid 20's and have been doing it now for about 15 years. Karate made me fit and strong but I never lost stacks of weight. Over the last 8 years I have had 2 kids, I stopped regular karate training and when I was there I was usually teaching rather than training so in that time I put on more weight.
Immediately after having my daughter 3 years ago I weighed 86kg.
My husband did a routine on the exercise bike a few years ago and he lost 20kg in about 6 months. I've started doing the same routine.
It's basically 30 mins on the bike. 5 min warm up. 20 mins of interval training - 8 sec sprint, 14 sec recovery (slow pedalling not resting) and then a 5 min cool down.
He did it 5 times a week and lost 20 kg in 6 months. I only have time for 3 times a week with work, kids etc. Diet wise have cut back quantities and cut out takeaways completely (apart from the occasional dire need due to a hangover) I don't like sweets and I only drink water (apart from 2 coffees a day and alcohol) so no softies/cordial/juice etc
Started at 82 kg. Have lost 9 kg in 6 months. I have dropped a size and looking/feeling great but have about 8kg to go to get to my ideal weight. Then to tone up and hopefully look / feel awesome by next summer.
Hi everyone. I may well be the first chick to get in on this.
My story is when I was at high school I was always really thin despite my diet being pretty bad. I don't like sweets but savoury/junk food is my vice. I maintained my weight due to being very active - school sport, PE etc.
When I started Uni (studying medicine) I stopped playing sport/doing exercise, ate lots of unhealthy food (as you do at Uni) and started drinking (as you do at Uni) First few years at Uni I put on a reasonable amount of weight - not heaps. I would say I was slightly overweight. I then went on a exercise kick in 5th year Uni - started hitting the gym and playing sport again and got back down to an ideal weight. I then met my now husband and gym time became couple time. I then started my intern year and due to massively long work hours, erratic work hours / shift work etc with no exercise and even more erratic eating habits I put on weight again which continued through my early years of specialist training with work/study etc. I started karate in my early/mid 20's and have been doing it now for about 15 years. Karate made me fit and strong but I never lost stacks of weight. Over the last 8 years I have had 2 kids, I stopped regular karate training and when I was there I was usually teaching rather than training so in that time I put on more weight.
Immediately after having my daughter 3 years ago I weighed 86kg.
My husband did a routine on the exercise bike a few years ago and he lost 20kg in about 6 months. I've started doing the same routine.
It's basically 30 mins on the bike. 5 min warm up. 20 mins of interval training - 8 sec sprint, 14 sec recovery (slow pedalling not resting) and then a 5 min cool down.
He did it 5 times a week and lost 20 kg in 6 months. I only have time for 3 times a week with work, kids etc. Diet wise have cut back quantities and cut out takeaways completely (apart from the occasional dire need due to a hangover) I don't like sweets and I only drink water (apart from 2 coffees a day and alcohol) so no softies/cordial/juice etc
Started at 82 kg. Have lost 9 kg in 6 months. I have dropped a size and looking/feeling great but have about 8kg to go to get to my ideal weight. Then to tone up and hopefully look / feel awesome by next summer.

Hell yes. Fit Club is for everyone. 9kg in 6 months is a great start. Keep it up!
Height 180cm
Current weight 78.5

I have to keep that way for work - came back from overseas last year at 76 which was unders, but one decent Xmas and it was 79.

I do have an interest as maintaining that weight isn't easy, it's a day in day out commitment or I'm the kind who will put on 10kg in a blink.

If you can ex regularly and restrict the following 3 things you will be well on the way;

Bread of any kind
Red meat

Yeh, well, you sound dangerously underweight to me. My vices have been TV, beer and shit food. It was over 10 years ago when I was adding whole egg mayo to meat lovers pizza. Not a drizzle like the namby pambies add these days, I was adding about 2 teaspoons per bite, still do when the mood strikes.

Currently 102.5kg
Height 172cm
Goal 75-78kg

Beer/alcohol - basically I have cut this out from every night to one session on a Friday or Saturday. But depending on my energy levels, it can be a session.

Food - started coming home for lunch which cuts out a lot of the junk food I was eating. Dinners are almost all home cooked now, but I tend to snack a bit when I first get home with cheese etc, whereas that used to be beer. I'm not yet interested in doing anything other than cutting out the really obvious bad stuff, so no more mayo on pizza and sell your shares in McDonalds Alice Springs if you have any.

Excercise - this is probably the hardest part because my body is starting to fail me a bit. I've seen a sportsmed doc from darwin about ongoing shin issues which appears to be compartment syndrome in my calves. Tests in about 6 weeks, so hopefully that will be it as it's an easy fix with a nick here and there. A recurring shoulder issue makes it hard to swim or lift weights and I hate cycling, but will probably have to suck that up. This shits been going on for ages and I've sat on my hands and never booked the scans etc, only got myself to blame . I have just set up a treadmill in front of the TV so I can combine a bit of gentle movement with my other great vice. Committing to 2hrs to the TV/treadmill each night and see where that gets me.

I am looking forward to keeping up to date with everyone in this thread and Peter, I sincerely hope you manage to put on a bit of weight. I suggest everything the rest of us are giving up, you should be taking up.
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heh -

I recently hit 100kg for the first time... it was a bit of a shock, but I'd been hovering in the 90's for a few years so it was probably bound to happen

Height: 193cm
Weight: 101kg

Goal: ? - I don't know.. I guess I'm tall so 90kg would be good? To be honest it's not something I've ever really thought too much about until recently.... I seem to be taller than everyone else in this thread (except one person who is 20 kg heavier...) so maybe my heigh/weight isn't that far out of alignment... but I do have a bit of a beer belly...

I was always skinny growing up, but not from eating well.. I always had a shit diet but it took years before it affected my body. I was only 78kg when I moved to Melbourne 9 years ago.... I was underweight... But then I started homebrewing my own beer, got a long term partner who cooked well and then bam.. I'm now over 100kg still with poor eating habits..


I still play footy, ride my bike as my main form of transportation, and occasionally get motivated to swim laps at the pool but they are infrequent..

Have never done any intense weight loss training.... I'm such a lazy **** with that stuff....
Yeh, well, you sound dangerously underweight to me. My vices have been TV, beer and shit food. It was over 10 years ago when I was adding whole egg mayo to meat lovers pizza. Not a drizzle like the namby pambies add these days, I was adding about 2 teaspoons per bite, still do when the mood strikes.

Currently 102.5kg
Height 172cm
Goal 75-78kg

Beer/alcohol - basically I have cut this out from every night to one session on a Friday or Saturday. But depending on my energy levels, it can be a session.

Food - started coming home for lunch which cuts out a lot of the junk food I was eating. Dinners are almost all home cooked now, but I tend to snack a bit when I first get home with cheese etc, whereas that used to be beer. I'm not yet interested in doing anything other than cutting out the really obvious bad stuff, so no more mayo on pizza and sell your shares in McDonalds Alice Springs if you have any.

Excercise - this is probably the hardest part because my body is starting to fail me a bit. I've seen a sportsmed doc from darwin about ongoing shin issues which appears to be compartment syndrome in my calves. Tests in about 6 weeks, so hopefully that will be it as it's an easy fix with a nick here and there. A recurring shoulder issue makes it hard to swim or lift weights and I hate cycling, but will probably have to suck that up. This shits been going on for ages and I've sat on my hands and never booked the scans etc, only got myself to blame . I have just set up a treadmill in front of the TV so I can combine a bit of gentle movement with my other great vice. Committing to 2hrs to the TV/treadmill each night and see where that gets me.

I am looking forward to keeping up to date with everyone in this thread and Peter, I sincerely hope you manage to put on a bit of weight. I suggest everything the rest of us are giving up, you should be taking up.
It may seem silly to be concerned with weight, but maintaining optimum weight and fitness is an employment condition - I have an issue whereby I put on weight very easily and very quickly.

So basically if I don't obsess over it, I will be over weight and unemployed in a blink
It may seem silly to be concerned with weight, but maintaining optimum weight and fitness is an employment condition - I have an issue whereby I put on weight very easily and very quickly.

So basically if I don't obsess over it, I will be over weight and unemployed in a blink

I finally worked out what it is you do overseas

One tip I'd give people in regards to diet. Learn to use spices and herbs and they'll become your best mate in the kitchen. Use these to flavour your food in lieu of making sauces, or using pre-made sauces from the supermarket, which are often full of fat, sugar, and salt. Spices and herbs add both flavour, and have nutritional benefits (just go easy on the salt).
I'll join,

Height- 182cm
Weight 93kg
Ideal- Don't really have one, I'll just know, but I reckon it would be around 85kg. (I'm particularly heavy shouldered)

Basically I've always been heavier than average more or less due to my build, but as of recent years I've put on more than I'd like.

See my thing is, even since I stopped playing footy, I've hardly gained any weight. It isn't so much that i don't gain weight, its that I don't lose it through training like others seem to do. So I think it is diet more so than anything else

Vices- Iced Coffee is my main killer, along with a particular dislike for Salad w/o dressing it heavily and an inability to drink water w/o really quite bad involuntary twitching after ward. ( This may be due to tap water tasting like crap, or it could be due to picking up a water born illness as a 10 year old and being extremely ill for almost 3 weeks, I dunno)

ATM I am starting to exercise a friends dog, although this is infrequent as I have to drive to there's etc and I can lack the motivation to do it if the weather doesn't suit me.

I tried weight lifting for about a month a year or more back now but for some reason I couldn't shake the fat layer off and just got grotesque purple stretch marks along my biceps. These marks are still there but faint even after stopping weight training for so long :(

I'd appreciate any advice anybody has that could help me out. Seems to not be as clear cut as we'd all like it to be, but what ever is?
Diet diet diet

It's been one week
Almost no carbs (sourdough and brown rice sparingly)
Almost no soft drink
Only a couple of beers at a social function
Walking dog a few times
Two gym visits with half hour on the cross-trainer and lots of weights


2.1 kg gone! Down to 82.6

Hopefully it keeps up at this rate
I'll join,

Height- 182cm
Weight 93kg
Ideal- Don't really have one, I'll just know, but I reckon it would be around 85kg. (I'm particularly heavy shouldered)

Basically I've always been heavier than average more or less due to my build, but as of recent years I've put on more than I'd like.

See my thing is, even since I stopped playing footy, I've hardly gained any weight. It isn't so much that i don't gain weight, its that I don't lose it through training like others seem to do. So I think it is diet more so than anything else

Vices- Iced Coffee is my main killer, along with a particular dislike for Salad w/o dressing it heavily and an inability to drink water w/o really quite bad involuntary twitching afterward. ( This may be due to tap water tasting like crap, or it could be due to picking up a water born illness as a 10 year old and being extremely ill for almost 3 weeks, I dunno)

ATM I am starting to exercise a friends dog, although this is infrequent as I have to drive to there's etc and I can lack the motivation to do it if the weather doesn't suit me.

Welcome aboard!!

So, here's the RDI stuff:

so, since we're all behind computers, look at Sedentary: 2400 calories is your limit for the day. Try looking through the database here:

at the stuff you want to eat and drink (most drinks come prepackaged they're much easier to gauge) and find something with less calories than what you're eating and drinking now. There's only one trick to weight loss (you wont believe #1! clickbait): expend more energy than you take in.

As for diet, I've found the best way is to make subtle changes. Want bread? Sure. But not white bread - sourdough or wholemeal. Want a beer? Low carb beer. Want milk? Low fat milk. I lost about 10kg last year, then stacked it back on by eating non-stop chocolate and other rubbish for about 6 months. So, like Oprah I'm losing it again, like all of us here, by not drinking rubbish and eating rubbish (i'd kill everyone at my work for a Happy Meal right now).

But don't listen to me, listen to this industry expert:

One tip I'd give people in regards to diet. Learn to use spices and herbs and they'll become your best mate in the kitchen. Use these to flavour your food in lieu of making sauces, or using pre-made sauces from the supermarket, which are often full of fat, sugar, and salt. Spices and herbs add both flavour, and have nutritional benefits (just go easy on the salt).

Truer words were never spoken. You'd be amazed what you can do with turmeric and cumin and other strange foreign shit that smells funny.

I tried weight lifting for about a month a year or more back now but for some reason I couldn't shake the fat layer off and just got grotesque purple stretch marks along my biceps. These marks are still there but faint even after stopping weight training for so long :(

Muscle is denser than fat... so if you go to the gym and lift weights in the hope you'll lost weight, you'll actually gain weight replacing the fat with muscle. This isn't a bad thing, as eventually the fat strips off to show the taut, sexy, bulging muscle underneath... like @PeterJ above. If you still had the fat layer after, it's probably diet - my opinion is, we're poorly nutritioned as a society, so start to slowly introduce healthier options into your diet. I used to have a Coke addiction (the soft drink), and when i dieted last year, i had to give myself one every week as a reward, because i had caffeine withdrawal. This time, I stopped the Coke first (it's day 129 without Coke, so 129 days without caffeine) and I find i'm much better, and i don't have to reward myself with that horrible, disgusting, beautiful tasting drink/battery cleaner.

A bit rambly sorry but we believe in you - you can do it!
Ran the obstacle course on the weekend. 4km & 8.5km over a night/day. It hurt.

So I needed 2 bags of crisps for the drive home.

Once my leg gets better - I got it caught on a chain as I fell 8 feet off a rope ladder - I'll get the exercise bike set up. TV in back room now has chromecast so I can netflix and cycle.

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