Again, you try and deflect through an appeal to legalities when it is clear your personal judgements are what I and others have raised with you. You can explain legalities without putting forward ridiculous conspiracy theories. It may turn out there is some malicious intent from one or more of these three women but there is no evidence of such at this point. You haven't used such an example once. You keep repeating it. You have entertained unfounded speculation and suggest across multiple posts this could be attention-seeking, or a conspiracy or a school-girl vendetta etc. You seem to think claiming these are only possibilities exempts you from being judged as presenting your own personal opinion of these women. It doesn't.Yes, I think that the women knowing each other prior to the dick pick sending was unusual, this is what gave me a little bit of doubt into Patton's absolute guilt -I didn't suggest this was "reasonable doubt" in a legal sense, it is just what made stop putting petrol on the bonfire that everyone was building around Patton. There may very well be a logical and entirely acceptable reason for it, one poster suggested they all knew each other being "influencers", that may well be the case, but with only a hundred or so Twitter followers and no public instagram I didn't see how this was possible, but I don't know how this "Influencer" stuff works so I didn't want to comment. I didn't say they were attention-seeking or that there was a conspiracy to destroy Patton, I said it was a possibility, and while it is very unlikely it is more likely than Patton randomly sending it to 3 strangers who knew each other. Do you get my point - the victims are probably telling the truth as they see it, but if the defense wanted to create doubt, it would not be difficult.
My primary point of concern, is entirely the unlikelihood of Patton being convicted of an offense under the criminal code, and that it is not an offense to offend someone over the phone. That's it, that is what I am arguing. If you are reading something else into what I am writing or identifying some subtext that I am blaming the victims or saying that they deserve what Patton did - then you have missed my intended point completely.
Let me repost what I said, in case you missed it
Read the comments I have made about the victims in relation to how they would appear on the stand under cross, that was my intent. I do not believe that three women have decided to get together and make up a story to ruin Patton's career, that is ridiculous. The victims do have inconsistencies in their public statements, this does not make them liars. they could have been misreported, they could have been mistaken about when Patton sent pics. There is any number of legitimate reasons to explain why one of them continued to have a conversation with Patton long after he became offensive, but it is just not something you want appearing during testimony as a prosecutor.
- John Patton appears to have done something very stupid, misogynistic, and likely a form of sexual misconduct.
- I do not think John Patton could be charged and convicted of an offense under the Crimes Act. ( I am not making a value judgment on this, the legal system may well be wrong in the way these cases are handled)
- The victims have done NOTHING wrong, unless they have misrepresented what Patton has done.
- I think almost everyone was too quick to judge the guilt and degree of guilt of Patton, including myself
- I do NOT feel sorry for Patton, but I do believe he has already paid a high price for his actions, whatever comes next is just a cherry on top of what vindication the victims have already received by seeing him humiliated and placed in a hospital for his own mental health)
I could claim it's possible that the British were responsible for all Patton's actions. Can you say they weren't? I'm only raising it as a possibility but if the British did control Patton that would mean he couldn't be found guilty. I'm not saying it was the British but I think it is more likely than these women telling the truth as they knew each other before hand and that is only likely if the British were involved. I think before we throw the book at Patton we need to be sure it wasn't the British who controlled him.
I never outright said it was the British but the comments you make about the women are of the same form.
- "The victims have done NOTHING wrong, unless the British have misrepresented what Patton has done."
- "The victims have done NOTHING wrong, unless they have misrepresented what Patton has done."
"I do not want to minimize what the victims have gone through but when I see the consequences to Patton it really makes me want to be sure that these women were actually negatively impacted by Pattons behavior and it isn't some sort of schoolgirl payback."
You are choosing to use language like 'schoolgirl payback'.
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