Western Border Football League - Part 2

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Big Ant:Have the WBFL chosen not to show transfers. If so, disappointing. Stirs the early interest seeing who is coming and going.
Look i don't know the answer to that question, but my gut feel is.....transfers is a NO GO zone for the general interested onlooker. Who to blame....f*%#k knows...outside of the transfers tablet, leagues/clubs add there own.
Agree with you sam42....it does add to the interest of the goings on around the league, i know i like to have a look on the transfers list, beit our own league & clubs to Caloundra thirds. It's a good talking point to see the comings & goings within your league....
Maybe the vcfl have bitten more off than they could chew by going to a new web design/server....
Interesting views,

Has any one actually asked the full time administrator to see if the matter of the Transfer list can be activated. ( will take the matter up with David) Is any one able to offer some postive views suggestions on how to improve the league. ( all ideas are welcome, only consideration is you take into account 10 clubs views and a border to complicate matters)

Easy to have a go at league admin from a distance, has any one given any thought to actually running for office and putting time into running the league. Each Decemeber at a public AGM, all position are made vacant on all you need is to have 2 clubs confrim your nomination.

Also if clubs/players do not like something they have at least 4-5 meeting a year were views can be placed into a public forum called a delegates meeting. All clubs are given equal time to raise issues, but in the end any decision is taken by the 10 clubs on a open vote basis. Only time league Exec get to vote is if vote is tied, in the last xx years this has been used only once

The Mininera football league has made its own transfer thread that anyone can add to at any time which might be a good idea.

It may not be 100% accurate but it would give a basic indication of the ins and outs from each club in the league.


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Interesting views,

Has any one actually asked the full time administrator to see if the matter of the Transfer list can be activated. ( will take the matter up with David) Is any one able to offer some postive views suggestions on how to improve the league. ( all ideas are welcome, only consideration is you take into account 10 clubs views and a border to complicate matters)

Easy to have a go at league admin from a distance, has any one given any thought to actually running for office and putting time into running the league. Each Decemeber at a public AGM, all position are made vacant on all you need is to have 2 clubs confrim your nomination.

Also if clubs/players do not like something they have at least 4-5 meeting a year were views can be placed into a public forum called a delegates meeting. All clubs are given equal time to raise issues, but in the end any decision is taken by the 10 clubs on a open vote basis. Only time league Exec get to vote is if vote is tied, in the last xx years this has been used only once


mate you are kidding yourself if you think that the agm is not set up. mate the s.a. clubs stick together and some vic clubs waiver to what suits them, so any ideas to improve this league are never likely to be implemented, hence the state of the league.
as for your administrator friend, he shouldnt have to be asked to do these things it his bloody job. Turri didnt have to be asked, it was done. maybe he is out of his depth, this is a diverse league that needs to treated properly, you have clubs struggling and they need support.
Well suffice too say the wb have released a statement as such on the leagues home page about the transfers list tablet/listings, now...hopefully it might shut a few whingers up...:cool::eek::rolleyes:
Lets get back to goings on around the league...who, why, and where !? rather then bagging it !! which seems to be coming from the Hamilton Imperials way.
From my understanding, it was the Imps board that made the decision again to leave the WBFL for the Hampden fl....without the players blessing this time apparently. Which leads me too my next querie, why atm are 70% of the clearances out of Imps going to the minor leagues, when your boards complaining that the sponsorship dollar and the competition is higher in the Hampden; well why is it those est. 70% going to minor league's....The power of the green must speak one language....GREED !!

F%#&k i'd be going to the Hampden fl if i was those other 70% rather than plop plopping around in a bush comp waiting for my beloved to get the ok. Or just stay at Imps, obviously those that have left don't live & die by their Victorian Bulldogs....
typical reply i would expect from some one who would not be willing to step up and have a real go.
All too easy to thow hands up and say it is a set up, have you been to a AGM?? or to a league meeting? have you ever put your ideas in writing to someone that actually matters, not just down the pub and wine about how bad it is and everything cannot be fixed.

what are your ideas, and if you expect one person to have all the ideas, the best people in business , governement etc all have people who help them formulate ideas to better the area they are in.

I challange you to attened the next delgates meeting and you put forward for all to hear how you can fix the league. We will be all ears and looking forward to a great discussion and hopefully some great ideas to make the wbfl even better than it is today. I will even post the date, time and location of the next meeting on this sight, looking froward to the plans you will bring which will see the WBFL be a strength for a long time to come.

Transfer list is now on line, it was a vcfl issue with the system.
typical reply i would expect from some one who would not be willing to step up and have a real go.
All too easy to thow hands up and say it is a set up, have you been to a AGM?? or to a league meeting? have you ever put your ideas in writing to someone that actually matters, not just down the pub and wine about how bad it is and everything cannot be fixed.

what are your ideas, and if you expect one person to have all the ideas, the best people in business , governement etc all have people who help them formulate ideas to better the area they are in.

I challange you to attened the next delgates meeting and you put forward for all to hear how you can fix the league. We will be all ears and looking forward to a great discussion and hopefully some great ideas to make the wbfl even better than it is today. I will even post the date, time and location of the next meeting on this sight, looking froward to the plans you will bring which will see the WBFL be a strength for a long time to come.

Transfer list is now on line, it was a vcfl issue with the system.

Typical reply hey.....Mmmmmm, interesting that. I was actually putting it to bed that the transfer list is now on line, if you read it correctly !!? having checked the league site tonight, i was just relaying it to the rest of the WB threadsters the transfers list was'nt too far away thankyou very much. Before i moved onto other league goings on....
East seem to be the biggest movers on the clearance front thus far. Jason Harvey, what's going on there?? Spoke to a reliable source prior to Christmas who tells me that there are are few former Easties returning to the club, from as far off as Darwin. Are they good enough to be a challenger to Portland this year??

Good to see Millicent recruiting a few good names. Pity about Nathaniel Robbins though, he's far too good for the Mid South Crap...I mean Mid South East League. Ditto Tyson Ploenges from West to Kongorong.

Imps decline in numbers to the minor leagues seems to prove the rumour that the club made the decision to move without consulting the players despite claiming publicly that it had the players backing.
East seem to be the biggest movers on the clearance front thus far. Jason Harvey, what's going on there?? Spoke to a reliable source prior to Christmas who tells me that there are are few former Easties returning to the club, from as far off as Darwin. Are they good enough to be a challenger to Portland this year??

Good to see Millicent recruiting a few good names. Pity about Nathaniel Robbins though, he's far too good for the Mid South Crap...I mean Mid South East League. Ditto Tyson Ploenges from West to Kongorong.

Imps decline in numbers to the minor leagues seems to prove the rumour that the club made the decision to move without consulting the players despite claiming publicly that it had the players backing.

Just to set something straight to Rupert & Bigant (as I did a few months ago and I don't want to harp on the issue), the imps PLAYERS were told to go to a vote about moving to the Hampden League, if it was a majority in favour, then it would go to a members vote. From what i can recall, i think it was about 95% players in favour of the move. Therefore it went to a members vote where the results were similar. So if the players didn't want to go, it would not have gone any further. I know of a few players who have left the club because of this, and yes maybe they have gone to minor leagues for a $$$. There is two players that I know of who have actually signed with Port Fairy in the Hampden league and maybe a couple more to come. So you cannot sit there and say that the players were disgruntled because they didn't get a say in the matter - just ask any Imps player of 2008 if they were given the chance to cast their vote.....
Just to set something straight to Rupert & Bigant (as I did a few months ago and I don't want to harp on the issue), the imps PLAYERS were told to go to a vote about moving to the Hampden League, if it was a majority in favour, then it would go to a members vote. From what i can recall, i think it was about 95% players in favour of the move. Therefore it went to a members vote where the results were similar. So if the players didn't want to go, it would not have gone any further. I know of a few players who have left the club because of this, and yes maybe they have gone to minor leagues for a $$$. There is two players that I know of who have actually signed with Port Fairy in the Hampden league and maybe a couple more to come. So you cannot sit there and say that the players were disgruntled because they didn't get a say in the matter - just ask any Imps player of 2008 if they were given the chance to cast their vote.....

spot on old mate, the reason the players are leaving is because we didnt get a clearance to hampden, 95% would have stayed if the clearance was granted.

might be time to start talking to the old enemy about a merger and a move to the hampden, we need to start looking after our towns interests and stop worrying about wbfl, because they dont care about us!!! it will be interesting to see how much support both hamilton teams get , as both reserves teams will struggle for numbers!!!
England and Sturz gone from Portland??
Any info?
Add to that, J Imbi, minute holes starting to open in the midfield perhaps?
spot on old mate, the reason the players are leaving is because we didnt get a clearance to hampden, 95% would have stayed if the clearance was granted.

might be time to start talking to the old enemy about a merger and a move to the hampden, we need to start looking after our towns interests and stop worrying about wbfl, because they dont care about us!!! it will be interesting to see how much support both hamilton teams get , as both reserves teams will struggle for numbers!!!

Poor old Western Border can't buy a trick at the moment, especially if the Hamilton sides reckon they don't care about them. Isn't that where the Western Border's office is based? And I reckon when the WB's CEO first responded on line about the transfers list, he said he had made available a list of transfers to all local media on a weekly basis. Yet I have not seen any transfer news in the Border Watch, or the Portland Observer, or the Casterton News.... wait, there was something in the HAMILTON Spectator. Maybe HAMILTON is the only town considered local to the WB, even though it only has 20 per cent of the competition based there.
Could be it is just typical Hamilton sooks having a poor-is-me cry again when they don't realise how good they have got it. Silver spoon syndrome kicking in again. If you lot reckon you have got it rough you need a reality check. Or as Chopper would say, a teaspoon of concrete.
By the way, how would it benefit the town of Hamilton again to travel east instead of west?
lol @ the imps people having a whinge
i reckon little footy battler is right on when he/she says it is the silverspoon syndrome kicking in.

I don't think it was the most interesting post of late though, that goes to southeast when he/she said
"have you ever put your ideas in writing to someone that actually matters"

I guess footy followers, supporters and players (everyone in here that posts) don't matter now hey.
They were your words not anyone elses, maybe it was just a case of poor wording, but i am guessing it is just your mentality that you are "above" the common supporter/player.

Just because someone holds a title doesnt mean they cant be in touch with what people that actually pay money to play and support are saying
isnt that why people from the WB board post on here? to get ideas from people that obviously care about the league and/or their teams

Maybe that is what is wrong atm, some people may just be on a power trip.

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spot on old mate, the reason the players are leaving is because we didnt get a clearance to hampden, 95% would have stayed if the clearance was granted.

might be time to start talking to the old enemy about a merger and a move to the hampden, we need to start looking after our towns interests and stop worrying about wbfl, because they dont care about us!!! it will be interesting to see how much support both hamilton teams get , as both reserves teams will struggle for numbers!!!

In saying that you think the rest of the league is against you (Imperials); What was the vote/opinion of the Hampden fl !?!? did they want the Imperials fc joining the Hampden fl.....
My understanding is that they would always welcome back the Colac fc from the Geelong fl, if an opportunity arose to rejoin rather than an outsider coming in from a neighbouring league !?
Don't get me wrong a mate of mine spoke to a few imps magoo players on gf day of last yr & they were adoment then that the club wanted out.

Basically until there's restructuring in both south east football & western district's football the league will always remain.
Beleive me i like the league as it is, but there's always going to be massive ego's tooing & froing while there's a state border in between.
In saying that you think the rest of the league is against you (Imperials); What was the vote/opinion of the Hampden fl !?!? did they want the Imperials fc joining the Hampden fl.....
My understanding is that they would always welcome back the Colac fc from the Geelong fl, if an opportunity arose to rejoin rather than an outsider coming in from a neighbouring league !?
Don't get me wrong a mate of mine spoke to a few imps magoo players on gf day of last yr & they were adoment then that the club wanted out.

Basically until there's restructuring in both south east football & western district's football the league will always remain.
Beleive me i like the league as it is, but there's always going to be massive ego's tooing & froing while there's a state border in between.

ALL Hampden clubs wanted Imps in their league, and yes they probably would take Colac back before Imps if it fell that way.
And yes you are correct, the club did want out before they spoke to the players, otherwise it wouldn't have gone to a player vote. Believe me, i know for sure that all players, including reserves players were told they had the first vote. And it still staggers me that some of these players are slagging the club when it was a 95% majority vote.
Most of the club, while dissapointed at the decision, have moved on and look forward to playing in the WBFL in 2009 and beyond and don't worry Imps will be a force again as they have for many years.
ALL Hampden clubs wanted Imps in their league, and yes they probably would take Colac back before Imps if it fell that way.
And yes you are correct, the club did want out before they spoke to the players, otherwise it wouldn't have gone to a player vote. Believe me, i know for sure that all players, including reserves players were told they had the first vote. And it still staggers me that some of these players are slagging the club when it was a 95% majority vote.
Most of the club, while dissapointed at the decision, have moved on and look forward to playing in the WBFL in 2009 and beyond and don't worry Imps will be a force again as they have for many years.

the hampden league wanted 2 clubs to make 10. the best bet was always gonnat b colac and imps. they (all hampden clubs) were always gonna try 4 both. how many did they end up with?
nothin against that league, but it isnt an issue about clubs, maybe the vcfl felt it was an issue about the league itself.
dont know bout colac, they pretty much got booted from the hfl and now they want them bak when everything is goin great for the tigers. just ask david heard.
Was that the so called Footy Upheaval headlined in yesterdays Border Watch's "Hey Sport did ya hear about" column !? related to the two players mentioned above...

In breif - Growing speculation one powerful club in the WBFL will undergo massive changes this season.
The club - which has enjoyed enormous success - has reportedly sacked two of it's players, in fact the pair have been directed that it's probably in there best interests to leave the district as well.
The players in question are two of the best known & most successful in the WBFL.
No names, no pack drill - not yet anyway.

As written in the Border Watch.
heywood had its first hit out for the season against glenco on sunday. missing a few senior players younger players and new recruits went well. recruits andrew gould and jeremy ellis spent plenty of time with leather in hand
heywood had its first hit out for the season against glenco on sunday. missing a few senior players younger players and new recruits went well. recruits andrew gould and jeremy ellis spent plenty of time with leather in hand
You would'nt call Jeremy Ellis a new recruit, he's had 1 or 2 yrs away from the place. Where does Gould hail from !?
You would'nt call Jeremy Ellis a new recruit, he's had 1 or 2 yrs away from the place. Where does Gould hail from !?

Bigant - if it is the Andrew Gould from Imps then Heywood will have a handy type. He played under 18s at Imps and filled in with the reserves and was quite serviceable. He has a heart of gold and has a red hot go, ended up having to wear a helmet towards the end of the season as he tended to put his head where he probably shouldn't have. I think his old man lives in Heywood. Would probably play seniors down there this year if he puts on a bit of weight over the summer, but would be a good kid to have around the club.
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