Western Region Football League Team (Part 2)

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More to the point, what is the WRFL going to do about Division 1. The top 5 is almost set after only 3 rounds by the looks of it following StAlbans capitulation against a rampant Colts outfit. The only interest will be the order that Spotty, Albion, Hoppers, Sunshine and Port Melbourne Colts finish at the end of the season. The League will not survive under the current structure. Do they sit on their hands and bury their heads in the sand or do they co opt some "experienced people" from within the Clubs to get together for a "thinktank". The currently convened 20/20 will be too late as we will be gone by then, swallowed up by the powerful clubs from the Geelong, Essendon, Southern, Eastern and Northern Leagues.

No real answers here. My comments serve as a catalyst for discussion !!

Personally still think st.albans can make the finals.
On another note the league is in a tough position atm, with some big margins, but that does happen in all comps.
I also believe that altona and glenorden will be good teams over the next few years.
The worry is yarra, with so many players leaving them they are really up against it, the same with west i think the winner of second div needs to be able to hold their players after winning the flag, what happen this year is a disgrace, especially the players that have gone to other div 2 teams.
The wrfl should have a rule in place to stop this.
I also believe if we can get deer park and sunshine heights and even parkside back to div 1, the comp can get stronger and more even across the board.
The league fees in running a club is very costly, and can be a real strain on most clubs. We don't even have umpires for reserves games now, so where is all this money going????
I understand it cost alot to run the league but we have the highest affiliation fees of any metro comp, and clubs are really struggling to survive.
Football clubs are very precious to alot of people, a great place to build frienship,help us all develop as people, footy clubs are a positive place for all communities and we need to hold on to them not see clubs folding.
Hopefully someone out there has a solution
I am not sure of his exact position but he was playing behind the ball at and his deliver was first rate into the forward line, i would think playing him in the forward line would be scary site for oppositions but i guess when the forward line is operating as it did on Saturday it is handy having him around the midfield.

You have confused me, firstly you are critical of his game, then you support the logic to which you were firstly critical of.

Reads like 50 cents each way??

As your names suggests, you are a fantastic kick, what did you think of Rocks exhibition on the week end?
I am not sure of his exact position but he was playing behind the ball alot and his deliver was first rate into the forward line, i would think playing him in the forward line would be scary site for oppositions but i guess when the forward line is operating as it did on Saturday it is handy having him around the midfield.

He played majority of the game in the centre and a little at h/back, as the years goes on he will play more in the forward area but atm it's best to have him in the play as much as possible

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Sunshine v Spotty at Kinder Smith. Two Up at half time. Wear your medals.

Bring the cards aswell. It will be my only chance for a while to donate a bit to the club, unless of course dim-simmons is there to give me a chop out.

Also, is there any truth to the rumour that the dud that plays back pocket (his initials are Daniel Mangan) missed a shot from 15m out on the weekend? He has been told for ages now to handball when he gets it as his skills are a little average. Get Mitch Beaty to do a bit of work with him tomorrow night just to get it right will you. Even better, dont let him anywhere near the forward 50.
On another note the league is in a tough position atm, with some big margins, but that does happen in all comps.
.................. Football clubs are very precious to alot of people, a great place to build frienship,help us all develop as people, footy clubs are a positive place for all communities and we need to hold on to them not see clubs folding.
Hopefully someone out there has a solution

Rock, you raise some very good points.
Firstly, no matter how the system of relagation works, you are always going to struggle, even if only in budgets to get quality players when going from div 2 to div 1.

IT would seem that to be competitive you need to spend up on the big names or high price recruits (I know not all clubs do this, and some will scream black and blue that they don't , but some do, so leave it at that)
One way to reduce this is to align juniors with all senior teams, up to Under 18's, and introduce a ranking system (not salary cap) that ranks each player in each team and evens out the playing field (i think the heathcote league is doing this) Each week a team can only field a team up to a certain ranking. Previous history comes into paly, higher level played at, higher the ranking. Longer at one club, lower the ranking. Played Juniors at club, lower the ranking ..... etc etc. So it stops clubs from buying all the ex afl/vfl/sanfl players it can and promotes junior development.

The league fee structure (i am not all that familiar with it) needs to keep in mind that, with out clubs they have no league, so the powers that be need to be realistic in their own wages and then justify them for what they do. They also need to justify where the money goes then.

Having all players pay for the privilage to play is an interesting concept to me. Where does that money go? That on top of club fees and insurance, it would be a costly exercise for a kid just out of juniors to have a kick in the 2's if at uni or working. This could be countered by charging a gate, but this is logistically impossible due to park footy.

Umpires, we have to leave them alone, but it would seem that some are on serious power trips. When a team is struggling and a veteran player is sent off (by an umpire who hoppers has been shafted by in a previous week) for doing no more than questioning a descision with out swearing or raising his voice, and for the umpire to request the player take a week for the same action, it would appear that the umpires sometimes forget that they are being paid to do what they do and need to be accountable for their actions also. (Abusing umpires etc is unsuitable but some are a little precious on how they can be spoken to)

In regards to Yarraville Rock, it would appear from the posts and the WRFL website, that atleast 6 players from last year are playing for middle rung teams it Div 1, you add 6 established senior players back into Yarraville and they would be more competitive I would think. Making it harder to just change clubs will stop that. The old rule of being able to refuse if not going up in standard or for a coaching role, or employment/family reasons would also assist.

An one question to all subscibers, is there a standard that the grounds in the WRFL must meet or is it up to the club? I have driven past, walked over or played on several now, and I can say at least 4 Division 1 grounds are unsafe and should not be played on.......
You have confused me, firstly you are critical of his game, then you support the logic to which you were firstly critical of.

Reads like 50 cents each way??

As your names suggests, you are a fantastic kick, what did you think of Rocks exhibition on the week end?
I probably did contradict myself there a bit but what i was saying was that he was good around the midfield but i think he would be alot more damaging as a key forward.
Well Rock does what every good forward should when he lines up for goals he kicks it more times than not.
IT would seem that to be competitive you need to spend up on the big names or high price recruits (I know not all clubs do this, and some will scream black and blue that they don't , but some do, so leave it at that)One way to reduce this is to align juniors with all senior teams, up to Under 18's, and introduce a ranking system (not salary cap) that ranks each player in each team and evens out the playing field (i think the heathcote league is doing this) Each week a team can only field a team up to a certain ranking. Previous history comes into paly, higher level played at, higher the ranking. Longer at one club, lower the ranking. Played Juniors at club, lower the ranking ..... etc etc. So it stops clubs from buying all the ex afl/vfl/sanfl players it can and promotes junior development..

Well said Big fella, this topic has been discussed on big footy before with many opinions voiced but I think you will find that you need a good administration within the league to be able to try and police this and considering how it is currently ran I don't think the league is professional enough to do this. Plus with the current breed of umpires going around probably not smart enough either to follow and enforce these rules. I do agree that something has to be done and that probably starts at better administrative training for each club and league officials to, so maybe they could use some of the money that they generate from fees each club pays them to start this.

On another note wait til you play on West's ground this week to see how bad a ground can be.
Rock, you raise some very good points.
Firstly, no matter how the system of relagation works, you are always going to struggle, even if only in budgets to get quality players when going from div 2 to div 1.

IT would seem that to be competitive you need to spend up on the big names or high price recruits (I know not all clubs do this, and some will scream black and blue that they don't , but some do, so leave it at that)
One way to reduce this is to align juniors with all senior teams, up to Under 18's, and introduce a ranking system (not salary cap) that ranks each player in each team and evens out the playing field (i think the heathcote league is doing this) Each week a team can only field a team up to a certain ranking. Previous history comes into paly, higher level played at, higher the ranking. Longer at one club, lower the ranking. Played Juniors at club, lower the ranking ..... etc etc. So it stops clubs from buying all the ex afl/vfl/sanfl players it can and promotes junior development.

The league fee structure (i am not all that familiar with it) needs to keep in mind that, with out clubs they have no league, so the powers that be need to be realistic in their own wages and then justify them for what they do. They also need to justify where the money goes then.

Having all players pay for the privilage to play is an interesting concept to me. Where does that money go? That on top of club fees and insurance, it would be a costly exercise for a kid just out of juniors to have a kick in the 2's if at uni or working. This could be countered by charging a gate, but this is logistically impossible due to park footy.

Umpires, we have to leave them alone, but it would seem that some are on serious power trips. When a team is struggling and a veteran player is sent off (by an umpire who hoppers has been shafted by in a previous week) for doing no more than questioning a descision with out swearing or raising his voice, and for the umpire to request the player take a week for the same action, it would appear that the umpires sometimes forget that they are being paid to do what they do and need to be accountable for their actions also. (Abusing umpires etc is unsuitable but some are a little precious on how they can be spoken to)

In regards to Yarraville Rock, it would appear from the posts and the WRFL website, that atleast 6 players from last year are playing for middle rung teams it Div 1, you add 6 established senior players back into Yarraville and they would be more competitive I would think. Making it harder to just change clubs will stop that. The old rule of being able to refuse if not going up in standard or for a coaching role, or employment/family reasons would also assist.

An one question to all subscibers, is there a standard that the grounds in the WRFL must meet or is it up to the club? I have driven past, walked over or played on several now, and I can say at least 4 Division 1 grounds are unsafe and should not be played on.......
You and Rock make some good points. Maybe 8 Teams in Division 1 with the bottom 2 dropping out this year and no one promoted. There would then be an opportunity for maybe Altona and Glenorden (provided not in bottom 2) to establish themselves through their current Junior Promotion and Recruitment respectively.

It would also open the door to a third division which would also assist a similar problem which is occurring in Div 2.

As for umpires, I watched Adrian O'Donnell on Sat. doing the centre bounces. Did not miss a beat. We have AFL Umpires at the moment who even with the aid of a rubber mat can't get the ball to come down inside the Ruck Circle !!

The "open slather rule" has killed Yarraville Seddon. Blokes can just walk to where the money talks. Once a few went then others got out. There are about 6 down at Willy CYs in D Grade Amatuers.

The grounds are a OHS issue. I believe the Umpires can refuse to umpire a game if they deem the ground unsuitable. No umpires - NO GAME.
He played majority of the game in the centre and a little at h/back, as the years goes on he will play more in the forward area but atm it's best to have him in the play as much as possible
I seen Jase Perkins kicked 13 in the ressies what was the reason for him being in their in the first place, i think he surely should be getting a game.
As for umpires, I watched Adrian O'Donnell on Sat. doing the centre bounces. Did not miss a beat. We have AFL Umpires at the moment who even with the aid of a rubber mat can't get the ball to come down inside the Ruck Circle !!

The "open slather rule" has killed Yarraville Seddon. Blokes can just walk to where the money talks. Once a few went then others got out. There are about 6 down at Willy CYs in D Grade Amatuers.

The grounds are a OHS issue. I believe the Umpires can refuse to umpire a game if they deem the ground unsuitable. No umpires - NO GAME.

yeah, those boys would be on HEEEEEEEEEAPS of coin down there!
must be playing for money!
Maybe 8 Teams in Division 1 with the bottom 2 dropping out this year and no one promoted. There would then be an opportunity for maybe Altona and Glenorden (provided not in bottom 2) to establish themselves through their current Junior Promotion and Recruitment respectively.

An 8 team league would be detrimental to the sustainability of the league, and the earning potential of clubs. Having 10 teams allows the 18 game draw with a bye, reducing that will cause issues with length of season and some teams maybe having to play certain teams more than twice.... ie, if you were to do that this season, imagine if a team makes the finals because they play a bottom side 3 times and another misses out because they play spotty 3 times..... big gap
The "open slather rule" has killed Yarraville Seddon. Blokes can just walk to where the money talks. Once a few went then others got out. There are about 6 down at Willy CYs in D Grade Amatuers.

But you can't just put a ban on players moving between clubs...it's a restriction of trade!
Surely it stems back to the culture created at the club where mass walk-outs just shouldn't happen, and money is secondary to playing with your mates/or for the jumper/or to win a flag.
I seen Jase Perkins kicked 13 in the ressies what was the reason for him being in their in the first place, i think he surely should be getting a game.

Well we have a quality side and it will be very hard to brake into. but i'm sure he will get his chance soon.At 19 he has a long career ahead of him and he will only get better.

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But you can't just put a ban on players moving between clubs...it's a restriction of trade!
Surely it stems back to the culture created at the club where mass walk-outs just shouldn't happen, and money is secondary to playing with your mates/or for the jumper/or to win a flag.

It can't be a restraint of trade if a player is going to play ammo's. I think the issue is more with clubs recruiting decent players from struggling clubs within the same league, to top up their list. It is different if changing leagues, going to play better football, taking a coaching role or for work or family reasons.
Well we have a quality side and it will be very hard to brake into. but i'm sure he will get his chance soon.At 19 he has a long career ahead of him and he will only get better.

i have played against jase local for 4-5 years now and with him also. he is a gun the side is good but i think he is worthy of a spot in the 1's espically after kicked 13 if true? v.talented hope he gets a crack
You and Rock make some good points. Maybe 8 Teams in Division 1 with the bottom 2 dropping out this year and no one promoted. There would then be an opportunity for maybe Altona and Glenorden (provided not in bottom 2) to establish themselves through their current Junior Promotion and Recruitment respectively.

It would also open the door to a third division which would also assist a similar problem which is occurring in Div 2.

As for umpires, I watched Adrian O'Donnell on Sat. doing the centre bounces. Did not miss a beat. We have AFL Umpires at the moment who even with the aid of a rubber mat can't get the ball to come down inside the Ruck Circle !!

The "open slather rule" has killed Yarraville Seddon. Blokes can just walk to where the money talks. Once a few went then others got out. There are about 6 down at Willy CYs in D Grade Amatuers.

The grounds are a OHS issue. I believe the Umpires can refuse to umpire a game if they deem the ground unsuitable. No umpires - NO GAME.

Im personally not a fan of an 8 team comp but in the WRFL's case, that would be a pretty good idea. The only thing anybody gets out of beating sides by 25+ goals every week is a chance to bump up their goal tally or inflate egos by getting 40 touches. I dont think there is an answer though. These struggling clubs find it hard to get good players to their club (for whatever the reasons money, facilities, reputation etc) and no number of points will make them any better. All that will happen is that the rest of the competition will be of a lesser standard and unless they brought in a rediculously low number of points, these teams will keep getting belted bcos the gap is so great. And if they did bring in a very low number of points, the standard of the comp would decrease dramatically. The WRFL is already seen as a lesser standard in relation to the other metro comps and cant afford for this to happen. The points system is probably still the best option though bcos if nothing else, it will keep it tight for finals spots. With that though, can the league easily enough get information on where and when every player has played? Otherwise clubs could tell the league anything about the players and they wouldnt know any better. Also, having a certain number of points for players who had played VFL seniors for example would be slightly unfair in some circumstances. There are and have been a number of players at Hoppers who have played senior VFL footy and have played quite a bit of footy in recent times in the 2's. Surely a guy who is 35 who played VFL seniors 15 years ago shouldnt carry the same number of points as somebody straight out of the VFL? I guess this would be the same for all clubs though. Not an easy 1 to solve but most would agree that something has to be done. even if it doesnt work, the results couldnt be anymore 1-sided.
Maybe 8 Teams in Division 1 with the bottom 2 dropping out this year and no one promoted. There would then be an opportunity for maybe Altona and Glenorden (provided not in bottom 2) to establish themselves through their current Junior Promotion and Recruitment respectively.

An 8 team league would be detrimental to the sustainability of the league, and the earning potential of clubs. Having 10 teams allows the 18 game draw with a bye, reducing that will cause issues with length of season and some teams maybe having to play certain teams more than twice.... ie, if you were to do that this season, imagine if a team makes the finals because they play a bottom side 3 times and another misses out because they play spotty 3 times..... big gap

Very good point. I say we have a 4 team comp and play each other 6 times. :thumbsu:
interesting to note that the habit of some away teams bringing along there own grog supply is back again, only hope they realise that when other clubs find out payback can be costly.
Rock, Brad is enjoying his time at Hoppers and loving the calls from some of the boys at your club.

As far as i know no one from the club has called him, as we all only found out the truth on saturday night...but believe me when i say this the square up will but alot better than he thinks, absolutely week as f ucking piss hitting an old man especially when being held from another....this won't happen on the field either.
The man in question has alot of friends and is very well respected, and his son goes well also....one very big mistake on murphy's account and one he will remember for a long long time.
Is there more to the story of the Hoppers Sportsmans Day? Someone came on here and said there wasnt much to it... i know Wade wouldnt be too happy if theres more to it, being an ex Hoppers boy himself. Dont imagine his mates like Doug Thomas, or Crowder would be happy either.
Is there more to the story of the Hoppers Sportsmans Day? Someone came on here and said there wasnt much to it... i know Wade wouldnt be too happy if theres more to it, being an ex Hoppers boy himself. Dont imagine his mates like Doug Thomas, or Crowder would be happy either.

Yes the game on the 17th of May may be very interesting,no doubt Dicko will have quite a few of his jack mates there for the day, as has happened in the past..
Yes the game on the 17th of May may be very interesting,no doubt Dicko will have quite a few of his jack mates there for the day, as has happened in the past..

That sounds like an admission of guilt from your camp Bloods?

I have no doubt that football is the only concern from the players point of view, however the other matter will be "sorted out" from the relevant non playing group one would think.
That sounds like an admission of guilt from your camp Bloods?

I have no doubt that football is the only concern from the players point of view, however the other matter will be "sorted out" from the relevant non playing group one would think.

What camp ,may that be ??????
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