Wfl 2009

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Very good post Fancy....u've hit the nail on the head, exactly how long can Stawell sustain forking out the big bucks and continue 2 b a failure!! Whether or not they did fork out near $100k we will prob never ever no and nor does it matter whether they did or not but the fact is they have from all reports spent large amounts of money on player payments ova the past few years 4 nothing in the end!!

Its alrite saying that Tuckey brings people thru the gates, but 4 wat in the end!! Yes he's prob generated a lot of money in sales 4 the club by people turning up 2 watch a one man team.....but lets sit back and b realistic....if u don't get a premiership out of it then who gives a flying ***!! As a club its all about winning a premiership and like ghudda said, stawell have missed their opportunity!! If they r serious about rebuilding and keeping the young kids that r coming thru, then start forking out the big bucks on them and wait 4 a premiership 2 come along, rather than trying 2 buy a flag!!

Unfortunately 4 the stawell fc the future in terms of success doesn't look brite!!
Obviously the fact of how much Stawell paid their players is the issue you a bringing up so don't go saying that doesn't matter cause to you and all your other friends in the "lets all shit on Stawell" club that is your problem. I agree with you on the fact that Stawell has possibly missed it's chance now has to start re-building with the kids like Kimber, Taylor, Hart, Matthews and a few others who have tasted senior footy. To throw big bucks at these young kids would be the worst move to make ever. Because if they leave town eg for work they will only be demanding money from now on which is not what footy is about. I'm not saying those kids would demand money but young kids in general today look for the money. Tucks does get people through the gate and again does so much work behind the scenes to help eg this I know he sent up a couple of signed footy jumpers for the club to auction off. Tucks does a lot more then what people actually reliase. I'm glad to see all the Stawell haters come out and give them a nice hard kick in the ribs when they are down real good:thumbsu:. So Stawell are having a lean period get over it each club does it. Stawell's future doesn't look bright very funny you say that with the young talent they have coming through which are the same names mentioned before plus the likes of Kelly, Morris, and Hendy. All great youngsters with bright futures. Ok so Stawell haven't won the flag in years in which they should have given it a red hot go but obviously there were better sides and lets be honest are they the first club to do it? And will they be the last? The two answers No and No.
Very handy midseason pick up for the Saints signing Steve Cameron from Harrow Balmoral. Is there any grounds for HB to knock back his clearance by going from minor league to major league? I believed there wasn't.

Looks like Animal was on the money with Brodhurst returning to Nhill. Whats his story been since leaving the club? How old now? Where has he been hiding?
The only opportunity Stawell missed last year was to get flogged by Horsham in the grand final. By all accounts the club is sinking fast. The future could be grim with all their young guns looking to go to Uni over the next couple of years.
The club is still treating Tuckey like a footy star instead of a highly paid employee who should contribute more. It’s great to hear he ‘signs jumpers’ but to be honest I would rather have Bachy’s or Caspers cross on my cleavage.
Stawell I agree probably would not have being able to knock off the Demons in the final last year. These young guns are still very young they haven't finished school yet. But I would think they would make the trip back to play as many of Stawells players do at the moment. He doesn't personally sign them he gets footy clubs such as Essendon to sign a jumper then Tucks sends it down.

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Obviously the fact of how much Stawell paid their players is the issue you a bringing up so don't go saying that doesn't matter cause to you and all your other friends in the "lets all shit on Stawell" club that is your problem. I agree with you on the fact that Stawell has possibly missed it's chance now has to start re-building with the kids like Kimber, Taylor, Hart, Matthews and a few others who have tasted senior footy. To throw big bucks at these young kids would be the worst move to make ever. Because if they leave town eg for work they will only be demanding money from now on which is not what footy is about. I'm not saying those kids would demand money but young kids in general today look for the money. Tucks does get people through the gate and again does so much work behind the scenes to help eg this I know he sent up a couple of signed footy jumpers for the club to auction off. Tucks does a lot more then what people actually reliase. I'm glad to see all the Stawell haters come out and give them a nice hard kick in the ribs when they are down real good:thumbsu:. So Stawell are having a lean period get over it each club does it. Stawell's future doesn't look bright very funny you say that with the young talent they have coming through which are the same names mentioned before plus the likes of Kelly, Morris, and Hendy. All great youngsters with bright futures. Ok so Stawell haven't won the flag in years in which they should have given it a red hot go but obviously there were better sides and lets be honest are they the first club to do it? And will they be the last? The two answers No and No.

Read my post properly eater of crows.....wat I was pointing out it is that is doesn't matter if we ever no the exact amount that Stawell have forked out but from all reports it is believed 2 b somewhere in the vicinity of 100k......4 me personally its not a problem cause I couldn't give a *** how much they spent over the past few years, I'm not the one that played 4 a club that tried 2 buy a premiership and failured dismilly!!

And how soon we 4get hey....its been alrite ova the past few years 4 stawell 2 go around with their heads stuck up their ass sprooking bout how good they r and now that the shoe is on the other foot, its "Oh Poor old stawell, please dont hang shit on us now that where going thru a rough trot...where 2 proud and great a club 2 b kicked in the ribs whilst where down." Wat comes around goes around...cop it sweet!! But I tell ya wat I'll do tho....I'll pass the word onto all 2 lay off stawell ok, cause its not fair on them,

"All BigFooty posters, PLEASE refrain from hanging shit on the stawell fc cause their going thru a rough trot atm and its not fair that they cop it cause they've never dished it out"......NOT!!

And I'm not saying that Tuckey doesn't put anything back into the club but in all honesty so he should when ya gettin payed as much as he does!!

And as 4 the kids, I'm not saying throw big bucks at them but put the money into them rather than trying 2 buy a premiership with others if u think their gunna b that good!! Theres other ways in rewarding them like traineeships, paying there uni fees, fuel, etc. in order 2 get them 2 come back and play!! Don't say that by throwing money at them would b the worst thing ever either and that if they left the club then they would demand it elsewhere....if there good enough 2 b on good coin then pay them accordingly then!! Where in the 20th century now Croweater...wake up and smell the roses m8, football has become a business but hey if u think the club is better off spending big bucks on outsiders in order 2 try and win a premiership then go rite ahead....c where u end up, exactly where ewes r atm, near the bottom!!

Read my post properly eater of crows.....wat I was pointing out it is that is doesn't matter if we ever no the exact amount that Stawell have forked out but from all reports it is believed 2 b somewhere in the vicinity of 100k......4 me personally its not a problem cause I couldn't give a *** how much they spent over the past few years, I'm not the one that played 4 a club that tried 2 buy a premiership and failured dismilly!!

And how soon we 4get hey....its been alrite ova the past few years 4 stawell 2 go around with their heads stuck up their ass sprooking bout how good they r and now that the shoe is on the other foot, its "Oh Poor old stawell, please dont hang shit on us now that where going thru a rough trot...where 2 proud and great a club 2 b kicked in the ribs whilst where down." Wat comes around goes around...cop it sweet!! But I tell ya wat I'll do tho....I'll pass the word onto all 2 lay off stawell ok, cause its not fair on them,

"All BigFooty posters, PLEASE refrain from hanging shit on the stawell fc cause their going thru a rough trot atm and its not fair that they cop it cause they've never dished it out"......NOT!!

And I'm not saying that Tuckey doesn't put anything back into the club but in all honesty so he should when ya gettin payed as much as he does!!

And as 4 the kids, I'm not saying throw big bucks at them but put the money into them rather than trying 2 buy a premiership with others if u think their gunna b that good!! Theres other ways in rewarding them like traineeships, paying there uni fees, fuel, etc. in order 2 get them 2 come back and play!! Don't say that by throwing money at them would b the worst thing ever either and that if they left the club then they would demand it elsewhere....if there good enough 2 b on good coin then pay them accordingly then!! Where in the 20th century now Croweater...wake up and smell the roses m8, football has become a business but hey if u think the club is better off spending big bucks on outsiders in order 2 try and win a premiership then go rite ahead....c where u end up, exactly where ewes r atm, near the bottom!!

You are an idiot Mighty Roar. Simple as that. Get to know your facts before you waffle on.
What do you think PP. Saints still likely for the flag?
The lackluster Saints got found out by Warrack on Saturday. They haven't played well for the past few weeks, but just do enough to get over the line. There's some guys in their line up that haven't fired this year. Blokes like Clough, Heath Kelm, Coombe and even Andy Bansmere have all just been plodding. if they are going to get within 10 goals of Horsham on Sunday, these are the guys that need to lift. I still think Butsch will win the Toohey. After all the fuss over new recruits into the league this year, he would have to be performing the best.
Reading a bit about the redlegs on here has made for interesting reading. Just wanting to know from the Stawell people on here how is Hansey going and how has his captaincy been going. Plus is Julian Carr back playing yet after having his knees fixed up i think earlier in the year. Or did he in fact go back to Geelong and play with Moddewarre???
Any word on how the Big Baker went at the tribunal?

Was speaking with Holmes (the bloke Burgess donged) and he said Josh only got one week. Holmes said he went in to bat for Burgess and said there was nothing in it. And knowing Holmesy, he probably did deserve it. Got a face people love to punch haha. Unfortunate about Brodhurst, had quite an impact early against the Burra. Broke his collar bone in a tackle on the wing, ran forward, took an overhead pack mark in the pocket and goaled before leaving the ground. Tough!!
Don't know but I see in todays paper there will be another inquiry.
What is the WFL comming to??:confused:
Batch is old enough now to know how to go about senior footy. He doesn't need Murray Jensen saying ' LOOK AFTER THE LITTLE FELLA '.
This is just becoming a waste of money and time for the whole league.
If McCallum did do something, so what... McCallum's no bigger than a jumps jockey himself. Let the game go, this carry on with investigations is just a way for WFL commissioners to justify their position.
Why not investigate why the umpires are not making reports on the day:mad:
Probably because they've got B grade badminton or table tennis on Wednesday nights.
Some ripper matches in the Wimmera League this weekend!

Minyip-Murtoa (45) v Ararat
Horsham United v Stawell (12)
Warrack Eagles (20)v Nhill
Horsham Saints v Horsham (36)

Whisper Jordy Burke out of the Demons line up for Sundays clash with the Saints with a back complaint. A few injury worries in the Saints camp too.

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Anyone got the results of the Demons vs Saints game?

Saints had no answer as the Demons juggernaut rolled on. Jordy Burke unstoppable in the 2nd quarter as the Evil empire pilled on 8 unanswered goals to blow the contest apart. Jed Hartigan and Adam Spasic missed the match for the Demons, Benny Ward, Harry Denson and Nick Daffy didn't come up for the Saints.
I see Wes Davidson is sponsoring the Wimmera Football League

Saw the bald headed badger in his personal number plated Mercedes convertable driving along Barnes Boulvard listening to the music from the Ally McBeal soundtrack cd

How mediocre!
What's the reasons for the foreit this week and not previous weeks. Do they have a heap of injuries or were there players away at a wedding or similar? If not then surely they could have scraped a side together. Agree if the gave up on it Thursday night then they hardly even tried.
I can't believe a wedding could cause this sort of disrespect for the game.

Yes, fair comment Fancy. I'd hope they get a pull through from the league. As has been said, Major League status requires the fielding of boths grades.
Been struggling to put a side on the park all year-you try grabbing 6 u/17 players week in, week out and pulling blokes out of retirement every week to get a side on the park. If we had have tried to play on saturday we would have quite literally played the same side twice in a row, minus the players who needed to back up for the seniors.
Go **** yourself.
Been struggling to put a side on the park all year-you try grabbing 6 u/17 players week in, week out and pulling blokes out of retirement every week to get a side on the park. If we had have tried to play on saturday we would have quite literally played the same side twice in a row, minus the players who needed to back up for the seniors.
Go **** yourself.

Settle down Jexhead 21 - obviously you cant handle the truth!
What a disgrace that a major league, and also main town club cannot get a side together and chickens out two days before a match without even trying. Shows the character of the local rodents who dont want to go for a drive and the defeatist attitude of the rats nest. Well here is the perfect opportunity to merge with the high class Weagles and stay put in the dark hole of the nest and play on mud stenched dung heaps and leave the Wimmera teams much better off for the departure. It also shows the true character of a club that squeals about how good the U17's are each year but cant make any of them stay at the club. Of course we all know the young rodent team each year is just a representative side for the district. Come on rodents how many first year U17's are there in the sides each year. What a joke and then you lose most of them to other clubs no wonder the rats nest is not popular. Saw the rodent ressies play a few weeks back and it was a disgrace with huge fat rats out there lumbering about sweating and falling over amongst other used by rodent vetrans who retired in 1989. I totally agree with others that district teams who struggle year in year out never give in on a Thursday and call a forfeit and especially because they may be too precious to get in the car and take a drive somewhere for a game of footy. With Bligh seeing the light and jumping ship before it sinks and the big Smelly Fish not happy it spells the end of the Rodents and the sooner the better because like all pests they are just a nuisance and not useful for anything. Send them south folks or just wrap it all up and turn Alexandra back into the sewer filled mud swamp that we all know it to be!
Settle down Jexhead 21 - obviously you cant handle the truth!
What a disgrace that a major league, and also main town club cannot get a side together and chickens out two days before a match without even trying. Shows the character of the local rodents who dont want to go for a drive and the defeatist attitude of the rats nest. Well here is the perfect opportunity to merge with the high class Weagles and stay put in the dark hole of the nest and play on mud stenched dung heaps and leave the Wimmera teams much better off for the departure. It also shows the true character of a club that squeals about how good the U17's are each year but cant make any of them stay at the club. Of course we all know the young rodent team each year is just a representative side for the district. Come on rodents how many first year U17's are there in the sides each year. What a joke and then you lose most of them to other clubs no wonder the rats nest is not popular. Saw the rodent ressies play a few weeks back and it was a disgrace with huge fat rats out there lumbering about sweating and falling over amongst other used by rodent vetrans who retired in 1989. I totally agree with others that district teams who struggle year in year out never give in on a Thursday and call a forfeit and especially because they may be too precious to get in the car and take a drive somewhere for a game of footy. With Bligh seeing the light and jumping ship before it sinks and the big Smelly Fish not happy it spells the end of the Rodents and the sooner the better because like all pests they are just a nuisance and not useful for anything. Send them south folks or just wrap it all up and turn Alexandra back into the sewer filled mud swamp that we all know it to be!

You and Fancy Pants are just tools fair dinkum what a joke and pathetic bunch of humans you are. Who are the original founders and teams of the Wimmera League??? Instead of jumping on and slagging the off how about maybe suggesting something positive to help keep them running around in the Wimmera League as they have been a huge part of this league from day dot which is more than i can say for some of the clubs. You all know clubs have bad years and they are just really struggling with injuries. Everyone jumped on them and Stawell in the early 90's to merge then they both turned it around and were dominent for a fair while in the mid to late 90's and early 2000. How about congratulating Dale Bigh on an awesome career instead of putting a negative slant on it. He has been an awesome player and has given his all for the rats. Takes a weak minded person to have a pot shot at club that is having a small rough trot at the moment. Obviously both from either Horsham or Stawell which explains everything. Great bunch of young guys that are down there. Ask yourself how many under 17's are now playing senior football hmmm come on how many?? Obviously the ground isnt as bad as you suggest they played the grand final there and what was the gate i ask was it over $30K i think it was. They'll be right and will turn it around as they always do and will rub your noses in it.
You and Fancy Pants are just tools fair dinkum what a joke and pathetic bunch of humans you are. Who are the original founders and teams of the Wimmera League??? Instead of jumping on and slagging the off how about maybe suggesting something positive to help keep them running around in the Wimmera League as they have been a huge part of this league from day dot which is more than i can say for some of the clubs. You all know clubs have bad years and they are just really struggling with injuries. Everyone jumped on them and Stawell in the early 90's to merge then they both turned it around and were dominent for a fair while in the mid to late 90's and early 2000. How about congratulating Dale Bigh on an awesome career instead of putting a negative slant on it. He has been an awesome player and has given his all for the rats. Takes a weak minded person to have a pot shot at club that is having a small rough trot at the moment. Obviously both from either Horsham or Stawell which explains everything. Great bunch of young guys that are down there. Ask yourself how many under 17's are now playing senior football hmmm come on how many?? Obviously the ground isnt as bad as you suggest they played the grand final there and what was the gate i ask was it over $30K i think it was. They'll be right and will turn it around as they always do and will rub your noses in it.

Now dont get personal Bummer2000 remember your bad record on this site! It is okay to be a sooky sooky la la - thats normal for nest dwellers!
There was never a chance of mergers in the 90's especially from the Redlegs - as if!! Maybe your Rodents should have merged with trinity/prestige/miners/caleys/stmarys and then eventually the eagles to form the Ararat Pests but it would not have made a difference. Anyway your current ressies side, (whenever they tie their heart strings back together) is made up of all 80's ADFL players as it is!! The Rodents are on their dodgy knees - maybe ask Great Western about a deal, at least their footy oval is not a sewer farm! Not sure the grape pickers would want you though!
PS I know Bligh so dont take my comment lightly!!
If you have such a great U17's side each year then the ressies should have six on the bench each week and be on top not looking like an episode of the Biggest Loser (literally)

Great chance for the WFL to make it a true Wimmera League and invite a team in that can field 4 sides and let the rodents scurrie off to wherever because lets face it they would not be missed!
Now dont get personal Bummer2000 remember your bad record on this site! It is okay to be a sooky sooky la la - thats normal for nest dwellers!
There was never a chance of mergers in the 90's especially from the Redlegs - as if!! Maybe your Rodents should have merged with trinity/prestige/miners/caleys/stmarys and then eventually the eagles to form the Ararat Pests but it would not have made a difference. Anyway your current ressies side, (whenever they tie their heart strings back together) is made up of all 80's ADFL players as it is!! The Rodents are on their dodgy knees - maybe ask Great Western about a deal, at least their footy oval is not a sewer farm! Not sure the grape pickers would want you though!
PS I know Bligh so dont take my comment lightly!!
If you have such a great U17's side each year then the ressies should have six on the bench each week and be on top not looking like an episode of the Biggest Loser (literally)

Great chance for the WFL to make it a true Wimmera League and invite a team in that can field 4 sides and let the rodents scurrie off to wherever because lets face it they would not be missed!

God you make me laugh any chance you happend to play down Geelong way some years ago????hmmm
Hang on a minute buddy. I said that if the club can’t field a reserves then it’s time to pull the pin. Are you doubting this? Do you think the Wimmera League could remain a Major League if one team can not field a reserves? No mate it can’t.
In the paper today the club said it only had 12 players on Thursday. That left them with four to get before Saturday as you can play with 16. The forfeit was a cop out pure and simple.
Why is Murray Jensen continuing to produce victimised statements???
'Cant field a 2nds' 'Leave Batch alone' 'Players aren't loyal'
'Kids leave for money' 'Give us the Grand Final'
Enough already.
Why dont you get of your ass like every other team in the comp and do something about it.
Recruiting and retention of players is hard, but promoting an elitist mentality through your juniors and not keeping good club people around to build loyalty will turn Ararat into the Natimuk of the Wimmera League.
Hang on a minute buddy. I said that if the club can’t field a reserves then it’s time to pull the pin. Are you doubting this? Do you think the Wimmera League could remain a Major League if one team can not field a reserves? No mate it can’t.
In the paper today the club said it only had 12 players on Thursday. That left them with four to get before Saturday as you can play with 16. The forfeit was a cop out pure and simple.
12 players? We didn't have that many. And the number we had (significantly lower than 12) included 3 guys who ahven't played this year, one who hasn't played for 10 years and one who hasn't played for roughly 20. Hopefully, its just a short-term problem we can fix, but our juniors moving away for work and uni commitments are causing players shortages. Heard a rumour the Eagles didn't field a U/17 on the weekend-anyone know if their is any truth?

And Stawell merging-where did they get the Warriors moniker from?
Hang on a minute buddy. I said that if the club can’t field a reserves then it’s time to pull the pin. Are you doubting this? Do you think the Wimmera League could remain a Major League if one team can not field a reserves? No mate it can’t.
In the paper today the club said it only had 12 players on Thursday. That left them with four to get before Saturday as you can play with 16. The forfeit was a cop out pure and simple.

Hang on yourself there Fancy aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself here. Look i agree it's not good that they couldn't field a side last week but that was last week. Now you have to be serious and realistic how many guys do you think they coiuld pull from the pub on a frid night to travel to Nhill to plasy a game of footy. So tell me this just because they couldn't put a reserves side on the park last week they should pull the pin on them just because of one week. Now lets look at the club as a whole or can't you look past the reserves. lets see you want to punish the club as a whole. So you saying the netballers to should be given the boot from the league. How many years have they been a dominenet force in the league. Must be some type of record of grand finals that they have played. The juniors continue to be up the pointy end of the ladders. The seniors were final contenders last year. But because the reserves couldn't field a side last week you and others would want them to leave the league. Hmmm don't know if the club as a whole would be to thrilled at your suggestion. Every club gets hit by injuries and other reason for players unavailabilty. Its not a cop out that they decided on a thurs night simply because they are realistic and know they couldn't pull guys out of the pubs on a frid night. Plus if they weren't looking at fielding a side why would they leave it to the last minute on a sat and make all those other guys travel up there for no game huh?? Anyway as i said i agree that its disappointing yes it is but for your comments suggesting they couldn't survive in the wimmera is farsicle. Again look at the bigger picture here and not just 1 game. Theres more to a club than just one side
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