What do you REALLY think of gay guys?

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I dont care about 95% of shit in this world, gay people are one of those things. What I find funny is people who get upset about gay people. Especially the ones who actively campaign agaisnt it. Why would you actively campaign agaisnt guys who love *****? why would you even talk about that kind of stuff?

What I find funny aswell is that people have a problem with gay people. When you mention lesbians, they love it. You like lesbians? I dont. When was the last time you've seen two hot lesbians getting it on? the ones I've seen are bigger, stronger and would most likely bash the shit out you.

People complain far too ****ing much.

Shit there's two gay guys making out?!, that's disgusting!

My response?

Why the **** are you watching then?
Well they are going to do what they do to be cool or as a social experiment. Just as long as they don't try and indoctrinate children into that way.

Hate the sin not the sinner.
Stemming form the above post, here are two interesting questions that I will pose to you all, particularly to those who, 'have no problem', with gay people.

How would you feel if homosexuality was promoted to your children?

Should children grow up viewing heterosexuality as, 'normal' ?

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Stemming form the above post, here are two interesting questions that I will pose to you all, particularly to those who, 'have no problem', with gay people.

How would you feel if homosexuality was promoted to your children?

Should children grow up viewing heterosexuality as, 'normal' ?

Firstly, anything sexual should not be promoted to children. Secondly if they do ask you tell them they are in love and you don't have to explain how they show their love to each other.
^By homosexuality, I did not mean the act of sex, but rather the existence of same-sex relationships. I mean, it's going to occur with children whether you like it or not, eg in school when talking about families, and the typical mother and father (as opposed to say father and father) of a son is displayed during story time etc.

For the record, am simply interested on opinions on the matter, that's all.
^By homosexuality, I did not mean the act of sex, but rather the existence of same-sex relationships. I mean, it's going to occur with children whether you like it or not, eg in school when talking about families, and the typical mother and father (as opposed to say father and father) of a son is displayed during story time etc.

For the record, am simply interested on opinions on the matter, that's all.

My daughter has grown up knowing a gay couple (males). We made no big deal about it and she has never worried about it therefore it must have been normal to her as just another life choice people have made. Her Aunty also is a dyke. So go figure,
I have no problem with homosexuality in general. I don't know too many personally, but those that I do know seems to be normal, nice guys who just happen to be sexually attracted to males rather than females. They're not too 'out there' in other words.

This is hard to get across properly on a discussion forum, and I might seem contradictory and discriminant by saying this, but anyway:

What I kind of get annoyed by is those that are really 'out there' and 'showy' about their homosexuality. I'm not saying people should repress it and hide it (because they shouldn't), but heterosexual individuals don't go around making a point of the fact that they are heterosexual or try to make it really obvious. That could maybe be because it is the more commonplace orientation, but anyway. There seems to be a fair few gay men who make it very obvious that they are gay. You can pick them really easily (I'm sure people know what I mean by this), without any special 'gaydar' (had to get that silly one in somewhere :D).

My mum happens to work with a number of homosexual males at her work, and she often tells me about times when they talk loudly and openly about recent sexual experiences and exploits in a work setting. Again, I'm not saying they should hide things, but there is a time and a place for everything, and often a work setting isn't appropriate for such talk. If a heterosexual male was so 'out there' and obvious about his sexuality, and spoke of his sexual exploits and so on with women in a similar setting, then they'd probably be labelled as crude, lewd, and inappropriate, as well as probably being labelled a sexist and so on for 'objectifying' women.
Even something like the Sydney Mardi Gras, if performed by heterosexuals, would probably be seen as offensive by some, just for the overtly sexual nature of it all. That's a whole other discussion though, so I won't get too much into that here.
The basic point is that I wonder sometimes why there aren't more homosexual males that just seem like 'regular' guys (I know that is a loaded phrase) who just happen to be sexually attracted to the same sex, instead of these 'out there', 'stereotypical' gay guys who come across as always on the look-out for sex.

That brings me to heterosexual males, actually. I suppose I'm further contraditing myself by saying that there are plenty of men out there who actually are overtly sexual and soforth. Despite the progress that has been made with 'softening' the male image in the last decade (I'll mention 'meterosexual' as a blanket statement, just so people know what I mean), there seems to still be a fair few guys out there that shudder at the thought of anything even slightly different from the hyper-masculine, blokey type of thing. I've been called a homosexual myself by a few people in my life, just because of the way I look and act. I admit that I probably come across as a 'pretty boy meterosexual' to some people, but I'm definitely not a homosexual. I'm too interested in women (and not attracted sexually to men) for that to be the case I'd think :D I'm confident and comfortable enough in my own image to not be bothered with what others think, and don't take offense to these comments (which are very few, I admit, but have occurred nonetheless). It's not ever girls that think that I'm gay, either, just guys. I obviously project enough confidence in myself and my image that girls realise what is really going on (I'm trying really hard not to sound full of myself here :D). Anyway, the comments themselves don't bother me (as I admit I might come across a bit gay sometimes, and am not that concerned if people think so, because I know I'm not) in as much as I just find that kind of ignorance unfortunate. I mean, didn't "You're a ***" or "You're a ****" and "watch your assholes" so on get old and come across as lame as far as serious insults go before high school?

This might seem like a blanket generalisation, but I think a lot of heterosexual guys dislike homosexual males because for some reason they think that the gay guy will try and impose his homosexuality on them. Where this idea comes from for the heterosexual male I don't know, but from what I've observed, it seems pretty common. Homophobic comments such as "watch your assholes" and things of that ilk support this. For some reason some heterosexual males seem to think that all homosexual males are out to try and pick them up and have sex with them, just because they are male too. I realise that again contradicts something I said earlier (regarding the overtly sexual nature of some homosexuals), but I feel the point needed to be made.
And if a gay male found me attractive, I'd probably be flattered, similarly to the way I would be if a female found me attractive. I'm not going to act upon it (and have a homosexual encounter), but I'll accept the comment without taking offense and feeling threatened with potential violation or something like that.

Just to finish up what I know is a long post, as a heterosexual male, I don't feel threatened at all by homosexuality. I don't feel like gay guys are after me for sex, and don't have a problem with what they do in general. I only have a problem with the overt showiness of some gay people (it probably is mostly stereotype, but I have seen and heard of it in real life), but I have a problem with that with some heterosexual males as well.
If you are uncomfortable around gays then you must have a prejudice against them.

I can't believe I just wasted 30 seconds explaining that.

To think you called me a thick head and then posted that obsurd comment. Once again you fail to understand the difference between finding something disgusting or sickening and actually hating the person for doing so.

If I feel uncomfortable boxing mike tyson do I have a prejudice against mike tyson or boxing? A dumb ass like yourself would answer yes. Your an idiot, do the forum a favour and stop posting.

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lawl. This is you in a nutshell my friend.

No, I attack people when they dribble shit such as 'they make me sick' or 'all gay people **** anything' I'm very happy to listen to people's opinions though I'm not going to listen to some obvious homophobe dribbling his shit.

Oh and on the whole "bisexual" thing. We both know why you're so passionate about it and I ask you the same question - even though something tells me you wont answer it truthfully - could you have a sexual relationship with both a man and a woman? Actual partners, introducing them to family, sex, holding hands etc etc. Answer honestly now.
Who the hell do I discriminate against?

And you get up in arms if someone says people choose to be gay, or if someone says homosexuality isn't genetic. Upset when someone discusses promiscuity in relation to homosexuality. You attack people on these things, which are opinions.

And people like you don't believe in bisexuality just because of certain types of people that claim to be bisexual. Certainly, some people do things to get attention. Some homosexuals first claim to be bisexuality as sort of a defence mechanism, to soften to impact of coming out to friends and family that may not be happy about it. But to say bisexuality is ignorant. It's just as ignorant as people that gays are over feminine queens who are only interested in sex. You scream that those who say this are merely ignorant. Ever think you just don't know any 'proper' bisexuals and you are just as bad as those who make generalisations about gays?

And I won't get into the whole theory that sexuality is complex and occurs on a sliding scale, and can not be put into two or three distinct categories. Which a lot of people do believe.

And yes, I could and have had a relationship with both a man and a woman. It is possible.
I dont come across gay people socially really, its not intentional on my part its just the way it works. I do however work with alot of Gay men and as much as i think i am a mature, tolerant and liberal guy i still catch myself in fleeting moments of homophobia. Little things like a friendly pat on the shoulder do tend to give me a strange feeling.....its not anger or anything so strong but more just an uncomfortable feeling. It is very innocent and the shameful thing is that if it were a straight guy i wouldnt really think anything of it. But it got me thinking....where do people draw the line at homophobia?

Is it homophobic to cringe a little if you watch kissing scenes in Brokeback Mountain?

I certainly think its homophobic to insist its wrong for gay men to not display affection to one another in public but is it homophobic to think to yourself ''ohh i wish i didnt see that'' ??
I dont come across gay people socially really, its not intentional on my part its just the way it works. I do however work with alot of Gay men and as much as i think i am a mature, tolerant and liberal guy i still catch myself in fleeting moments of homophobia. Little things like a friendly pat on the shoulder do tend to give me a strange feeling.....its not anger or anything so strong but more just an uncomfortable feeling. It is very innocent and the shameful thing is that if it were a straight guy i wouldnt really think anything of it. But it got me thinking....where do people draw the line at homophobia?

Is it homophobic to cringe a little if you watch kissing scenes in Brokeback Mountain?

I certainly think its homophobic to insist its wrong for gay men to not display affection to one another in public but is it homophobic to think to yourself ''ohh i wish i didnt see that'' ??

I think the term 'homophobia" has overly negative connotations associated with it. I think what you have described in your post can be described as homophobia but it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with how you react. It's not like you're condemning homosexuals or discriminating against them.

It's kind of the same with the term "prejudiced". Everyone is prejudiced in some way, I know I am. I don't discriminate but I'm definitely prejudiced.
It's perfectly rational to be uncomfortable around Mile Tyson in a boxing ring. He eats ears, and babies amongst other things.

It is not rational to be uncomfortable around a *** as they pose no threat whatsoever.

I don't think you're in a position to call someone else an idiot. Here's a tip: go check your academic records and do a quick calculation on how likely it is that you're smarter than some Joe on the internet. Chances are your academic record is rather ordinary.

I notice you once again avoided the question. How does being uncomfortable with something mean you have a prejudice against it? This is what we are discussing not some typo I made in a post.
The term homophobia has evolved so much that people are always going to see it differently. Some take the phobia part and translate it as a literal definition, of having a fear of homosexuals. In that case, yes, being uncomfortable around homosexuals would be homophobic.

But terms and phrases evolve. These days, homophobia is seen as prejudices that lead to open discrimination, things like violence, *** bashing etc. Perhaps since society is coming closer towards accepting homosexuals, the meaning of the term will change again, to something with less serious connotations.

But seriously, I don't understand why people get all worked up over terms. Is there anything wrong with being uncomfortable around homosexuals? No, it's understandable really. Is open discrimination wrong? Yeah, it is. Really guys, it's that simple. Stop worrying about the semantics of what homophobia really is, cause it's a stale old argument that goes nowhere.
I notice you once again avoided the question. How does being uncomfortable with something mean you have a prejudice against it? This is what we are discussing not some typo I made in a post.

Why do you feel uncomfortable around homosexuals? I understand if it was the camp queen type as described earlier as i am not too fond of those either but the majority aren't like that.
The term homophobia has evolved so much that people are always going to see it differently. Some take the phobia part and translate it as a literal definition, of having a fear of homosexuals. In that case, yes, being uncomfortable around homosexuals would be homophobic.

But terms and phrases evolve. These days, homophobia is seen as prejudices that lead to open discrimination, things like violence, *** bashing etc. Perhaps since society is coming closer towards accepting homosexuals, the meaning of the term will change again, to something with less serious connotations.

But seriously, I don't understand why people get all worked up over terms. Is there anything wrong with being uncomfortable around homosexuals? No, it's understandable really. Is open discrimination wrong? Yeah, it is. Really guys, it's that simple. Stop worrying about the semantics of what homophobia really is, cause it's a stale old argument that goes nowhere.

Yes there is, they are just people who prefer the same sex, why do you feel uncomfortable around them? Unless they are hitting on you of course.
The term homophobia has evolved so much that people are always going to see it differently. Some take the phobia part and translate it as a literal definition, of having a fear of homosexuals. In that case, yes, being uncomfortable around homosexuals would be homophobic.

But terms and phrases evolve. These days, homophobia is seen as prejudices that lead to open discrimination, things like violence, *** bashing etc. Perhaps since society is coming closer towards accepting homosexuals, the meaning of the term will change again, to something with less serious connotations.

But seriously, I don't understand why people get all worked up over terms. Is there anything wrong with being uncomfortable around homosexuals? No, it's understandable really. Is open discrimination wrong? Yeah, it is. Really guys, it's that simple. Stop worrying about the semantics of what homophobia really is, cause it's a stale old argument that goes nowhere.

Well said, agree with most of that.
I get hit on constantly by gay men, gay women, straight women, even the occassional straight guy. It's a cross i bear in life. It used to make me feel very awkward, especially the more touchy-feely gay men. But im not homophobic or hate gays at all, but ive learned how to keep them at a distance if i sense an awkward moment. But otherwise, just the eye flirtations etc dont bug me anymore, i can ignore it now.
If I can throw my hat into the ring regarding whether it is the environment you grow up in that can have an effect on whether you are straight or gay.

I had with a set of twins as mates when I was growing up. Now you couldn't find two different people if you tried. One was a blond haired, blue eyed, sports and car nut. The other was brown haired, brown eyed, more the intellectual type.

The blond haired one is now married with a young daughter, the brown haired one is gay and has been in a relationship with his partner for years.

They both grew up in the same loving household with a Mum, Dad and an older sister so how could one be straight and one be gay if environment is a factor in sexuality?

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What do you REALLY think of gay guys?

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