What do you REALLY think of gay guys?

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It's definitely genetic, imo. Only like a year ago or so, i was playing sport on a field with all these kids and adults etc. Anyway, this one kid was like no older than 8 and all he did was run around trying to kiss boys and pull down their pants and i had to like calm him down and was talking to him, and it was very clear he was gay by the stories he was telling me and other stuff he was saying. and this is a person at 8 yrs of age, well before reaching a sexual age and proper sexual awareness/understanding.

i also point to that movie doco, 7-up, which showed kids at 7 were already fully developed personalities to what they would eventually become.
Honestly, I like them. I (arrogantly) assume they're attracted to me, so even if they don't like me, they still hang around in hopes of a root. If you ever want a friend who will stand by you no matter what you do, or how stupid you are, get a submissive gay one.

It's the straight males equivalent to the hot girls 'nice guy who's just a friend'.
So if you grab 10 random straight aussie guys and make them watch two guys make out you would argue that the majority of them would not find that slighlty off putting?

I dunno if it's because you caught a glimpse of how neanderthal you're sounding, but now you're moving the goalposts. This started because you, when asked what you really thought of gay guys, said "they make me sick".

Your "they make me sick" was not in reference to being forced to watch two of them make out, merely just what you thought of gay guys in general.

Well they are going to do what they do to be cool or as a social experiment. Just as long as they don't try and indoctrinate children into that way.

Hate the sin not the sinner.

And cue the bible bashers.

Here to save us all from eternal damnation and spread "God's" beautiful message of hate.

If I feel uncomfortable boxing mike tyson do I have a prejudice against mike tyson or boxing? A dumb ass like yourself would answer yes. Your an idiot, do the forum a favour and stop posting.

That's a pretty ridiculous analogy. Mike Tyson is a trained fighter, with a penchant for raping and biting people's ears off. There'd be something wrong with you if you didn't feel uncomfortable getting in the ring with him.

The other is two people, who have nothing to do with you, who love each other...and who like getting in the ring with each other:eek:

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Who the hell do I discriminate against?

People who don't like Coldplay ;)

And you get up in arms if someone says people choose to be gay, or if someone says homosexuality isn't genetic. Upset when someone discusses promiscuity in relation to homosexuality. You attack people on these things, which are opinions.

I wouldn't call it up in arms. I just can't stand when people say things like "well it's their choice" as if they think they know what they're talking about. If someone can actually engage in conversation about it, get me thinking and don't come across as homophobic, then I'll listen. People that are obvious homophobes and have one line posts however, I have no time for.

And people like you don't believe in bisexuality just because of certain types of people that claim to be bisexual. Certainly, some people do things to get attention.

Weren't you just talking about people having an opinion? Yeah I don't believe in bisexuality because of many people I know, the things they say and the things I see.

Some homosexuals first claim to be bisexuality as sort of a defence mechanism, to soften to impact of coming out to friends and family that may not be happy about it.

Yes I agree with this

It's just as ignorant as people that gays are over feminine queens who are only interested in sex. You scream that those who say this are merely ignorant.

No I don't. I "screamed" at one person who said that all gay guys **** anything with a pulse - which obviously is completely false. When it comes to feminine queens I take the same stance as many - whatever they do with their lives isn't my business but it shits me to tears that they prance around in fairy wings and g-strings just so that they can tell the world they're gay. They give a bad name to average straight acting gay men who want nothing more than to be treated equally, but when you've got these little queens running round it makes it extremely hard - and ironically those little queens want to be treated normally as well - then how about acting it?

Ever think you just don't know any 'proper' bisexuals

Yeah but I can only draw on my experiences so far and so far I haven't seen any proof that bisexuals exist.

And yes, I could and have had a relationship with both a man and a woman. It is possible.

Easier to be with a woman though isn't it?
Easier to be with a woman though isn't it?

You didn't say anything about it being 'easier', you said it wasn't possible. Not changing your tune are you?

I'm still not sure if you understand what it means to be bisexual. It seems like you've come up with your own definition and applied it, but if you stick to the 'sexual' part, then it's clear that people can be bisexual if they have sexual attraction to both genders. In fact, you don't even have to have had any sexual experience with both to be bisexual - it's only required that the attraction is there. Go look it up.

You're referring to something else, let's coin it 'bi-relational-capable'. And PAFC has already told you that he has done it, so who are you to argue with him that it's not possible?
You didn't say anything about it being 'easier', you said it wasn't possible. Not changing your tune are you?

No I'm not, it was more a question directed at PAFC himself.

it's clear that people can be bisexual if they have sexual attraction to both genders.

Even so, I struggle to come across people who do have a sexual attraction to both genders. The majority of the time people have said they're attracted to a particular sex, but muck around with the other sex for fun, bordem, dares or to get attention.

And PAFC has already told you that he has done it, so who are you to argue with him that it's not possible?

I wonder if PAFC would delve a little deeper into that. Understandable if he doesn't but I'd really like to know if he treated his male partner (this is if he has actually had one) any different to his female partner. Was the sexual relationship the same? Did he introduce them both to his parents? Has he held hands with both of them? Had the same connection mentally? Why didn't it work? Did these reasons contribute to it not working? There's so many factors and I think if you break it up, most could only be with one gender for an extended period relationship wise.
I wonder if PAFC would delve a little deeper into that. Understandable if he doesn't but I'd really like to know if he treated his male partner (this is if he has actually had one) any different to his female partner. Was the sexual relationship the same? Did he introduce them both to his parents? Has he held hands with both of them? Had the same connection mentally? Why didn't it work? Did these reasons contribute to it not working? There's so many factors and I think if you break it up, most could only be with one gender for an extended period relationship wise.

All of that applies from one girlfriend to the next.

Even if his relationship with the guy was different to with a girl it would mean nothing.
I dunno if it's because you caught a glimpse of how neanderthal you're sounding, but now you're moving the goalposts. This started because you, when asked what you really thought of gay guys, said "they make me sick".

Your "they make me sick" was not in reference to being forced to watch two of them make out, merely just what you thought of gay guys in general.

Please show me the post where I said that? That was not me, I never made that comment so don't miss quote me. All im aruging is you don't have to hate gays or be a homophobe to feel uncomfortable around them.

The Tyson comment was a fair extreme example but I had to stoop to that level to explain to quickstraw the difference between having a prejudice and feeling uncomfortable about something.
my mates brother is gay, but the funny thing is you wouldnt have picked it because he was quite blokey (before he came out of the closet). a few months back i went around to this mates place and his brother was their with a few of his mate who were oviously gay aswell (mannerisms, the funny gay voice etc) now you can tell that this dude is gay.

when i was 16 me and my mates used to go to pot black most friday nights, walk to the local bottle-O to get a few drinks. Now one particuar mate asked a question, "have any of you ever kissed a guy before". LMAO there was such silence in the air...he replies "i have....thats because i'm gay". it was very awkward especially because 16yo boys arnt the most mature. any way the rest of the night was very very awkward.

my girlfriends best mate is gay, one of those out there queer ones who dresses gay like etc... actually a good bloke. a few times when we were walking between pubs hed get abused. his birthday was a tight and bright night..i had to go so i asked a mate if he could come so i'd have someone to talk to...his response "**** that man i aint hanging around with gays" ...fair enuf. me and the GF went to this party and i must say i did look totally hunky in tight gear :)
I don't mind them, they're good acquaintances to have as many have a number of hot female friends, but definitely don't have any time for those that play up the Mardi gras/Queer guy stereotype as if it's their entire identity (quite a few gays I've talked to don't have much time for them either) ... or anyone that bases their entire personality on a stereotype.
I wouldn't call it up in arms. I just can't stand when people say things like "well it's their choice" as if they think they know what they're talking about. If someone can actually engage in conversation about it, get me thinking and don't come across as homophobic, then I'll listen. People that are obvious homophobes and have one line posts however, I have no time for.

Weren't you just talking about people having an opinion? Yeah I don't believe in bisexuality because of many people I know, the things they say and the things I see.

Yeah but I can only draw on my experiences so far and so far I haven't seen any proof that bisexuals exist.

Easier to be with a woman though isn't it?
Here's where you just get shown up as being a hypocrite. You know less about bisexuality than the 'homophobes' here on BigFooty know about homosexuality. You're happy to make definite, assertive statements such as 'bisexuality doesn't exist', but get upset when someone makes a similarly stupid generalisation about homosexuals sexual promiscuity. How can you not see this?

Though it is nice that you've changed your tune to 'Oh it's just my opinion and and I haven't yet seen proof(Lol) of bisexuality.

And there's a limit to how far I delve into my personal life on a forum. However, I will say that for bisexuals, the attractions to males and females have differences. Of course a relationship with a male will be different than with a female. But some of the questions you ask border on riddiculous. Are you saying that if a bisexual won't introduce a same sex partner to their parents, then they're not truly bisexual? Because there are many homosexuals scared to come out to their parents and would be terrified of the thought of their parents meeting their partner. So does they mean they aren't gay?
My mate told me something very interesting...

He first said that there is a scripture in the bible that states that children are sinless because they have no recognition of their sin. Because they know not what they are doing, if a child dies, they go to heaven automatically.

My mate then told me that not once in his life, was he attracted to a woman. His first crush was another boy at the age 8. 8 years old is still a child and still innocent in God's eyes according to the bible and he would have gone to heaven if he would have died even after having a crush on another boy. Obviously, from this moment on, he realised he was gay. My mate tells me that he was born this way and that he doesn't recall ever having to choose between a bloke or a sheila.

He proceeded to tell me that if a cure was discovered tomorrow, he would be the first in line to receive the treatment.

I believe that some people are born this way. I had such a narrow view at one point, but when my mate told me this, i matured and stopped being such a larrikin towards gay people.

I must admit though, i still feel very uncomfortable around flambouyant gay guys. The good thing is that my mate is probably more straight acting than our entire group of friends!! The bloke also gets cracked onto by girls more than our entire group of friends, haha.

And I'm glad that Aussies are more accepting of the issue more so than Americans.

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My mate told me something very interesting...

He first said that there is a scripture in the bible that states that children are sinless because they have no recognition of their sin. Because they know not what they are doing, if a child dies, they go to heaven automatically.

My mate then told me that not once in his life, was he attracted to a woman. His first crush was another boy at the age 8. 8 years old is still a child and still innocent in God's eyes according to the bible and he would have gone to heaven if he would have died even after having a crush on another boy. Obviously, from this moment on, he realised he was gay. My mate tells me that he was born this way and that he doesn't recall ever having to choose between a bloke or a sheila.

He proceeded to tell me that if a cure was discovered tomorrow, he would be the first in line to receive the treatment.

I believe that some people are born this way. I had such a narrow view at one point, but when my mate told me this, i matured and stopped being such a larrikinist towards gay people.

I must admit though, i still feel very uncomfortable around flambouyant gay guys. The good thing is that my mate is probably more straight acting than our entire group of friends!!

And I'm glad that Aussies are more accepting of the issue more so than Americans.
Personally, I don't like their ideals, but if you think about it, they turned out that way because of past experiences. Therefore, I don't discriminate against. As far as im concerned, discrimination against gays is no different to racial discrimination, certain factors in their past have made them that way and therefore we should allow them to live simular lives to everybody else.

So there are collective ideals that gays share? I did not know this.

I know you're trying to be reasonable but you're misguided if you think someones environment or experience determine their sexuality. They are born gay.
I could never relate to gay guys, apart from their obvious love of shannons and brads that is. I have some good friends that are gay guys but some of the stuff they go on about is like ....STFU!
I could never relate to gay guys, apart from their obvious love of shannons and brads that is. I have some good friends that are gay guys but some of the stuff they go on about is like ....STFU!

Ditto, with straight guys. Shit they talk about like girls and cars drives me insane :rolleyes:

Being gay is all about your roots and it's knot for me.
both quickstraw and fryingpan are tools

edit: and as for wwhat I think about puffs, don't really care, used to see them heaps when I worked in a hospital. They just had a twinkle in the eye but I wouldn't reciprocate.
I think they whine about equal rights re marriage and the such only because normal people have it not because they actually want it. I think the whole practice of the lifestyle is wrong. I certainly would not want kids around them who knows what they might try.
I think they whine about equal rights re marriage and the such only because normal people have it not because they actually want it. I think the whole practice of the lifestyle is wrong. I certainly would not want kids around them who knows what they might try.

it'd be funny if you ever had a gay kid.

and gay people asking for equal treatment with regards to superannuation don't actually want to be treated fairly, they just want to protest because "normal people have it"?

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What do you REALLY think of gay guys?

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