Society/Culture What makes a man a man?

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Masculine and feminine behaviours and attitudes are a different concept to what men and women actually are. You could say men more often show masculine behaviours and women more often show feminine behaviours, but every man has a level of femininity within them, and every woman has a level of masculinity. Indeed, it's probably necessary for women to bring out some of their masculinity if they want to succeed in areas like the business world, team sports or manual labour.

As to what good masculine behaviours and attitudes are, it's a hard thing to define exactly. I'd say it involves things like leading from the front, protecting others in the face of danger and providing for them. An example that comes to mind is from a period war novel I was reading, where a soldier appreciates that his sergeant goes charging into a field of mud yelling "follow me!", whereas other sergeants tend to sit back and direct their subordinates to go forth instead, which he thinks is because they don't want to get their boots dirty. To me, that's masculine. So is the willingness to throw yourself on a grenade to protect others.

I note I'm using a few military examples here despite having never served myself, probably because I view the military as an incredibly masculine institution, although their masculinity is not always good for themselves or others. There are of course many unhealthy masculine behaviours and attitudes too, that hopefully we'll move past as a society as we become more tolerant and respectful of others and focus more on treating mental health issues.

Being a man is really just about feeling comfortable identifying yourself as one and feeling comfortable when others call you one. But what causes people to feel that comfort? Maybe it's about how naturally masculine behaviours and attitudes come to you, compared to feminine ones. Or maybe it's just about whether one feels similar to the established societal constructs we have. I'm sure it's different for different people.
"Being a man is really just about feeling comfortable identifying yourself as one."

End thread.

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If that triggers you, then you are a little bitch.
If you’re desperate for gendered language I’m going to treat you with gendered language.
Act like a bitch, be treated like a bitch.

The term 'Masculinity' has been weaponised by pedophiles, rapists and murderers like Trump, Musk, Tate, Bannon, Breivik et al for profit.
This term is now being used as a weapon against young men and children, telling them they're not good enough.
It's a weapon used for radicalisation.
It creates an ideal that young men must 'be', otherwise they are 'never good enough'. Leading to a possible increase in suicidal ideation, resentment and violence.

Ignorance and apathy is praised alongside masculinity.
Being confidently stupid is a virtue for unthinking dipshits.

Spiteful bigots blame the decrease in 'masculinity' for the current direction and position of the Western world.
While also praising the current direction and position of the Western world.
Cost of living a problem? Well that's because we are injecting our kids with feminism.

We don't need masculinity to praise a person for showing traits like strength, courage, ambition, adventurousness etc etc.
Praise them for the trait.

If you disagree, then what is a positive aspect of being masculine, that you can't also ascribe to being a woman/female?

Masculinity is a nothing term. It's used as a 'positive' to defend negatives.

By definition the first image is more 'masculine' than the second.

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Can a single person give a positive trait of masculinity that can be applied to Trump, that cannot be applied to Budde?
What makes a man? Not physical man but cultural man. Its hard to describe but it feels like it does exist. So why dont we list the attributes or behaviours that make us feel more manly. Here are some of mine:

  • taking a punch and getting up.
  • realising I prefer a smoky whisky over conventional beer
  • winning at sports (doesnt matter if its aussie rules or mixed netball)
  • finishing adam smiths wealth of nations
  • listening to heavy metal
  • just not giving a sh*t about office politics
  • watching rocky movies and war documentaries
  • developing a theory on the meaning of life (man is a philosopher)
  • helping your wife work through and rationally deal with all the tiny insiginficant things that happen to her that she considers a disaster (this is a daily problem).
  • drving a car (cant explain this one)
  • protecting my kids from a snake.

Now here are things that I would of thought would make me feel like a man but didnt

  • smoking a cigarette (just made me feel stupid)
  • sex. Something about the act of sex with a women that feels distinctly feminine- i enjoy it immensely but manly is not the term i would use to describe the overall experience. Perhaps its because it involves too much spooning, foreplay, french kissing, looking into each others eyes and cuddling. These more than ofset the parts of sex that do feel manly.
  • wearing a suit and tie and fancy watch (again this feels feminine like im dressing up in bling and uncomfortable clothes to look attractive to the opposite sex).
  • holding my child for the first time. Again it doesnt feel manly.

now over to you?
Who cares SEEDS ?

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Outside of the obvious one's, like not being an abusive partner, I'd say the only one is you have the confidence to like what you like and not care what others think.

What's makes me more or less a man? That I do gym 4 times a week and Karate twice a week, or that I'm proud I taught my boys to read? That I like a good mindless action flick with lots of violence, but also like the classic movies and musicals? That I like the physical side of AFL and lament it's become sanitised or also enjoy reading and am a massive geek?

Why should 'being a man' force me to give away or minimise some of these as not being 'positive male traits' and adopt/highlight others as making me a 'real man's man?'.

In all the talk about women can't have everything, IMO, a lot of guys have missed they now can. They can have all those 'manly man' things, they've had, but can now take part in their kids life's in a way they couldn't / didn't in my parents generation. They can admit they like all those 'girly things' like musicals, reading, theatre, art etc. just as much or more than sport, physical activity and do whatever they like. At 51, when I was a kid/young adult, being a geek was an invitation to being picked on, now it's cool. Yeah, there's a lot of shit that's harder now (housing for a start) if you're a young guy, but there's also a lot more that's easier, if you just are willing to block out those stuck in the past who tell you how you should be.

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Society/Culture What makes a man a man?

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