Opinion What unpopular AFL opinions do you have? - Part 2

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You can all work out for yourselves as to why that is the case
No they can't, lucky I'm here to work it out for 'em.

So Gerard Whateley has already come out and said that the AFL has not got the technology to overrule the goal umpire in the Lynch case. The Richmond haters believe the AFL don't need the technology to overrule the goal umpire in the Lynch case and that they came to the right decision with the footage we've already seen, which is the only footage they have.

The proof that Richmond was screwed at the GABBA will come if ever the AFL get the technology Whateley says they don't have now, which is in turn proof that they believe they need it. But I ask, need the technology for what if you don't need it for shots at goal like Lynch's that the goal umpire said was a goal?
The AFL should have its clubs play at a country ground during the H/A season.

Have a proper country round/game.
Not one that's always at the 'G.

Also, venture into suburban grounds that aren't used that weekend.
Yep, the perfect example of trying to corporatise a theme. Sheedy didn’t think this one through at all, just looking for another blockbuster.

But if done right, it could be a great thing for regional footy. AFL would have to let go of the short term money grab to build this though, that would be their challenge.

Think yours is a great idea.
Yep, the perfect example of trying to corporatise a theme. Sheedy didn’t think this one through at all, just looking for another blockbuster.

But if done right, it could be a great thing for regional footy. AFL would have to let go of the short term money grab to build this though, that would be their challenge.

Think yours is a great idea.

I get so sick of seeing the same 7-8 grounds yearly.

Change it up.

It was more varietous one time.

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Unpopular: I like Patrick Dangerfield and think he deserves to retire a Premiership player

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We've underachieved and should've at least won 2013, 2016 and 2020 flags on top of 07, 09, 11 and 22.

You sure about 2016?

Winning be default because an opposition player missed after the siren then getting blown off the park in a prelim doesn't fill me with much retrospective confidence.
You sure about 2016?

Winning be default because an opposition player missed after the siren then getting blown off the park in a prelim doesn't fill me with much retrospective confidence.
75-40 inside 50s our way isnt being blown off the park. Scott needed to adapt and didnt. We had the doggies measure and wouldve won that game had we gone thru.
75-40 inside 50s our way isnt being blown off the park. Scott needed to adapt and didnt. We had the doggies measure and wouldve won that game had we gone thru.

44-5 at quarter time
69-20 at half time

I don't think inside 50's really matter.

But you probably do beat the Dogs the week after since you had that wood over them for years through that period.
44-5 at quarter time
69-20 at half time
I've watched the game a few times. We controlled the centre but butchered all our F50 entries. Score looks bad because we let them rebound with no defensive pressure. Was the pinnacle of Scott's blazé coaching style that culminated in mission accomplished. Glad we've moved past that now.
Daicos, Newcombe, De Koning was the greatest top 3 in Rising Star history.

All 3 are such different players it's also nearly pointless trying to compare them to one another. You can make a legitimate case for any of them having the better season out of the 3.

My unpopular opinion was that BT was right, at 3 quarter time it was 30 and I was (at the ground) saying to my mate, kick the next 2 and you're right back in it. BT smashed for saying the same thing. Collingwood can score very quickly with their game plan.

My unpopular opinion was that BT was right, at 3 quarter time it was 30 and I was (at the ground) saying to my mate, kick the next 2 and you're right back in it. BT smashed for saying the same thing. Collingwood can score very quickly with their game plan.
It’s almost like Channel 7 wanted people to keep watching and not change the channel…

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