Opinion What unpopular AFL opinions do you have? - Part 2

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St Kilda's sacking of Brett Ratten and headhunting of Ross Lyon was one of the best decision the club has made in 150 years, for everyone concerned, including Ratten himself. I would also argue that the admin also did the right thing initially extending Ratten's contract and giving him a chance to right some of the wrongs they'd noticed without the pressure of winning a contract extension.
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Why aren't people allowed to dislike a commentator?
exactly. Is it cause she is a woman we are not allowed to dislike her commentary? Jesus H Christ...
Its entirely possible to be a woman and suck nuts at being a caller. WTF is happening lol...
...still not as bad as BT though..
exactly. Is it cause she is a woman we are not allowed to dislike her commentary? Jesus H Christ...
Its entirely possible to be a woman and suck nuts at being a caller. WTF is happening lol...
...still not as bad as BT though..
Well I'm saying it.... I don't like her commentary ....her voice is like finger nails across a black board ....should have got rid of her ages ago....anyone with a problem about what I said... go sook to the permanently outraged brigade
Well I'm saying it.... I don't like her commentary ....her voice is like finger nails across a black board ....should have got rid of her ages ago....anyone with a problem about what I said... go sook to the permanently outraged brigade

She isn't my favourite caller by any stretch. But she is miles less irritating than Taylor, Brayshaw, Russell just for starters.
exactly. Is it cause she is a woman we are not allowed to dislike her commentary? Jesus H Christ...
Its entirely possible to be a woman and suck nuts at being a caller. WTF is happening lol...
...still not as bad as BT though..
The same people that say that are the same people that thought it was OK to boo Adam Goodes for a year. You can pretend misogyny has nothing to do with it, you may even be sincere with your beliefs. But behind these troll posts is men thinking that women shouldn't be involved in calling the game.
The same people that say that are the same people that thought it was OK to boo Adam Goodes for a year. You can pretend misogyny has nothing to do with it, you may even be sincere with your beliefs. But behind these troll posts is men thinking that women shouldn't be involved in calling the game.
Nice broad presumption. Jesus Christ.
Why? It always comes from the same people. You can own it or be defensive about it but it exists.
Yes, but you cant just presume it lol.
You have zero basis for that.
you also are not accepting that she can suck at her job because she sucks at her job. Absolutely nothing to do with the fact she is a female!
BT is even worse, and he is certainly a big fat man.
Chill dude.

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BT commentary is no different to Dwayne Russell referring to the 23 min mark goal in the 4th quarter for a team 32 points down as 'THAT COULD BE THE FIRE-STARTER'
On that specific example I'd agree, it's very Dwayne Russell. I think that where they differ is that BT seems to go out of his way to try to antagonise one team (and its supporters).

All commentators get a bit excited when a rank underdog is doing well and it looks like the boilover could be on, but I'd say where the likes of Russell and Taylor differ for me if Geelong was on the receiving end, is Russell's commentary would be good natured, excited for the underdog, that sort of thing. With BT, he just has this way of making you feel like he's trying to rub your nose in it.
On that specific example I'd agree, it's very Dwayne Russell. I think that where they differ is that BT seems to go out of his way to try to antagonise one team (and its supporters).

All commentators get a bit excited when a rank underdog is doing well and it looks like the boilover could be on, but I'd say where the likes of Russell and Taylor differ for me if Geelong was on the receiving end, is Russell's commentary would be good natured, excited for the underdog, that sort of thing. With BT, he just has this way of making you feel like he's trying to rub your nose in it.
That's because BT is a campaigner.
I think Jim and John Thomas should get credited with the 'If it bleeds, we can kill it' and not Leigh Matthews. They wrote the damned script for Predator!
I think Lethal was thinking this when he was playing to be honest
Yes, but you cant just presume it lol.
You have zero basis for that.
you also are not accepting that she can suck at her job because she sucks at her job. Absolutely nothing to do with the fact she is a female!
BT is even worse, and he is certainly a big fat man.
Chill dude.
Look I'm pretty indifferent about her commentary. But I will say that for her "orange" team blunder, she absolutely copped it way more than other male commentator blunder.

YOU don't like BT, and that's fair enough. But a lot of people love him even though he says dumb shit all the time and people find it funny though, whereas they definitely don't find Kelli's blunders funny.

Same with Daisy Pearce, who hasn't said anything remotely as stupid as BT has but the top comment on any game will always be along the lines of "ughh why do I have to listen to Daisy Pearce".
Pearce and Underwood definitely cop it wayyy more than any other commentators, it's pretty obvious why at this point.

For the record, I actually like BT, biased as hell of course but really passionate about footy. Hamish Mchlachlan is probably the worst for me, completely stuff up the Kosi Pickett goal against Carlton last year and waffled on about how sad it was for Carlton instead of talking about us lol.
Look I'm pretty indifferent about her commentary. But I will say that for her "orange" team blunder, she absolutely copped it way more than other male commentator blunder.

YOU don't like BT, and that's fair enough. But a lot of people love him even though he says dumb s**t all the time and people find it funny though, whereas they definitely don't find Kelli's blunders funny.

Same with Daisy Pearce, who hasn't said anything remotely as stupid as BT has but the top comment on any game will always be along the lines of "ughh why do I have to listen to Daisy Pearce".
Pearce and Underwood definitely cop it wayyy more than any other commentators, it's pretty obvious why at this point.

For the record, I actually like BT, biased as hell of course but really passionate about footy. Hamish Mchlachlan is probably the worst for me, completely stuff up the Kosi Pickett goal against Carlton last year and waffled on about how sad it was for Carlton instead of talking about us lol.

Disagree. I hear 100 times more criticism of Taylor than Underwood has ever copped. Rightly so too because he's far, far worse.
The same people that say that are the same people that thought it was OK to boo Adam Goodes for a year. You can pretend misogyny has nothing to do with it, you may even be sincere with your beliefs. But behind these troll posts is men thinking that women shouldn't be involved in calling the game.
There are misogynists out there no doubt, but if the hate for Underwood was truly rooted in misogyny then Daisy Pearce wouldn’t be one one of football’s most popular analysts. Most footy fans love her input

The hate for Underwood roots from her incompetence and her terrible voice for the role.
It's always the same. Certain people see criticism of a woman and jump straight to the misogynist point. Kelli Underwood is a horrible commentator. Daisy Pearce is great (started horribly imo, but improved 1000x, unlike Kelli) and Abbey Holmes is good. Disliking one does not mean I dislike them all. It's the exact same crap as when people point out how horrible Eleni is as an umpire.
There are misogynists out there no doubt, but if the hate for Underwood was truly rooted in misogyny then Daisy Pearce wouldn’t be one one of football’s most popular analysts. Most footy fans love her input

The hate for Underwood roots from her incompetence and her terrible voice for the role.
Haha you chose Daisy Pearce as your example why misogyny isn't a big deal? Have a look at the comments of any social media post related to Daisy and come back here. People are practically blaming her appointment for why the cats were 0:3. :tearsofjoy:

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