Opinion What unpopular AFL opinions do you have? - Part 2

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Kelly Underwood is awful her voice is torture

She got the job by default a being the only female caller when the whole AFLW revolution kicked off. Now there is many better options, every AFL covering radio station seems to have at least 1 female commentators whose voice isn't so awful. The woman who does special comments on MMM is particularly good. Sorry I'm not good at remembering names male or female, not trying to be a racist misogynist bigot
Look its okay to dislike her as a commentator. Not everyone who cricitices her is Sexist, but a lot of it is rooted in sexism

BT, JB , wheoever, will have Blunders all the time but a lot of people will ignore that and proceed to shit on Pearce and Underwood.

I'm pretty indifferent about Underwood, she just doesn't bug me at all really

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I can handle anything you like champ, but your not going to convince me.
But fire away !....
BT yeah, well alot of knuckle dragging bogans do follow footy, I am sure they support him.
"most popular commentator" lol, you love presumptions dont you !
Well you're not really handling it that well lol

He's absolutely not my favourite commentator, but really who's bigger/more well known then him right now?
I’ve often thought this would be a good idea when I watch defenders hack a kick in desperation out of defensive 50, only to have it almost invariably land in opposition mitts and return inside 50 with a simple spot-up footpass.

I would prefer my defenders booting it 40 metres straight up, and then crowding the foot of the ball. No mark would be paid either, even if the oppo took it cleanly, as it hasn’t traveled 25 metres laterally.

I’ll start looking forward to watching Gold Coast vs GWS in The Showdown next year then. Should sell Adelaide Oval out.
spot on. it's the right play. Another one is if you're on the boundary line with a player coming at you just handball it to him and tackle him. Reverse the roles. it takes out the risk of holding the ball and deliberate out of bounds perfectly.I honestly think the afl as a sport is pretty slow in terms of game sense.
He's right. You said a stupid buzz term and you have no idea what it means and can't defend your argument

So you've resorted to juvenile insults
lol, no...its actually time for me to make a presumption, you have had enough.
I think you two are both virtue signallers and are just denying it.
Probably have your girlfriend sitting beside you.
lol, no...its actually time for me to make a presumption, you have had enough.
I think you two are both virtue signallers and are just denying it.
Probably have your girlfriend sitting beside you.
I dont even know why I'm bothering , all you do is deflect, ignore arguments and make poor arguments yourself bur anyway I'll bite.

What would be wrong with having my girlfriend next to me?
All you do is risk getting a behind and handing the ball straight back to the oppo who can rebound quickly. its not the right play
... ok, bear with me because I think your idea is pretty good.

What happens if the ball goes in the air, and the opposition win the stoppage when the ball lands?
... ok, bear with me because I think your idea is pretty good.

What happens if the ball goes in the air, and the opposition win the stoppage when the ball lands?
that's worse case scenario is that they win the stoppage amidst a crowd. but the odds of them winning a clean stoppage is greatly reduced with the increased number of players sitting underneath the ball. And time has also been taken off the clock. Kicking the ball high in the air reduces the likelihood of a clean stoppage breakaway imo.
Games need to be shorter. There are usually only 2-3 games a week that are close. The rest are blow outs. Shorter games = closer games. As evidenced by 2020 when the average winning margin was 26.22. The closest average winning margin since the early 1960's. All other average winning margins in the last 40 years hover between 30-40 points.

Year Avg. Winning

1960 23.93 1970 29.57 1980 34.28 1990 39.59 2000 38.41 2010 34.99 2020 26.22
1961 25.99
1971 37.10 1981 36.30 1991 40.61 2001 36.78 2011 39.82 2021 30.10
1962 25.35 1972 32.29 1982 39.32 1992 40.47 2002 31.66 2012 40.87 2022 30.78
1963 34.16 1973 27.64 1983 38.65 1993 37.77 2003 33.22 2013 36.95 2023 29.19
1964 29.24 1974 32.59 1984 35.85 1994 37.24 2004 36.32 2014 35.37
1965 28.42 1975 30.18 1985 38.64 1995 37.46 2005 34.34 2015 37.93
1966 34.87 1976 27.51 1986 41.00 1996 40.91 2006 34.55 2016 37.89
1967 30.70 1977 33.01 1987 39.61 1997 34.39 2007 32.69 2017 32.16
1968 27.93 1978 31.50 1988 36.60 1998 31.78 2008 35.85 2018 33.10
1969 29.92 1979 40.51 1989 36.82 1999 32.68 2009 32.98 2019 30.00
Yeah nah I'm gonna disagree with ya on this one. But that is why the thread is here

2020 footy had some of the worst footy I've ever seen. Shorter quarters meant they could run harder for more of the game, which meant it was easier to flood and just lead to some dreadfull football.
A good game of footy doesn't have to be decided by less than 2 goals. Like I'd take this years Showdown over that 36 all draw that Richmond and Collingwood had in 2020
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The odds of them winning a clean stoppage is greatly reduced with the increased number of players sitting underneath the ball.
Ok, so the ball lands. No one can get a clean stoppage or extract the ball because there's so many people there.

This would result in a ball-up isn't it? You're basically taking between two to three seconds of the clock and have created a 50/50 stoppage.

I think I'd prefer to see Tracca slot a goal tbh.
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Ok, so the ball lands. No one can get a clean stoppage or extract the ball because there's so many people there.

This would result in a ball-up isn't it? You're basically taking between two to three seconds of the clock and have created a 50/50 stoppage.

I think I'd prefer to see Tracca slot a goal tbh.
I think it's probably more like 10 seconds off the clock. plus a ball up will chew up 5. So 15 seconds in total I reckon. A behind helps the other team. It gives them the ball back to rebound from. And wished shot out of a pack is most likely going to end up in a behind. Time to sky it! :) I feel like this is the obvious play.
I don't like Kelli Underwood just as much as I don't like Dwayno or Dermott for example. One reason is she just fails at nailing some great moments. Panics and stumbles over her words. Dwayne tends to get a bit overexcited at times... Kelli on the other hand seems a bit underwhelmed.

Take this for example. An amazing GOTY nom from Freddy and she just deflates the moment.

I don't like Kelli Underwood just as much as I don't like Dwayno or Dermott for example. One reason is she just fails at nailing some great moments. Panics and stumbles over her words. Dwayne tends to get a bit overexcited at times... Kelli on the other hand seems a bit underwhelmed.

Take this for example. An amazing GOTY nom from Freddy and she just deflates the moment.

Not sure I agree with your example. Sometimes, commentators use home team crowds as cues, so when an away team kicks an unexpected goal the commentary is more stunted. I have seen her make mistakes but not any more than other commentators. Plus, she is more coherent than the blokey commentators.
Not sure I agree with your example. Sometimes, commentators use home team crowds as cues, so when an away team kicks an unexpected goal the commentary is more stunted. I have seen her make mistakes but not any more than other commentators. Plus, she is more coherent than the blokey commentators.
Hmm. I disagree. The TV commentary is for the TV viewer. Which means a lot of neutrals and a lot of opposition fans. I understand your point, that given the quiet of the crowd the goal itself doesn't seem as amazing, and so the moment itself loses a bit of spark, but the commentators job is to call the game impartially, and at the same time get fans and neutrals alike excited about the game.

Instead we just get....nothing.

"He's kicked.....a goal."

Imagine if it was Eddie Betts who'd kicked that goal, with 50k crows fans cheering. The context would be different yes, but the action is the same. Still an amazing goal. Still worth six points. So why the dull call?

I agree on your last point. She's not the worst. Like I said, Dwayno and his Dwayne-isms shit me more. But that goal and her glaring lack of interest sticks out to me.
Look its okay to dislike her as a commentator. Not everyone who cricitices her is Sexist, but a lot of it is rooted in sexism

BT, JB , wheoever, will have Blunders all the time but a lot of people will ignore that and proceed to s**t on Pearce and Underwood.

I'm pretty indifferent about Underwood, she just doesn't bug me at all really
Na disagree Bt is woeful and gets hammered about it by many. Underwood is vomit to the ears , horrible caller.
We rag on about umps but one area where umpiring has improved is putting away the whistle.

As an example, we Bulldogs's free kick count for and against from 30 years ago was 721-706, last year it was 472-377, and they got more frees than anyone (so nothings changed since then)

With how stoppages are these days that many frees would make it unwatchable.

In many games from the era the umps will pay one and the commentators won't even acknowledge it because it happens so often.
The same people that say that are the same people that thought it was OK to boo Adam Goodes for a year. You can pretend misogyny has nothing to do with it, you may even be sincere with your beliefs. But behind these troll posts is men thinking that women shouldn't be involved in calling the game.
What absolute rot.

I am all for women being more involved with the AFL media, would much prefer the variety. But when she puts on that silly excited voice, it sounds as ridiculous as it does when Anthony Hudson or James Brayshaw does it, and Dwayne Russell is permanently set to "annoying voice" mode. I can't stand it on any of them.

The fact that you assume my dislike is due to me somehow thinking women are not as good as men or are only valid when they are pretty and sweet talking is pathetic short-cut thinking, and while I get that you rightly equate it to booing Adam Goodes in the sense that white footy fans don't have a problem with indigenous players but only if they are quiet and don't rock the boat, to just assume that you know the motives that anyone who does either of these does you zero credit and ironically makes you guilty of the very thing you are speaking against.

She is annoying because she has an annoying voice, not because she is a woman.

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