What, Where went???? has the future come to this.

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Oct 9, 2006
AFL Club
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Perth Wildcats basketball
So I missed that one just saw it and commentry on it finished. Well there is not a sport on the planet that could match AFL footy in its hey day which was 1980,s 1990,s and early (very early) 2000,s.
Soccer doesn,t come anywhere near it. The reason the world game is so fanatically followed is because it was exported all over the world to places that never developed an indigenous game
any thing like our game at its best.
Ameri9can gridiron is a complicated rabble of a football game that is so over publisised over talked in its commentry over bulldusted by so called experts , it stop starts , it has very spectacular action
but so rarely that its like listening to your most favorite song in your life but to get to it you have to buy the album which all the other songs are shit.
Thats gridiron.
Rugby league and pure rugby are great games , but they have a sameness about them , the toughness and the way those big blokes go about it amazes me but it does not have the flare of our game at its highest moments.The spectacle of Aussie rules at it BEST is unmatched by any other sport on Earth. Its ours and people who come and see it are amazed and attracted to it.
Although now it seems to be wallowing down into thew mire of rambling srums malls scrimmages whatever you call them . Get that crap out of the game soon , or our game in 50 years will be NOT NOT NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Australian Rules Football. And that article may be correct.
We invented a brilliant sport that evolved and improved up until the last few years. Now it is going backwards, Andrew Dimetriou will be remembered for the man that gave Australia a new game that the next generations will know but they will not know the game that people who have seen the 80,s and 90,s knew, and they will not see the best game on the planet.
I went to see Melbourne play the Eagles in Melbourne a couple of years back and I could not believe this nice chilly sunny day with , get this 36 players beyond the centre to one end .
I said to my son and his mates . We aint watching football here fellas. Then I see now on TV aplayer puts his hands up like a basketballer instead of running and cutting off space and attacking his opponant with a tackle, which is legal, sometimes even backing of and trying to make another position.You can tackle , and yes players heads have to be protected , but this is a contact sport Andrew and Adrian and any other drones administering the AFL .
Brad Sewell is one of the bravest gutsiest players I ,ve seen , last week he did the hands up bounce around and move back tactic . I nearly vomited , I screamed at the TV "F*#*#*g run at him for christ sake". Well well well has the future come to this.
Our beautiful tough hard high marking (yes I know we still get the big jumps) hard tackling hard running, proper handballing , playing on your opponant, contesting marks our magnificent game has not only been diluted of talent by numbers because of the expansion, it has lost its soul.
We play on the biggest foot on ground style ovals in the world. Our elite players beat their opponants by running the less fit into the ground . Remember Shane Crawford , he,d get tagged and hids opponant could hardly breath after a quarter and a half. All you supporters of different clubs have your non stop gut runners. Soccer can never match this hardness of running with the physical pressure as well, no matter what a soccer fan might say they just can,t.
Rugby both styles are runners and movers all the time too, but the ground is smaller , thats the only gut running game that matches ours , but at its best (rugby) does not match our game for spectacle at IT,S (aussie rules) best, which it isn,t right at this time in AFL history.
Yep when you see anywhere from 20 to 36 blokes in one area you know your culture has been f*#*#d.
Lot of you on here, BF forums, will say here we go again. I grew up spent my first 40 years in Melbourne football was and is part of my life , I didn,t just love it I worshiped it.
Now some pack of mongrel win at any cost coaches and mongrel AFL administrators and rules changers and foolish people like Mr Geishan and the umpire board have killed it for me to a degree, I still watch but I can take it or leave it. My three boys are the same they,ve seen 80,s and 90,s footy . But their children my grandchildren will only know this footy/basketball/rugby/scramble that we,ve developed over the last 8 years.
What that means is this is what the future will become, goodbye Australian =Rules , we haven,t improved it we,ve turned it upside down, for what,TV PROFITS???

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Ever heard of paragraphs JJ?

And isn't it a bit early in the day to be drinking?
So I missed that one just saw it and commentry on it finished. Well there is not a sport on the planet that could match AFL footy in its hey day which was 1980,s 1990,s and early (very early) 2000,s.
Soccer doesn,t come anywhere near it. The reason the world game is so fanatically followed is because it was exported all over the world to places that never developed an indigenous game
any thing like our game at its best.
Ameri9can gridiron is a complicated rabble of a football game that is so over publisised over talked in its commentry over bulldusted by so called experts , it stop starts , it has very spectacular action
but so rarely that its like listening to your most favorite song in your life but to get to it you have to buy the album which all the other songs are shit.
Thats gridiron.
Rugby league and pure rugby are great games , but they have a sameness about them , the toughness and the way those big blokes go about it amazes me but it does not have the flare of our game at its highest moments.The spectacle of Aussie rules at it BEST is unmatched by any other sport on Earth. Its ours and people who come and see it are amazed and attracted to it.
Although now it seems to be wallowing down into thew mire of rambling srums malls scrimmages whatever you call them . Get that crap out of the game soon , or our game in 50 years will be NOT NOT NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Australian Rules Football. And that article may be correct.
We invented a brilliant sport that evolved and improved up until the last few years. Now it is going backwards, Andrew Dimetriou will be remembered for the man that gave Australia a new game that the next generations will know but they will not know the game that people who have seen the 80,s and 90,s knew, and they will not see the best game on the planet.
I went to see Melbourne play the Eagles in Melbourne a couple of years back and I could not believe this nice chilly sunny day with , get this 36 players beyond the centre to one end .
I said to my son and his mates . We aint watching football here fellas. Then I see now on TV aplayer puts his hands up like a basketballer instead of running and cutting off space and attacking his opponant with a tackle, which is legal, sometimes even backing of and trying to make another position.You can tackle , and yes players heads have to be protected , but this is a contact sport Andrew and Adrian and any other drones administering the AFL .
Brad Sewell is one of the bravest gutsiest players I ,ve seen , last week he did the hands up bounce around and move back tactic . I nearly vomited , I screamed at the TV "F*#*#*g run at him for christ sake". Well well well has the future come to this.
Our beautiful tough hard high marking (yes I know we still get the big jumps) hard tackling hard running, proper handballing , playing on your opponant, contesting marks our magnificent game has not only been diluted of talent by numbers because of the expansion, it has lost its soul.
We play on the biggest foot on ground style ovals in the world. Our elite players beat their opponants by running the less fit into the ground . Remember Shane Crawford , he,d get tagged and hids opponant could hardly breath after a quarter and a half. All you supporters of different clubs have your non stop gut runners. Soccer can never match this hardness of running with the physical pressure as well, no matter what a soccer fan might say they just can,t.
Rugby both styles are runners and movers all the time too, but the ground is smaller , thats the only gut running game that matches ours , but at its best (rugby) does not match our game for spectacle at IT,S (aussie rules) best, which it isn,t right at this time in AFL history.
Yep when you see anywhere from 20 to 36 blokes in one area you know your culture has been f*#*#d.
Lot of you on here, BF forums, will say here we go again. I grew up spent my first 40 years in Melbourne football was and is part of my life , I didn,t just love it I worshiped it.
Now some pack of mongrel win at any cost coaches and mongrel AFL administrators and rules changers and foolish people like Mr Geishan and the umpire board have killed it for me to a degree, I still watch but I can take it or leave it. My three boys are the same they,ve seen 80,s and 90,s footy . But their children my grandchildren will only know this footy/basketball/rugby/scramble that we,ve developed over the last 8 years.
What that means is this is what the future will become, goodbye Australian =Rules , we haven,t improved it we,ve turned it upside down, for what,TV PROFITS???
Was Brereton stomping on someones head, and Leigh Matthews king hitting Bruns, the pinnacle of our sport?

Suprise suprise a Hawthorn supporter thinks the 80s was the greatest. It was merely a semi-professional sport with an element of thugery about it at the time.

That was really the worst piece of shit post I have read on Big Footy in some time!
Hurt my eyes too much to read beyond the first few lines, but I think the OP is saying the game used to be a better spectacle.

Maybe its just my (mid 30s) age, but I tend to go along with that. I recall Dennis Commetti saying that, in his view, the game peaked in the mid 90s. I think thats a pretty astute view.
Hurt my eyes too much to read beyond the first few lines, but I think the OP is saying the game used to be a better spectacle.

Maybe its just my (mid 30s) age, but I tend to go along with that. I recall Dennis Commetti saying that, in his view, the game peaked in the mid 90s. I think thats a pretty astute view.

I'd not heard Dennis say that, but I'd agree there also. Not cooncidentally the 3rd player on the bench was introduced in 1994, and the 4th in 1998, and since then we've seen the game gradually become more of an outnumbering game around the ball, as opposed to having a few "followers" and the rest sticking somewhat to traditional structures.
Was Brereton stomping on someones head, and Leigh Matthews king hitting Bruns, the pinnacle of our sport?

Suprise suprise a Hawthorn supporter thinks the 80s was the greatest. It was merely a semi-professional sport with an element of thugery about it at the time.

That was really the worst piece of shit post I have read on Big Footy in some time!
If you can read you,d see I wasn,t talking about violence. I was actually talking about legal contact and tackling as opposed to basketball guarding. What the hell has barracking for Hawthorn got to do with it.
The whole thing was about some donkey saying that soccer will take over here from aussie rules . Well if the bleeding game keeps looking like it is now then maybe it will. But then again you follow Geelong , there it is then. Bruns well well wel,l what was that about then ? you,ll never know.

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Rugby league and pure rugby are great games , but they have a sameness about them , the toughness and the way those big blokes go about it amazes me but it does not have the flare of our game at its highest moments.The spectacle of Aussie rules at it BEST is unmatched by any other sport on Earth. Its ours and people who come and see it are amazed and attracted to it.

I've never seen this at an AFL game.


Oh you meant "flair".
So I missed that one just saw it and commentry on it finished. Well there is not a sport on the planet that could match AFL footy in its hey day which was 1980,s 1990,s and early (very early) 2000,s.
Soccer doesn,t come anywhere near it. The reason the world game is so fanatically followed is because it was exported all over the world to places that never developed an indigenous game
any thing like our game at its best.
Ameri9can gridiron is a complicated rabble of a football game that is so over publisised over talked in its commentry over bulldusted by so called experts , it stop starts , it has very spectacular action
but so rarely that its like listening to your most favorite song in your life but to get to it you have to buy the album which all the other songs are shit.
Thats gridiron.
Rugby league and pure rugby are great games , but they have a sameness about them , the toughness and the way those big blokes go about it amazes me but it does not have the flare of our game at its highest moments.The spectacle of Aussie rules at it BEST is unmatched by any other sport on Earth. Its ours and people who come and see it are amazed and attracted to it.
Although now it seems to be wallowing down into thew mire of rambling srums malls scrimmages whatever you call them . Get that crap out of the game soon , or our game in 50 years will be NOT NOT NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Australian Rules Football. And that article may be correct.
We invented a brilliant sport that evolved and improved up until the last few years. Now it is going backwards, Andrew Dimetriou will be remembered for the man that gave Australia a new game that the next generations will know but they will not know the game that people who have seen the 80,s and 90,s knew, and they will not see the best game on the planet.
I went to see Melbourne play the Eagles in Melbourne a couple of years back and I could not believe this nice chilly sunny day with , get this 36 players beyond the centre to one end .
I said to my son and his mates . We aint watching football here fellas. Then I see now on TV aplayer puts his hands up like a basketballer instead of running and cutting off space and attacking his opponant with a tackle, which is legal, sometimes even backing of and trying to make another position.You can tackle , and yes players heads have to be protected , but this is a contact sport Andrew and Adrian and any other drones administering the AFL .
Brad Sewell is one of the bravest gutsiest players I ,ve seen , last week he did the hands up bounce around and move back tactic . I nearly vomited , I screamed at the TV "F*#*#*g run at him for christ sake". Well well well has the future come to this.
Our beautiful tough hard high marking (yes I know we still get the big jumps) hard tackling hard running, proper handballing , playing on your opponant, contesting marks our magnificent game has not only been diluted of talent by numbers because of the expansion, it has lost its soul.
We play on the biggest foot on ground style ovals in the world. Our elite players beat their opponants by running the less fit into the ground . Remember Shane Crawford , he,d get tagged and hids opponant could hardly breath after a quarter and a half. All you supporters of different clubs have your non stop gut runners. Soccer can never match this hardness of running with the physical pressure as well, no matter what a soccer fan might say they just can,t.
Rugby both styles are runners and movers all the time too, but the ground is smaller , thats the only gut running game that matches ours , but at its best (rugby) does not match our game for spectacle at IT,S (aussie rules) best, which it isn,t right at this time in AFL history.
Yep when you see anywhere from 20 to 36 blokes in one area you know your culture has been f*#*#d.
Lot of you on here, BF forums, will say here we go again. I grew up spent my first 40 years in Melbourne football was and is part of my life , I didn,t just love it I worshiped it.
Now some pack of mongrel win at any cost coaches and mongrel AFL administrators and rules changers and foolish people like Mr Geishan and the umpire board have killed it for me to a degree, I still watch but I can take it or leave it. My three boys are the same they,ve seen 80,s and 90,s footy . But their children my grandchildren will only know this footy/basketball/rugby/scramble that we,ve developed over the last 8 years.
What that means is this is what the future will become, goodbye Australian =Rules , we haven,t improved it we,ve turned it upside down, for what,TV PROFITS???

Whatever u wrote I gave u a like, way to long for me to read, fellas can we keep it short 1-4 sentences max.
Was Brereton stomping on someones head, and Leigh Matthews king hitting Bruns, the pinnacle of our sport?

Suprise suprise a Hawthorn supporter thinks the 80s was the greatest. It was merely a semi-professional sport with an element of thugery about it at the time.

That was really the worst piece of shit post I have read on Big Footy in some time!
ps Hawthorn won a flag in the ninetees, early, didn't reappear until 2008, but the scramble of Sydney and WCE was when the game began its decline. Any way didn,t one of your mob mangle a player and run off the ground clapping
I think lethal might have given him a bit more to think about if he had have done it to a Hawk, what do you reckon brother.
There really is just something that eventually goes askew in the heads of WA-based supporters of Victorian teams, they just go loopy after a while. Some of them rage against the majority, some of them start blaming umpires for EVERY LOSS FOR THE LAST TWENTY YEARS, all sorts of things. Looks like its JoondalupJ's turn...

Shame they never boosted the mental health care budget to find out why...

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What, Where went???? has the future come to this.

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