What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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Nola Marino announced she was retiring in December. She's not contesting the next election, so the seat was probably in play anyway.
Nah its not in play this is usually a lib/nat seat.

i genuinely think the scare campaign will be in huge force due to the lack of capability of Duttons to have the conversation i wouldnt be suprised if Radioactive Man runs in the seats.
I give him some credit for at least having an alternative policy. And he's up there answering more questions than any Liberal has ever answered.

It's complete nonsense, but it's easier to understand than the complicated system of renewables and storage.

The actual plan is that they extend Gas plants. Cut renewables. They give coal plant owners a massive payment for land which is toxic and under huge cost to rehab.
Port Augusta is listed there in SA. When Playford A and B and Northern were such down, the commentary from the media was that the state government should have taken them over etc etc.

The main issue was the issue with the quality of the brown coal from the Leigh Creek mine. Essentially the quality was so poor and the amount of other elements in the batches off coal was causing major issues with the plant that the operator was just running to shit anyway.

That aside, the area needed to be rehabilitated quiet a bit and Alinta offered it to the state government at the time, which said No based on the state of the site.

And from that, the arms went up from the peo coal sections. Bloody SA shutting down power plants, here's ya bloody power problems etc wtc.

Wellllll here it is everyone, time to get a power station back at Port Augusta. Dutton has it covered.
7 uncosted nuclear power plants? Awesome work Dutton you ****ing moron lol
It's complete nonsense, but it's easier to understand than the complicated system of renewables and storage.

How is nuclear fission easier to understand that "wind make turbine spin"?
How is nuclear fission easier to understand that "wind make turbine spin"?

You build the plant, put the fuel in and get a steady supply of electricity.

The up and down of wind and solar productivity (when the wind don't blow and the sun don't shine) makes it's effect on the market a little difficult to grasp.
You build the plant, put the fuel in and get a steady supply of electricity.

The up and down of wind and solar productivity (when the wind don't blow and the sun don't shine) makes it's effect on the market a little difficult to grasp.
Yeah cos clouds and no wind where I am means there is no wind or sunshine anywhere else. I am very smart.
7 uncosted nuclear power plants? Awesome work Dutton you ****ing moron lol
The whole renewable strategy is completely un-costed and unknown. Lets not forget that Bowen promised power prices would go down and instead they went up so any credibility Labor and The Greens have on costing energy is in the toilet.

There is no way we are going to meet the 2030 targets on the current trajectory, nor the 2050 target for that matter. Unless we want to send this country back to the Stone Ages.

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Labor is going to have a field day destroying Dutton.
On what basis?
Every time they bring up energy, Dutton will just point to real world examples of energy prices going up under current strategy and also the fact that we are nowhere near on track to meet any of the promised time-lines?
Which will go back to the whole cost of living argument.

The whole myth around wind and solar being some sort of panacea is being smashed all across the globe. Nobody wants giant wind farms all over the place and they are not a reliable source anyway. Nuclear is used in most western countries.
On what basis?
Every time they bring up energy, Dutton will just point to real world examples of energy prices going up under current strategy and also the fact that we are nowhere near on track to meet any of the promised time-lines?
Which will go back to the whole cost of living argument.

The whole myth around wind and solar being some sort of panacea is being smashed all across the globe. Nobody wants giant wind farms all over the place and they are not a reliable source anyway. Nuclear is used in most western countries.

Energy prices are going up party because the last Liberal government couldn't sort out their energy policy, meaning the transition away from coal was delayed. The reason we are having problems now is because of them. Anyone who trusts the Coalition on fixing Australia's energy policy is either a partisan hack or delusional.
It’s like he knows it would never happen

Their energy policy is to have no policy

Exactly … they know it won’t happen but they need something … a pretend alternative so they can attack renewables.

Labor SHOULD lift the ban on nuclear…. Because no one in their right mind is going to be able to make nuclear viable compared to renewables.
…. Another reason to lift the ban, is making people have to make a choice… currently if you vote LNP you aren’t voting for nuclear because it can’t happen.
Labor needs to allow the possibility IMO.
Energy prices are going up party because the last Liberal government couldn't sort out their energy policy, meaning the transition away from coal was delayed. The reason we are having problems now is because of them. Anyone who trusts the Coalition on fixing Australia's energy policy is either a partisan hack or delusional.
Energy prices have gone up everywhere in the world where there is a strategy of renewables. Stop making excuses. Its got nothing to do with previous government and everything to do with renewables which are costly, unreliable and inefficient.

I think people are awake to the renewables myth now. They can see the impacts in real time.
Energy prices have gone up everywhere in the world where there is a strategy of renewables. Stop making excuses. Its got nothing to do with previous government and everything to do with renewables which are costly, unreliable and inefficient.

I think people are awake to the renewables myth now. They can see the impacts in real time.

Fake news …
Energy prices are going up party because the last Liberal government couldn't sort out their energy policy, meaning the transition away from coal was delayed. The reason we are having problems now is because of them. Anyone who trusts the Coalition on fixing Australia's energy policy is either a partisan hack or delusional.
and all they are trying to do with nuclear is further delay the phasing out of fossil fuels

same with their cap on renewables

its clearly about keeping fossil fuel energy production going for as long as money can be made from it and nothing else

its also an attempt to stop investment in renewables while they in opposition for fear of the impact the coalition getting back in will have on any projects that are in flight

the media is complicit in this

Labor won't fully call it out because they are also trying to extent fossil fuel profits just not as openly
7 uncosted nuclear power plants? Awesome work Dutton you ****ing moron lol
Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but this seems like one of the greatest own goals in Australian political history. Nuclear is not popular because of its perceived risk and he has gone and announced a plant in basically every state where he needs to woo voters. Labor will have a field day tearing this down... too expensive, too far away, too dangerous, using technology not even commercially available yet and that's before you even get to the fact the states have said no, both those from Labor and within his own party. This is a brain fart that even our best retail politicians would struggle with and Spud ain't a great retail politician.
I don't see this being the death of the coalitions hopes to win the next election

our political and media landscape as well as general public apathy means that something like 60% of votes don't move regardless of what anyone says

at the moment Labors inaction on pretty much everything is doing more damage to their chances than anything Spud says
F***ing hell, down to six already.
Back to the nuclear announcement for a moment and the Smart Energy Council has been in touch with one of the site owners from the list identified by Peter Dutton as proposed nuclear power sits.

The Port Augusta site in South Australia was one of those identified, but the owners have told the Smart Energy Council that they have never had a call from someone in the Liberal party about making it a nuclear site. And they have no plans to sell, or house a nuclear reactor in any case, as they are building a critical minerals green iron export facility, with plans to use green hydrogen.

Haha spot on. The voice was too vague and scary for him yet this embarrassing rushed hodgepodge of a nuclear "policy" is all good.

This is what happens when folks try to force reality to conform with their ideology when it should be the other way round.
and all they are trying to do with nuclear is further delay the phasing out of fossil fuels

same with their cap on renewables

its clearly about keeping fossil fuel energy production going for as long as money can be made from it and nothing else

its also an attempt to stop investment in renewables while they in opposition for fear of the impact the coalition getting back in will have on any projects that are in flight

the media is complicit in this

Labor won't fully call it out because they are also trying to extent fossil fuel profits just not as openly
Its clearly about keeping the lights on safely until such time as an alternative is ready.

Australia's consumption of fossil fuels is 1/100th of bugger all in the scheme of things. It makes zero difference to the world's carbon footprint. Fossil fuel companies will still continue to operate in Australia as long as countries like China and India have a demand for it so us going to nuclear or to 100% renewables will make barely one iota of difference to their 'profits'.

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